1 Board of Enua.L Mon and Review,
j f heretofore duly appointed by the City
K d Council for that purpose, of tho prop-
K crty in Lots 1 to 20, Inclusive, Blocl
M ? 1; 1 to 20, inclusive, Block 2; 1, 2, 5, C
M " 7 nnd 11, and 14 to 20, inclusive, Blocl
W 3; 2 to 8, inclusive Block 4; 1. and 1
l to 20, Inclusive, Block G; 1 to 20, ln-
B elusive, Block 7; 2 to 17, inclusive, and
M 26 to 30, Inclusive, Block 8; 1 to 20,
B inclusive, Block 0; and 2 to 11, Inclu-
, sive. Block 10, Capitol Avenue Addition,
Block 12; 1 to 22, inclusive, Block 1;
and 1 to 22, inclusive, Block 2, Soui
it Capitol Avenue Addition, Block 12; 1 to
f" 22, inclusive, Block 1; and 1 to 12, in
cluslvo, Block 2, Webb & Palmer's Ad
dition, Block 12; 22 to 42, inclusive,
Hl Block 1; 22 to 42, inclusive, Block 2,
I 1 to 42, inclusive Block 3; and 1 to 42
i inclusive. Block 4, Villa Park Addition,
' Block 12; 1, 3, and 19 and 20, Block
12; 1 to 24, inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 62
Inrluslvo, Block 2; nnd 1 to 2G, lnclu-
.' slvo, Block 3, Waterloo Addition, Blocl
I 13; 1 to 32. inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 33.
t ' inclusivo, Block 2; 1 to 33, Inclusive,
I Block 3; 1 to 28, inclusive, Block 4
and 1 to 12, inclusive, Block r. Kon-
wood Addition, Block 13; 28, Block !
Oholsea Addition, Block 13; 11 to 23
incliisleo, Block 1; 11 to 23, inclusive,
' Block 2, .Wellington Addition, Blocl
13; and 1, Block 13. all in Five Acre-
Plat A," Big Field Suroy, abutting
on both sides of Third East Street bo-
tween Konslngton and Tempest Avo-
uucs; on both sides of Roberta Street
between Martin and Tempest Avenues;
on both sidos of Kensington Avenue
between RIuo and Fourth East Streets;
on both sides of Socond Enst Street bo-
tween Martin and Tompost Avonuos;
on both sides of Rico Stroot between
H Martin and Tempest Avenues; on the
east sldo of Stato Stroot between Kon-
smgton and Tempest Avenues; on the
J north side of Clovoland Avenue be-
j : tween State, and Second East Streets;
J mi the north sldo of Tempest Avenue
between Stato and Fifth East Streets,
J on the south sldo of Martin Avenue
between Second East and Third East
Streets; on both sides of Browning
J Avenue between Socond East and Rob-
J erta St roots; on both sides of Fourti
J East Street between Kensington and
H Tempest Avenues; on both sides o
J Bryan Avonuo between Third East an
J Fifth Enst Streets; on both sides r
J Milton Avonuo between Third Enst and
J Denver Streets; on tho west side oi
J Penvor Street between Bryan and Tern-
J post Avenues; nnd on both sides c
J Blair Street hot v 'eon Milton and Tom-
Bf post Avenues, m Sidewalk Districts
Nos. 29, 30, 32, 33, 31, 3G, 37, 3S, 40 ana
43, of Salt Lake City, for tho purpose
of constructing comont sidewalks upon
said portions of said stroots, is horony
confirmed, and tho assessments made
and returned in said completed lists
are hereby confirmed.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall
take effect upon approval.
Passed by tho City Council of Sal
Lnko City, Utah, August 16th, 1909, and
roforred to tho Mayor for his approval.
City Recorder.
Approved this 17th day of August,
STATE OF UTAH, City and County of
Salt Lake, ss.
I, J. B. MORETON, City Recorder o
Salt Lako City, Utah, do horoby cortlfy
that tho above and forogolng Is a full
true and correct copy of an ordinance
entitled, "An ordinance confirming th
assessment upon the property hereinaf
ter described within tho district bound
State Stroot, on tho oast by the cent
lino of Thirteenth Enst Street, on tho
north by the south sldo of Ninth Soutl
Street, and on tho south by tho City
limits, In Sidewalk Districts Nos. 29,
30, 32, 33, 34, 3G, 37, 38, 40 and 43, for
tho construction of comont sidewalks,
passed by tho City Council of Salt Lake
City, Utah, August 1G, 1909. and ap
proved by tho Mayor, August 17, 1908
as appears of record in my office.
herounto set my hand and nfflxci tho
corporate seal of said City, this 17th
day of August, 1909.
(Seal. J. B. MORETON,
City Rocordor.
Bill No. 11G.
Sidewalk Extonslon No. 10S.
Eighth Partial Estimate.
An ordinance confirming tho assess
ment upon the property hereinafter de
scribed on Main Street between South
Tomplo and Fourth South Stroots, in
Paving District No. 2, for tho purpose
of providing for tho curbing, guttering,
rc-pavlng and ro-surfaclng thoroof.
Bo it ordained by tho City Council
of Salt Lako City, Utah:
SECTIO Nl. That tho assessment list
made by tho City Treasurer as cor
rected, approved and completed by tho
Board of Equalization and Rovlow,
heretofore duly appointed by tho City
Council for that purpose, of tho prop
erty in Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 57,
August a 6th
I $30.60
Hi u u i inn Round Trip Via
KW The Great Tabernacle Choir, 300 r
W voices, under direction of Professor rgjgi
K Evan Stephens, will compete for IKnlPlYJI
H g Grand Eisteddfod Prizes against the LiMlflYrnTX
H' I best Choirs of the World. jVpi 1 1 j ill MmCT
H 1 Salt Lake High School Cadets and flMKNiMgl
M I band, 300 strong, will attend and give jMfeelBl
Hf 1 exhibition dr'lls.
H: I AUG. 21 AND 22,
H'l I 20 1 So. Main St. advance.
and 4 and E, Block 52, all in Plat "A.
Salt Lako City Survey, abutting on tho
oast sldo of Main Stroot between Sec
ond South and Fourth South Streets,
in Paving District No. 2, of Salt Lake
City, for tho purpose of providing for
tho curbing, guttering, rc-pavlng and
re-surfacing thereof, is heVoby con
firmed, and tho assessments made and
returned in said completed lists arc
horoby confirmd.
SECTION 2. This ordlnanco sha
tako effect upon approval.
Passed by tho City Council of Sal
Lako City, Utah, August ICtli, 10'
and referred to tho Mayor for his ap
proval. J. B. MORETON,
City -Recorder.
Approved this 17th day of August,
STATE OF UTAH, City and County ot
Salt ake. ss.
T, J. B. MORETON. City Rocordor oi
Salt Lako City, Utah, do hereby cer
tify that tho above and forogolng is a
full, truo nnd correct copy of an ordi
nance entitled, "An ordinance confirm
ing tho assessment upon tho property
hereinafter described on Main Stroot
between South Temple and FourU
South Streets, In Paving District No
2, for tho purpose of providing for tho
curbing, guttering, ro-paving and re
surfacing thereof," passed by the City
Council of Salt Lako City, Utah, Au
gust 1C, 1909, and approved by the
Mayor, August 17, 1909, as appears o
record In my office.
hereunto sot my hand nnd afilxed the
corporate seal of said City, this 17th
day of August, 1903.
(Seal.) J. B. MORETON,
City Recorder.
Bill No. 117.
Paving Extonslon No. -15.
First Partial Estimate.
In the Salt Lake City Court of Salt
Liake County, State of Utah.
John B. Helmick, Plaintiff, vs. J.
Cruickshank, Defendant. Summons.
The State of "Utah to said Defendant:
You are hereby summoned to ap
pear within ten days after the service
of this summons upon you, if served
within the County in which this ac
tion is brought; otherwise within
twenty days after service, and defend 1
the above entitled action, and in case I
of your failure so to do judgment
will be rendered against you accord-
ingt o the demand of the complaint,
which has been filed wltji the clerk
of said court. I
This action is brought to recover
the sum of $150 and interest, and a
reasonable attorney's fee upon a prom
issory note dated February 1, 1909,
due August 1, 1909, made, executed
and delivered by defendant herein to
plaintiff herein.
Plaintiff's Attorneys.
P. O. address: Rooms G17-G18-G19
Newhouse Building, Salt Lake City, 1
In the City Court of Salt Lake City,
County of Salt Lake,' State of Utah. I
Freed Furniture & Carpet Company, 1
a corporation of Utah, Plaintiff, vs.
Mrs. Lou Pfost and William Pfost, De
fendants. Summons.
The State of Utah to said Defend
ants: You are herehy summone dto ap
pear within ten days after service of
this summons upon you, if served
within the County in which this ac
tion is brought; otherwise within
twenty days after service, and defend
the ahove entitled action; and In
case of your failure so to do, judg
ment will be rendered against you ac
cording to the demand of the com
plaint, which has been filed with the
cler kof said Court. This action is
brought to recover possession of cer- i
lain personal property described In
said complaint. !
Plaintiffs Attorneys.
P. O. address: Rooms G17-619 New
house Building, Salt Lake City, Utah.
S-21-9-18. j
The Salt Lake City
Brewing Company
beg to announce that it has increased facilities
for bottling the American Beauty beer, which is
admitted by all to be the best beer throughout
this western country, having no equal in quality.
The greatest attention has been given to the 1
hygienic cleanliness of bottles and to the scientific j
sterilization of the beer, and all this same
methodical care being used in every process of
manufacture, has made the American Beauty j
Beer the favorite throughout the West. i
1$ The fact that the bottling house is equipped I
with the finest and most up-to-date machinery i,
can be demonstrated on inspection, and a cordial I
invitation is extended to all to come and sec our
up-to date plant.
Respectfully, j
The Salt Lake City Brewing Co.
General Manager.
Corner Tenth East ana
Fifth South Streets