OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, June 11, 1910, Image 19

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1910-06-11/ed-1/seq-19/

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"Why do you consider women su
i perior to men in intelligence?"
"A bald-heade.d man buys hair re
)., . storer by the quart, doesn't he?"
"Well, a woman doesn't waste time
on a hair restorer, she buys hair."
San Jose Palladium.
"Pa," said the senator's- little boy,
looking up from his book, "what is a
"A 'nemesTs,' my son," replied the
senator, wearily, "is a female office
seeker that you foolishly promised to
assist." Catholic Standard and
"Paw, what do they do with all the
. money they make the people pay for
"Tommy, my son, at last you have
asked me a question I can't answer.
There are limitations to your father's
f knowledge." Chicago Tribune.
it "How do you know when your hus
band forgets to mail the letters you
give him?"
"I always put a card addressed to
myself among 'em. If I don't get it
the next day, I know. And it only
costs a cent." Cleveland Leader.
Maud So he had the cheek to ask
my age, did he? Well, what did you
tell him?
Ethel I told him I didn't know
positively; but I thought you were
just twenty-four on your thirtieth
birthday. The Club-Fellow.
Mrs. Recentmarrie I want half a
dozen red lemons.
The Fruiterer Red lemons?
Mrs. Recentmarrie Yes, sir, I want
to surprise my husband by making
h'm some red lemonade. Chicago
Daily News.
'Show me some tiaras, please. I
want one for my wife."
"Yes, sir. About what price?"
"Well, at such a price that I can
say: 'Do you see that woman with
the tiara? She is my wife.' "File-
gende Blatter.
In the City Court for Salt Lake
City, Salt Lake County, State ' of
B. F. Root, Plaintiff, vs. Alice M.
Abbott and Albert F. Abbott, Defend
' ants Summons.
J The State of Utah to Said Defend-
You are hereby summoned to ap
pear within ten days after the service
of this summons upon you, if served
within the county in which this action
is brought, otherwise within twenty
days after service and defend the
above entitled action, and in case of
your failure so to do, judgment will
berendered against you according to
the demand of the complaint which
has been filed with the clerk of said
court. This action is brought to re
cover a judgment for $274.00, a writ
of attachment has been issued, and
the following described real property
attached thereunder, viz: Lots 33
and 34, block 3, Desky's Second Ad
dition to Salt Lake City.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
P. 0. Address: 625 Boston Build
ing, Salt Lake City, Utah.
The Superior-Alta Mining Company.
Location of principal place of busi
ness, G21 Newhouse Building, Salt
Lake City, Utah.
Notice: There are delinquent upon
the following described stock, on ac
count? of assessment Nor 2, -levied on
the 14th day of February, 1910, the
several amounts set opposite the
names of the respective shareholders,
as follows:
Name. Cert. No. Shares. Amt.
Mass, R. J 30 1,066 $ 10.66
Maas, Carmen 33 900 9.00
Lundquist, Alfred . . 37 100 1.00
Eisenberg Bros. ... 39 200 2.00
Gagnon, Henry .... 40 100 1.00
Smith, Frank C... 41 100 1.00
Verla, Peter 43 100 1.00
Messner, Mrs. E.... 44 200 2.00
Gagnon, Henry ... 45 100 1.00
Woods, E. B 47 100 1.00
Forbes, C. R 48 100 1.00
Lundquist, A 49 100 1.00
Hedrick, Anton .... 56 100 1.00
Hedrick, Anton 57 100 1.00
Gagnon, Alex 61 200 2.00
Huber, Fred C... 65 150 1.50
Morrisy, P. J 68 100 1.00
Meyers, Wjm 73 100 1.00
Smith, Frank C. ..74 400 4.0o
Messner, Eli 75 200 2.00
Veria, John 77 100 1.00
Smith, J. S 79 100 1.00
Mueller, Otto 80 100 1.00
Stubensky, H. R. .. 81 100 1.00
Rier, Geo 85 100 1.00
Vorln Wm 90 100 1.00
De Marsh, Fels ... 92 100 1.00
DeeMaele, Adolph . . 93 100 1.00
Weisen, James 94 10 .10
Chastony, Jas 95 100 1.00
Chastony, Gus ,...99 100 1.00
Stannard, A. F. ....116 200 2.00
Stride, Chas 121 100 1.00
Hoffman, John ...123 200 2.00
Huhtala, Gus 124 100 1.00
Heikkila, NIckoli ..125 100 1.00
Chastony, Jas 126 100 1.00
Murphy, R. J 128 100 ' 1.00
Francis, Edith E. ..129 100 1.00
Francis, Paul J30 200 2.00
Anderson, Chas. L..131 400 4.00
Nelson, Harry C. ..132 100 1.00
Wood, Usby E 133 100 1.00
Thompson, Conrad
N 135 300 3.00
Olsen, Chris, Jr. ..136 -"00 1.00
Plipo, Fred 145 0 1.00
Hand, F. B 146 200 2.00
Richards, R. T 148 200 2.00
Bogue, John J 156 100 1.00
McCornick; C. K. ..170 30,000 300.00
Weisen, Eliza 177 100 1.00
Rier, Geo 178 200 2.00
Gagnon, Henry ....179 700 7.00
Smith, J 181 56 .56
Fitzgerald, John F. 182 500 5.0u
Cavanaugh, Geo. C.183 500 5.00
Weisen, Jas lb 100 1.00
Gibbs, C. H 191 2,375 23.75
Mueller, Chas. A. ..194 100 1.00
Gagnon, Henry ....197 150 1.50
And in accordance with the law and
an order of the Board of Directors,
made on the 14th day of February,
1910, so many shares of each parcel
of said stock as may be necessary
will be sold at the office of the cor
poration, Room 621 Newhouse build
ing, Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 25th
day of April, 1910, at 2 o'clock of said
day, to pay the delinquent assess
ment thereon, together with the cost
of advertising and expenses of sale.
C. H. GIBBS, Secretary.
Notice is hereby given that at a
special meeting of the Board of Di
rectors of the Superior-Alta Mining
Company, held on the 2nd day of
April, 1910, the above sale day was
postponed until the 18th day of June,
A. D. 1910, at the same time and
C. H. GIBBS, Secretary.
Gold Circle Crown Mining Company.
Location of principal office, 414
Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Location of mine, Gold Circle Mining
district, Elko county, Nevada.
Notice is hereby given that at a
meeting of the Board of Directors
hold on May 24, 1910, an assessment,
to be known as Assessment No. 4, of
one-third of one cent (l-3c per share)
was levied on the outstanding cap
ital stock of the corporation, payable
immediately to Ray S. Bowman, Sec
retary, 414 Judge Building, Salt Lake
City, Utah.
Any stock upon which this assess
ment remains unpaid on June 28,
1910, will be delinquent and adver
tised for sale at public auction, and
unless payment is made before, will
be sold on July 19, 1910, at 4 o'clock
p. m to pay delinquent assessment,
together with the cost of advertising
and expense of sale.
414 Judge Building, Salt Lake City,
The Ton: -oy Gold and Copper Min
ing Co. Principal place of business,
Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice. There
are delinquent upon the following de
scribed stock on account of assess
ment No. 16 of 1 cent per share, lev
ied on the 10th day of March, 1910,
the several amounts set opposite the
names of the respective shareholders,
as follows:
No. No.
Cert. Name. Shares. Amt.
343 Elizabeth Burk 1,000 $10.00
248 Mrs. Stella M. Dakin 1,000 10.00
306 -Mrs. Stella M. Dakin 250 2.50
339 Matt Domm 2,000 20.00
346 Matt Domm 820 8.20
336 M. O. Froisland 1,487 14.87
164 Mary Guiich 1,000 10.00
254 Mary Guiich 250 2.50
307 Mary Guiich 312 3.16
234 W. P. Guiich 500 5.00
255 W. P. Guiich 125 1.25
308 W. P. Guiich 156 1.56
350 G. A. Livingston ...2,228 22.28
216 xArs. Laura Mury ... 562 5.62
326 Mrs. Laura Mury ... 140 1.40
96 Brigham Soloman ..2,000 20.00
179 Brigham Soloman .. 500 5.00
209 Brigham Soloman .. 625 6.25
265 Brigham Soloman .. 781 7.81
314 Brigham Soloman . . 976 o 76
289 Jos. V. Smith 401 i.01
315 Jos. V. Smith 100 1.00
100 J. G. Williams 1,000 10.00
116 J. G. Williams 1,000 10.00
176 J. G. Williams 500 5.00
210 J. G. Williams 625 6.25
233 J. G. Williams 1,500 15.00
ten t n Ttrnunmn 1 1C7 11 Kn
318 J. G. Williams 1,445 14.45
348 Royal B. Young 2,442 24.42
347 J. O. Young 2,441 24.41
And in accordance with the law
and an order of the Board of Direct
tors made on the 10th day of March,
1910, so many shares of each parcel
of such stock as may be necessary
will be sold at the office of the com
pany, No. 170 State street, Salt Lake
City, Utah, on the 9th day of June,
1910, at 4 o'clock p. m. of said day
to pay the delinquent assessment
thereon, together with the costs of
advertising and expenses of sale.
E. D. SULLIVAN, Secretary.
170 State Street.
Off'ce of the Pride of the West Min
ing Company. Principal place of
business, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Not'ce is hereby given that at a
meeting of the Board of Directors held
on the 14th day of April, 1910, an as
sessment was levied on all the out
standing stock of the company of one
tenth (1-10) of one cent per share,
payable immediately to the secretary
of the company at his office, No. 170
State street, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Any stock upon which this assessment
may remain unpaid at that date will
be declared delinquent and unless pay
ment is made on or before June 15th,
1910, will be sold at publ'c auction on
the 5th day of July, 1910, or so much
thereof as mayN be necessary, to pay
said delinquent assessment, together
with the costs of advertising and ex
pense of sale of the same.
By order of the Board of Directors.
F. O. HORN, Secretary.
First publication May 14, 1910
Qulncy Junior Mining Company. Lo- 1
cation of principal place of business, eH
208 Newhouse Building, Salt Lake H
C.ty, Utah. jH
Notice. There are delinquent upon '1
the following described stock on ac- '1
count of asessment No. 13, levied on H
the 26th day of March, 1910, the sev- 1
eral amounts set opposite the names H
of the respective shareholders as fol- 'H
Cert. H
No. Name Shares. Amt.
149 C. W. Sessions .... 500 25.00 H
150 C. W. Sessions 500 25.00 IH
151 C. W, Sessions 500 25.00 H
152 C. W. Sessions 500 25.00 H
153 C. W. Sessions 752 37.60 H
154 John Vanderwerp . . 500 25.00 H
155 John Vanderwerp .. 500 25.00 H
156 John Vanderwerp . . 500 25.00 H
157 John Vanderwerp .. 500 25.00 H
158 John Vanderwerp .. 753 37.65 H
204 E. J. Frankhauser.. 497 24.85 H
241 E. J. Frankhauser.. 100 5.00 H
246 E. J. Frankhauser.. 500 25.00 H
248 E. J. Frankhauser.. 116 5.80 H
260 E. J. Frankhauser.. 500 25.00 H
261 E. J. Frankhauser.. 500 25.00 H
262 E. J. Frankhauser.. 500 25.00 D
263 E. J. Frankhauser.. 500 25.00 M
264 E. J. Frankhauser.. 500 25.00 H
271 E. J. Frankhauser.. 500 25.00 M
272 E. J. Frankhauser.. 500 25.00 H
273 E. J. Frankhauser.. 50u 25.00 M
250 F. M. Cook 763 38.15 H
251 F. M. Cook 1,381 69.05 H
252 F. M. Cook 2,000 100.00 H
253 F. M. Cook 2,000 100.00 H
254 F. M. Cook 1,000 50.00 H
255 F. M. Cook 1,0,00 50.00 H
256 F. M. Cook 2,000 100.00 H
257 F. M. Cook 500 25.00 H
258 F. M. uook 473 23.65 H
270 F. M. Cook 7,559 377.95 H
265 Belle Cook Frank- H
hauser 500 25.00 H
266 Belle Cook Frank- H
hauser 5,00 25.00 H
267 Belle Cook Frank- H
hauser 500 25.00 H
268 Belle Cook Frank- H
hauser 500 25.00 H
269 Belle Cook Fran.- H
hauser 500 25.00 H
170 Chas. C. Wilson ... 100 5.00 M
171 Chas. C. Wilson ... 100 5.00 M
175? f!hns f! Wltann . .. 3(1 I.Kn H
203 Chas. C. Wilson ... 270 13.50 M
199 Brownell Bros., Ltd. 200 10.00 H
201 John P. Cook 50 2.50 M
202 Marie Snyder 50 2.50 M
242 Marie Snyder 200 10.00 H
245 Marie Snyder 300 15.00 M
215 Alice M. Wood, M
Guardian 225 11.25 H
214 Alice M. Wood, M
Guardian 23 1.15 M
236 W. N. Cottrell 300 15.00 M
237 W. N. Cottrell 200 10.00 1
238 W. N. Cottrell 325 16.25 H
239 W. N. Cottrell 60 3.00 M
240 W. N. Cottrell 83 4.15, H
243 Mrs. Fred B. Bald- M
win 1,112 55.60
244 Fred B. Baldwin ..1,666 83.30
249 Fred B. Baldwin .. 66 3.30
And in accordance with the law and M
an order of the Board of Directors H
made on the 26th day of March, A. D. M
1910, sox many shares of each parcel M
of said stock as may be necessary M
will be sold at the office of the Cor- H
poratlon, Room 208, Newhouse H
Building, Salt Lake City, Utah,
on Thursday, the 26th day of May, A.
D. 1910, at 2 oclock p. m., of said day, H
to pay the delinquent assessment H
thereon, together with the cost of ad- H
vertising and expenses of sale. H
W. W. ARMSTRONG, Secretary. ,
Notice is hereby given that at a spe-
cial meeting of the Board of Direct-
ors of the Qulncy Junior Mining Com- I
pany held on the 25th day of May, A.
D. 1910, the above sale day was post- jI
poned thirty days, from Thursday, (W
the 26th day of May, A. D. 1910, to M
Saturday, the 25th day of June, A. D. ifl
1910, at the same time and place.
1 W. W. ARMSTRONG, Secretary. I

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