OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, January 04, 1913, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1913-01-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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H i L z j
m I . - I -i
h sBWPPBBIWBWBWjW -fa 'xr.
I flVlHK don t write -telephone
I rii CALIFORNIA Travelers to Colorado I
I iv And -summer an the East
H - Should select a route famed for its Scenic Attractions and Su-
I Two Trains ONLY 24 HOURS AWAY .
I Ddiy to Kr ss Denver & Rio Grande R. R.
I LOS Angeles long limits...stopovers...diverse routes "Th0 Sconlc Llne of th0 World"
I California Popular "Every MUe a T
I M7 a ThIs Route 0ffers tho "Back East" Travelers more varied sce-
C 1 J4 1HICP KCSOFfS nIc factions, that can be seen from the car windows without ex-
DpiendlU tra expense for side trips, than any other line.
H wv. Riverside, Arrowhead, Hot Springs, San
Uincl Diego, Santa Barbara, Long Beach, all easi- Through Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars daily to Denver
Service ly reached from Los Angeles Kansas GUy' St Luls' maha and chIcaB0,
Sphndid Auto Road, Throughout Superb Dining Car Service
Southern California , .
H Fares and full particulars will be cheerfully furnished on ap- J
SEE YOUR AGENT FOR PARTICULARS plication to any Rio Grande Agent,
PP For Information, Literature, Etc., Write
I T. C.PECK, G. P. A., J. H. MANDERFIELD, A. Q. P. A. '' A' BENT0N' Gen- Agt. Pass. Dept., F. F0UT8, Agent,
Los Ange es Salt Lake City SaIt Lak City, Utah. Ogden, Utah. i
TICKET OFFICE 169 MAIN FRANK A. WADLEIGH, General Passenger Agent,
H Denver, Colorado. I II
h n 1

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