OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, May 10, 1913, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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' ng between you and the- plaintiff.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
P. O. Addross 311 D. P. Walker
bldg., WoSt Second South street, Salt
I Lake City, Utah.
In the District Court of the Third
i Judicial District of tho State of Utah,
I County of Salt Lake.
Augusta Wright. PJalntlff, vs. N. L.
Wright, Defendant. Summons.
j The State of Utah to the said De
fendant: You are hereby summoned to ap
ponr withlni twenty days after the ser
vice of thig summons upon you, if
served within the county in which this
action is brought, otherwise, withla
, thirty days after service, and dsfenJ
the abovo entitled action; and intense)
of your failure so to do, judgment will
be rendered against you according to
the Remand of the complaint wh.Ich
has been filod with the clerk of said
court. This action is brought for tho
f purpose Of Obtaining a itllvorce frorm
"j the bonds of matrimony between
plaintiff and defendant.
Plaintiffs Attorneys.
P. O. Address, 305 Judge Bldg, Flt
Lake City. Utah.
In the District Court of the Third
Judicial District, in or.' J for Salt Lake
county, State of Utah.
P. C. Jonsen, Plaintiff, vs. M. B.
Liehtenstein find Ernestine Llchten
steln, Defendants. Summons.
The State of' Utah to the Said De
fendants: You are hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty days after the
service of this summons upon you, If
served within the county in which this
action Is -brought; otherwise within
thirty ..djiys after service, and defend
the above entitled action; and in case
of jour failuro so to do, judgment
will be -rendered against jou according
to the demand of the complaint,
which has been filed with the clerk of
said court.
This action is brought to recoer a
judgment foreclosing plaintiff's mort
gage upon the la.nd described in "said
complaint. , -
Plaintiffs Att6rney.
P. O. Address Mantl City, Sanpete
County, State of Utah.
In the District Court of th'o. Third
Judiilttl District of the Stato of Utah,
County -of. Salt Lalce,' "
Jess'o n. Duffin, Plaintiff, vs. Mory
A, Duffin, ' Defendant'. Summons.
' The 'State of Utah to the Said De
fendant: -
I You are hereby summoned to ap-
( pear within twonty days after tho
service of this summons upon you,
if serVed within the county in which
' this action is brought, othorwiso, with
in thirty days after sorvico, and rte
' fend tho above entitled action;' "and
in caso of your failure so to do, jutfg-'
t, ' ment will be rendered against ybu He
rn I cording to tho demand of tho com-
L, plaint avhioh has byon filed with "tho
I clerk of said court. This action is
brought to dissolve the bands of mat
rimony botwoen plaint'iff and 'dfefend
, ant.
Plaintiffs Attorney.
P. O. Address, City and County
Bldg.. Salt Lake City, ,Utah.
, fn the Justice's Court in and for
Sajt Luko qity PrecJpqt, County of
Slt Lake,' State of Utah, before H rry
S. Harper, Justice of the Peace.
A.t H. Mansky, Plaintiff, vs. F. T.
, Webster, .Defendant. Summons. .
TJi gtaje ofrutah 19 the Defend-
.You . ajo hereby summoned to
opp' ,r 'before the above ontltlerf dpurt"
wit1 a ton days after the sorvico of
this. Surrimons upon you, if served
wlthm, the county in which this aotion
is brought, otherwise within twonty
days aftor the service and defend the
above entitled action, brought against
you, to recover a judgment against
you for $25.00 and costs on account
of board and room furnished to you
by the plaintiff, and in case of your
failure to do so, judgment will be
tendered against you according to the
demand of the complaint.
Given under my hand this 10th day
of April, l0'l3.
Justice of the Pence.
319-3.2.Q Judge Building. , ,
In tho District Court pf the Third
Judicial District of the State of Utah,
County of Salt Lake.
Joseph B. Edmonds, Plaintiff, vs.
Mildnod E. Edmonds, Defendant.
Tho State of Va b the said Do
You aro hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty days after the ser
vice of this summons, upon you. if
served within tho county in which this
action Is brought, otherwise, wlthii
thiity days after service, and defend
tho above entitled action; and in case
of your failure so to do, judgment will
be rendered against you according to
tho demand of he complaint which
has been filed with the clerk of the
above entitled court. This action is
brought to dissolve tho bonds of matT
rimoay heretofore existing between
plaintiff and defendant.
- ..p. as Mccracken,
Plaintiffs Attorney.
P. O. Address, 405-OG Atlas Bldg.,
Salt Lake City, Utah.
In the District "'Court of Salt Lake
County, State of Utah.
Walter Shipp, -Plaintiff, s. W. C.
Applegater Defendant Summons
The State of 'Utah to the said De
fendant: '
- You are hereby summoned to ap- ,
pear within twenty days after. sen Jce'
of this summons upon you, jft ser,ed
within1 tho county in Which this atio'n
' is brought, othxjrwiseT withjn ..thirty
days after -serviae, and defeid the
ttlovje,pn,tI.Jed action; and in case, of (
your failure so to do, judgment , will
be rendered against -ou according' to '
tho demand of the complaint" which '
has been fileid. with' the clerk of paid 1
court. This action' Is brought to. re
cover Judgment against you on ,"a
promissory ' note in" tho sum ol
$1000.00, Interest and" costs, and to
foreclose a lien upon certain stqck
described as follows: Being certificate
number 0 for 245 shares of The Utah
Distillery Company,' a corporation,
issued to Belle Applogato, which said ,
stock was hypothecated for the secur- '
ity of said note.
Plalntiff'H Attorneys'
P. O. Address, Suite 32Q Boston
Building,- Salt Lake City, Utah.
't- : . . i : '
In tho District! COfirf of the Third
Judicial district of the Stato of Utah,
County of Salt Lake. Albert Robert
Popple, Plaintiff, vs. Lena Popple, de
fendant. Alias sumirfons.
Tho Stato of Utah to' thb said defend-
-- ant:
vYau --nre hereby summoned to ap
pear within twonty doys after the ser
vice of this, summons upon you, if
served wl'thjn.jtlje cou.nty In which this
action is .brought-tUorwlse. within
thirjy days after service, and defend
the oljoye, entitled jDotjop; and in ca.se ,
af your failure so tQdp, judgrnent will '
be rendered agalnst.i'pu according to
the demand of the complaint, which,
has-been filed jvlth tho clerk of said
courtT "The purpose of this aotion is
to secure a judgment dissolving tho
bonds of matrimony now existing bo
twoen plaintiff and dofomtant.
Plaintiffs Attorneys.
P. O. Address 305 Judge bldg., Salt
Lake City, Utah.
- T
In tho District court of tho Third
Judicial district of th stater of Utah,
county of Salt Laka.-f-Groco Robeson,
plaintiff, vs.' Clinton A. Robeson, de
fendant. Summons.
The State of Utah to tho said defend
ant: You-4ro hereby- summoned to ap
pear within twenty days after service
of this summons upon you, if served
within the county in which this action
Is brought; otherwise, within thirty
days after service, and defend tho
abovo entitled action; and in ease of
your failure so to do, judgmont will bo
rendered agninst you according to the
demand of the complaint, which has
boon filed with tho clerk of said court.
This action is brought to rooovor n,
judgment dissolving tho marriage con
tract heretofore existing between you
and the plaintiff.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
P. O. Address 404 Pelt building.
Salt Lake City, Utah. . '
In the Distict, Court of the Third
Judicial District of tho Stato-of. Utah,
County of Salt Lake. Proboto di ls,
ion. In the matter of tho change of
name uf Ernost Passallahiuo.
Notice of hoarjng on petition for
changoof narno:
.Notjse, is, hereby given that tho
petition' of Ernest Pasan Unique fr4
change of his name to Ernest M.
Grant will bo cjdlled for hearing be
fore the above entitled court In Salt
Lalje City, Salt Lake County, Utah,
on Friday, the'6t,h day of June, 1913,
at .two o'clock P. M.
Witness the Clerk of sold Court,
v;lth, the.seal thereof affixed,, this
, 1st day of ,May, A. D. 1913. , .,
(Seal)" '",, L. P. PALMER.
,, By, A.,E. Jevorldge., Deputy pierlf.
liicha'fds, .Hart, & Van Dam, At
torneys for Petitioner.
SUMMONS. '" ' " '
"I "V "P '
In the District Court of tho Third
Ju'diclal' district bf the Stato; of Utoh, ,
County .of. Sal.t .Lake.Willlanw IT.
Johns, plaintiff," Vs.' Liieile Johns, .de-
The State of Utah to the said Defend
ant: Yoi are hereby summoned to ap
pear within twenty days after fchu ser
vice of this summons upon you. If
served wlthi.ni tho-eounty In whioh this
action is brought; othorwiso, within
thirty days aftor service, and, defend
the abovo entitled action; and in ease
of your failure so to do, judgment will
bo rendered against yort according to
tho lemaiid of tho complaint, which
has been filod with, tho cleric. o said
court. Thle action iB-brought'forthe
' purpose of dlssolvl-? .the .bonds- of
matrimony existing between you and
the said plaintiff.
. Plaintiffs Attorney.
P. O. Addres 4M Boyd Park Btk.
Salt Lsk City, Utah. -
Wniteli-Vtuli -iMIiiIhr- Company,
Locatjpjf of prlneipa't place 6f busi
ness, ko, Elko cqunty, Nevada. Gen
eral office ,oiutsId 'of .NovadR, room
No. 201 yearns .ulldln, Slt Lake
City, Vin.
Notice Tlioro ara delinquent upon rrlH
tho following- described stock, on ac- iflH
count of assessment No. 10, lovled on 'IbS
tho 17th day of March, 1013, the seV- MM
oral amounts sot opposite tho names of Hfl
tho YOSpootlvo shttfo holders, as tql- HH
lows: 9rl
No. No. W I
Name. Cert. Shares. Amt. ; fl
Beatty, Sam 1588 390 $ 3.90 '
.Brolholz, Wm 5f3 1000 10. UP B
BrJholz,' AVm.-. . . . 354 244 2.44 II
Boiling, Herman . . 396 2630 25.00 Jill
Bill-, Hugo P B31 1000 10 00 S'l
Curtlb,' Hixam . . . 852 2G0 2 GO M'M
Christman, Gustav. 782 400 4.00
Ohriatmann, V. . i 783 4406 44.60 '
Chirioopoolas, 'm
John 1590 lis lis
Carlsrn, C. A 2015 500 5 00 Kfl
Duohrsen, P. . . . 386 3270 32.70 !
Diclr.'c 1119 205 2.05 11
Davis, Ellen M...1593 150 1 &0 Iffl
Egor, Paulino ...1595 150 110 III
Pairlie, John P.. 1753 2000 20 00 SI
Pairlio, John P.. 1754 lOO'O 10 00 91
Palrlio, John P.. 1755 2000 0.00 HI
Pnirlio, John P. .1766 659 6 59 fll
Plillor, L. D 184 715 7 15
Pounrvl, Waiter... 1975 30J) 3.00
Garling, Henry... 1598 ISO l.$0
Griinor, Christ P.. 1324 790 7.90
Gromors W. P 1009 1000 10.00 H
Gronier, W. P S33 500 5.00 H
Goldenberg Brow. .1825 390 3 90 I H
llaalc, Richard, . .1329 79S 7 98 H
Hank, Perd 97 1020 10 20 1 H
Hainnnn. Fred ...1600 212 2 42 ,; H
Honii-llanry Wl. . . 57 250 42 50 ill
Horn, Henry Y.. .1377 500 r, 00 uH
llopp, Joseph ...1662 1000 10 00 iH
llonslja, Joseph . .1670 100,0 10 00 SH
Heilegnrd, 'N C . . 1990 125 125 jgH
Jensen, N. P 1601 330 3.30 IH
Jorgenson, N. P... 797 1000 10.00 11
Jorgonson, N. P. . . 79S 1000 10.00 jH
Jperg, Mr. jjH
Schanette 1105 500 5 00 ikVi
Jensen, C. E 2012 BOO 500 IH
Knllsen, Bernhard. 1607 264 2.64 11
Knllsen, August . .1602 23S 2 8 fl
Ivaflsen, Mrs. leterlBOS 110 ' 110 H
Kuncl, r. P 1130 1780 47 80 jjl
Keck, Frederick.. 015 1000 10.00 , tM
lunolC P. ..1604 029 t.29
licke, " Robert fS.. 1843 30S 3.U8 D
Iangenhagen",' 11. .1009 1063 10.53 :
I-Jirson, Gust. .'.'. , (588 1000 10 00 H
torten'sVn, JensK.lOCO 1000 10.00 M
Nfolcelsen, i iltz.'.'. ''"43 910 0 10 M
Nibkelsen, Pflrz.'. .1154 500 ." 00 M
Nlcffelsen, Prlt.. .'1.165 100 100 H
("Isenberg. C E. . . -189 500 i.po ;E
Pooder, John . . .. 10 700 7.00 H
Phillph. John ...1610 ' 022 6.22 , 1
' Phillph.'Mrsyjohn 1011 174 1.74 ,M
Papn.Geurge 1612 126 126 j M
Schmit-, MTs."' j H
Margaret 76-7 200 2.00 11
S'ondsoii, Soron . .llfiO 4S0 4.80 lM
SUiart,.HerHl.s,E. .13SS 1000 10.p0 'JH
TUluson, Thps. B..161S 317 3.17 ,,
Ttlloson, Chos. ,R..- 812 500 5.00
Treyor.ftU'O.rine fM
M. . 1955 400 4.00 jjl
Treyer, t'atherine P
M: . . 2000 50 50 lM
Treyer, Catherine j
M; 200S 100 100 H
Vachal, -Joseph ..1927 234 2 34 j
I'rlau. P. G 41 3705 37 05 H
yetahrook. John... 2.1.1 600 00 H
Wallln. .Tojl 416 260 2.60 H
Wallln. Chas. J. . . S14 100 1.00 JM
Wattt)ifi; P! .C . . l3il 1000 10.00 H
WesdOtUHarry ... lOSS .200 . .2.00 . H
And in accordance 'with law, and 11
an oider 'jtlio Board of Diiei-to', R
made on tlie 17th day of March. 1913,
so many shares of on oh pavi-ol of smh H
stock as may be necessary will be sold J
at public auction, at" the office of the fH
Witmtch-Utn.h Mining comimny 11
room No. 301 Kearns building, Salt
Lake.GItjvlituh,. on-Saturilny. tho J 4th ID
day oY'My. 1913. at 2 o'clock p m. M
of weld "day, to pay said delinquent as- '
sesaniont thereon, together Avith t-osts i
'bf "Advertising' and expenses of the lll
sale. ' V. L. PALM QUI ST, H
Secretai y M
Office Room No. S01 Kearns fl
iUiiiaU) lt.LaHo. City. Utah.

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