sessment, togetheijjth;vthecost' of '
advertising and exmrj&elrof sH.
414 Judge Building, Salt LakeVCity, .
By order of the board of directors
of Ely Consolidated Copper Company,
at a meeting held December 28, 1912,
the date when stock shall become de
linquent pursuant to the foregoing
notice was extended to and including
January 30, 1913, and sale day to
March 26, 1913, at 2 o'clock p. m.,
at the company's office, 414 Judge
Building, Salt (Lake City, Utah.
" SUMMONS. 7rr
In the District Court of the Third
Judicial District of the State of Utah,
County of Salt Lake.
J Elizabeth Cathryn Livingston, plain
tiff, vs. George Hugh Livingston, de
' fendant. Summons.
The State of Utah to the said De
fendant: You are hereby summoned to appear
, within twenty days after the service
of this summons upon you, if served
within the county in which this ac
tion is brought, otherwise, within
thirty days after service, and defend
the above entitled action; and in case
of your failure so to do, judgment
will be rendered against you accord
ing to the demand of the complaint,
which has been filed with the clerk ot
said court.
This action is brought to dissolve
the bonds of matrimony now existing
between you and plaintiff.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
P. O. Address, 27 East Second
South street, Salt Lake City, Utah.
In the District Court of the Third Ju
dicial Disrict of the State of
Utah, County of Salt Lake.
Fred N. Placke, Plaintiff, vs. Ellen
Placke, Defendant. Summons.
The State of Utah to the said Defend
ant: You are hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty days after the ser
vice of this summons upon you, if
served within the county in which this
noMnn is hroueht. otherwise, within
thirty days after service, and defend
the above entitled action; and in case
of your failure so to do, judgment will
be rendered against you according to
the demand of the complaint which
has been filed with the clerk of said
court. This action is brought to dis
solve the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and defend
ant. S. D. HUPPAKER,
Plaintiff's Attorney.
P. O. address 401 Boyd Park Bldg.,
Salt Lake City, Utah.
In the District Court of the Third Ju-
I1 dicial District of the State of
Utah, County of Salt Lake.
Nellie Davis, Plaintiff, vs. John Davis,
Defendant. Summons.
The State of Utah to the said Defend
ant: You are hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days after the service
of this summons, upon you, if served
within the county in which this ac
tion Is brought, otherwise, within thir
ty days after service, and defend the
above entitled action; and in case of
Iyour failure so to do, judgment will
be rendered against you according to
the demand of the complaint which
has been filed with the clerk of said
I court. This action is brought to re-
cpver a judgment dissolving the mar-
! rlage contract heretofore existing le-
J tween you and the plaintiff.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
P. O. address 85 Continental Bank
Bldg, Salt Lak ity, Utah.
WHEREAS, WalterTtramwell and
Wealthy Mae Bramwell, his wife, of
SaU Lake City, Utah, did execute
and delher their deed of trust, on
the 28th day of November, A. D. 1908,
to George A. Goff as trusteo, which
said deed of trust was duly record
ed on the 15th day of December, 1908,
in Book "B-3," pages 162 to 165, in
the office of the county recorder of
Morgan county, Utah; and was given
to secure to the Commercial Savings
Benefit company and its assigns, the
payment of a certain promissory note
of even date therewith, for the sum
of $2,000.00 and interest;
AND WHEREAS, said Walter
Bramwell and Wealthy Mao Bram
well did, simultaneously with the de
livery of said promissory note and
trust deed above named, deliver to
said Commercial Savings Benefit
company, as collateral security, in
part, for the payment of said indebt
edness, Certificate No. 22 for fourteen
(14) shares and Certificate No. 107
for one share of Class "B" capital
stock in the Commercial Savings Ben
efit company, which said shares are
of the par value of $150.00;
AND WHEREAS, 3aid Walter
Bramwell and Wealthy Mae Bram
well are now in default of various and
sundry payments, due and unpaid up
on said note; and whereas, said Com
mercial Savings Benefit company has,
for a valuable consideration, duly
sold, assigned and set over to the
Union Savings and JV vestment com
pany, a corporation, tne said promis
sory note and all Indebtedness there
under; together with all interest in
and to the said trust deed and stock
certificates above described; and
whereas, said Union Savings and In
vestment company, is now the legal
owner and holder of said note and
indebtedness, and has in pursuance
of the law and the provisions of said
trust deed, declared the whole of the
unpaid balance and indebtedness upon
said promissory note now due and
payable; and has made written de
mand upon said George A. Goff, trus
tee, to proceed and sell the real prop
erty described in said trust deed, and
the said stock certificates for the
payment of the indebtedness upon
sam note; ana sum trustee nas de
clined to act and to carry out the
duties prescribed in said trust deed;
and whereas, in pursuance of the
provisions of the said trust deed, I,
E. E. Butters, the sheriff of the coun
ty of Morgan, wherein the real prop
erty described in said trust deed is
situated, have become the successor
in trust to said trustee;
AND WHEREAS, written demand
has been made upon "me, by said
Union Savings & Investment com
pany, to proceed, in accordance with
the provisions of said trust deed, to
advertise in a newspaper published
in the English language and sell the
said real property therein described;
together with the said fifteen shares
of capital stock, for tho payment of
said note and indebtedness;
NOW, THEREFORE, Pursuant to
the demand of said Union Savings &
Investment company, and in accord
ance with the terms and under the
authority of said trust deed, I, E. E.
Butters, trustee, hereby give notice,
that on Monday, the 6th day of Jan
uary, A. D. 1913, at the hour of
ten o'clock a. m., of said day, at tho
front door of the county court house,
in the city and county of Morgan,
state of Utah, I will sell at public
auction, to tho highest bidder for
cash, those two certain stock certi
ficates numbered 22 and 107 for fif
teen shares capital stock Class "B",
in the Commercial Savings Benefit
company; together also with the fol
lowing described real property situ
ate in tho county of Morgan, state of
Utah, to-wlt:
Being part of the townsite entry of
Morgan 0jty,vb'ounded and described
as follows,' to-wit: Beginning at a
point 17.84 chains south 58 degrees
east, and 15 feet south, 34 degrees
west from monument "B", located and
established in said Morgan City Sur
vey, by the said municipality; tnence
south 58 degrees east, 83 16 leet;
thence south 34 degrees west 232.32,
feet to the bank of Weber river;
thence north 75 degrees west along
tho bank of said river 88.44 feet;
thence north 34 degrees east 260.04
feet to beginning. Said tract being
situated in and a part of the north
east quarter of section 36, township
4 north, range 2 eaBt of Salt Lake
Meridian, to satisfy the indebtedness
above described in said promissory
note and trust deed.
Sheriff of Morgan County.
3t. Trusteo.
Golden Treasure Mines Co. Office 157
West North Temple St., Salt Lake
City, Utah. Property, Piute county,
Notice is hereby given that at a
meeting of the board of directors of
said company held December 23, 1912,
an assessment of cent per share
was levied on the outstanding capital
stock of the corporation payable Im
mediately to W. T. Noall, secretary,
157 West North Temple street, Salt
Lake City, Utah.
Any stock upon which this assess
ment may remain unpaid on January
28, 1913, will be delinquent and adver
tised for sale at public auction and
unless payment Is made before will
be sold on the 20th day of February,
1913, to pay the delinquent assess
ment together with the costs of ad
vertising and expense of sale.
P. O. address 157 West North Temple
St., Salt Lake City, Utah.
In the District Court of the Third
Judicial District of the State of
Utah, County of Salt Lake.
Laura B. Tuttle, Plaintiff, vs. Hannah
A. Hardy, Elmer Gibson, Myron C.
Gibson, Louise K. Janney, N. A. Mc
Donald, salt Lake County, Salt Lake
City, Defendants. Summons.
The State of Utah to the said Defend
ant: You are hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days after the service
of tliis summons upon you, If served
within the county In which this ac
tion is brought, otherwise, within
thirty days after service, and defend
the above entitled action; and In case
of your failure so to do, judgment will
be rendered against you according to
the demand of the complaint which
has been filed with the clerk of said
court This action is brought to fore
close a mortgage made by the defend
ant, Hannah A. Hardy, November 21,
1904, on a part of Lot 6, Block 85, Plat
"A," Salt Lake City Survey, county of
Salt Lake, state of Utah, commencing
at a point 6 rods West of the North
east corner of said lot, thence West
3 rods, thence South 5 rods, 10 feet,
thence East 3 rods, thenco North
5 rods, 10 feet to the place of begin
ning. JOB P. LYON,
Plaintiff's Attorney.
P. O. address 307 Boston Bldij., Salt
Lake City, Utah.
Rexall Silver and Copper Mining
company. Mines located in Little Cot
tonwood mining district, Salt Lake
county, Utah. Principal place of busi
ness Salt Lake City, Utah.
NOTICE There Is delinquent upou
the- following described stock for As- M
sessment No. 8, levied October 30, M
1912, tho following several amounts fl
set opposite the name of the share M
holders, as follows: M
Name Cert. No. of Amt MM
No. Shares Mm
Anderson, Harry ..446 500 $ 1.00 m
Beck, Isador 84 400 .80
Bee, Clara 63 . 1,000 2.00
Bersbach, Alfred ..177 4,000 8 00
Bersbach, F. J. ..131 100 .20
Bersbach. Oscar ..178 1,000 2.00 H
Brixen, Johanna ..212 1,000 2.00 WM
Burch, J. L 359 1.000 2.00 H
Byrne, W. Wj 128 1,000 2.00
Byrne, W. W 129 1,000 2.00
Campbell, Alex ..285 1,000 2.00
Campbell, Alex ..286 1,000 2.00
Campbell, Alex. ..293 1,000 2.00
Campbell, Alex ..298 1,000 2.00 H
Child, Wm. H 377 500 1.00
Child, Wm. H 378 500 1.00
Child, Wm. H 379 500 1.00
.Child, Wm. II 380 500 1.00
Colburn, J. W, .... 52 333 .66
Cole, H. B 421 1,000 2.00 H
Dern & Thomas ..338 500 1.00
Dern & Thomas ..440 1,000 2.00 H
Dern & Thomas ..441 1,000 2.00
Dryberg, Geo 437 1,094 2.19
Fites, C. W 230 1,500 3.00
Gallachor, Sam ... 40 25 .05
Gallacher, Sam ... 67 75 .15
Gallacher, Sam ... 50 200 .40
Havenor, W. M. ..402 1,000 2.00
Havenor, W. M. ...420 1,000 2.00
Howell, J. F 355 1,000 2.00 H
James, D. E 278 1,000 2.00
James, D. E 279 1,000 2.00
James, D. E 281 1,000 2.00
James, D. E 283 1,000 2.00 H
James, D. E 284 1,000 2.00
James, D. E 295 1,000 2.00
James D. E 296 1,000 2.00
James, D. E 301 1,000 2.00
James, D. E 302 1,000 2.00
James, D. E 320 1,000 2.00 H
James, D. E 325 1,000 2.00
James, D. E 327 1,000 2.00
James, D. E 328 1,000 2.00
James, D. E 373 1,000 2.00 H
James, D. E 385 1,000 2.00
James, D. E 387 1,000 2.00
Jones, W. S 234 1,000 2.00 H
Lloyd, C. 0 228 500 1.00
Mogren, W. F. ....174 500 1.00 H
Mortensen, Mike ..414 2,900 5.80
Newell, Henry 352 1,000 2.00 MW
O'Brien, Miss E...382 200 .40
Price, Grace 64 100 .20 H
Price, Irwin 220 500 1.00 H
Price, Lew M. ...140 600 1.00 H
Price, Sterling E. .139 500 1.00 H
Price, Victor Hugo. 138 1,000 2.00 WM
Price, William V.. . 8 10,000 20.00 H
Price, William V., JmM
Jr 137 1,000 2.00 IB
Price, William V., H
Jr 190 280 .56
Pritchard, A 49 300 .60 Hj
Sanford, E. B 53 165 .33 H
Schlegel, J. M 54 1,000 2.00 H.
Schoene, E. C 80 1,000 2.00 H
Schoene, E, C 68 500 1.00 H
Schoene, E. C 160 2,000 4 00 M
Schoene, E. C 229 1000 2 00 H
Schoene, E. C 239 1,000 2 00 H
Scott, Albert A. ..259 600 1.00 H
Simon, Henry .... 66 1,000 2.00 S
Slaughter, S. C. . . 43 500 1 00 H
Studness, E. T. ...221 1,000 2 00 MM
Studness E. T. ...222 500 1.00 Mn
Studness E. T. ...223 500 100 H
Traughber, Eugene 311 1,000 2 00 H
Traughber, Eugene 312 500 1 00 HJ
Vacher Desire 214 1,000 2 00 mM
And In accordance with the law MM
and the order of tho board of directors WM
made October 30, 1912, and the order Ea
of postponement made by the board of WM
directors on December 7, 1912, so MM
many shares of each parcel of stock H
as may be necessary will be sold at Hj
the office of the company in room M
1025 Kearns building. Salt Lake City, MM
Utah, on January 13, 1913, at noon, MW
to pay the delinquent assessment to- Mm
gether with the cost of advertising H
and expense of the sale. M
Secretary pro torn M