OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, November 27, 1909, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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Goodwin's tekhl
If . Vol- XVI SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, NOVEMBER 27, 1909 a ' No. fl
I Faith
I r EOPLE who believe in Christian Science
have a profound regard and reverence for
Mrs. Eddy. They look upon her as one
i "who found the faith which the Master taught
and which the world had lost. Without dtscuss-
l ing her work it still is in order to point out that
I faith is about the most vital force which at-
I, taches to men. Men never accomplish anything
Mr, .- unless they have faith that the reward is sure
if they but work long enough and hard enough.
,' The old story told of Bishop Berkely is illus-
, trative of this. He was preparing to leave Eng-
1 land to carry out Uho plan he had evolved of
planting the gospel among American savages.
The members of the Scrlblers club, being met
at dinner at Lord Bothurst's house, agreed to
1 rally Berkely, who was iikewlse a guest, on his
scheme which they held to be but a visionary
and intangible undertaking. . Berkely listened to
al they had to say, most of which was in ridicule
of his scheme, begged, when they had finished
to be heard in his turn, and then unfolded his
plan with such force and enthusiasm that his
listeners were astounded. They were, the story
says, struck dumb, and after a pause rose up
all together with earnestness, explaining: "Let
us set out with him Immediately."
That is Berkly's unfailing faith had absorbed
his life, and had become so much his inspiration
that it was from a higher plane that he talked
to those dinner guests, and took their spirits
captive. The whole worlds history Is filled with
incidents showing how faith alone is sufficient
to cause men to brave any hardship or danger
and to meet death Itself with a smile. It does
not belong to religious matters alone; rather it
enters into every man's daily life and often ab
solutely controls men. We see an Inventor spend
years working upon a machine. People say he
is impelled by hope or backed by a mathematical
principle which he believes is sound. But the
secret Is that behind the science and the hope
there is an abiding faith which he cannot explain
but which whispers every day to his subcon
scious mind that he will surely win.
In religion it is the attribute that makes peo
ple naturally timid to face any fate that comes
to them; in business it Is that attribute which
steadies judgment and holds men up to their
work when to outsiders the work has already
proved a failure, when business judgment falters
r , and hope itself begins to grow cold. The Master
; 'r said it was sufficient In itself to move mountains
and we suspect if the truth was known that those
were the impelling words which caused Mrs.
Eddy to believe that if Indeed we are all divine,
m or that there is a divinity within us, then for the
J ills of this body that divinity should be able to
I'1 .' call to itself the help needed to cure the sick.
And looking about us we can all discern and
pick out the men who have nursed within their
h j aouls the faith that for honest toil and a blame-
II less life there surely must be a reward in this
II' life or In the life to come, and hence have never
Ir faltered nor complained.
I $ Growing As Never Before
THE progress being made in building up Salt
Lake is almost startling. Where will be
W the people to fill all these homes? is asked
If' by the timid, but a city of a hundred thou-
LL sand Inhabitants has quite ten p cent of Its
people wanting offices and then c.s the city 4s
mf growing it wlli soon pass the hundred
thousand mark. No one seems to doubt
that the new hotels will be occupied to
the limit when completed. A vast number
of business men want better accommoda
tion than they now have and a large number
cannot at present obtain any place at all that
will do. So far the demand has outrun the sup
ply "of business plans and the people are mul
tiplying faster than the houses. The residence
sections are stretching out in all directions, the
demand for homes is insatiable. Surely Salt
Lake Gity is on an up grade such as no other
city between the seas can parallel.
Time To Take Account of Stock
AS the year draws near its close, it is a
custom of merchants to take account of
their stock that they may adjust the year's
business, mark Its gains and losses, and, from
the stock on hand, decide the direction of their
next purchases. It is accepted as the only safe
rule. In the same way it is well for different
creeds to take account of their stock, to mark
the year's gains and losses and to try to discover
what in their stock is, so to speak, unsalable.
It is something which the chiefs of the dominant
creed in TJtah should initiate. They are their
predecessors have been cultivating that creed
here for more than three-score years. For
thirty-five years of that time they had un
disturbed rule. They were a law unto
themselves. In the midst of this free re
public, they sought to lay strong and deep
the foundations of an alien government of
their own. Then came organized opposition
to them, which they sought to fight off; in the
effort they caused vast sufferings among their
followers, but at last they were overcome. Their
property was threatened with confiscation and
disfranchisement hung over them, and they were
forced to sue for pardon and to promise to
henceforth place their system in full accord with
the government which the fathers founded That
gave them a respite, it gave their people peace
and kindled in their souls a sweeter hope than
they had ever nurse'd berorp.
They have broken the covenants they then
made; they have called up their old tyranny and
exercised it upon their faithful followers; so
far as possible they have enacted the old bogus
claim that they have a divine right to rule- this
people; they have done it, too, In the face of
the contribution and the "ones which they them
selves helped to ratify at the polls.
But can they look over their stock as this
old year is going out and say they are holding
their own? They had better retreat while they
can, had better retreat or take their children
out of school and keep the dally newspapers out
of their homes, or, so sure as the world, there
will be a revolt against them. For while China
and Persia and Turkey are throwing off the
old tyrannies, it is idle to expect that free-born
American children can always be held under a
bogus control.
We are aware that a bigoted Mormon reading
the foregoing will instantly declare that the
writer is an enemy of the Mormoni church. To
such an one we would say: Your prophet de
clared that the constitution of the United States
was an Inspired instrument. When one consid
ers what has followed its adoption, he must ad
mit that judging by what has followed its adop-
I'liUL'liu wiw'l'ii 11 minim. ij.j '. mwiuww paaam taammm
tion, the t & ;.ems very strong that it w&a O H
inspired, fof ,v) ' in, its conception or In the 11
results of lt V&Son can be compared to it. i M
Well, if it wasmspired, then it should be obeyed;
And if the founder of a religion was willing to if M
admit that it was inspired, then he hardly went f
to work to found something that would neutralize 1
Its most Important provisions. The purpose of it,; 1
above all others, was to emancipate the goubi 11
of men In their work of free government, from 11
the rule of kings and priests. This was to be a
government of the people, by the people and
for the people, not) a government by a prophet
for a bunch of priests and for graft and power. M
You will notice that by the terms' of that- In-
strument, your boy was to have an equal oppor-
tunity to gain a fortune and honors with) the M
son of Reed Smoot or Joseph F. Smith. Hla M
your boy that equal chance now? You may be
satisfied that he has more sense than any one of H
either of those named, but has ho an- even chance-
with the others so long as you and the other '"" ,
of your faith are willing to have those men name
the candidates and then order you how to' vote"? 1 H
We have no reference to your church gov- H
ernment. That Is a mother of conscience among 'H
men. Our criticism begins only when your -
priestly authorities go out of their sphere, ahl' & M
on the strength of their priestly offices order
you to disobey the constituution and laws of H
this republic and this state. Hence you; ,the
Mormon people, should likewise, as the old year" H
draws near its close, take account of your stock; H
Have you done the right thing by your wife and ;H
children during the year. If you took the aid- H
vice of Nephi Mlorris how to vote because you H
understood that he spoke for your creed, then H
you violated the constitution and laws of your H
state and country, then you degraded yourself H
and by indiscretion degraded those whoso lives' H
are intertwined with yours. ; H
If you are a real man, then you should de- H
termine that your high priests should get out of H
politics and that in TJtah as in other states there
shall be a complete separation of church and H
state, and that no church shall evermore usurp H
any of the functions of the civil government,' H
that the laws shall be obeyed and that, you and H
your children shall be politically free. '. ,' H
Wendell Phillips
HAD Wendell Phillips lived until today'he M
would have been ninety-eight years old. M
He won a great- name in his lifetime, but M
it seems like a long time since he died. It Is M
twenty-five years since he passed away; but. he M
then had won his great name. And yet it lacks fl
two years of a hundred since he was born. That M
proves that an ordinary life Is long enough in M
which to accomplish something if a mortal works M
and has genius. Phillips surely had genius. He H
was one of that great circle of New Englanders , JjL M
which gave a special radiance to their section J' M
between the first and last quarter of the last. ' M
century. Among them all he was acknowledged fl
the foremost orator. On the platform he could M
sway men as the tempest sways .the forest. He f fl
was a born fanatic. He grew up In BoatanV """B
graduated from Harvard and studied law". 'But j wM
he would not practice his profession. The con- M
stitution made property in slaves as sacred as M
any other form of property, hence ho , would M
never .take . an . oath, to support that constitu 1
tion. Boston had large and Intimate relations ( wM

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