I 10 Goodwin's we:e:kl-y
lH Tho local friends of Jack Hold and Ills
H wiro read with interest tlio story of the
Hj succoss or tlio lattor In tho art world In
g Gotham. Tho Tact that tho young woman
HH was talontod was well known to hor ntl-
S mlrors lioro, but it isn't always posslhlo
H Tor Just such talent to llnd an outlot.
H Thoro Is suroly plonty or room for such
H ability ns tho young' girl has shown In hor
H attacks on IN'ew York socloty, for rrom
H all that a western man heats there tiro
H. somo things which lond tlioniselvcs very
H I readily to caricature. Hor Salt Lako
Hj frlonds liavo been sending congratulations
H and wishes for her contlnuod success.
M ; What abolit that little girl with the red
H , cap and tho man who drives tho palo
BH green car? Isn't it about time she had a
BH chaporono looking into these long moon-
H light trip which amount to lnlorurban
H excursions? Thoro havo been numerous
H Indiscreet affairs In tho past and somo of
H I thorn havo lod in all sorts or ways, but
H ! this ono sooms to bo going on with loss
H'' attention to tho mero nun tor of discretion
H than any of tho othors havo shown. Only
H i a fow nights ago tho car with Its two
H occupants was seen on tho Qarilold road
H by ono party, and later on another party
H came on It away below Murray. Of courso
H tho moon has boon mighty tempting the
H i past wook or so but, even that doesn't go
H in tho usual well regulated society for
H I young pooplo.
Hj i There Is still an eirort being mado to
H j make tho indoccnt dances soem decent by
H I calling them by nnothor namo, but it won't
H work at all. It may bo that tho girls,
H , who aro or courso tho principal lofondors
H , or tho fad, really think that tlioy can danco
H rag dancos without any thought of lm-
H modesty, but thoro Isn't a man anywhoro
H i who thinks that, and tho fact that most
H I men object to having tholr wives, tliolr
H y . sisters and tholr daughters do tho things
K is quite sumclont proor or tho real male
H attltudo toward the dances of today. Of
H course thoro Is onco more the old saw
H "Seen too oft, familiar with her race, we
H first endure, then pity, then cmbrnce."
H This may apply only to those who have no
H mind or their own in the matter, but can't
H bo used with a roal grown up man who
H witnesses tho peculiar gyrations or the
H dancors.
H A Salt Lako and Ogden alllanco was
H announcod tho first or tho week, Miss
H Margaret Spargo daughter or Mrs James
H II. Spargo and James W. Collins or this
H city, being tho lucky young people. The
H wedding is to tako place in tho fall. The
H brldo Is nt present visiting Mr. and Mrs.
H Russoll L. Tracy.
M Add Hadn't You Hoard?
H Tho ladlos of Fort Douglas havo been
H ontortalning ono another at many affairs
H all week In an eirort to wlille away tho
H timo or tholr loneliness, while the officers
H are away on their maneuver camp. Mrs.
H It. l. Johnson entertained the bridge club
H at her home on Monday arternoon. Mrs.
H A. 0. Seaman gave a bridge tea on Tuos-
H day arternoon for all the ladles or tlio
H rort. Mrs. A. W. Foreman invited a large
H number or friends in for a morning bridge
H party and a lunchoon on Wednesday, and
H Mrs. Charlos Exton gave a luncheon on
H Tlutrsday.
H Ono or tho most elaborate affairs of tho
H past woek was the luncheon given yester-
H day at the Country club by Mrs. Lee
PW Charles Miller and her daughter Miss Bon-
H nlo MUIor for tho ladles or the army who
H have been left lonely since the departure
H or tho mon folks on thejr encampment.
IHr Tite company remained later to play bridge,
H many tables being arranged tor them out
H under the trees or on the veranda.
Another very pleasant alfalr was the
lunchoon at tho Alta club on Tuesday at
which Miss Dorothy Ingram ontortalnod a
company or thirty or tlio young girls and
tho young married womon to moot Miss
Dorothy Bamborgor who Is rocontly homo
rrom Now York whoro sho has boon at
tending school.
Miss Phanla Coopor tho daughtor or Mr.
and Mrs. Frank B. Coopor, formerly or
this city, but now or Seattle has been
ontortalnod at a number or ploasant af
rairs during tho past wook, and has gone
to hor homo. Mrs. W. D. Foster the
daughtor or Postmastor Arthur L. Thomas
was hor hostoss and gave a party Tor hor
and sovoral picnic niratrs.
Anothor claborato party or the past
wook was that glvon Thursday by Mrs.
F. E. McOurrln In honor or sovoral visitors
to tho city, Mrs. William Iglohoart, Mrs.
Gibson Dorry, Mrs. Jamos Finlon or Butte,
and Mrs. Sholby and Miss Sholby or Now
Mrs. A. N. Humphries or Colorado was
tho compllmontod guost at a luncheon at
tlio Country club Wodnosday given by
Mrs. Ledyard M. Bailey and also at ono
glvon Saturday by Mrs. Goorgo D. Koysor
at hor country homo In tho Cottonwoods.
Mrs. Morton n. Choosman was tho hos
toss on Thursday at an elaborate lunchoon
at tho Choosman farm In Cottonwood at
which she ontortalnod a numbor or young
girls Tor Miss Bryan Houston or Houston,
Mrs. Blbrldgo Thomas is homo artor a
long visit in tho East with rolatlvos and
rrlonds, having boon a guost or Lloutenant
and Mrs. Dawson at Wost Point.
Mr. ajid Mrs. M. S. Orrlck, who havo
mado Salt Lako tholr homo ror tho past
rew years, aro planning to loavo bore and
go to Oakland, California to llvo.
Mrs. Mary Kltchenn and Miss Kitchonn
or Saginaw, Michigan aro spending a
month with Mr. and Airs. Wlllard Yoo in
their country homo at Holllday. Miss
Kitchonn Is principal or tho Saginaw High
Mrs. Paul Koysor Is homo artcr a visit
or sovoral months in California and will
spend a part or tho summor at Brighton.
Mr. and Mrs. Levis Evans and Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Bransror'i havo gono on a
hunting and fishing trip to Honry's Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Frod A. Halo Jr. and
Georgo Crltchlow went to Ogdon on Mon
day to spend a day In tho canyon and re
turned Tuesday accompanied by Miss
Mrs. P.. II. Terhuno, rormorly or this
city but now or Chicago is horo visiting
rrlonds, and will bo a guest at tho McMillan
homo Tor a row days.
Mrs. H. W. Baum has roturned rrom tho
oast arter somo months at Hot Springs,
Arkansas. Mr. Bourn is ono or tho con
tractors on tho oapltol building.
Mrs. M. W. Child and hor daughter Mrs.
Hartshorn arrived early In tho week and
will visit for a time with Mr. and Mr.
William II. Child at tholr homo, nrooksldo.
Mrs. Claudo T. Barnes ana her children
are in Idaho spending some time with
friends and relatives, while Mr. Barnes is
on a Halting trip through tho Yellow-stono.
Mrs. W. D. Donohor and hor small
daughtor, Jano Donoher havo gono to tho
coast and will spend tho bottor part or the
summer visiting rrlonds there
Mrs. James Finlon Is horo rrom Butte,
spending tho summor with her paronts Mr.
and Mrs. James Ivors.
Mrs. William Iglohoart has arrived rrom
tho oast and will spend somo time bore
with rrlonds bororo going on to hor homo
in Borkoloy.
Mrs. William Ellerbock has gono to
Tokland, Washington to spond tho sum
mor, and Dr. Ellerbock will Join hor
Miss Alice Scckols rs horo rrom the
oast and will visit with her brothor and
sistor Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scckols till her
rather arrives rrom Poru.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dorn and their
daughter and grandson sailed ror home
tho first or tho week artor a tour or
Europe and will land In Now York short
ly. Mrs. W. R. Wightman who was rormorly
or Salt Lake City, but now or Los Angeles
spent a rew days visiting here recently
on hor way to hor homo.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Currlo and their
daughters Vllato and Lylo havo roturned
rrom Los Angolos whoro thoy spont tho
By Loola Leonard, In Now York Tolograph.
SCENE Tho oast tea room or Notting
ham's Department Store. An evening
bonoilt bridge Is being given ror the
Nottingham Roller Fund.
CHARACTERS Miss Montgomery, in the
corsets; Miss O'Connor and Miss Bush,
In the misses' suits; Miss Hinckley, in
tho toilet goods.
MISS O'CONNOR Why didn't you lead
mo a club, Lizzio? We'd a had rour more
MISS HINCKLEY I didn't havo any club.
MISS O'CONNOR (looking through last
row tricks) Yes you did. You throw ono
away on Barbara's aco or diamonds.
MISS BUSH Aw, stop post-mortojnjng
and cut tho cards, Mamo. I could a
trumpod your old clubs, anyhow. Lizzio,
,111 tm until n nt.,Al ....,, a
uiu juu iuiu iu imui ui I'lUBiuaaf
MISS HINCKLEY To pivot. I thought
as long as I turnod down Mr. Hodges in
tho housowarcs as an esc. rt it wouldn't
do to run into him as a partner lator on.
MISS MONTGOMERY And you cortaln
ly tako a chanco on mcotln' up with a lot
or rotton playors whon you progress.
I'll hot Mr. Copoland In tho cretonnes
knows as much about bridge as a baby.
MISS BUSH Tho men aro bottor than
tho womon, though. Thoy always know
tho cards. Tho last timo wo played at
Mamlo Holton's I stayed at tho tablo with
Frloda Richards ror two rubbors and she
kopt asking "Is an A a good card?" Now
what do you know about that?
MISS O'CONNOR It was lllco or Mr.
Albort Nottingham to pony up tho prlzos,
wasn't It? is thoro anything In tho bunch
worth playing ror?
that Cook woman In tho art dopartmont
was goln' to pick "om out, and you know
Just about what hor tasto is. ir you caro
to own ono or thoso "Mothor and Child"
plcturos or a gun motal vanity caso you
don't want to do much rinossln on your
partnor's load. Two Hiliosi
MISS HINCKLEY Shutting out tho ro
tallers, all right, aron't you, Luclllo? Say,
didn't I soo you at Pallsados Park last
did. An' I suppose you'ro goln' to ask
mo what I was doln' without any bat In
a minute. That's tholr trick so far, Bar
bara. Tho Jack to beat.
MISS HINCKLEY Who was that you
was with? An I do romombor now that
I wondered about your lack or millinery.
I was with that Detroit manuracturor
that knows Mr. Goldlng so well, and he
was simply cracked to go on tho sconlc
an' hi thorc, Mamie i Come across with
that nlno or trumps 1
MISS O'CONNOR Trumps? You've
miscounted, you boob. I played my ono
and only when Lizzie returned my lead.
MISS MONTGOMERY Throe on lllllcs,
Barb, and four honors In my hand. Woll,
my lid stuck on flno at rirst and I kopt
latighln at tho "Hold op to your hat"
signs when suddenly wo Jest sccmod to
drop right down to tho bowels or tho
earth through a torriric whirlwind, and
when wo como out I was bareheaded. It I
was all so quick and painless that I never 1
Tolt It loavo mo.
MISS BUSH I'll bet it was ono or your
good hats, too.
was. It had that swell bunch or Parudlso
that Mr. Einstein glvo mo on it. I wish
you could a seen It artor olght cars had 1
passed over It. When wo lort It was I
hanging undor tho arc light as a terrible
object lesson to rolks who disregard tho
warning signs. Whoso thrco or hearts Is
MISS HINCKLEY When wo wont on
tho scenic I took my hat orr and put It
In the bottom or the car, but even then
I wasn't comrortablc, because my hair
was done round my head and I had to
koop hangln' on to my big tortoise pins.
Mr. Murphy said "For tho lovo or Mike!
Hangln' on to a hairpin!" an' I said I'll
havo you know thoso pins hairpins cost
so a piece and I owe it to posterity to
keep 'cm by mo, because I've disposed or
thorn in my will." I wish you could a
heard that man laugh. Do you mean to
tell mo that I got it Tor ono diamond?
Well, I certainly never would havo bid
that way ir I thought I was going to be
lort with it. You all must have swell
hands. Lead, Lucille.
MISS BUSH Who's that rat man with
his back to us over thoro at Holton's
MISS O'CONNOR That's Fordlo Gay
lord, In tho Invoice. Don't you romombor
tho rat logs on tho groom whon wo had
that Russian woddlng In tho auditorium
to display thoso Loon Bakst gowns 7 They
woro Fordio's logs. You might Just as
woll play that king now, Lucille. I'm
going to oat It up, anyway.
MISS HINCKLEY Wasn't tho duty on
thoso Bakst gowns somothlng fiorco? Say,
what I'd llko to know is this Is Wilson
going to make tho dirrorenco In duty vis
ible to tho naked oyo or Is ho not? It
sooms to mo tho things I buy cost Just as
much ho matter who's stcorln tho ship
or state Three clubs doesn't beat two
no trumps, Barbara. You gotta go thrco
MISS O'CONNOR I string with you on
this tarirr business, Lizzio. I spent all
breakfast timo yesterday roadln' tho ro
ducod list In tho Sun, and what do you &,
thlnk's on it, anyhow? Bibles, for ono T
thing; harness and saddlqry for another
and stuff llko borax and bran and barbed
wiro and roapors and oil and pumice stono
and Fuller's oarth. Now, I ask you,
whoro do wo women como In? Tho only
things on tho list that would help us
along at all aro low shoolacos, combs,
umbrellas, musical instruments and opera
glasses. And thoy'vo dollboratoly raised
tho duty on things as Important to us as '
foathors and Imitation precious stones.
Votos Tor women, say II
MISS BUSH Do you lamp (ho "Votes
fur Womon" on tho back or thoso cards
wo'ro playing with? Miss Jonos in tho
advertising's a strong surrraglst and sho
brought a hundrod packs up from tho
national hoadimartors. Sho's going to
glvo tho cards to tho booby score at each
MISS MONTGOMERY Say, don't you
think it's almost timo to stop? wo'vo