OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, July 31, 1909, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1909-07-31/ed-1/seq-5/

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1 In spito of the disgruntled ones who did not
get down on a winner among the fifty-six per
cent of winning favorMes that nosed in ahead at
the Fair Grounds earlier in the summer, and the
.grafters, big and little, who for various reasons
knocked the meet, the Utah Jockey Club has gone
ahead, with half a dozen of the leading financiers
of the city behind the project; and as a result,
the old race track one mile this side of Buena
Vista, in the city limits, on the Poplar Grove car
line, has been leased from the Adams estate of
Boston, and right this minute a large force of
carpentersare busy constructing stands and three
hundred stables, the contract for which was let
to Rdbert Currie & Co., contractors, on Wed
nesday last.
John Condron is president of the company,
J. W. Bice secretary, and W. W. Finn, who so ably
managed the meeting at the fair grounds in the
spring, Is the manager.
The negotiations which have just been com
'pleted, have been carried on Bihce the meeting
terminated in June,. and the fact that a mile track
has been secured will draw the very best horses
from all over the country to the fall meeting here,
nsi men with the best thoroughbreds do not like
to run them on half-mile trades. The track across
the river is a splendid, safe mile track, with wide
turns and well put up in every particular, and
though it has not been used for sixteen years,
the grass and weeds have so preserved it that it
is in excellent condition, and can be made ready
for racing in two weeks' time.
The track is considered by expert horsemen
and drivers to be the very best in the United
States, and while the races held there years ago
were in the main harness events, a fall and spring
; running meet every year will no doubt prove a
great attraction to local sportsmen, besides draw
ing a large number from cities all overthe United
The work of building the stands and stables
will be pushed rapidly to completion, as the con
tract calls for everything to be finished by Sep
tember 8lh. It is the intention of the Jockey
Club to build bleachers this summer, owing to
the limited time to prepare for the meet; but be
fore a spring meeting is arranged for a fine grand
stand will be added,
The race meeting in Butte will close August
8th, after which a largo number of horses now
running in the Copper City will be taken to Ana
conda and Helena for brief seasons in both places.
However, a number of the best horses will im
mediately be shipped here, in anticipation of the
fall meeting, and, besides, a number of owners
of the best horses now racing at Vancouver and
in the east have signified their Intention of bring
Ing their ponies here. Thero will also be a race
meeting in Denver during two weeks of the fair
to bo held there, and the majority of these horses
' will also bo shipped to Salt Lake.
During the week, officials of the Salt Lake
Route have inspected the location, and will im
mediately begin the erection of platform and sta
tion In order to accommodate the crowd who will
daily go to the trade This, together with the
street car line, will make an excellent service.
Surveyors have been busy at the grounds for sev
eral days, and a large force of workmen will fol
low them, in order that the track may be in con
dition by the middle of August at the latest.
The fall meeting will be for a period of thirty
days, and Manager Finn, who has become very
popular with the local lovers of the sport, will
conduct it on the same high dass lines that met
with the approval of all fair-minded people dur
ing the former meeting. The project should make
Salt Lake the center of Interest in racing circles
in the west, and from the attitude of a largo num
ber of Salt Lakers who have already expressed
themselves, there will be no lack of enthusiasm
in making a big success of the affair.
Kenneth C. Kerr may well 'be proud of the way
in -which the thousands of visitors to Los An
' geles the past month were handled out of Salt
Lake. His new project to build a hotel at the
terminus of Judge Young's road in Emigration
canyon is quickly taking shape, and by another
year, this city will have a unique resort up m
the mountains easily accessible, and really
something that has been needed for a long time.
The cassowary is a b'.rd
That's hard to capture, very,
Folks hunting for her plumes have made
The cassowary wary.
Kansas City Times.
But once a cassowary strolled
Too near an alligator,
And with one wriggle, snap and gulp
The alligator ate her.
Chicago Tribune.
The dromedary roamed about,
Or toiled to fetch and carry;
Until some Yankee fitted out
A dromedary dairy.
Indianapolis News.
But dromedaries oft are shy,
And this one loathed a spider'
She ran away when one came by
Because the spider eyed her.
Cleveland Leader.
Behemoth and some dynamite
Got in a serious fuss;
-The detonation left the hip.
Popotamus a muss.
Mammoth (111.) Atlas.
An anaconda told a hen
That of her he was fonder
Than all things else.. But she soon found
The auaconda'd conned her.
Middletown (Conn.) News.
A crab that crossed the continent
From Maine ptomaine got rabid
Because they cracked him on the skull
It made the old crab crabbed.
T. G.
The Jackson Loan & Trust Co.
Fort Worth, Texas and Jackson, Mississippi
i vr-
Ghamjap, I
Dry and Brut fl
The II
of fine :l
Sold by all champagne H
high class dealers H
'I -II fl
Table d Hote ;l
For i.oo is the Best in the City. ,M
So is the jM
Table d'Hote Lunch m
for 35 cents. M
Brcalaast, lunch or dine at ,M
The Wilson Cafe jfl
Music at Lunch and Dinner M
Salt Palace Saucer I
Track I
General A dmission 25c I

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