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GOODWIN'S WEEKLY 15 H Ft SPECIAL SHAREHOLDERS MEET ING. Notice is hereby given that a spec ial meeting of the shareholders of the Green Tungsten Company will be held Sept. 1st, 1909, at 2:30 p. m., at 217 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. The meeting is called for the fol ' lowing purpose: To consider and act upon the ques tion whether or not to adopt an amendment to the articles of incor poration in creasing the capital stock from $50,000 to $100,000; and if adopted to increase the capital stock, accordingly. E. H. GREENE, President. It. M. WHITMAN, Secretary. 8-7-8-28. SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Third Judicial District in and for Salt Lake County, State- of Utah. Anna M. Lowe, Plaintiff, vs. Eliza beth Rockwell, David P. Rockwell, Adam H. Rockwell, Lettisha Rockwell, Edson Rockwell, Ina Jean Rockwell, Edson Stowell and Sarah Jane Shaw, Defendants. Summons. The State of Utah to the said Defend ant. Knrnli Jano Shaw; You are hereby summoned to ap pear within twenty days after ser vice of this summons upon you, it served within the county in which this action Is brought; otherwise within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, Judg ment will be rendered against you ac cording to the demand of the com plaint which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is brought to recover a judgment quiet ing plaintiff's title to the land describ ed in said complaint. DICKSON, ELLIS, ELLIS & SCHULDER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. O. Address: Tribune Building Salt Lake City, Utah. NOTICE. WASATCH UTAH MINING CO. There are delinquent on the follow ing described stock on account of As sessment No. 4, levied on 15th day of June, 1909, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as follows: Cert. No. Name. Shares. Am't. 914 Armstrong, Wan. A.... 450 $ 4.50 9J5 Armstrong, Mrs. Wm. A 300 3.00 262 Atkinson, H 3223 32.23 2G3 Atkinson, M. R 1100 11.00 264 Atkinson, Burl H 1020 10.20 265 Atkinson, May 200 2.00 ?GC Atkinson, Mollie ... 100 1.00 438 Adams, Frank 400 4.00 587 Albrectsen, Kirstine. 1000 10.00 588 Albrectsen, Kirstine. 1000 10.00 589 Albrectsen, Kirstine. 1000 10.00 590 Albrectsen, Kirstine. 500 5.00 591 Albrectsen, Kirstine. 650 6.50 592 Albrectsen, Raymond 36 .30 638 Anderson, Robt. N... 500 5.00 916 Anderson. Jno. A.... 70 .70 40 Ballard, D. L 2600 26.00 47 Brownlee, Mary V... 400 4.00 48 Brownlee, E. C 500 5.00 49 Brownlee, E. C 50 .50 50 Brownlee, E. C 1000 10.00 51 Brownlee, E. C 600 6.00 155 Brophy, R. C 250 2.50 188 Browning, Mary A... 2000 20.00 189 Browning, Mary A... 50 .50 214 Bagge, Einar 300 3.00 306 Biesterfleld, Minnie.. 50 .50 353 Breiholz, Wm 1000 10.00 354 Breiholz, Wm 244, 2.44 415 Burgy, Ida 100 1.00 496 Bender, Jacob 400 4.00 602 Baumer, Exr., B. J.. 800 8.00 643 Buehling, A. C 664 6.84 644 Buehling, Mrs. A. C. 50 .50 775 Burkel, Geo 100 1.00 180 Callan, Cora 250 2.60 924 Curley, Geo 1500 15.00 630 Christiansen, J. W.. 1820 18.20 782 Christmann, Gustav. 400 4.00 783 Christmann, V 4466 44.66 784 Christmann, Walter. 100 1.00 785 Christmann, Elsa.... 100 1.00 786 Christmann, Alice... 100 1.00 484 Dolak, John 50 .50 925 Egen, Richard C 350 3.50 62 Freeter, Theo. H 1000 10.00 329 Frederick, Anna M... 612 6.12 333 Farrar, Mrs. C. S... 210 .2.10 618 Fredericksen, J. C. .. 700 7.00 777 Foschinbauer, Anna M 600 6.00 897 Foschinbauer, James 900 9.00 243 Goetz, Nic 3995 39.95 244 Goetz, Jr., Nic 100 1.00 245 Goetz, Tessie 200 2.00 246 Goetz, Peter 20Q 2.00 247 Goetz, Annie 1000 10.00 364 Geiger, V. F 200 2.00 437 Garling, Henry 400 4.00 656 Grueber, Frederick.. 800 8.00 817 Grevin, Frank 310 3.10 14 Hobeln, H. C 5000 50.00 16 Hobeln, H. C 1330 13.30 880 Hobein, H. C 400 4.00 17 Hobein, Elise 5000 50.00 18 Hobein, Elise 1700 17.00 182 Hettinger, Henry . . 510 5.10 , 185 Huttelmaier, Katie.. 1000 10.00 18G Huttelmaier, H. F. . . 70 .70 269 Haldorsen, John 1560 15.60 388 Hoist, Fred 1534 15.34 389 Hettinger, Hugo 1860 18.60 917 Hamann, Fred 800 8.00 515 Hoist, Ella 117 1.17 516 Hoist, Victoria 900 9.00 517 Hoist, Selma 117 1.17 R1S Hoist, Alma 133 1.33 522 Hoist, Mrs. Hedvig. . 200 2.00 523 Hoist, Andrew 3000 30.00 54 Kolst, Victor 2181 21.81 545 Hoist, Maria 333 3.33 546 Hoist, Sr., Maria 600 6.00 547 Hoist, Johannes 1500 15.00 548 Hoist, Julius 3000 30.00 549 Hoist, Alfred 433 4.33 550 Hoist, Marie 100 1.00 551 Hoist, Anna 433 4.33 552 Hoist, Lille 433 4.33 55 Hoist .Dorothea .... 433 4.33 918 Haug, Elise 850 8.50 566 Heimenz. Paula 500 5.00 567 Heimenz, G. A 1000 10.00 -668 Heimenz, G. A 2416 24.16 919 Hancock, Wm. H.... 150 1.50 926 Hetzel, F. A 65 .65 27 Julius & Dryberg. .. 1000 10.00 382 Jensen, N. C 2200 22.00 600 Jensen, A. 2700 27.00 629 Jensen, Jens 2860 28.60 662 Jensen, N. P 10000 100.00 664 Jensen, N. P 400 4.00 797 Jorgensen, N. P 1000 10.00 798 Jorgensen, N. P 1000 10.00 121 Kopp,. Lucy B 2000 20.00 125 Kopp, Jacob 17845 178.45 127 Kopp, Jacob 1000 10.00 128 Kopp, Jacob 500 5.00 920 Kloppenberg, Henry. 320 3.20 444 Kallsen, Bernhard .. 440 4.40 445 Kallsen, August 400 4.00 446 Kallsen, Ewald 200 2.00 447 Kallsen, W. J. H.... 100 1.00 448 Kallsen, Mrs. Peter. 200 2.00 608 Kluss, F. H 6350 63.50 609 Kluss, Emma 1226 12.26 615 Keck, Frederick 1000 10.00 620 Kettler, Fred 1010 10.10 642 Krieter, W. G 500 5.00 728 Kuncl, C. F 1010 10.10 756 Karbach, Geo. W. . . . 240 2.40 757 Karbach, Geo. W. . . 110 1.10 820 Koehler, Ida M 100 1.00 850 Koehler, Ida M 100 1.00 859 Koester, Mrs. Louise 1000 10.00 428 Kopp, Geo. E 1000 10.00 44 Lewan, Wm 1000 10.00 253 Lowe, Cart ie F 100 1.00 287 Lausterer, John .... 20 .20 359 Lanyon, S. S 1000 10.00 472 Lorensen, Chris .... 200 2.00 538 Larsen, Gust 1000 10.00 569 Lavidge, C. A 1000 10.00 719 Lange, Henrietta ... 550 5.50 720 Lange, E. A. 1667 16.67 896 LeGros, Emily .. .. 100 1.00 81 Marx, Jno. B 600 6.00 218 Moeller, Henry 4000 40.00 253 Mack, John 510 5.10 feSj.r.T ..''-y..?: "i"?g.., '-t a- a,. -v-.Lj 279 Mosier, M. D 6000 60.00 603 Mosier, M. D 90 .90 716 Miller, Geo. E 70 .70 721 Matson, Jojin 500 5.00 886 Malcolm, G. K 500 5.00 111 McGraw, A. A 612 6.12 826 McAllister, M. H 1500 15.00 78 Neese, Emll 100 1.00 145 Nejepinsky, Joseph.. 510 5.10 343 NicKelsen, Fritz 910 9.10 912 Namestek, Jno. J 500 5.00 320 Olson. John 100 1.00 649 Otteson, Jana 100 1.00 932 Olsen, Mrs. H. O 160 1.60 43 Peters, Chris 100 1.00 129 Partsch Tillie 1000 10.00 150 Peterson, Christ A. . 500 5.00 281 Probst, Joseph 210 2.10 564 illock & Co., Jas. A. 1000 10.00 565 Pollock & Co., Jas. A. 1000 10.00 606 Philiph, John 1000 10.D0 607 Phillph, Mrs. John.. 300. 3.00 774 Pearson, Chas 100 1.00 35 Rumel, Frank 500 5.00 31 Rumel, Mrs. Anna M. 3000 30.00 82 Reed, F. W 250 2.50 400 Reschko, W. G 11100 111.00 599 Ryan, Harry 1 100 1.00 771 Rumel, Wm 1000 10.00 827 Rumel, Wm 1000 10.00 837 Rumel, Wm. 2000 20.00 547 Rumel, Stephen H... 250 2.50 11 Schwarzenhorn. F. C. S. . 4620 46.20 267 Schall, A. M 1000 10.00 342 Swoboda, Adolph ... 1174 11.74 902 Swoboda, Adolph ... 500 5.00 365 Sacher, Anton 1000 10.00 377 Scott, T. P 4000 40.00 422 Saatman, Herman .. 1000 10.00 423 Saatman, Herman . . 80 .80 466 Sandvig, Nils 1000 10.00 471 Swafgaard, John 180 1.00 473 Skafgaard, Mrs. A. C. 200 2.00 474 Swafgaard, A. C 4900 49.00 481 Schlager, Max F 1020 10.20 601 Sorenson, M 500 5.00 634 Shay, Geo "...:. 300 3.00 635 Shay, Caroline D 500 5.00 636 Shay, R. R 210 2.10 637 Skafeaard, C. M " 0 10.00 873 Spiri, Katherino 3000 30.00 874 Spiri, Katherine 2000 20.00 875 Spiri, Katherine 2002 20.02 876 Spiri, Katherine 1000 10.00 731 Schmittroth, Jno. V.. 1000 10.00 732 Schmittroth, Jno. V.. 44 .44 767 Schmitz, Mrs. M 200 2.00 776 Steinart, Jno J 100 1.00 789 Svendsen, Soren .... 550 5.50 807 Salmon, Mrs. F. P... 1000 10.00 S08 Salmon, Louise P..'.. 560 5.60 D03 Schule, Sr., F. W.... 500 6.00 900 Saxton, Geo 100 1.00 236 Tressing, E 500 5.00 237 Tressing. E 2000 20.00 23S Tressing, E 650 G.50 '160 Thieman, Willie 50 .50 605 Tronvig, T 210 2.10 511 Tillesen, Thos. B.... 500 5.00 512 Tillesen, Chas. R 500 5.00 313 Tillesen, Henrietta.. 100 1.00 S41 Thane, L. C 100 1.00 498 Veit, Herman 2040 20.40 499 Veit, Herman 40 .40 802 Wullstein, H. F 1000 10.00 803 Wullstein, H. F 1000 10.00 804 Wullstein, H. F 1000 10.00 805 Wullstein, H. F 1000 10.00 806 Wullstein, H. F 1003 10.03 851 Wullstein, H. F 250 2.50 29 Wullstein, Mary 3000 30.00 249 Wagner, Henry 110 1.10 274 Wilholmsen, Carl.... 100 1.00 338 Wilson, Flora B 500 5.00 449 Wullstein, Henry. ... 2400 9.00 450 Wullstein, Alex 600 6.00 451 Wing, E. W 1530 15.30 597 Westerschulte, F. H. 1500 15.00 658 Waldowsky, A 2500 25.00 659 Waldowsky, A 4507 45.07 660 Waldowsky, Mrs. A.. 500 6.00 730 Wallis, Mrs. B. B.... 500 5.00 765 Wheeler, A. D 510 5.10 ,791 Wahlstrom, John ... 714 7.14 814 Wallin, Chas. J 100 1.00 816 Wilkmlng, Herman.. 500 5.00 330 Zahn, Hattle 612 6.12 933 Zelbell, Aug 140 1.40 724 Greiser, Richard .... 765 7.65 Balance. And in accordance with the law and an order of the Board of Directors M made June 15th, 1909, so many shares M of each parcel of such stock as may H be necessary will be sold at Room 221, Atlas Block, Salt Lake City, Utah, on M the 16th day of August, 1909, at 2 H o'clock P. M. of said day to pay the M delinquent assessment thereon, to- H gether with the cost of advertising and M expense1 of sale. H FRANK RUMEL, H SecV & Treas. M Salt Lake City, Utah. H 7-24-8-14 H By order of the Board of Directors M the date of sale of all stock above M listed upon which said assesinent No. M 4 has not been sooner paid, has been H extended to Monday, August 30, 1909, M at 2 o'clock p. m. M FRANK RUMEL, Secretary. H ASSESSMENT NO. 2. H Ely Consolidated Copper Company. H Location of principal office, 414 M Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. H Location of mines, R Wnson Minng M district, White Pine county, Nevada. H Notice is hereby given that at a H meeting of the board of directors of M said company, held on the 29th day H of May, 1909, an assessment, to bt H known as Assessmc it No. 2, of threo H (3c) cents per share, was levied on 0 the capital stock of the corporation, B payable to WINDSOR TRUST COM- H PANY, Transfer Agent, Mutual Life H Building, New York City, New York, H or to Gideon Snyder, Treasurer, 414 H Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, H on or before July 16, 1909. H Any stock upon which this assess- H ment may remain unpaid on July 16, H 1909, will be delinquent and adver- H Used for sale at public auction, and H unless payment is made before, will H be sold on Saturday, August 28, 1909, H at the company's office, 414 Judge HI Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, at 2 H o'clock p. m., to pay the delinquent H assessment, together with costs of ad- H vertising and expense of sale. H GIDEON SNYDER, Secretary, H 414 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, H Utah. M 6-5-7-3. M By order of the board of directors H of Ely Consolidated Copper company, H at a meeting held July 13, 1909, the H date when stock shall become del in- H quent pursuant to the foregoing notice H was extended to and including August H 16, 1909, and sale day to October 2, H 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the com- H pany's office, 414 Judge Building, Salt H Lake City, Utah. M GIDEON SNYDER, Sec'y. WM 7-17-8-14. H By order of the Board of Directors H of Ely Consolidated Copper Company H at a meeting held on August 10, 1909, H the date upon which stock shall be- H come delinquent pursuant to the fore- H going notice and extension, was fur- H ther extended to September 20, 1909, M and sale day to Saturday, November H 6, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the Com- H pany's office, 414 Judge Building, Salt H Lake City, Utah. M GIDEON SNYDER, Secretary. M 8-14-9-18 M "Fo' goodness' sake," impatiently H exclaimed Mr. Coonley, during the H poker game, "speak up lively an' say H what yo' am a-gwlne to do, Mose! H Why, it don't take me mo' den two JM seconds to make up mah mind." "If H it did," replied the player addressed, H veiy deliberately, "you'd suttainly be H loafln'!" Now oYrk Sun. H o H THE PESSIMIST. M We knock the pessimist at times, jH Because in gloom he glories; H But here's a boost he nevei tries jH To tell his funny stories. M PlKk IH . m ' .l..jMBB