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I -tfT2 .' "SSPOOtTDWIN'S WEEKLY 1 : . '-liii!i j JD. C. McEnttfro-is the man who jH p.Wtspdoja'ln the; Spec idwqyIn.-fact,- H i .a- iiotofaffi&vHfrititiAi of Hj -A "' .."in.... H putting 'speed into jusf about every H itfQposftlon . -vVlfhyhich lie, identifies - lnmselfnnd when the 'Snltair Speed- H 'it v H way prosantellrHs&ULnkah opjlbrtun- ' H ity for,' -swift'. orgartlznllon-tivnjt;.? .,de- B Vplopmcnt worW,J -lUr. Mrlntyre was rhiut at homo. . HI The story' of' Mr, McEntyre's enter M prise In ninny Instances would.form. . HI nJerW another chapter ,hoclong , H . sfbryof-. men- who -4haviiufc61Mea. ' H 'Hhere' are hundreds of -bright .Uttlo H liow&es: printed. on; qnrd&janJntend- f H cl MwMldor-jofile U8,'Jjfi spur H k tipnprwua'.woiosi.uirfuvbapa H 4 TJSjnvsstht?2firt ',mito"ip.T-nod -c .. '.; A lall&l&iev SftmefeorVfe.-iHim. 'It s H -impressed lilm to such nn extent that H nil thfr iffftld cni'dBi6aribed7rf":TJo It Ej jJow," ro dust advntSe JiotleosraG it H wtere, for -Mr. - fcTrtlDutyro. .This is M lirely tru' as fnr res' Salt Lake 1b H jncecnod, - ftV .Mj "MeBmtyrc- has H hjuTu'd bUt'tf hlce'lnrgoliiche'oV him- H soifi-iiK-buslnesswuEfelrs by -.his ..habit H of Mdoing it now." Hj rMny5'enrjrnso, -iwhonmTotor-,ve- H 'liidfloH irst'wmdo t!hir ttpponrnnee in H -iSklt J,nka-"the-Tfew owners bogan H o,fyiining .on,HMS.poodwuytoi:Saltiiii at LB, ist,""thoy-thouhU 'a-nfiirst-olass' Wgh- H ww to -thcfukort-shouldbo' built. The - B tfrpbgrnphy" of the- cBirotry -betAvdori H Salrljatoe -and- the la4fl8Bhoi6 present H es no eriouir obstacles to road build- H is and thwe was vry -reason why H Uin'-work should proceed -without de- H lay. But there was delay, ahd the H matter "hung fire," each advocate of M i tlje'YMa ffinttng-fcf?Che oilier- 'IVllow' H to Tegin the work of financing and H building: the road. H ' il.fesa limn a year ago, D. C. McIBji- H tyrXeund Utne ta-eansider tha ppopo- H lUi.w. Jn -the jR4itlnie, SuAt Unke H J hud greatly increased in population H and its altizens ial Uecomeprei)er- Hj ous. Automobiles -were beginning to H outnumber - horse-drawn vohiclee' H nearly two to oue. These automo- H bilfi were, for. Ike most part, -liigh- H powered Veliiclee and thcr twiners" of ' H the ars were used to traveling at a H fair rate of speed over excellent pave- H ment and roadways. H This presented Just the condition H desired by Mr. McEntvre, so lie aet IH about the work of organizing a com- H pan for Ituilding and operating the H ro;id. Moreover, Mi'. McEntvre con- m ec-ivtil the buMding of an immense H racf course for 'automobiles near the H beach. It goes without saying that H Mr. McEntyre busied hlwiKclf in a M hurry and before many weeks had HH begu.1 the actual construction of the j speedway. H , The speedway niislit be railed a H "Co-op" road, for It may ie used by H sta.trt- it is one of iho fineJt stletehs H of highway in the world and many H stockholders only. In its present H thotiHnds of dollars will be expend - B ed in perfecting it during the present H season. ,,,.'-'- 1 ' ' VlBBBBBBBBBaaaBBBVBail BBBBBBBBTBBaaBSSnaL V . dy -Ml BBBBBBBSBSaSBRBEl29wca4&w&- ft qBSn IIbIbHisWHp &''' " dM$$ 'aBBBBBBsaBBBaBK Jfl$'t' "vlalml BBaBBBaBBBBBBBBBBHi rjBKfe 'VVf!MBBBBKl 1 aBBBBBBBBBBBBBFF'M;,r' i UBBBBWl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBKOfe' YvWarfaBBB'-B BBBBBBBaBBBBaBBIttBBBBII ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBKGHBBBBBB D. C. M'EN1YR15. ', SONG AGAINST jGJROCERS. By ti K. Olicstcrlon. Gbd the 'wicked Grocer. i( Fona mystery nd assign, t a?hatnC3JSh'ould-li.un.Xho awful shops j iVnd-'tQrgo to inns to dino, "WChorcr "the- bacon's on the rafter, -iAnd. itho-nvihd -i's iin fchowood, And God that .made-good laughter iiIaa.iSQon-lhal. iliay..araood. ! ffiho iMillioartod 'Grocer I vAhniniX'aaJr:.1HaJtm6tK6f "ma'am." J iAnd'ibow.abdibrmittd 'bob nt hor Ipi4igad soul to .damn,. , lAud. -rub Jiis horrd Ijangs and ask "lVsIlat -nrtielo "nwie 4icfcct ' Hlhough JnvbrbSs in rt1oule SheuM be her 'proper text. , His props are not his .children, Hut -pert lads underpaid, $ito call -out "Caahr'and bang about To mapC hW wicked trade; j Ile-ltceps a.JauV An a. cage i Most cruelly a U flay. And makes her coaat and calls-' her "miss" Until' she fades nway, The righteous minds of Inn-keepers Induce Uiem,rJiiw..iid then, Tooraok a tobttle ith a friend Or treat unmoneyed mon;.. But who hath seen the Grocer 'JJnBt'Tliouseaialds to Ills teas, :Qi.ns.oR a bottle -of Cteh-sauce, Or iend a man a oheeae? JT leWs w sards of Araby An sugar for ash down, He sweeps his shop and sells the dust, The purest salt in town; He crams with cans of poisoned meat Poor -subjects of the king, And, when they die by thousands, Why, he laughs like anything. The wicked Grocer groces In -spirits aid in wine Not frankly and in fellowship As men in Inns do dine; Hut packed .wtth soap and . sardines, And parried off by gr- ems, For to be- snatched b; Duchesses And drunk in dressing-rooms. The hell-instructed Grocer Has a temple made of tin, And ihe ruin of good Inn-keepers Is, loudly" urged therein;' Hut now the sands are running out -From sugar of a sort The Grocer trembles, for his time, Just like his weight, is s'lort. From The New Witness. - Iriek vto Mtiti'a v " V' (.dv.) - Shnll it bo a new-coat of paint, or will "K mere- dronoHing do "to "make the old-car-prosentable for the oom- ing season? The--'gentle -voice of -spring beihjf hoard In -the-offing said offing- being always considered the proper -plnco for springrB' voice to lufrk ' the auto owner 'is now -fussing- around ihe-'garage wondering -about his car and what-it will need" to" rank -well with the 1018 models. A survey of tires is necessary and- continuous perambulations with a-spannor-or an oil can give hint of future- rejololng when the friend of the family shall bo bnck'cd up once more on the high way for the delight of the man of the house and all of those-sprlng-f every -humans within his household. "A few'moro' sumlnys Hk6 the last ' and tho outpouring will commence. Out over thJ c6untry roads the oars ' -wln'spin Ihfouglf Jjndthdr gdusW; ii&- ' geY and. better than 'the last. The uni versal ploasuro-givor has become1 a tremendous factor In tho interest of good roads-and as th6-iegislature just now -beginning to bo forgotten was happily disposed toward appropria tions for the state's highways, the trips of motorists -will be' far more extensive. During, the wook it became definite ly known that Louis. Chevrolet und Johnny Jonklns would drive in tho 500-mile race at Indianapolis and thjit there was a possibility- Joe Daw son, present speedwuy champion of tho world, would bo at tho head of an Isotta team of three cars. How ard Wilcox, a lending member of the famous National team, has signed a contract to drive the Frank Fox spe cial. Chevorlot, it is said, .will drive his own car. Jenkins is bury at the Schacht factory rebuilding the Sohacht .with which I-larry and Bill Bndicott took fifth place in the 1912 race. Two Case cane practically are "completed, and if they responu sat isfactorily on a test on the beach at Galveston, Tex., will bo entered. M. C.iMelss, .manager of the Case team, made this announcement last. week. He has charge of building the motors and believes that lie will have two winners. He will require the cars to do better than 100 miles an hour on the beach before entering them for the long grind. Three Isottas will be entered in the long spin, according to friends of Joe Dawson, whp, it is said, has been selected a.s captain of the. team. ..A New York driver and an European of note will be Joe's team: mates. The Isottas are said to be exceedingly fast. They will have a piston displacement of 440 cubic inche.ti. ppn' Jose your nerve If you see, a frightened horse ahead of you. .and neyyr come tQ a full stop, if you. can avoid doing so. Most horses are quite as much frightened at the ma chine wl;en It -is stationary as vhjwv -lt',JtaP in -mutton, so -if your"ean-keep '' .under, way you, are. ihe more quickly "out of thofanlmin'snolghliorhood. ; ;. - .." '. ' . .In renewing tho louther on a cone . clutch.. It must be remembered that . tho now loatKer' will be more or less elastic and-for -this reason It must be l stretched- tightly ovor'the- cone, for a loo3oi leather -will "be a dead -failure. : First' cut one end of the leather square and fasten it to the cone with two rivets. The other end should not- bo. cut, but brought around to meet tiro- fastened ond, and after It has beenstrotchod tightly over the small -end of tho cone, fasten it with a sin- glo rivet. 'It is not an -uncommon thing for an ' inner tube to bo hung over a sldo ' lamp before -inserting It in a casing : after removing it. When this is done; however, 'care should" be taketiitoseo:1., if-tlie' lamp burns oil thqrc Is nono;of ' that tiro destroying substance where ' it' can reach the tube. ' Stloknoy's cigars are above criti cism of most exacting connoisseur. - 6tav.)'r jGrandtForlts,' N. p., sqcloty women will censor moving picture shows. '.EdmUnd Allen Of Philadelphia lias just celebrated- his ninety-third birth- ' day by distributing nh . extra "week's salary to each of his thre& hundred . employes. 'George A. Holmes, who. has entered ' his fifty-seventh year in tho office of rsglstor of doods in Suffolk county, Massachusetts, was born bereft 6f , speech and hearing. St. Louis Is demanding a subway to handle urban passenger traffic. Colorado's ore product for 1012 was valued at more than $4,270,000. HotWerj MAS I if SVIUCh 1 AS 11 I YOU I . WANT r I: WHEN' YOU- 1 I jWANT IT J; ; GAS WATER HEATERS I l?9JfUverfija.mci Installed Frppl 2r Ready for Use. .JLLHHj . 8 ; Utah Gas & Coke; Co: I 1 : JOHN C CLLIW; , 1 1 . , Gen'I Maunder Si !