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Ht 12 GOODWIN'S WEEKLY ESL promise of marriage and who inno- 2&H cently is made to play the most prom- Hjf inent Pai"t in the badger game. All Ht the plotting occurs in the boarding W house operated by Frisco Kate, a B woman with a record who is trying Rj to live "on the level" but cannot get Mp away from those she knew in the old H life. Into her life comes another with Hh a record, a man who wants to live on Hj the square and forget despite there ic W a price on liis head, a man who is a ' H! typical western "killer" with four H notches on I1L3 gun. Then there is H; the hotel detective who is a stool H pigeon for the crooks; a lieutenant H of police who is honest; the mother jR and sister of the mining engineer. H One Qf the good things about "The H. Deep Purple" Is that everybody in the H cnst lins opportunities. Ada Dwyer Vf will play Frisco Kate, an intense part K lightened by slangy philosophy on life. B Mr. Mack plays the killer who wants H to be left alone. Walter SeymQur H will have the best part yet in the role of the young mining engineer, while the three groat parts of the crooks will be in the hands of John Sumner, E. Forrest Taylor and W. J. Dyer. The first named has been assigned ' Pop," the slick old hypocrite with the whisk ers. Mr. Taylor will be given a great opportunity as "The Rat." Mr. Dyer plays the hotel detective. Frank Jon asson plays the part of the police lieutenant. A3 the minister's daughter, trust ing and unsophisticated, Miss Uayetty gets the first real opportunity she has had. The mothor and sister of the proposed victim of the badger game will bo played by Alberta Spears and Rosa Roma respectively, while Alice Conrad portrays a character bit In the form of the Swedish hired girl. SAVING BY SPENDINO. It is an easy enough matter to make the money you save earn something for you, but to make the money you spend do as much is an altogether dif- I Travelers to Colorado and the East H Should select a route famed for its Scenic Attractions and Su- H ? perior Train Service. I Denver & Rio Grande R. R. "The Scenic Line of the World" H "Every IVIile a IPicture" H This Route offers the "Back East" Travelers more varied sce- Hl nic attractions, that can be seen from the car windows without ex- H? tra expense for side trips, than any other line. H I Special Low Round-Trip Fares to Pueblo, Colorado Springs, H Ponver and principal Eastern Points on sale August 1, 2, 10, 28 fl 1912. June 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 20, 22 and 29, 1912. August 1, 2, 10, 23 , and 31, 1912. September 4 and 5, 1912. H ' Through Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars daily to Denver, H ' Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. H Superb Dining Car Service H Faros and full particulars will be cheerfully furnished on ap- H' plication to any Rio Grande Agent. H I. A. BENTON, Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept, F. FOUTS, Agent, Hi Salt Lake City, Utah. Ogdon, Utah. HP FRANK A. WADLEIGH, General Passenger Agent, K Denver, Colorado. H wMil Its a Genulne PICNIC -& I flil Wagener's jyfmi ferent matter. Yet that is what the Community Savings company is doing for its thousands of subscribers who patronize Community stores. The company merely provides a way by which the merchant may Issue scrip amounting to four per cent of all pur chases. This scrip, issued only to tho holder of a Community card, may be ca'shed at the bank for its face value, and thu3 four per cent of the money spent is recovered. THE MILLIONAIRE'S HOLIDAY. When J. P. M. set forth in quest Of lengthy and much needed rest, Full wearisome had been his lot, To hazard what was "art" or not Ho clicked his heels together. As, from scholastic trammels free, The schoolboy clicketh his in glee, So did omniscient J. P. M. Full emulate the stunts of them, When loosened from his tether. Though calculated much to shock, Ho smiled at the reporter's knock As hurled 'gainst his stateroom door In mode that suits the scribal poor, And answered questions devious; Such as what color he preferred, If he considered Morse had erred, Whether toward Roosevelt he inclined, And on what condiments he'd dined Upon the evening previous. "Oh, sunny Egypt, 'mid thy tombs I'll ostracize," he cried, "all glooms, Encountering no ill-clad churls, Where thumb-marked note book ne'er unfurled!" Ho cried this with effusion. "I'll hie me where they excavate, And purchase mummies for the state, In soulful solitude. What bliss Indeed can bo compared to this?" Alas, what vain delusion! Tho Ethlop prepared did stand With parchment tables in his hand, To learn If Mr. Morgan thinks He'll let them still retain the Sphinx. Henceforth, with much abhorrence, Ho fled into Italian clime, Where hundreds plied him all the time With Gioconda strange behests; Mutt'ring a stronger word than "pests," He had to fly from Florence. Tho same in Paris and in Nice; Detectives also would not cease Their endless queries on some head. They even sought to see in bed The Croesus of our nation. Sometimes I marvel whether he, Who cannot drink a cup of tea Without annoyance, when he seeks For rest, sighs at tho triple weeks We get of lowlier station. The Toiler. "My barber told a funny tale To me today," said Mr. Butts. "And illustrated it, I see," Said Mr. Sharp, 'with many cuts!" Mrs. Hoyle They say ' that In tho next world people will do the same as in this. Mrs. Doyle Then I hope that my husband will change his buaines be fore he dies. Mrs. Hoyle What does he do? Mrs. Doyle -He adjusts losses for a fire insurance company. LEGAL NOTICES ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Tintic Standard Mining Company. Location of principal place of busi ness, 422 Judge building, Salt Lako City, Utah. Location of mines, Tintic Mining district, Utah county, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a regu lar meeting of the Board of Directors held on March 5th, 1912, an assess ment, No. 8 of one-half () cent per share was levied on the outstanding 1 capital stock of the corporation, pay able immediately to E. J. Raddatz, treasurer, 422 Judge building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any Btock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on August 10th, 1912, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and, unles3 payment is made before, will be sold on Tues day, September 10th, 1912, at 11 o'clock a. m., at the company's of fice, to pay the delinquent assessment together with the cost of advertisng and expense of sale. E. J. RADDATZ, Treasurer. 422 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. . NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. EMERALD MINING COMPANY. Office and place of its general busi- 1 ness located at 205 Judge Building, I Salt Lake City, Utah Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors of the Emerald Mining Company, held at its office, above designated, on, Wednesday, June 12, 1912, an as sessment of one and one-half (l1) cents per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, pay- ' able to J. E. Oglesby, secretary of the company, at its said office above designated, in three equal install- I ments, as follows: The first install ment of one-half cent, payable Mon day, July 15, 1912, tho second in- 1 stallment of one-half cent, payable I Thursday, August 15, 1912, and the third installment of one-half cent, payable Saturday, September 14, 1912. Any stock upon which the first in stallment of this assessment may re- j main unpaid on Monday, July 15, 1912, will bo delinquent ana adver tised for sale at public auction, and unless payment of said first Install- i ment is made before, will be sold on Saturday, August 10, 1912, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the com pany's office, above designated, to pay the delinquent installment, to gether with cost of advertising and expenses of sale. Any stock upon which the second installment of this assessment may remain unpaid on Thursday, August 15, 1912, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment of said second installment Is made be fore, will be sold Saturday, September j 7, 1912, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the company's office, above desig- j nated, to pay the delinquent install-, ments, together with cost of adver tising and expense of sale. Any stock 'j upon which tho third installment of ( this assessment may remain unpaid on Saturday, September 14th, 1912, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unelss pay ment of third installment Is made before, will bo sold on Saturday, Oc- t tober 12, 1912, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m , at the company's office, to pay tho delinquent installment, to gether with cost of advertising and expense of sale. , j J. E. OGLESBY, Secretary. J Office, 205 Judge Building, Salt Lako City, Utah. , First publication, June 15, 1912.