I f Saunterings
B It would be mean bo even suggest that in
M : the possibility of a leave of absence being crant-
m ed a couple of brother off.cers, they might take
M advantage of the Vacation to make a visit to
M Reno", so it is best to say nothing about it.
m While on the subject of the divorce colony, at
H , home and abroad, I'd like to make a piker's bet
m that there is a young man in Los Angeles who is
M ! laughing h's head off over the telegraphic an-
m ' nouncement that Edna Goodrich and Nat Good-
M win will probably separate.
B Mi's. Goodwin and her mother quietly boarded
M one of the big Cunarders several weeks ago
M , bound for Europe, and Nathaniel slid into little
H old New York last week and grabbed the
B "Deutschland" with the same destination in view,
Hj and on nil four sides of "Lobster Square" the
H littles birds (in $500 see-skin waists and Lichten-
M stein, hats) are chortling "I told you so."
m ' To a census taker who recently questioned
Kll him as to whether he was single, married, or
I divorced, the fat comedian answered "Yes."
.With a sense of humor like a goat, the official
immediately got mad, but will somebody please
explain what else the giddy old boy could say?
Perhaps it ds no nice tiling to call Nat a giddy
old boy. Time was when he could have said to
l the writer, to the writer's discomfort, "Beat it
M J while the roads are sprinkled what balm there
HW is in Gilead is" bottled, and, boy, you annoy me
H with these references."
H I j That was but two short years ago, while Nat
H j was looking for Miss Goodrich and her mother in
m I Paris just preceding their dash to America and
m 4 the subsequent marriage of Edna and Nat. And
H now there seems to be a possibility of love's
M young dream series 4 being shattered. As one
H i of Nat's old cronies remarked, "It is easy for Nat
H j . to get them, but he can't seem to hold them."
H A near-by bu,mp of business acumen has stood
H the former Miss Goodrich in good stead, and prob-
H ably she is better off than any of Nat's previous
H wives, for in the beginning of their romance,
H according to what they both have stated, the
M amount of the income she was to receive was
H stipulated in writing, and signed by a hand that
H could be identified from Brown's Chop House to
H Ocean Park.
H If there is any truth in the rumor that they
H are about to separate it would seem that some
H significance might be attached to the old saw
H about changing the name and not the letter
H but the summer will tell.
H The largest wedding of the week was that of
H Miss Marjorie Brooks and Levi Jennings Riter,
H which took place Wednesday evening at the
H home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
I ! Goodyear Long Distance
H I Electric Casings
H Distributers
I The Overland Rubber Co.
H ,; of Utah
105-107 West Second South.
H Have you seen our
H Auto Dictionary for Tired People
h Sent free upon request.
H' '
P. Brooks, on A street. W. W. Riter, father of
the bridegroom, officiated, in the presence of the
immed'ate families. Wlllard Weihe and J. J.
McClellan played several beautiful selections
preceding the ceremony, during which the "Ber
ceuse" by Saurat was rendered. An elaborate
reception followed the ceremony from 7 to 11,
when Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and Mr. and Mrs.
Riter received the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Riter
will be at home in their new residence on Sev
enth avenue.
Quite the most elaborate affair of the week
was the reception given by Mrs. L. L. Terry at
the Terry's beautiful new home on East Brigham
street Tuesday afternoon. Society was in more
evidence than has been the case at any simi
lar event in weeks, and some ultra smart toil
ettes graced a number of ladies and the oc
casion. One of the largest bridge parties of the month
was that given by Mrs Claude S. Williams and
Miss Charlotte Holmes at the apartments of the
former Tuesday afternoon. Ten tables were
played and the decorations were in pink
Mrs. Fred Hornung and Mrs. J. M. Davis en
tertained Tuesday afternoon at bridge followed
by tea at Mrs. Hornung's apartments in the
Mrs. L. H. Farnsworth's bridge tea Monday
afternoon was one of the prettiest and most suc
cessful parties of the early week. Mrs. Frank
B. Stephens, Mrs. Frank Knox, Mrs. B. B. Wood
ruff, Mrs. O. K. Lewis, Mrs. J. M. Bowman and
Miss Edna Farnsworth assisted the hostess.
Sunday Miss Gratia Flanders and Miss Oster
berg left for New York, where they will sail to
day on the "Baltic" for England, to spend the
summer on the continent.
For Miss Lula D. Barr, Miss Fannie Bird en
tertained a number of friends at luncheon at the
University club Tuesday afternoon.
A long series of parties and teas will come
to an end today when Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Quig
ley leave for New York, to sail on June 25 on
the "Carmania" for England and the continent.
The affairs for Mrs. ' Quigley have been many
and varied the past few weeks and Mr. Quig
ley's bachelor dinner to twenty or more of his
friends at the Commercial club last week was
one of the most elaborate and successful spreads
the club has housed in months. Mr. and Mrs.
Quigley will remain abroad during the summer,
and Miss Emma Quigley, who has been a guest
here for the last year, with the young sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Quigley, will accompany the latter
as far as Chicago where they will remain until'
fall. ,' "
An automobile accident in Salt Lake accord
ing to the stories in daily papers the morning
after: Both cars running slowly, not over five
miles an hour at the most, all lamps lighted and
the drivers exercising every possible caution. Re
sult, first car thrown twenty feet and tonneau
smashed in, radiator and front wheels of second
car demolished, everybody thrown out and one
or both cars consigned to the junk pile.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Farr left early in the week
for a two months' fishing trip in the northern '
part of Washington.
Edward L. Jones, Jr., is home from New York,
where he graduated from Columbia with the de
gree of A. M.
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Hanchett have as their
guest Mr. Hanchett's brother, Dr. A. P. Hanchetf,
of Council Bluffs, la.
Mr. and Mrs. George T Odell, Mrs. J. H. Rich
ards, and Dr. and Mrs. II. P. Kirtley returned
early in the week from an eastern trip of sev
eral weeks. They were accompanied by
Miss Marie Odell, the youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Odell, who has been attending Briarcliff"
Manor on the Hudson during the winter.
Mrs. T. D. Lewis and children leave next week
for Portland and neighboring resorts to spend
the summer. Judge Lewis is to join them later.
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Holman are registered
at the Manhattan hotel in New York City, after
an extended trip abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Crltchlow left early in the
week for Princeton to attend the graduation of
their son, Francis, which will take place June 15.
They will remain in the east during the entire
Mrs. H. G. Williams, Mrs. J. H. McMillan and
Miss Elsie McMillan have returned to' Salt Lake
after spending several months in Los Angeles
and at the beaches.
M. K. Parsons and his daughter, Miss Elsie
Parsons, are in Portland for a short stay.
Mr. and Mrs. John Treweek are again at
home after spending four months on the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Scheid, who left Salt
Lake in February for a trip around the world, are
now in London, where they will spend the sum
mer, after which they will go to Oberammergau
to see the Passion play.
Suggestions for the June Bride's Friends
By Calloway, Hoock & Francis
Libbey Cut Glass. Mocca Sets. . Coffee Sets.
Chafing Dishes. Cretonne Trays. Jewel Boxes.
Percolators. Coaster Sets. Hundreds of Artistic,
Brass Craft. Rock Crystal Glass. Useful and Ornamental
Baskets. Rockwood Bric-a-Brac. Articles that are appropriate
Electric Lamps. Oriental Emb. Mats. and inexpensive.
Wt Loan Silver and China Ask About It
The Dinnerware House 66 MaK Street