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Hi j 2 GOODWIN'S WEEKLY- I "LSlnS What's The Answer? I I B From Sail Sake Or Ogden tO First Woman "Good-bye, John; don't forget to write." B JJ" Denver and return $22.50 T S 8tTol.soliyturmu"::::::::::::::::5?:So .i..i.i.i-h. B Wl J- Omaha and return 40.00 H & V tt i Chicago and return 59.50 letter had not been received. f St. Paul and return 53.50 Hi TY San Francisco and return 40 00 t B v Los Angeles and return 40.00 Second Woman "Good-bye, James; be sure and call - j tt Portland and return .... 42.00 I r II Seattle and return 53.20 jj 1JL me up." I Hi II PrODOrtiOnStclV lOW ratGS (Later) "Is this you, Mary? Is everything all right? I J tO Other pOintS. I'" be home Saturday." I DATES OF SALE U Nov, 23 and 25, Dec. 21 and 23 K j - - DON'T WRITETELEPHONE B LONG LIMITS; STOPOVERS If DIVERSE ROUTES M For further particulars call at ' A THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND I 1 tel utah6 III k TELEGRAPH COMPANY B IHy TELEPHONE EXCHANGE 15 mMdSgM g& U ' '' l S& PAIIFADMIA Travelers to Colorado I PBa'S) AUrKlMA and the East H KMsU And SUMMER cuiu uiv umi H NUX Should select a route famed for Its Scenic Attractions and Su- i T A T . ONLY 24 HOURS AWAY I lwo Irains q n' ft i r D I Da; to $40 for W w $40 Denver & Rio Grande R. R. B "The Scenic Line of the World" i Til TICKETS ON SALE DECEMBER, 21-23 ; LOS Angeles At All Utah Stations "Every Mile a Fieture" B t LONG LIMITS STOPOVERSDIVERSE ROUTES This Route offers the "Back East" Travelers more varied sce- H j nlc attractions, that can be seen from the car windows without ex- H 'i tra expense for side trips, than any other line. H j Tjrrf Tfir a y a TTPC Special Low Round-Trip Pares to Pueblo, Colorado Springs, M StllfiTldid JTlvJljII A JL JPC A I jD Denver and principal Eastern Points on sale H l ONE FARE BETWEEN ALL UTAH POINTS 9 HlflPr November 23 and 25, final limit Jan. 31. m ! TICKETS ON SALE DECEMBER 1 9-20- Docember 21 and 23, final limlt Pebruflry 28' Hj1 SefyiCe 21-22-24-25-28-31 AND JANUARY I. Through Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars dally to Denver, j 1 RFTIIRN JANUARY ft Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. H Superb Dining Car Service H ! SEE YOUR AGENT FOR PARTICULARS FarQS and fuu particulars will bo cheerfully furnished on ap- H plication to any Rio Grande Agent IB? For Information, Literature, Etc., Write i, K -L- - I. A. BENTON, Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept., F. FOUTS, Agent, Mf T. C PECK, G. P. A. J. H. MANDERFIELD, A. Q. P A. Salt Lako clty utah. 0gden utah. H ! Los Angeles Salt Lake City BIl TICKET OFFICE 160 MAIN FRANK A. WADLEIGH, General Passenger Agent, Mr y Denvor, Colorado.