-Not Too Dum Seriously
By BEAU BROADWAY, in New York Telegraph.
Polo may bo smiled at as the Wag
ner, tho and the oliam
pagne of sport.
Especially Is It all of these things
when tho homo, fotfr wins.
Tho field at Meadow Brook is,
according to tho d((orIptionIsts, at
A billiard table,
An emerald,
A smooth, graen floor,
A chrysopaso expanse.
And in addition to all of those tho
field is a good place on which to play
I polo.
la tho evont of war it is to bo hoped
I thut Chauncoy M. Dopew will wear a
At the Flushing circus an lelaboroto
ly dressed woman approached Ellis
Parker Butler and Inquired patroniz
ingly: 'Uh, let me see, Mr. Butler,
aren't you tho author of 'Pickles Is
Pickles,' or some such thing?"
And Butler, with a smile, replied:
"Yet, madame, quite."
One might think the British polo
team was Irish they are all captains.
A city which permits a display of
glaring, vulgar, bad art posters on its
bfllboards can scarcely hope to bo
classed as civilized In German cities
no poster is permitted until Its artistic
and decorative merits have hsen passed
on by a duly constituted authority.
And In addition, there is no advertise-
You don't know what a
GOOD tire IS unless you have
' tried the New
147 East First ,.South St.
Phone Wasatch 3010.
mont on billboards that -wouldn't bfe
bettor off in a newspaper.
Nat Goodwin is to produce "Honry
VIII" in his Los Angolos theater.
One fearless marrlor natmilly ad
mires another.
Sapphire McGurk says he'd rathor
live than havo a non-union epitaph
cutter work on his tombstone.
An aviator has flown from Paris to
This is much tho same as traveling
away from Now York toward Painted
A settee and six chairs sold at Chris
tie's for &4G.200. The inexpert In fur
niture will probably regard this as a
largo sum for so limited a seating ca
pacity. Our music expenditure as a nation
reaches $600,000,000 a yoar, and yet
tho petty little congressmen and tho
petty little secretary of stato begrudge
us a few millions' worth of battle
ships. Uarlem and all tho nation can
stand loss music and more prepared
ness for that which somo music ox
citos. From tho result of hor llttlo lawsuit
and her stage career one must con
clude that nothing suceeds like Eva
Lady Constance Kichardson is here
to dance. It is said she carries her
stage costumes in her reticule.
Professor East of Harvard has pro
duced a hybrid tobacco by crossing
Sumatra and Havana. Tho yield is
said to be better than tho finest Con
necticut. Therefore:
Oh, East Is East, and West is West,
and never tho twain shall meet,
But our East In tho West Is far the
best, and Ills skill's produced a
And thora is neither Eaet nor West,
Border, nor Breed, nor Birth
When two strong smokes are Joined in
one and puffed for all they're
Ills majesty Ktng George V. has
been losing monoy In the stock mar
ket. 1 note that Queen Maiy lends
her womon's intuition to tho guiding
of his invwtmonta.
The average salary of a clergyman
is $500 a year. It might be better to
havo fewer parsons and pay enough
to get good aiiM.
Wmman wrltsr asks: "Can a wom
an bo too attraotivo?" Hum, perhaps,
but fortune has not favored me with
tho Sight of one who was one whit
too much.
The Idaho chemist who says ho can
make steel rails and ties from turnips
and opals fnammdishes might tell us
Announcement Extraordinary! I
Brighton Hotel I
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Will Open for the Season, Sunday, June 29th 1
Located in the midst of the- Cottonwoods and at the foot of
Silver Lake, it is in the heart of Nature's Beauty Spot. From the. i
top of the Cottonwoods the finest panorama of natural scenery is to - H
be seen. You can not spend either your SUMMER 'VACATION '
or a WEEK'S END OUTING at a better spot.
YOUR COMFORT AND PLEASURE will be the special aim- I
of the-management of the BRIGHTON HOTEL. I
For reservations for vacation stays or week end parties, address H
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Brighton Hotel, Silver Lake, Utah. 'H
what ho can make from grape juice.
Thut is to say what besides a laugh
ing stock.
Wo havo ever so many more Vo
nuses than Trllbys. Hence tho motto
"Look up, not down."
Delaware shies into the publicity
ring a hen with rabies. I fancy some
body must havo uasd her comb.
Expert says that a person to tur-
koy trot well must bo bow-logged. M
What a wondurful numbor of well- M
oquippod 'porosns thoro aro. E
Nloo, choorful person in Aliddlston, jH
wants to marry persons free on Fil- jH
day, the thirteenth, 1013. H
Wants to prove the superstition M
true, of course. H
On the other hand, a western man M
Avants an absolute divorce because his H
wife has no soul for musk. M
I kissed her for every night of the week, H
And every week of a yeni ; H
And 1 learned to know her powdery cheek, H
And the glimpse of her whitened car. M
And many the song together we sung, M
As we stood where the footlights glowed M
But she left me to stay on old Broadway, M
"While T am out on the road. H
For many a time I spoke my love, M
And many a time I swore B
That her eyes were as-blu-as-the-heavens-above P
Aye, hundreds of times and more; Hj
And many's the time I held her close M
In the .musical comedy mode ;
But she dances today to old Broadway, M
And forgets me out on the road. M
And the one in her place has a taking face, M
But the rouge is so sticky and queer, M
And her voice nt that is a bit more flat M
Than the one I tenored last year. H
So although her name and her talk are the same
And we joke in the well-worn code, M
My heart is away on old Broadway, H
Thor h my feet are out on the road. E
E. L. McKINN'EY, in the Theatre Magazine.
. H