capital slock of the corporation, pay
able Immediately to E. J. Raddatz,
treasurer, 422 Judge building, Salt
Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon
which this assessment may remain
unpaid on August 10th, 1912, will bo
delinquent and advertised for sale at
public auction, and, unless payment
is made before, will be sold on Tues
day, September 10th, 1912, at 11
o'clock a. m., at the company's of
fice, to pay the delinquent assessment
together with the cost of advertlsng
and expense of sale.
E. J. RADDATZ, Treasurer.
422 Judge Uullding, Salt Lake City,
Company. Location of principal of
fice, 414 Judge Building, Salt Lake
City, Utah. Location of mine, Robin
son Mining District, White Pino Coun
ty, Nevada.
NOTICE: There are delinquent
upon the following described stock on
account of Assessment No. 5, levied
February 16, 1912, the several amounts
set opposite the names of the respec
tive shareholders as follows:
Ctf . No. Name. Shr's. Amt.
52 J. M. Dougherty 100 $ 5.00
F1230 Charles Seymour, Jr. 10 .50
F1303 Christian Bender .. 50 2.50
F1757 Louis Schildknecht . 40 2.00
F2093 A. T. Moore 25 1 25
F2130 Eugene S. Jenks ... 25 1.25
F2146 Edward W. Wade .. 15 .75
F2189 Aime Chatelan 50 2.50
F2190 Aime Chatelan 50 2.50
F2282 Irving F. Munroe ... 50 2.50
F3441 A. J. Davis 63 3.15
F3446 Mrs. Catherine Hills 500 25.00
F3821 Roscoe R. Bond 25 1.25
F3846 Mrs. B. P. Gerold .. 25 1.25
F3990 H. H. Roseberry ... 5 .25
F4008 Mary A. Sullivan ... 10 .50
F4029 Myer L. Klein 10 .50
F4402 Hannah K. Bennett. 10 .50
F4484 A. R. Samuel 50 2.50
F4600 McCormick Bros. .. 34 1.70
F4601 McCormick Bros. .. 10 .50
F4634 Bert S. Marx 300 15.00
F4635 Bert S. Marx 200 10.00
F4638 C. O. Ellingwood .. 19 .95
F4639 C. O. Ellingwood .. 83 4.15
F4640 W. S. Dugan & Co.. 10 .50
F4641 William A. King ID .50
F4642 P. H. Durkin -39 1.95
F4643 E. ML Buchanan &
Co 39 1.95
F4644 Sarah A. Howard .. 83 4.15
F4647 Henry Wilkinson .. 83 4.15
F4650 Frank H. Downer ... 41 2.05
F4651 M. Wilson Robert
son 20 1.00
F4654 C. O. Ellingwood .. 83 4.15
F4655 C. O. Ellingwood .. 83 4.15
F4656 Mary L. Sherman .. 83 4.15
F4657 Harry J. Matson ... 83 4.15
F4658 John A. Law 83 4.15
F4660 Hugh Fentio 1 2.05
F4661 Mrs. Deborah Schil
ler 8 .40
F4662 Claude E. Marden. . 8 .40
!F4663 W. J. Trick 41 2.05
F4664 Logan & Bryan 83 4.15
F4665 Frank J. O'Donnell. 20 1.00
F4666 William A. Hicken. . 83 4.15
i F4667 H I. Wilson 233 11.65
I F4668 L. L. Winslow .... 58 2.90
F4673 Wm. F. Seltz 83 4.15
F4680 Chas. M. Baker .... 83 4 15
F4681 Theo. Johnson 83 4 15
F4C82 Chas. C. Zanoll .... 8 .40
F4683 Geo. J. Kopp 83 4.15
F4684 Logan & Bryan 83 4.15
F4685 Earl Spooner 41 2.05
F4686 William Armstrong. 10 .50
F4687 W. E. Drummond . . 20 1.00
F4690 RIccardi Attillo .... 20 1.00
F4691 Louis MurrI 20 1.00
F4695 Albert Johnson 41 2.05
F4697 Perry D. Jones 83 4.15
F4698 Perry D. Jones 83 4.15
F4699 Perry D Jones 83 4.15
F4701 Charlos D. Campbell 8 .40
F4T0 Mrs. Minnie Boehm. 24 1.20
F4703 P. J. McAlpino .... 24 1.2'0
F4705 Earl Spoonor 20 1.00
F4711 Wm. A. Dlnham ... 8 .40
F4712 J. H. Hansen 83 4.15
F4713 Morton Atwater 41 2.05
F4714 Downer & Co 20 1.00
F4715 Walter R. Bursch . . 41 2.05
F4716 Malcom & Coombe. 83 415
F4719 Dr. O. L. Peterson.. 83 -4.15
F4720 Dr. O. L. Peterson.. 83 '4.15
F4721 Henry Bergman .... 83 4.15
F4722 C. H. Reynolds 83 -4J.6
F4725 Harold P. Whiddon. 8 .40
F4728 James tMcDonald ... 41 205
F4729 Hayden, Stone & Co,. 83 4.15
F4730 Logan & Bryan 83 4.15"
F4731 Logan & Bry&n 83 4.15
F4732 Logan & Bryan 83 4.15
F4733 Logan & Bryan .... 83 4.15
F4734 Edwin I. Stinson .. 83 4.15
F4735 Edwin I. Stinson .. 83 4.15
F4739 George Hance 83 4.15
F4741W. H. Rhawn 7 .35
F4742 Gay & Sturgls 20 1.00
F4743 Roger B. Whitman . . 79 3.95
F4744 Francis C. Wilson . . 39 1 95
F4745 Harvey A. Willis &
Co 83 4.15
F4749 S. S. Crosby 83 4.15
F4750 George Foorlas 83 4.15
F4751 George Foorlas .... 83 4.15
F4752 Albert S. Schwartz. 83 4.15 .
F4755 H. N. Reynolds 41 2.05
F4759 Howard R. Town
send 41 2.05
F4760 William Childs, Jr.. 16 .80
F4764 Mrs. Helen Satterth-
waite 24 120
F4765 Alex V. Finn & Co.. 8 .40
F4805 Emma V. Mile3 1G .80
F4808 Edwin I. Stinson .. 34 1.70
F4827 C. C. Nuckols 83 4.15
F4869 A. J. Davis '. 84 4.20
F4891 John B. Corliss ... 15 .75
F4906 Irving-F. Munroe- .. 50 2.50
F4921 Walter A. Wyatt .. 50 2.50
F4978 Rondoulf Kraemer . 20 1.00
F3159 L. A. Mathey 55 2.75
F3166 T. Monroe Davis ... 50 2.50
F1307 Theophile Vergis . . 75 3.75
4002 Henry Untermeyer . 100 5.00
4003 Henry Untermeyer . 100 5.00
4004 Henry Untermeyer . 100 5.00
4005 Henry Untermeyer . 100 5.00
400G Henry Untermeyer . 100 5,00
4007 Henry Untermeyer . 100 5,00
4008 Henry Untermeyer . 100 5.00
4543 Mrs. Mary A. Sulli
van 100 5.00
"4553 George H. Johnson. 100 5.00
4680 Theophile Vergis .. 100 5.00
468x Theophile Vergis .. 100 5.00
5943 F. W. Bauder 100 5.00
5944 F. W. Bauder 100 5.00
5945 F. W. Bauder 100 5.00
5946 F. W. Bauder 10D 5.00
5947 F. W. Bauder 10G 5.00
6094 McCormick Bros. ... 100 5.00
6095 McCormick Bros. .. 100 5.00
7330 Tate & Hays 100 5.00
8411 Francis P. Deshon . 100 5.00
8543 Charles Frankl 100 5.00
8837 Harry H. Freeman . 100 5.00
9877 August W. Schreibor 100 5.00
10007 Levy Bros 100 5.00
10009 Levy BroB 100 5.00
10056 Mary Muller 100 5.00
10095 Joseph Simones ... 100 5.00
10176 F. E. Muller 100 5.00
10179 F. E. Muller 100 5.00
10180 F. E. Muller 100 5.00
10315 Herbert T. Drake . 100 500
10401 Hayden, Stone & Co. 100 5.00
10817 N. Ferrlll 100 5.00
10936 J. E. Gandot & Co.. 100 5 00
10937 J. E. Gandet & Co.. 100 5.00
11089 Patrick J. GIbney . 100 5.00
11220 Mrs. Alice G. Blanch-
ard 100 5.00
11280 John B. Philopy ... 100 5.00
11464 Vincent Gelminl ... 100 5.00
11469 John H. Holmes .. 100 5 00
11470 John H. Holmes .. 100 5.00
11471 John H. Holmes .. 100 5.00
11472 John H. Holmes . . 100 5.00
11473 John II. Holmes .... 100 5.00
11493 Robert Wilson .... 100 5.00
11494 Robert Wilson .... 100 5 00
11824 Mary Muller 100 5.00
12082 David B. Provan .. 100 5.00
12083 David B. Provan .. 100 5.00
12084 David B. Provan .. 100 5.00
12085 David B. Provan .. 100 5.00
12105 Joseph T. Jonkins &
Co 100 5.00
12570 S. S. Crosby 100 5.00
12600 Waito H. Squier .. 100 5.00
12652 A. R. Samuel 100 5.00
12668 James Gavighan ... 100 5.00
12669 James Gayighan ...,100 5.00
12670 James Gavighan ... '100 5.00
12Q71 James: Gavighan ... 100 5.00
126,72 James ' Guvlghan ... 100 5.00
12767 John A. Schultz, Jr. 100 5.00
12768 John A. Schultz, Jr. 100 5.00
12769 John A. Schultz, Jr. 100 5.00
12787 E. E. Dressel -....-. . 100 5.00
13222 Alice M. Blu'm .... 100 5.00
13223 Alice M. Blum ". . . . 100 5.00'
13224 Alice M. Blum ;... 100 5.00
13225 Alice M. Blum .... 100 5.00
13226 Alice M. Blum 100 5.00
13267 Oscar Anderson ... 100 v 5.00
13288 Jesse F. Powers .. 100 5.00
13289 JeBso F. Powers .. 100 5.00
13290 Jesse F. Powers .. lCfo 5.00
13349 Thomas J. Diskin . . 100 5.00
13350 Thomas J. Diskin . . 100 5.00
13351 Thomas J. Diskin . . 100 5.00
13555 Edwin I. Stinson .. 100 5.00
13556 Edwin I. Stinson . . 100 5.00
13557 Edwin I. Stinson .. 100 5.00
13778 E. F. Hutton & Co.. 100 5.00
13822 Paine, Webber & Co. 100 5.00
13894 Caulalncourt W.
Derry 100 5.00
13895 Caulalncourt W.
Derry 100 ' 5."00
13896 Caulalncourt W.
Derry 100 5.00
13930 John D. Coyle 100 5.00
13931 John D. Coyle .... 100 5.00
13932 John D. Coyle .... 100 5.00
13933 John D. Coyle .... 100 5.00
13934 John D. Coyle 100 5.00
13935 John D. Coyle 100 5.00
13936 John D. Coyle .... 100 5.00
13950 Arthur W. Jones .. 100 5.00
13974 A. J. Davis 100 5.00 '
13975 A. J. Davis 100 5.00
13976 A. J. Davis 100 5.00
13977 A. J. Davis 100 5.00
14026 Edward C. Muller. . 100 5.00
14027 Edward C. Muller. . 100 5.00
14028 Edward C. Muller.. 100 5.00
14035 Edward C. Muller.. 100 5.00
14124 John B. Corliss ... 100 5.00
14125 John B. Corliss ... 100 5.00
14126 John B. Corliss ... 100 5.00
14127 John B. Corliss ... 100 5.00
14443 Post & Flagg 100 5.00
14572 Irving F Munroe- ... 100 5.00
14612 Raymond Star 100 5.00
1858 John T. Michaud ... 100 5.00
2417 Harris Winthrop &
Co 100 5.00
8484 Alfred E. Jordan .. 1Q0 5.00
F4675 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 83 4.15
F4676 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 83 4.15
F4677 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 83 4.15
F4678 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 83 4.15
F4904 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 25 1.25
F4967 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 10 .50
7207 Chas A. Stoneha'm
& Co 100 5 00
7208 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 100 5 00
7546 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 100 5 00
7547 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 100 5 00
7380 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 100 5 00
13604 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 100 5.00
13605 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 100 5.00
13606 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 100 5.00
13607 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 100 5.00
13670 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co , 10Q 5.00
14596 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 100 5.00
14597 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 100 5.00
14598 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co 100 5.00
14599 Chas. A, Stoneham
& Co 100 5.00
14795 Chas. A. Stoneham
& Co . 100 5.00
14796 Chas. A. Stoneham
&, .Co 100 5.00 M
14797 Chas. A. Stoneham M
& Co 100 5.00 M
14798 Chas. A. Stoneham M
& Co 100 5.00
14799 Chas. A. Stoneham H
& Co. 100 5.00 H
14805 Chas. A. 'Stoneham H
& Co 100 5.00 H
14806 Chas. A, Stoneham M
& Co 100 5.00 H
14807 Chas. A. Stoneham !
& Co 100 5.00 H
14808 Chas. A. Stoneham M
ham & Co 100 5.00 H
14809 Chas. A. Stoneham M
& Co 100 5.00
14861 Chas. A. Stoneham H
& Co 100 5.00
F4688 Frederick Daily & M
Co 83 4.15
8242 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00 H
8247 Frederick Dally &
Co 100 5.00
8252 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00
8253 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00
8254 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.0Q
8255 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00
8256 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00 H
8257 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00
8258 Frederick Daily & 1
Co 100 5.00 9
8243 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00 M
8244 Frederick Daily & H
Co. .'... 100 5.00
8245 Frederick Daily & 1
Co 100 5.00 H
8246 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00
8233 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00
9087 Frederick Daily & 1
Co 100 5.00
9088 Frederick Daily & M
Co 100 5.00
9089 Frederick Daily & 1
Co 100 5.00 H
9090 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00 IS
9091 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00 H
9171 Frederick Daily & 1
Co 100 5.00 H
9172 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00 K
9173 Frederick Daily &
Co 100 5.00 H
9174 Frederick Daily & M
Co. - 100 5.00 H
9175 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00 H
9189 Frederick Dally & M
Co iop 5.00 H
9263 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00 H
9296 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00 H
9300 Frederick Daily & B
Co 100 5.00 H
9480 Frederick Daily & B
Co 100 5.00 H
9481 Frederick Dally & !
Co 100 5.00 H
9537 Frederick Daily & M
Co 100 5.00 H
9538 Frederick Daily & H
Co 100 5.00 IH
And in accordance with law, and H
the order of the board of directors H
made on February 16, 1912, and as
further extended on April 9, 1912, and IH
May 10, 1912, so many shares of each HI
parcel of such stock as may be nee- jH
essary will be sold at the office of B
the company, 414 Judge Building, Salt H
Lake City, Utah, on Friday, August 9, IM
1912, at 2 o'clock p. m., to pay the M
delinquent assessment thereon, to- H
Bother with the cost of advertising M
and expense of sale. H
414 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, H
Utah. H
(Pub. July 20, 27, August 3, 1912.) H