Newspaper Page Text
BnR 1 5S?y -ji "" j. --. - "B I f -- GOODWIN'S VAELE-klLIr 15 t "" " fendant: You arc. horoby aummonod to ap- " vWi wMm ttyflH! tho-, McJrvico of this ttmmoris,8 uptfngyoil, . ii.jyuwsaOJsOm- III thft actIon ls brought, olhorwis?, :'. " I1 i 1KftfeTOSfi v in case of your failure so to do, ' , judgment will -be'ondered against ' you according to the, demand of the c1$mplat which hnss'een" 5lled "with ' , the icteric of bald court. This action ls brought to reqovnr r ' tt""5uug:montdlsKolvfn'g" tho" marriaWo 1 . ctfnWOfetrheretofore -existing -botiveen , sou and' the plaintiff. - ' I ' " " 'N J."S&ECKELL, i i,!l'. ... ElnioittfJ'&Stornjiy. , ' ' P. ,0. Address -104, Felt building, ' SaTE-'lIce-eify'.'lJ'fah-. ij ' ' "Ul. AirtMA -'Vi'v t-'J ..'; 5 .f.SS3MHNiR&OTICE. ' I 1 atmi.i . hi: uui ut jir . ivj I'Groenhocn Mining Company; PriiJ-dpal-plafcofof Busftes$ Boston hulld- 4 lng rooms 708-PSo4tLake City, Utah. K Notice is hereby glvan that at a mt meeting of the board of directors of ' t the GrTretfnfern TTlrfinr company, "hold ' i on (ho, 1,0 th day of February,"! 01 3, an !' assosJmont (No. 1) of ona,-hnlf (Vfc) ' eftntVor sharo'was levied on the out . &tf0Uik gajpitnl common' stb'clc'of the i "corporation, 'payable imrriediately to ' E M. Nehor, secretary-troasurei", i ' Castle Gate, Utah, Any stock ''upon which this assessment may ' remain ; unpaid onTSatuVdtv; March 22,' 1913, wjn"bef dllnofrenVandsfdvj-Tised fdr j seJatjfttbLc auction" and unlesflfpay,- i. ment le" mkdb be'tore.ill bo.aold at J the office of. the principo.1 place f j " business ofjthe company, on Saturday, 'April,. 19,nl 9,lfl, at 1Uie -,ho.ur of 13 j o'phck p ,najr t,ho dqljrjquozit L JMiSfi-ffiafll&tt. tQRftf fl0., KUU $& ' of advertising and expense of sale.' E. , - t tr NBlIEmrcrotary"' iJfftt-Troas- - ! .urer, dSfitteW&;-tf&h. r ' i f ' 1 1 ii.'i ! 1 kfejt'i . i ,,1. " i i f';r' tthe- District Oourt-of -the. Third ;r Jiipari31fffflct,4fic 'tlVstatef Utah, 'fCoito'oSal7 Latte - ' ' Mt 1n,ftfe-ba,?lgy,,vWdinlirf. Vs- James Oakley, Defendant Summons. "" H " ThY State of"uthliHo7tne 'said De- ' fendait: "VJV '.."'. "f C .iou- are-'Jioi'Sby, ropiOJJjijkJ0 an." J , JlQ8rr,v4yinMvenj'dayaaftej thg sef- (jUjy(.oj Qf.tlihsOnj"8' igvqjx u.Jt isojjvpd.witiUnjthQtGountyv -in .whih . thjs-, action v- is brought, ' afLhonvJsa, 1 " - ! u -"Within xhirtXrtdqLys after seriice, .and ' v . dofoteal)1'titlelAactro;and ' inj.'nse'pf your failure "so to1 do, juflg- r , rnerit'illbevroii"dered against "yoii ac-" i .'n.' i coaling "to"; thdamand of the cojp- 4fi-: -t-Jia whWWbfipfiiid witii'xho H l UUSteraudgment-'dts't "- , I Jaolyjng; thqbmids "ofmaO'linony "a"nil ' ' marj-iopohtrJipt.-horotofdre exlet , lng between plaintiff and defendant. J E DAHMEil, Plaintiffs Attorney. ir ' P'- O. Atldroas, "il and B4 0onti- L, i nenUil National Unnk Block, Halt 1. ' Lake City, Utah. ' ' , SUMAIOXS. '' In the District Couit of .the Third 4 Judicial District of the State of Utah, County of" Salt Lake. M Flol-once Crispin, Plaintiff, vs. " . Harry Crispin, . Defendant. Sum W t in on?. M The State of Utah to the said De- ' M V fendarit:' ' iv e W ! Ypu aro. hereby sum-monad to ap- m ' pear wJhlo twenty. daj-s aftei th" service of this summons upon you, if n served wltllln the Cdunty In which m this.AetfQp is brought, otherwise, withip -ttiirty day afor -service, and M defend tltp abgvo ontitlod action, ami f in case of your failure so to dp, judgment- will be .rendered 'against , ' you acc6rdlng to the demand of th I omplaint which has been filed vAlli the '.clerk of id- cowrti -This action V ls brotrsrht to dissolve tWe-njeJjfds of matrlmony-rtovBxIslnTg" Detweon yUu and the plaintiff. . -JUmiUflLA. .PJKSw Plaintiff's Attorney, P. O. Address, 202 Dooly Building, Snt ttakf jgityrf--taji,v ?. y y s i fisjfm 7" ! r In the District Court of the Third Judicial District of tffie" State of IJtali, County oTaltkLakeT - - Lyqy- Munoz Razo, Plaintiff, . vs. aihniiSl, j&uzo, DondantSdnrnVons; '-The Vtato' of Utah'Vlho sold Do-f'enclat:-" - You are hereby summoned to ap QQhr withltl pior$y daya 4after tjie service of this summons uppn you, if servod within theCounTy" In which this,, action: 13 brought. otherwise; witlTl3niirlydWteTr?.nflh1l defend the above 'entipeQactlon; and tn. casp ofjyour,. failure so o do,, judg mint WWmMMiW l&lM&im ', according to the Jowjjjl, of the com plaint which has 'been filed with tho cerltafSjadJ,eDiirjt...Jl'lriaAcUDn Is brought "to dissolve tho bonds of matrimony botwoum. plaintiff and. de fendant. . , DAVID W. MOFFAT,' Plaintiff's Attorney. "LUCY M'UNOZ TlAEO, I Plaintiff. P 0. Addiess, State Street, Mur ray CltyV'-ljtali. J ' - w Z - SlION. -." - v- ilntlig "DjsAictcfQftf liplTlild'" Judicla'l Distictof,theN State of Utah, County of Salt Lake - - ' Beulah Stephens, Plaintiff, vs Ed ward Stephens, Defendant. -Sum-mona. w . a. v.j Tho State of Utah to the said De fendant: ,4,,,. , ou are herebyummoned Nt0 ap peaivTtlnw" twenty "jd?y"s "after t the aerylqe 9,cJlhJs' summons, upon you, ff "served, wltllln the 'County in which this aclion is loj1 oh'ris8, within, Uihl4 days after, acrvicc, and defend, the above' entitled rfbtfonahd in-case of your failure so" to do judgi' inont will . bo rendered against you according, to tho demand of the com? plaint which, has been filed wltji th3 clerk of said court. "This action Is brfeht, agalnstjyoutor tlfe, iiufpo3 of" uiSsoltgtttPbmisr omatrlniony 'b$$$2 beOBir-pialrfCiff -amrCdS-fenonntfi 4 v T - ,- 1 r " .VMOftaAfi JiUFrA-KEjt . ' UM, T-lolntttf's-ivaSniey. ;,. .O. Adauc, Utoii-,SUAin&li-'?l' TrusBJdg ;;SaltrLc- CHty tTjlh.;,. 71 N6mcifl PF AhSlKsAlKNT nesmioaated '"at &5 Judge JUUngv Xti5;cityj4;rt vSrs-r '. T Bfotleo.-is ljerby-giyep xthat . at a -meeting of the hoard' of directors of the Emerald' Mining Company held at its; office; ' txboTe ' deslgmitd, ou Wodaesdity, larch 12j- 191 3r fCn as sepsment "of -one. ,ain';hu1lf,i(Vj) cents per sllard was ' loviod" on .the capital stock-of tht? corporation, pay able tq, -J E.- f)JEjpi',cf!Pretyt of the .company, rUIJjji jial,offic Above designated, fntlyeo . otjiml ". install- ments, as folfoVs: " The first Tnstall-" mfiht "oCone-bthr caTit.-aJrfiaxdSteTuos", : (kiy, 'nrll lf(0.IflJ3v'the -sdcond In stUmanjL qf .p-JiatfitTjMW r Tffurdayh Mily ITj". fblO.Tind ihe.thifQ iotallrhent o'f Bne-hJf "cent p'ayable x enturtrnar. Jut-ii7 !$otA, . ny-srovio ."jtfgfflHiHlui: and&glrhsedJrfi)r m& at lOTHSaeUlJfcTocf p. m.. Vtf wMlrS?JS&? ' doalgnater lo Wi delfnVj stallment, together wit coat of ad vertising and expense of sale. Any stock upon which the second install- Jn!I'nOT"aMSsslnTmib may remain unpaid on Thursday, May- 15, 1943, ytf"',..." ,9VlniiHn,t. andtadvorti3edjr for sale at public auction, and unlosst pay ment of said saond installment is imade before, wUI Ue' sold Saturday, Junoir,fl913, jit the hpifrf 2 o'clock , p. m,f rit" thecog?p5ujH, office, above 'designated,, tbay .defihquont in -6tallmeiUs, ogethorwh cost of ad- vortlsing1 and expensoWof sala. Any Btock ijnon ' whiSi" theTliird install ment or? this' assessment"' may remain ' 'n SaturoTiy, June 14, lfll3f will be delinquent uiul advrt4sd for l siOb at ( public auction, ' and unless, paymoni of third Instollmontr la made bofojQi, will be sold on Saturday, July 12, 191&, at the houn of 2 o'-ojoclc p. m , ivX tho comp'En office, to pav Ute delinquent-installment,- together 'with colt of advertising and expenses of sale." - jJ. B1 Secretary. " k TOfficb, 205 Jtfuge Bulld'ng, Salt Lake CJty, LTtah. ' SUM3IONS.- " In the DistrtotrGourt of th& Third Judicial District in jind for tho Coun ty of Salt Lake, State of Utah. Fred J. Riogor and Churlea J-I. Lindloy;, doinjp liusipossr as partner under tho firm- noma and style- iot Richer & Lindloy, Plaintiffs, vs; Frank Wenzol, Defendant. Summons ""The State ofUtah to the said De fendant: . - - . s. W- . , V . You are hereby summpnedvto np-, "' pear within rtvettiy- -days after- flffto service of this- summons, upon yfcu. if served within tho County in which this action is brought, othorwJw, wijthin thirty days -after ..service, apd d6foh(lith&.abbv'ntltlod motion;' and in case of your failure so to do, judg ment will Jbo rendered agalnstyou "" n3qorQTng" tortile demands of tha ,corn'' plaint, Aml5h haaZljdon filoTl with, tho ClerJcof snidrpourt. J, -g This action is brought to roooyor judgniont ijgalnst the dOfqndant iipoh tvoft. f.prtnin nrnmlfporv inotosikUettB Ing date- of May 8fh,l"9i2'un.b3 1912, and "Septemben" 1 l"th"i 1012, foi $750.00. $60,Q.OO and $5pO.OO feapaut ively, with interest, nttofhey's" "fees and costs of suit. ' ' ' . . DEY, UQPJ?iVUGlI fr FABfaVN; ---". Aliornessi f or, Plii intiffd. - r&BGRy& JJtN'DLEYi . , ' t JvtfS ' ' .ITla'Intiffs.. v .P.- O.oAddreae 0.0 1U ICiiarns Bull t ; . inVsifirvav.- n s 1 ; r kt-'-rz ? - . - --' su3iAioNs? ; , k ijrfIn- jthabtsittwcCiirJSciC tliji wtMrd f JniqWlst-otljcStatd oC.UtahV' Ll5SlfSjrlffrB.'atohapu -,-lJouqmT1CmJn5Ssc tk4&& O 5ftgU3Atc' rioL:tUuli o'ojsnld ! . .v.feiiqajil. ... . r - ' .. Yoffare hereby summoned to ap-pear-'wlthln twenty days after the ser vice of 'this sumoionH, uj)on ypu. If served within tho County In whicn this action is. brought., ottiavwilec, ' within thirty" days after s'arvico, and defend the above tentHftfiDitctibn; anil -lhJogeOfyouj; filunj 'afytdfflo, judgment- wHLbe .rendered" ppajfpat you ac bbrdihg ,to t,ho demand "'of. tbo com plahiC which 'hfi boeh rfiroifl with the ' cle"j'J rof said cbjurt. -. 'iJlskjtKJtion Js broitglit to- recover aidgmejntdjHHolvinjt; tliemarrlajiaie ?onraclr "Tforetofo'e "escistlng between you. and th'o plalhtiffC ' 2..' -. , v N.1, SHE&IvELL, v w-' . j. -. .,'ajlalQUCf'JS Attorney. . " $"&t 'AQuUS&frP 'Tttr flloc-k, Sat f JQiaXttifSfEolt Lake City. TlWyy DrStjKgtBtate of Utah: tion" Plaintiff, vspteA. Burton, D fencfaht. Summons. The State of Ttah to 8 id Defend? ant: - , - nr Jjrj You aro horoby summontjfdf to pto puan withintan. days after servic, o( , thtejtujjinuma, U011 y(?u served within jthe Couiwy In winch Ifliis action is uToTtgTirtr otherwise Within twant dnys a"ftenWaRViue,i. and, ue- fAndtjvbovojptitloactn; and in i caso of your failure so to db, jujlg- "meat' wJTl '-bo tendered "afeftinsbft 3ou ! aqcordlng, oUie demand,, of the com plaint, which has- been 'lUea -With tho dark df'said' doirtv'0lhteiaotionj la 4 brought tqforoflpso, agboi mart- guge on a certain piano, givori ' to Jso- .ctu-e'Ji-inuelvt'6difi-oCf$fil5.00; j , MATLLpNIDTAJi, TIMDJItAS,, j . Plal Ytif ea" Attevney. ?j P. O. Address, C2Z"-03 Judgo BuUdiagy Slt.Mel.Oia.Utah. " 5 D6U; ? !"i' "X iiki 7,.J J if r mi S'WPWS, ' rn'ffie DistrlbdQVrbf 'Batf Lako V "Cbunfy.'ttite -tif' tTWhV , V RubyHamlltoniPlMilnliff, yn.JJugh C. Xamilton, JJiefej?dan,t,-TrSuuimons. I . Tho State of. Utah to tlie said Do- . fendaavt: I You are hereby summoned to fp- I pear within twonty dayo oXter seryicu I of this summons upon you. If served I , within, .tho County in which tjiis H nation is br 6 light, bllherwiaer, within thirty- Ojiys" affeieroe itrfd lleftnd I tho abdvo enUtleil action; find itr cjiso of your Xailjuro-o taf,do,T,judgmpnt I lner to .the .demand of ,th compMin- - a&t, , wlfWi haWanedSvitl Ihb' . ejerjejof saiA,C9uft.fM-yoiJ Is iM-iOjufht to havtthe Ijsmaji-f- monyaxlstrnK- jjeXeen--qu vajd lTo H vI)Ttlfl forever dissolved? for tll "mony,"; attbwIey'H?f eoEiinU T 7i?sSi I :" H AVAltNffiR& MAfrJ3Sl4 PJalQ,tiff,tr'5vttbfnfys. , ' -PiAAddr.'jsl'3ijwlVousortBlId- H ing,Salt Lake -Citj-, -Utahr -1 ' m ut . .: 1 , RTDIMONS."' i I Ik thr nist-diiCouofitho-.THiril I Judicial District of tlic-'Stfte of clnii"," raunty of Sntt-Lojye. - ( J , H 'ffuete Rice, PftUntlf, ve.'-w,CIi,illes "A alter Rice, Defendant Bummo tie H . The 04,0.01 UUtlTuJo'tbe said be- H f en,dont: .,. j H You aro ftereby aummohad M Up- H pear withm twenty dJVjiste8M ico H of ,thU summonat upon Qu'Tfs Tired H i1 wltlfiir th'o -Corrtty UiT wbihVt n Jnc- flan is Lroyght,. otte-rwlsej v Iffltih H Ttltlrjy. ilayn affrer service, &ndcji4-'riI H tha.n(Qvp -astpitlfidyAefiJir nt In . H cSsoof'your failuri so,, to do,"?, twig.- H WttJ-Wli bo .roetllljs you - ttJi:Hne;i"tP- Uie:(:ionHWd"9J1'itni2bF,fnV H 5lffa:',( fH-oeiEllea w-kv 4th 9 icWvorAaidv(XjgA . B f -3ww 4i.loi4e'iW:feSi & ' itcb.horatoflpiiiB jati&batweoH yyou H . and the.ptoJ-atJfC v,'- 7 - JT.' H W. R. HUTOIIINSON, Plalnttffs Attopev. H ' P. O Address; R,eems - 512-13-14 H Atlas Block,' Salt Lake City, Utah. H SUUIQNS. H In th District CCouut-ofi. tho Third H Judicial Dlnti-JM of Uiti -State of 1 tali, County of Salt Lake. ) Jeaae R. Dliffin, Plaintiff, s Maty H A.-Duffin, Defendant Sytmmonn ) Tho State, of" Utah to .the saltt De- H fendant: -..-.' ..jf j H Y614" are her'pby innmoijjed to .p- M pear -within twnj .day -aftet;! the M service of UilB-aunnreons, ,uponi you, H if served within thVt!untJ' In V hi h . this- action. rJt-bi,AUgHt.''9rther a l lthln mirt dnsair arrh ejr and defend the bWJ? eflpTnaacJlon ; n u 1 V fU cuse of yoaitU-uit&ft.tolo, ;ndg- H ment "Will bS- rwlfleradoaiaMlnst jot TaooQylng toJlewiandoXfthe o'n- H 'plaint-lUc x Jin be&i f4jfgwltl he brouKhf obVlhBll4:i' fnds .H of mittHmonjrTKistltti4 beWeenl the ( plaintiff'' and dtrfAntitinii M NKPJ-iatEKSoW, ' v.MX Aorny ( mH