' - :
U Attorneys and Counsellors
B Top Floor Front, Kcarns Bldg.
H Bell Pttone 1850. , i
. ,- i. ...
- 710 Walker Bank Building --,
H J Sale Lake City, Utah
H , ,,
c Suite, 410 I7fh Savings & Trust
H , Building, v t
H Telephone (fVa$atcn,501 1 -,
H 6Air liAKE 'cnr. utah
j A t , . WW. . f.
Iljcono "Bono Charles A. Itico I
IcRoy A. McGceT "
-B0N6, McGEE& flljDE
TF Attorncysanc Counsellors
414 JFet iBjilding
- Wasatch586i. ' i
l - - ' '-
, -" jl-i;
H l f " In the District .Jourl of the Third
H ' Judicial District pf tho State, of Utah,
M County of Salt .Lake." ...
EJmer E. EastepI Plaintiff, vs.'Min-"
B nlo Eustep," Defundant.Summo'nsr
M The State of Utah .to -thoasaid.Do-JH
fendant: .,r .,. t
H t- You are hereby summoned to ap-A
H, - , pear w ithln twenty days after service
ttM ,, of this umm'onH-laipoi?Jy5u7 if sCrCed
H witliln the 'county lnwhlch -this ac
H r tlonis brought, otherwise - within
H - thirty daj.jiftersoryhjeand dpfqnd
H - r theAbovccntItled action? nncPlncase
H v rPr Allure so to do, judgmo'nt'wlll
H bo rendered agalnstryou aVcordh to
tho demand of. theeoniplalnt wtych.
B has beeci filed jwlth Uio clerk of safd
court. " " L
Hj8 This action is brought to recover
H a judgment dissolving -tho marriage
H contract heretofore ''existing between
H you and the plaintiff.
H w -. Plaintiff's Attorney,
H P. O. Address, 403 Felt Building,
H Salt Lake City, UTfihr ''" -
H ., ".SUMMONS. . - r -
WL " In tho .District WurTof the Third
H JudlcIiil-tDlstricfof the State of Utah,
H Oounj' nt iSalt Lake. " '-
B - - , -Bhoda -Aubrey, Plaintiff, vs. Alfred
H LeRoy Ubr, peondaU Sum- ,
H1 " - The State of Utah to tho said De
B fondant: ri,,
B Afiu aro hereby summohed to np
Hj( , pear within twenty jdqys, after tho ser-,
fl Vlco of this summons upon youu If
H served witriln rtho,county ln which
fl ' this action- is -brought, -othorwitfe, -H
. withjn -thinty days -after-serticq.xand
H , defend the aJov efititlQdcthon; and
B In case of you.r failure so to . dot
M judgment will be rendered against you
H r according to tho demand of the corn
el plaint which has boon filed with 'the
j clerk of .said court -.Said, action is
j brought tp dissolve tho bonds. of mat
H rimony between you und the said
H plaJnUff aod lor tho custody of two
minor children. ..
K RVINE, , '
Plaintiffs' Attorney. "'
H- P. O. Address, 1401 -Walker Bank
H - Bldg., Salt "Lake City, Utah. i
B k " 'SP3MS" '-
HI , tno DjBtrTct oourt'of the Third
. Judldlal district of the -SJato of- Utah,
' " HS?0 WrtsenTpTal ntlffT vs.
Mary-lstlnqajBen, defendant.
- Summsff -v -
Thejwvof Utah to tho said defend- "
f Yoitfeei lierejby summoned to ap-
pear within twenty dajs oTfter the
J service ft ihls sdnfmohs 'tipon you, if
scrvgdJtrflh - tlltr-'coUTity 1n w'hich
this acjipn is brought, otherwise,
wlthjaidhlrty $3W$Q$i servicer and
deflmd&iho above entitled action; and"
In ctiflojtOf your failure so to" 5o Judg
mdnly93Jl'rbe'rcndrreM tigfiirist 5bu Ito-
cordlrigHo thocmand-of tho'com
plaLntjggftiich jJiap been filed with the
clerk oEgfig Id -court. - . -.
This action Is brought to recover a
judgntcnt dlssoTvfrig "tHo ' bonds -of '
matrinyvoAvifirtP- hei-ietof oi'e cex
, latlngcthfiiw oen ou and tho-sphUntlff.
. s' '-,.A.A.-DyNpAI . .
-yfo. Plaintiffs Attorney.
P. '1rAdrts-39'Y,on8tftution'
Buildngs,Salt-La.lce City, -Utah.
jlalt Lake City, June 19, 1913."
ftptices .hereby ivdn that a special
mgeTOof tVe sTQckdlSe'rs'1' -tlle-SIL-Kjfe-iBELL
a 4;QrnpKitlon, Will be neklat She ofey
, -f jc,e.v6rnio company, at J17McIntyxe
building, Salt Lake c5lty, Utah, on'"
Tuesday, the 8thu da of JulyT 1913,
5 aOhenouro'f 4p.'mof said dliy.'0jk -
This meeting will Aie held for tho
purpose ofrelectlng offlcorsjto fill tho .
pvac,ancle.1cajjsedsbyvtho deiiths. .of.,
Anton Pedersen, president, and'Sv.O.
Brldgman, secretary, of the conVpany,
Mah"d for'the "purpose pf electlnfof fleers
k -to liia5vtKuicIes. tm-i thoBoard vtol
.DlrectQr of the cpmpany, ladjifQrAthe;
transaction of such cither business as
may properly cojne before said meet
ing. fc " " --' - '
j vw --1" ""'"'TyicoiPycsIdont.
-- XJUS JOHNSON, t, st
wiri pJf " - j- . Director,
a t r - Director.
' 'JOHNlJWNSbNr-3- yx'3r '
W. J. BATEMAN. " -.
r ' - '
LocatJqiw.of principal jilao of. business,
205Judgo bulldlhg, "Salt Lake City,
-Utah. - - - -
rNotlce There aro dcHnayejitfuptm
count m Jissessment'levjed onjthe
twelfhdny" o'f March, 'l9l3, the sev
eral amointa set opposite the nnmesbf
'theregijjjptlva ,aharoholders as fol-
lows: -. - - -- -
Name. Cert. Shares Amt.
V. N. Grlff.lth.:'.1409 "S06" ?7.r.o
F.E?.ivuTtsr.t . mm -'looo -irJ.tfu
R. BJ.lQDonald.1422- lOQQjr 25.&0-
. S'Btffc,""on. 7C7,,.iooo j5.35.09
Jas. A. Pollock & . 1
" "CoV-JTJT. .-?. .'ri392 - COO 7.50 "
JasA Pollock &; ?; t"8 " " ' ,Wfc
-5o. r... -... ,rl 506 1000 -"lri.00
Gep..N atr-xt f r , 4 -m-i.
Lawrence . . . . J,p9. ,r 500 7.50 ,
W. M. Uavcnor.,1475 " 50 7."fo
A. E. Mob1riioueVl8 - 500 7.50
E.'R..Betor8.', IlOO'naO- '7.-50
1 H. B. -Cole..-;.. -.1543 500 7.50
.AndUi4VcorilaiM:ow.UhJalw and an
1 ordgrof.tho board of-directors made ,
on tho twolfthjlay of March, 1913,- so
many ""shares of ""e&.ch pifrcel ""of siich
stock as"may be necessary-will be sold"
at- tho ompany,s -office; 205 Judge .
building", Ssat.Jako43UyJJtah,on 49 u
ttwoJfth day of JllSn at th$-hour -of
2 p. m.f to pay the delinquent
'ossessnTdht thsre'oif-, 6gotWn'-WIthTthe
cost of advertising and'expensos of the
J. E. Oglesby, Secretary, - Emerald
JMInlrfg CdnfpniiyTS'OB Judge'BulKlIhgJ
Salt "Lake-City, -Utah. ' t.
. "summons. - '
In thoDlstrict court of the Third ,
JudltSifft dWtftcfof'fho'State of Utah.1
County of Salt Lake - r
Utah Commercial &. Savings Bank,1
a cofporti6n, Plaintiff, Vs.' M. B.I
HowArd andSorah ,M. Howard, his
wife, defendants. Silmmons. h
ThcStato of Utah to tho said defend-
ants: -. a. - .
You aro hereby summoned to ap
pearvyhn vtwenty,.days after tho
senlce'of hlssummonsupon 5601, if,
fcscrvefa'-'ltirlh',lh6-?cbunty in vhlcht
this notion -Js brotfght, btherwise, with- l
In thirty tuiys t after service, and de-(
fond the nJovo entitled action; and
In case of your failure so to do, judg-,
monf wIlKbe rendered against you ac- ,
cording-to-the-tlemand-of- the-com-n
plaint, which, has tbeen 'filed with the
, cjerkfsaid. court , . , i r r . - 3
This actionals brought to recover a
"Judgment 'of'Wf 473771 pnd interest,
andri50o"?o0 attorney's fees, being tho
. balanco'due upon a promissory iuto t
dated .FebcuurK. 17th,u 1907, for ?13,-
OOPjPD, nyide, executed and delivered
bythojlefcndants to the plaintiff, ond
to"securo an order of sale of tho col- ,
lateral i de'posltcd by tho -defendants
v plaintiffs Aitornej s.
"Utah Commercial & Savings Bank, J
PhfiriYlff. -- -"- rt '
fPlO. Address No. 7, Deseret Na
tional Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City,'
In the District court of the Third
JuiHehrf-if9trtet-of-tho-6ta.te-of -Utah, -
County of Salt Lake. "-" " r-
Nellle G. Frey, plaintiff, a. Honry
E. Fry, defendant. Summons.
The State of Utah to tho said defend
ant "ia " "" l " wfr ' "
"Vou -are 'hereby summoned to ap
pear jftithin twenty daysaftor -tho
se'ipot thjs suminpns upon jou, if
sorved wjthln tho county in. w which
th'fs acllon" Is" ' brought; otherwl'se,
wlthlhthirtjv days af ter ?nice,-a"hd .
def5nd the above entitled action; -and
lncase-ofwolirfnlluro so to do,"judg
meirt will be Tendered against ybu ac
cording to tho demand of the com
plalntr'a copy 6t 'which ' ls"-hcrrewith
served on you. "'This Ip an action to
dissoho the" marria bonds hereto
fore existing betweci you and plain
tiff." - -sHtl'wT'1H-i-.wR3gBiNgON, '"--Elaintlff.'s
Nellie G. Frey, 'Plaintiff.
)P. 0. Address i78 Kearns" Bldg.,
Salt' Lalte City, Utiih.
In tho Third Judicial DTs'trict Court
of the Stato of Uta"h, in and for Salt
Iak"e "counfyT''
WlUard V. Evans, plalnMfXiVS. Rob-"
ott .Alma ,vans, d9fendant.7-Sum-
'THe State of Utah to thTsdld dofend
trt:viw a " -" iJ! ..aj
Yur are hereby summoned to iip
poar.jrltliln -twopty days af Jor tha,sor-
jje.of JtUJs summojis ipjjn iu, If
served within the county inwhich this
actloff ls"brbught; thorwlse, vwfflfln
thirty "days nf tef service," and 'defend
the ahovo ontltled action; and In-caso
of ypun,fallurjao to Op, Judgn)enJ:,wJll
bo rendered against you according to
the demand of thd"compIalnt,Twh'lch
has "boeri" filed with tlfe cTork "of said
court. This action Is JirxUKhtiore- .
coverJdurfgmonUga4nfd-deBndapt7 f or .
thouin.Jf 415.7.12, ,togethew,lthj,n
terest and costs, for monojH.pald and
advanced by plaintiff to and for the"8
upturn" borTrit-tffdufondanrrfcs fen-
- craLiulspjafataMsscaRQfisaeiLjasalnst ,- C. "
cer.tainreaLetiite 03-ncdby pralnftff" -. r -anillsreUfeoessolInfirtcresl
'alid J
aiadefedamtjw-ehhtn;cpttnT " "
saldjBum representlngdoXBndant'spo-" "
'portlonhl-paTt' oV skldPtaxs--? fi i( 3'1 tT -" f
. - - ' HAKlx 4UM,ULEINER, ,
tAtVnej a tfo'iialptif f J
P. O. daYesS--lOTrcintre V
Bldg., SairLake-ritrrrtah -r - J - i
' " If ?t t .
Office and plileWf 'ltagencrul bulil- "
ness located "S.t7050'udgo Building,
Salt Lake-City, Utah? ' 8
Notlcb Is lierebj given v that at a -
meeting of tho bxard bf directors gof
tho Emerald Mining Company, held . .
attsoTflte.fao.'dlsfenotld,'''- ' .
SatiirdSyJiln7,913nWsm(jn ' '
of- one and ono-hsdffl) TecnTsxfler''- ""
share wasleJd qnjQio. capltp.1 atrfck
t)f the cofporatTon payable oT. j-E. - " "
Oglesby, -secrCtarj ofi-the- company, "
at ltssalirtofrItre aiovp 7delgnated,elnH 'K
three eflu'aIhtamttiuaf?5pwss'3ffltJ., -
The IrstnstalinJenCbf one-haij5ce.p, " 'jT. ,,
paSbleT Tuesday, j'uly' i57U3, the '" " ft j
second Installment ''of one-.half .cent, J
payable-FrldaS",-August 15; l6l3, ajdtl 1
the third Jnatallmenty-ipfsOnc-hSlt cent, 'rr- ' 1,'
payablenaTTS'eirtCmbcE.15,.1913. ' '
wAPy Btock -upon.whioh lho 'first In- ' '
stallment of this, assessment may e-' " t
main unpaid ojtuTuesday, July 15,
. 1913,will tbe-dolinquen4ind;a;'dcr- '" ". --
tlsed for sale at public auction, and
unle"ss -payment-of saldT-flrst-lnstdjll1-ment
Jmaifebefpr.e, will..b,o3old fon
Saturday, August' 9lftl3"rat thohour -
of 2 o'clock p.'"m.," aftho companys
office above v designated, to pity uio
dellnqueritnsWirment.tdgethcr w 1th
. cost Q.f.juie.rJJsliig ind .eftPQnseg of,
sale.Anv stock upon wjj,lch the sqc
t on51ristalTnKi?tr,''6f ' thl3 Assessment "
"ma'erninnrinpTild on rFflcfay, 'Au-
gust 15, 1913, will bo delinquent and
advertised "for fcnle at public Ttuctlbn,
and urilc1ss"pliyjnent, of sald 'second
installrrent Is made before, will bo
sold Saturday, September.,13,, 193," at
the hour of "2" o'clock p. m.," at tho
company's office, above -designated
to 'pHlJ" tp" dellnqljent' installments,
together with cost of advertising and
, expense of pale. Any stock upon
which tho thlfd installment of thli
assessment may remain unpaid -on
- Monday? September' 15," 1913; ,wtll bd
delinquent and advertised for. sale-vat K
public auction, aivd unJes4s payment of
third installment Is inade bcfbre.will"
be sold on SafurdAyT October 11, 1913 '
at the hour" qf 2 u'cl?k"p.,,irr.,at the
companyt's office, to- pay- tho -delinquent.
Installment, , together vvjth tho
cost of advertising and expense :of
sale. j
- -J.'r-OGLCSBYSecrqlary.
Office, -205 Judge .Building,.. Salt"
Lako jglty," Utah.
First' publication, Juno 14, 1913.
1 '
-. - - SUMMONS.
-- In-the-DlRtrlot court of-SaltLake
countyr State of Utah. Joseph, Frank-
Hn Alexahder, plaintiff, vs Soyrtiour 1
Johnson, 'Juliette Alexander TiJlpp - H
(whb 'othervMse spells her 'ifumo Ju- I
lletta-Ale.xande'r Trfpp), f6rfh6fly Ju.-
.lle.ttavlpxahder:-Chiu,lfisJCar.UVlejyttn- vr
dp p, Joplj. Morrlst, Carl Sutherland,
the-unknownhvlrs, deviscesnnd n'ext
of IcifT of dialled Balmfq,rth, doceased;
the unkhOwnVhelrs, devisees and next
of -kin of "Julia Moses, docoasedjf tho
.unknown hers, devisees anijpext, of
kin of Kitrlna Kelstrom - (formorly
"Kafhel-Jne reltoiV),- doce'ffsda; tho( un
known holrs, devisees and'-net of kin "
pf JPJrebOr-Charlotte AlexanUor J6nn-
.sqnCforjperly Phebo CharJtte-Aklex-
Jnnder)," decoatd, tht- unknown heirs,
devisees and next of kin of Alkali
-Aloxandor, -deoeaK&Uthe-Utah J6wer
: Company, a-wcorporatidnthe- Utah
LIjfht&sRaliVv'aCpmpanyj.'crpba- - " - - '
The Statb of Utah to ffffld Uoffindants: I