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I 14 , GOODWIN'S: WEEKLY' , .3 -;, I " MINING AND FINANCIAL. L (Continued fron- Pago 7.) H - - the few stocks, such 9 Iron Blossom, Hj ' a j r - j Silver King Coalition and Ohio, that H were in request. Tho quick rise and , partial relapse of Lehi-Tintic was the HI I jl only feature that relieved the monot- Hl ony of the calls. The Lehi-Tintic has B somo ore just how much tho owners H HJ themselves cannot say with any cer- bB - H tainty. It has been pointed out that BJ the property is almost duo north of M the Colorado and on a line with the HJ celebrated vein that runs through tho B " Iron Blossom! Sioux and Beck Tun- H nel properties. Tho .Yankee Consoli- H dated, which lies north of tho Beck ?B Tunnel has not been able to find a H continua.tion of the channel, but this. HV is not Qoncluslvo ovldence that - the, - HB vein does not run to tho north. H . H Undismayed by tho price of copper H the Utah Copper and Nevada Consol- H idated have announced their usual HH quarterly dlViJonds as payable on tho H last 6f tho month. Copper In Febru- H ary "was not so superabundant as in H January. There was & alight de- HH crease in tho surplus, a large decrease H in production and a decrease in do- HfM mestic deliveries. Foreign deliveries BH and total deliveries increased. M A breath" of Havana in every La H Tasador smoke. Learn to ask for it. fl (Adv.) I- Lcoriu Bono Charles A.Rico ' - LcRoy A. McGeo BONE, McGEE & RICE Attornejs and Counsellors 414 Felt Building Vnsatch 5881. i 1 1 That "Feast" I - will bo more thoroughly enjoyed ' ' and more easily I " Int) Jiff served with I ' 7i'M p,enty of ouri I B$M German 1 it H 111 111! " Ameri I SjwyM' canB?or8Uty 1 CALIFORNIA; P And Summer - " ONLY 24 HOURS AWAY -Two Trains '"" -Los Angeles Limited leaves Salt Lake , X Daily to . .. 5:0p:m- ...: ., Overland Express leaves Salt Lake tOS Angeles Long Limits---Stopbvers-Diverse -1Z . Routes "Splendid - California Popular - Diner Winter Resorts 2- . Riverside, Arrowhead, Hot Springs, San ...-r 9prvipp Diego, Santa Barbara, Long Beach, all . a-,, OulllUC easily reached from Los Angeles 237." Splendid Auto Roads Throughout - ; Southern California , """vSEE YOUR AGENT FOR PARTICULARS For Information, Literature, Etc., Write TMJ. -PECK, G. P. A., J. H. MANDIFIELD, A. G P. A. . Los.Angeles " Salt Lake City -?3e TICKET OFFICE 169 MAIN ' aHHBHHHHHjflaHHjHHHHH La Tasador cigar. Learn to say it and to ask for it. (Adv.) ' i - n . , ry ' V V JAMES" W. BARBEE '- i ATTOIINEY-AT-IAW h I 9 i v " j .W f 710 Walker Bnnlc Building j V. 1 - -Salt -Lake Git y, -Utah i ' ' POWERS, MARIONEAUX", stott &"mckinney ; s Attorneys niid Counsellors - 1 Top Floor Front, Kearns Bldg. 1 15011 Phono 1850. -J, CLASSIFIED L - "AUTOMOBILES. W FOR SALE-tBabcockoEleclrJIc Vic toria Phaeton, late model,.' in eegant condition. Battery givos tiyenty-eight . , miles per chargej upholstering,' fend ers and dash'in splendid shape. This ' is a snap for some one at $600. -Ran- dall-Dodd Auto Co.,-Ltd.r 53 W. 4th So. i ' FOR SALE Model .10 J3ulck,.19ld model. A snap" 'at 460. 'Randdll- -D6dd Auto "t3o., -Ltd., ' AutomoUile , ROW. nmt 4 ' 1 . FOR SALE-r-Mgdel.10 Buick, 1916 I model. ' A snap 'at $3"50. Randall- , J Dodd Auto Co., Ltd., Automobile Row. EMPLOYMENT. t ".. JAPANESE GENERAL AGENCY Hrp furnished for Railroad artd Con- 1 - struction 'Work,. Mining", etd. -Hotels, J l 'Restaurants v,and 'Private -Families. a Also Work by the Day. Phono Wa- I "j satch J131L F. fcS. Ashlhirft, Mgr. if ""256 W. First South fit., 'Salt Lake Clly, I Utah. J , FURRIERS.. - f : J v ' GENEVA Cr HICKB--&rrQO ,' ;6g & -.' H t S,ixth East. -Furs made,tcleaned re- l paired, and Vemodqd". " A conyjlett v ? i lino 'of Toady-made- f ursto select IrdrnT" (, -Wasr3707r ' 'y '-;.'. fc ."'f V ' " V -. JLEdAL. NOMCE L '. ft- fe .; ;, ;:rtrf , .; : .. f SJlttlMONS. . . . r In vthe Tji(nd.Judlcjal District, Qourt . . in and Tor Salt Lake Courtty, State of ", E Dmii. ' ? ' r - ') -o :-. r, , : , r - .ICdcd?olKkyK:PJaintiff;yB.-Hm-' $ !J na kP6lskyr Defentlant-Summons. 3 . ,Th& State of U?ah to "the said" De- 3 fenfant: - -a Ypa tarehereby- sjummonotl to ap- , JWJ pear. witiilntw4ent3rt,ddys",after" sei ; li vice' of 'this sUmhionk"trpcon, y?u , if 14 "sorvod wrtKui'-Olb 'cTouhTy'ln whicn VI this. 'adtioln Js - TjrQilghtrttthonVib . within-thirjx dayii,.af-tcrj-sGrYileo a.nd j qofend .the aljiftVQ, ejjtitjsdlaption, ,and 1 t in case of yoUr failuroso to' dp, judg;. I menl 'will be" rendered -aefalnsVyxiu y i I acco cdlng- dkthe. "denta n d of J the. con -plaint Ahlch- has; boenfllodwith . the JL f u clerk of said court. , TJils. ac'tioi is yt ' breuhtrtSaissdlv&il?ebslof3na , j " rlntony "n6xfeting'l56TAvben','"the w.V n ' plaintiffahd detondftntr - z , : 1 yv U .. SOREN,Xv CHIUSTENSEN, ? ; . Attorney, for RTainfllf'. a P. O. Address: 420 t3. F.rWalkop . bunaln'g.-Salf'LakfircrEyrJUfali; i f ..... . ,f 3 In lhoDlstrict ourf' of fho'ThVd Ju'dlblaVDisfrfet-of 'tho'SQItb tit .tUib; - County Df-Smt-LaJiec : r ' ' . ' , Mignopotto-.Wright,. Plahptlff ps. Andrew Wrlglit, j3ofondqint.SujrTi mons, "' " -- The- State af Btah.4o -the- said do- I