H GOODWIN'S WEEKLY 15 I i 216 SOUTH MAIN ST. I : For smart afternoon affairs, or more ; formal evening events for luncheons, bridge teas, dinners, dances, and upon every occasion where there should be no ' 0 mistake In the handsome attire of the hos tess or the guests, a Hamilton gown as sures the success of any woman's appear ance, Hamilton's Smart Shop ai 6 Main Street All Thai the Name Implies Every detail of the Peerless reveals the designer's ever-present thought Beauty -Pleasure-Comfort No wonder the Peerless enjoys the most exacting and distinguished patronage. AUGUST STOCKER Dealer in High Grade Motor Cars 71 South Slate Street HAYNES AUTOCAR Shirts to Measure j ' Imported Goods ' Exclusive Patterns j Perfect Fitting Finest Workmanship i Quick Deliveries i ! And wade as you wish them Q . , t( ' , S2AZS w?AYSA GS AA'O ATS. 'And so that Is the way you spend your money! On appetizers! Charles Morton Harris!" "My dear, I was merely asking you if you wanted one. That does not necessarily imply that I drink them every day." "You mentioned them quite as if you were in the habit of It. No, I do not want an appe tizer. My appetite is quite good just as it is." "Well, let's see. What would you like to eat?" 'Oh, I don't know. I haven't made up my mind." "What do you say to a nice little steak for two with mushrooms? You are so fond of them." "Is that what you usually eat for lunch? Do you feel that you can afford things like that? I don't. I have a sandwich and cocoa and manage to get along quite well. It's all I ever have. Sometimes I only eat bread and butter." "My dear girl, there's no use of your1 making a martyr of yourself, I am willing and able to pay for anything you want to eat. I never dreamed that you had been stinting yourself on lunches, and I don't see why you have done it." "That's always the way. No matter what a woman does to help her husband along, it's never appreciated. She might as well go ahead and enjoy herself. I don't know what I want to eat." "Well, let's see. Perhaps a salad would be nice." "Salad! Forty cents!" "My dear child, will you please stop worrying about prices? When you come down to lunch with me I wantJ you to have what you want, re gardless of price. Now what will you have? Hurry up, the waiter is geting impatient " "The waiter? Hm! Why are you worried about the waiter? Has he anything on you?" "No, dear, but you see that the time is slip ping by. Now what will you have to eat?" "I don't know. Go ahead and order." "Would you like a club sandwich?" "Just as if I didn't get enough of sandwiches during the week! No, sir! If you can afford to eat hero every day you can certainly give me something to eat that I can relish on the one day I come down." "Will you have a steak with mushrooms?" "Yes, I will." Chicago Tribune. PRISON SERENADE. By John Carter. This is the hour of darkness, Souls are deadened and danlned, Hither shines never a ray. Lips have forgotten to pray. And up from the silent shadows Comes the sound of a lute, And sobbing, is it? or singing? Close the mouth of the brute! "Eyes, blue eyes, and hair of gold, Are they yet as they were of old? And lips so red, Softly tread Over the ashes; love is dead." This Is the realm of silence, Speech is not, but cries Strange and dark and terrible Out of the stillness rise. I (i&f AlR I With Mn. NETTIE HARRISON'S FOUR.DAV HAIR COLOR. It U the only entirely tuccesaful and satisfactory prep aration for the purpose. Simple Harmless Certain, Sold for 20 yean, recommended and uied with latlifaction by thousandi. Contain! no lead, sulphur or other harmful ingredient. If "dyes" and "restorers" have disappointed you, try this. It never fails, f. i oo at all first class druggists. SCHRAMM'S PHARMACY SALT LAKE CITV Fancy Vests-of Course I For the man who cares. Any M man who pretends to "dress" at all M must hatie a fancy or two in his M Wardrobe- our stock embraces M every new idea for winter of M Wand '10. The Store with the Overcoat Stock 'Uhe CHARLTON SHOP I Women's Outfitters Exclusively. j( EXLTJSrVE , :H Tailor Made Suits, Coats, Gowns H Evening Wraps I AT MODERATE PRICES. H 122 So. Main, Salt Lake. 'H Ind. Phone GIG. Bell Phono 4105 H OFFNER BROS. kTSiooos HIGH-GRADE LADIES' TAILORING, 132 E. Second South. fM Opposite Grand Theatre. Salt Lake City. H . jH I M Stunning models in mid-winter hats are M those we are now showing our New York t representative is sending daily shipments r of the very newest conceptions from the ll best Designers in Gotham. L The assortment, too, is varied it em- , i'il braces a range of qualities from the most j expensive imported creations tb the neat, i.H inexpensive street models. ljl 'H Brandwin s 1 1 One Sixty South Main Street H