OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, May 10, 1913, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1913-05-10/ed-1/seq-12/

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m 12" go'odwin's Weekly
Hj (COntinuedrom 4ng 3.)
H America. "Anr they in 'North A-muflcii!' he asked": -
H 1 hnd to admit they wore not. '"Then faf course
H thoy aro in South America," he stated. And titnt
Hj Is the way it hnd to bo sot up.
H Another boss wrote "govenor." I -tried to con-'
H "lnce him there should be "another "r" in 'the' word,"
Hj but he outvoted me. And another overruled the
H inventor of the word "Connecticut."
H But the vulgarity of it will most impress fho in-
H vesflgntor. Why, there came pretty near' being
H a rebellion when the federal court sentenced ail "
H editor to pay a fine of two hundred dollars be-
H ct.iiBevhe published ft grossly -obscene-description
H of his loathsome contemporary's wedding, and
B' events following the ceremony. It was an In-
Hj fringemcut of the rights of the free press.
H Tlieso Arc the Good Days.
H Now, don't get tho notion Ihnt there were no
H feooVi papers, nnd.no big editors in thdse ' dnys.
H There were in the good old limes of'hidi 1
H - -- speak. "But TlityvcrniSTnTe-nsneTlaglnsnuin!i
H stylo ofuutedlluvIaiUoflItor.toGny. .The strong men
H took rank, then as 'now. The nblo-menpWon to' a
H sort of recognition. Usually it did not I'go so far
H as to (provide them a good living: and yet the
m editor usually brought up a big family of boys
H anil girls who became fine men and women In an
H age that would hnve appreciated the otd gentle-
H man if he -could .have set nside"nhe biblical limit of
H human Jife.
H Here mid there a -poet lived among them. Ho
H wrote Jgood tfrtiurf, nd beorttise ithore 'urns' uq mar-'
B ketkor itnnywhere-,in tho nvorld, -die printed it "In
H his'wnwCidumns. nd hero and thei4 lived a
H prophet, nndsomeof the.hlg-.thlngs", some of the
H bupremoly nHtriotletlting8,surv!ve in Whose yol-'
H lowed and must)' files of the bid time newspapers.
H Dirt It Jsn'i Aigool fimeto'rogrel.. Ydu' wouldn't
H like it If I .shouldtrntisport you to Its environment
H tomorrow. You couldn't lire as tlie old fellows
H l-ey half a century Afm hi the 'days' that eer-
H t inly wore the lditlayg, even if they were net tlife
H Does a splrttualtattc nvedlrTm re-
H - cel emesaw .oh iwwuppljite.ajwr? '
H Do riches take wings when prices '
H soa
H ( Did Che perplexed -philosopher -who
H tapped his forehead Jiml water on
H 'the brain?
H '" Did the' girl who In .ughed herself to'
HH detrth gofrem w.y r t jmve?
HH IM(ft.Hl-to-lMiMmUpphtj3ii. ..
H noes tW -majMWVbokl&B HjlftbjL
H Omfe'a Zmfaliig' xhr&T" . ' '' '"" ' .
H who shot the girl -who warn fired?
H 3kme-oI every 'TTf '
H id ambitious tow?
H shwc waut t hear frem cfv-
M exw Business mas wCfe xvlskos
Wk tkkf lie knew BUSINESS RAW.
H ' HWar41ilntB ya.liafrlimYtUi'jn
H et u tutii-di cl 70 lars ot ll'-fi you, aad e4ttlfl
1 WiilHiltttiitvJ truijinc UalliMbmtlJiiBwu
H MMlH U lb. Tr. 8iMlt I o64m) iMrl i
B ' Lnr lut- H our CnliKitot Onl
H Vf'?WVl Lvr OaarMwbieaubiprHMa.ut4;
H ,l.il1fi 1 1 4 J X.') uur riWi, lnUonl. fathun
H ff J I " 1 1 1 Law Gforw fur SualneM Mm. Wn
H (LjUjU uut kuui tU Liw AMb B)Mk.w hp
B BVTlTH "'"t too cu tHri -C-thntMch
H H IV 111 H ""t,r t ! L" wMU srartliM.
H BjLAiiH iuv uriwi)lwurfc WmyTmil
H HlliJH St l ilMlnl Br JU fl oPTh
ft ? ) "IJ'l 'I'B M HfBAaWBjWWMPOWWIMC. ,
ffoolfl dnys. Wo live in a bottor time. Not an
pvantra CTf Hfo bub-has boon straightened nnd paved
and borderHcl -witli bea.Uty In tho years that hay
(passed. Not n lino of work but has better products.
Net a man of sense but realizes the advance in
sentiment,-tho 'growth of self control, the rising
reign of1 reason, tho truer appreciation Of the
good, the true nnd tho beautiful. "
iUny the good Lord help his children to go for
ward; and not back. May he give thorn strength
amHvlscfom tb Improve on their conditions as milch
ns those vanished and largely forgotten mon and
women of the old days, nnd their children who
survive with their triumphs thick about them, Im
proved on theirs.
FOr tlfey lln,ve given us a better and a hapnlor
and ft far more glorious time than was glvor to
Also, tit is a mighty long lane that has no
iturnine, near a profitable farm.
So It will be the policy of tho government at
"Washington, for the next lour years, to make
speclht 'lSgis"la'tlon Infhe Interest of a class, will It?"
If there '"Whs anything more thnn another for
which President Ta'ft should be gratefully re
membered It Is that he vetoed tho bill providing
money for the prosecution of lawless trusts, but
excepted trusts formed by farmers and trusts
formed' by labor unions from the oporntlon of the
Of course, so far as the farmers aro concerned,
that part of the provision Is pure buncombe.
There -are no farmers' trusts, and In the nature of
-things there never can be one that will In the
islightost ..degree imperil the freedom or deplete
the .revenue of other citizens. The purpose of put--ting
in that line about the farmers' trusts was to
raise a little dust under covor of -which the trades
unions opuld bo authorized to organize and con--duct
ll tho trusts they wanted. And they want
a plenty.
That sort of legislation is unfair to the great
'" Does the man "who" fs a literary
lllfht ever get "put out"?
) yiint, did your "spdaklng likeness"
Does a sleeping-car ever snore?
Wlren'all the" wttjries. have been told.
Ashy every- theme has lost Its zest,
'.a.'he-lnolcof'J-!fei.rilIailIy close;
-Vnl lnce the sorlp of yearn grow, old
'' Shall loa the sehse H onc$ possessed
r3etlvcea"3?1e'"'lavee 11 fliay a r6se."i
':.:"' ' "
The symbo'ls fcf'our though! soon fade
On yUowed pgt and oarven tomb,
j ' And none 'the Vanished meaning
J '' ktows;' ' - '' " .
Ituf hearta- 'will gut?s8 the truth dis
I played -
1 In breathings of a fiiint perfuiue,
j In utitlalftd hea'uty of a rose.
j '", '.""- -
fl'eeS tiKit dren'mfnbhve the page
j Which has no"stor'"of Its own,
j - 'rite rose a thousand tales shall
j ' trti.
of memories tliat ne6r age.
(T love t11t true-thouh years have
' And -seem to ' say "This one
iuvnd Weill" ' '
IMtMrt young women would like to
clirig to a lleVo, 'Rnd weave roses Into
te Uft, -but "unfortunately there are
iiuri6litAjirhJJlrieS,togio round.
majority of tho Ajnorjcaji people. Mon In all
trades have a, perfect right to organize unions,
of course. But when their unions become so Iden
tically like other trusts that thoy have to be
exempted by name in tho federal laws, they are
getting a 'degree of power that ill -consorts with -
President Wilson, ve'rj likely, will sign that bllU
and it will become a law. But it is unjust, un
American, and a" scandalous surrender to the noise
of the demagogue.
Some of tho Utah postmasters who must pass an L
examination before they can be reappointed will
get tho highest possible grade If the test Is con
fined to politics.
Now that mules aro selling at ?G00 a pair the
vlrtuo of stubbornness is readily discorned. ,
- - f u o
There aro those who will continue to insist that
the water wagon. Is a desirable Institution.
- o
The day Is. o'er, the season's on;
The beaten team Is weak and wan.
But at tho gat tho clinking gold
Tells brightly of admissions sold.
A woman who was kind to an artist has in
herited his fortune. This should be a lesson to all
0l us.
Philadelphia has ongoged women policemen in
order, no doubt, to turn arrest into a. pleasure.
A man fell out of a window on the sixth floor
of an apartment building. Those who reached
him first found him unconscious. They poured
ice water on his face nrid ho revived. Arising, he
began brushing the dirt from his clothes and, with
a deep frown, said: "And the fool told rhe her
husband "was In Frisco!"
Krlss Has his wife A liquid voice?
Kross Yes; and he can't stop it,
no matter how he dams It.
Women nt their dressing tables as
sort their right to redress , their
wrong '
Salt Lake's faAoritc entertainer, who is appearing. for a limited-return
. , . v engagement at Maxim's. t
v ., --jsmw'' -- ' '" :?" ' '' '.-- v ,- . AvFdsn,StV - '

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