H 8 GOODWINS WEEKLY I AUTOMOBILE GOSSIP THE calling off of the Glldden tour Is much to bo regretted, for H the feeling is general among mo- H torists that there should be n big na- B tional tour held eanh year. It seems H that the best months for a contest are H July and August, for in the fall man- H "ufacturers, dealers and individual mo- B torists don their working togs and H cannot afford time for a jaunt which H will occupy a couple of weeks. The H calling off of the tour would give H one the impression that touring was B on the wane. Then, too, there has H been much tallc recently that racing H was dying. Should both touring and H racing prove to "be no longer wanted, M the competitive side of the automo- m bile industry would be without Inter- B est. It is said by many that neither M touring nor racing is of any benefit B to the industry. This, however, is not H the case. There is greater Interest H today in touring than there was ten H years ago, and there is greater inter- H est in racing on the part of the pub- H lie than there ever has been. Let the H Glldden tour bo run over good roads H and it will then be certain that the H general motorist will enter for the M pleasure of it. If touring is no longer Automobile Tire Repairing B Excellent Equipment and Service H Our .repairs are worth H 'while. A call will H convince you. Austin Tire & Rubber Go. H 147 East 1st, South St. H Telephone Wasatch 3010 H AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE INSDRANCE H Save 12 per cent on all risks B on your auto insurance I DEM I Nil & McMILLIN B GENERAL AGENTS M 204 Felt Bldg. Salt Lake City B Automobile Numbers a Specialty tafllP H J firiiStftsi Rubber Stamps, Seals, et Hj $5 W. Broadway Phone 304 Salt Lake City I "Firestone I'j TIRES H DI8TIUDDT0I18 M THE UTAH TJRE & RUBBER CO. Jm 147-149 StateSt. PALT LAKE CITY a benefit to the "manufacturer it cer tainly can be made a benefit to the ovoryday motorist, who, with others, can enjoy a jaunt of two weeks with slight competitive features. With prizes of cash and plate the tour would fill quickly. The Glidden tour was declared on! by the American Automobile Associa tion, under whose auspices it was to be held, for tho reason that presiden tial campaign activities caused a small entry list and suspended Interest in the long-distance tour. San Francisco Chronicle: "A card Index of speeders who appear before the Automobile court Is to be insti tuted In Chicago. It is an idea tnat ought to bo adopted here. Heavier penalties should be Inflicted for second and third violations than for a first offense, and a card index would af ford a record that could be easily looked up." Automobile Insurance. Messrs. Deming & McMillin, Salt Lake Cty representatives of the American Au tomobile Insurance Company, are rev olution!; Ing the business of insuring automobiles. These gentlemen repre sent a concern that has learned that automobiles are no greater risk than ordinary life and accident risks, and their policy leaves nothing to bo de sired in the matter of fairness to the owner and complete protection. Austin Tire & Rubber Co. Accord ing to Mr. Austin the patent tire fil ler propositions that have been so widely exploited of late, have no ter rors for the real repairman. There is a great diversity of opinion among owners as to the efficiency of the filler remedy, whereas tires properly re paired give full measure of satisfac tion. Utah Tire & Rubber Co. Neer in the history of the company has the Firestone Tire concern been so put to it to fill orders. Mr. Pumphrey of the Utah Tire & Rubber Co. has been as muoh worried as the factory, but thanks to working twenty-four hours every day things are looking brighter now. Surgeon James of tho public health service, who sprang into a sea in fested with man-eating sharks to res cue a Japanese woman, offers a stir ring example of the divine spirit of self-forgotfulnosB that constitutes real heroism. It would have been so easy to have dismissed tho opportunity with the oowardly excuse that she was 'only a Jap." The whirligig of tipio: A watcn spring. Your automobile la waiting for you. Purdue's Automobiles and Taxlcabs. Anywhere at Any Time. Phono f Rates. Phone: Wasatch 5 or 1598. Stick to Stickney's. (Adv.) AFTER THE VOWS. He said: 'Tarn shortly to marry; When wo meet In tho future again, A knowledge of wedlock may fit me To say what I think of it then." And the benedick" saldr "Yoirtt grap ple f A' problem you cannot dissect: , Tp think, for yourself, afjpr. marxhfge Is more than you ought to exgc It A beverage for I . strength and health I The wise old prospector knows the strength I giving, health preserving properties or I" I BECKER'S BEER hence the case on the I I hurro s pack 1 I A true food drink for home for the camp 1 I the athlete or the student. I , I VVrite for price list order direct from ,' I OdDEN, Jp feeing UTAH. " MBr...". - HP Co M