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GOODWIN'S WEEKLY 15 I Motor Mention HOW important the automobile business is becoming in Salt Lake, is attested by the fact that practically the entire length of a city block is being transformed into automobile sales stores and garages. By the first of July that portion of Fourth South street west of the New house hotel, extending ns for as West Temple street, will be a row of newly ' constructed buildings all devoted to the automobile trade. Already two structures are finished and workmen are rushing the others as rapidly as possible. For some time the more observant automobile dealers in Salt Lake have felt the necessity of having the auto mobile sales stores congregated on some quiet Btreet. The Cheesman Automobile Company took the matter in hand and after thorough considera tion of several desirable locations, de cided, and practically all of the ground west of the hotel was secured and the first sales room was con structed at G5 West Fourth South. This place will be occupied by the Campbell Automobile Company, which carries the "Premier" and "Michigan" cars. The Alkire-Smith Automobile Company will occupy the other side of this building with "Ford" automo biles. The other buildings now in course of construction will be occupied as follows: The first one west of the hotel will be devoted to the business of the Cheesman company, which carries the "Hudson," "Locomobile," "Stoddard Dayton" and "Alco" cars. This building will be 40x155 feet, with tile floors and all modern conven iences. Next west of this is being constructed a sales room which the Sharman Automobile Company prob ably wil occupy; and the third sales room west of the hotel will be used by the Randall-Dodd Automobile Com pany. At the corner of West Temple and Fourth South street a building of larger dimensions and greater height will bo built. It will be not less than four stories, the ground floor to be used by an accessory and a rubber company and the upper floors as an apartment house. This building will cost $50,000, while the others men tioned represent an investment of $40,000. As most of the companies about to move into this now automobile dis trict have had store rooms on State street, it is to bo expected that the change will have an immodiate effect upon business. It Is to be regarded as certain that the 1912 Glldden tour will start from Detroit during the week beginning Oc tober 3. It will end at New Orleans. This was decided definitely when the board of commerce and the Wolver ine Automobile club, both of Detroit, were induced to form a competition and succeeded in raising $2,500 among the makers of Detroit. That city is preparing to give the tourists an enthusiastic reception and a num ber of the Detroit and other Michi gan car manufacturers have pledged entries for the tour. Paris is planning early for its auto mobile show, which is to be held In the Grand Palais, December 7 to 22. The show is to be known as the Thir teenth International Exposition, and will be held under the auspices of the Association of Automobile and Cycle Industries. At a recent meeting of the board of governors of the Automobile Club of America, Vincent Astor was elected a member of the club, despite the fact that he is not yet of age. Young As tor's father was a governor of the club and one of its oldest members. A dealer who knocks a rival's car is open to the suspicion to stall off too close an investigation of his own. In the long run the prosperity of the autmobllo industry will depend more upon the activity In road Im provement than upon the buoyancy of the stock market. Memories of rational tours are more to be cherished than much mileage. HORATIUS AT THE BRIDGE. THEN out spake brave Horatius, The- captain or tlie gate: 'Halt! Every mother's son of you, Both friends and foemen wait! Let not a blow be given, No matter what the odds, For the ashes of your sires Or the temples of your gods. "Hew not the bridge, sir consul, Please put your axe away; I'll later call upon you " To hew, but not today In yon straight path a thousand May well be stopped by three; There I will stand and have com mand " Then out spake Spurius Lartlus, A. counterfeiter bold: "Lo, I will stand by tuy ngnt hand, With thee the bridge I'll hold!" And out spake young Herminlus, A strong-arm artist he: "I will abide on thy left side And keep the bridge with thee." "Horatius," quoth the consul, "Behold yon groat array; Why may I not begin to hew, Why counsel this delay? For Romans In Rome's quarrel Spare neither land nor gold, Nor son nor wife, nor limb nor life At least, so I've been told.'" "Fool," answered bravo Horatius, "Hold off till I say when; Wo must await in patience The moving picture men! As soon as Lhoy get ready, And not till then, cut lose We want this scrap recorded On films for future use." S. E. Kiser. A Man's Wants. "What more should a man want than good health, a good job and a good wife?" "Well, a good reputation might come in handy." Your boy or girl can save half a year at school by attending Y. M. C. A. Vacation School June 10 to July 27. Retained pupils in the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades received special attention. Y. M. C. A. promotion cards are recognized by the Public Schools. For further details phone GEO. W. CAWTHORNE Acting General Secretary Exchange 29 "OUR STUDENTS MAKE GOOD" LEGAL NOTICES DELINQUENT NOTICE. Monte Del Rey Exploration com pany. Principal place of business, No. 55-57 Postoffice Place, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice There are delinquent upon the following described stocks on ac count of the first Installment of as sessment No. 1 of thirty (30) cents per share, levied on April 9, 1912, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective stockholders as follows: No. No, Cert- Shares. Amt. 1 J. A. A. Stanley GO $ 9.00 8 J. A. A. Stanley GO 9.00 16 A. S. Sargent 50 7.50 17 M. B. Gates GO 9.00 20 L. Conger 50 7.50 22 E. H. Thompson 50 7."50 23 Matt. Thomas 60 9.00 24 J. A. Headlund 60 9.00 25 D. R. Gill 5 .75 27 A. N. McKay 60 9.00 29 W. J. Barrette 140 21.00 35 W. D. Mathis 275 41.25 36 J. A. A Stanley 65 9.75 38 W. J. Barrette 40 G.00 41 A. N. McKay 25 3.75 43 J. A. Headlund 30 4.50 And in accordance with law and an order of the board of directors, made on the 9th day of April, 1912, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may ho necessary will be sold at public auction at the office of the company, 55-57 Postoffice Place, Salt Lake City, Utah, on Tuesday, June 11, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m., to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the cost of advortllsng and the ex pense of sale. J. Q. RYAN, Secretary. ASSESSMENT NO. 5. Ely Consolidated Copper company. Location of principal office, 414 Judge building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Lo cation of mines, Robinson mining district, White Pine county, Nevada. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of said company, held on February 1G, 1912, an assessment, to be known as Assessment No. 5, of five (5) cents per share, was levied on the out standing capital stock of the corpor ation, payable to United States Cor poration Company, Transfer Agent, Mutual Life Building, New York City, N. Y., or to Gideon Snyder, Sec retary, 414 Judge Building, Salt Lako City, Utah, on or before April 12, 1912. Any stook upon which this assess ment may remain unpaid on April 12, 1912, Tyill be delinquent and adver tised for sale at public auction, and unelss payment is made before, will be sold on June 10, 1912, at the com pany's office, 414 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, at 2 o'clock p. m., to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. GIDEON SNYDER, Secretary. 414 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. POSTPONEMENT. I -By order of the Board of Directors I of Ely Consolidated Copper company I at a meeting held April 9, 1912, the date when stock shall become delln- quent pursuant to the foregoing no- tice, was extended to and Including K May 10, 1912, and sale day to July WM 8, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho WM company's office, 414 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah.- GIDEON SNYDER, Secretary. B By order of the Board of Directors of Ely Consolidated Copper Company H at a meeting held May 10, 1912, the fl date when stock shall become delln- H quent pursuant to the foregoing no- B tice, was extended to June 10, 1912, B and sale day to August 9, 1912, at 2 H o'clock p. m., at tho company's office, WM 414 Judge building, Salt Lake City. M GIDEON SNYDER, Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. IB Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of tho stockholders of H the Lucky Bill Mining company will H be held at tho office of the company H 1G1 South Main street, Salt Lake City, M Utah, on Tuesday, June 11, 1912, at H 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of H electing a board of trustees, and other H officers of said company for the ensu- H Ing year, and for the transaction of H such other business as may lawfully H come before the meeting. H JOSHUA B. BEAN, H Secretary. B Salt Lake City, Utah, May 16, 1912. H ASSESSMENT NO. 19. H Blalno Gold & Silver Mining Co. H PrincIpaTplace of business, Salt Lake H City, Utah. M Location of mines, Erickson Mining B District, Tooele County, Utah. H Notice is hereby given that at a H meeting of the Board of Directors H held on May 5th, assessment No. 19, H of one-fourth () cent per share was K levied on all the capital stock of tho H corporation Issued and outstanding, ifl payable immediately to the treasurer, H W. D. Mathis, at their office, 324 South IH Main street, Salt Lake City, Utah. JjM Any stock upon which this assess- H ment may remain unpaid on Wednes- H day, tho 5th day of June, 1912, will be M delinquent and advertised for salo at H public auction, and unless payment is H made before, will be sold on Satur- H day, June 22, 1912, at 1 p. m., at the jH company's office, to pay the delln- jH quent assessment thereon, together H with the cost of advertisnlg and ex- H pense of sale. IH W. E. WEIDNER, Sec M PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP H NOTICES. M Estate of Jas. K. Wells, deceased. H Creditors will present claims with H vouchers to the undersigned at 419 H Judge Building, Salt Lake City, H Utah, on or before Sept. 25, 1912. HI W. I. SNYDER, Hfl '25 6-15. Administrator. H