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H 14 GOODWIN'S WEEKLY HI JAMES W. BAREEE H Attorney-At-Law H 710 Walker Bank Building H Salt Lake City, Utah H Lconc Done Charles A. Rice H LcRoyA.McGce BONE, McCEE & RICE H Attorneys and Counsellors B 414 Felt Building Wnsatch 5881 H PARLEY P. JENSON H LAWYER H Suite 410 Utnh Savings & Trust Bide H Tclophono Wasatch 5011 m SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH I The Palm Garden Hi H I "The Brightest Spot on Broadway" H EVERYTHING H NEWLY FURNISHED H We have rebuilt our kitchen m and fitted it with the most up- H to-date appliances. This means '' the BEST SERVICE and H BEST RESULTS ever given WM our patrons. THE PALM GARDEN H 28 West Broadway H ELMER BROS.Proprietors H A. MKOSS, Manager I THE I Smart Shop I AT OUR SPECIAL I 1-2 SALE H There are H No Sample Goods or Job Lots I All First Grade Selected with the view of hav- ing the best for our patrons I Many Garments are Less than 1" Half Price 6 216 SCiUTH HAIN-ST. THE TRIANGLE By James Stophons, In Town Talk Ho had a high nose. Ho looked at one ovor tlio collar, so to spoak. His regard was very assured, nnd Ills speech was that short bundle or monosyllabic whlt-h tho subaltorn throws at tho orderly. Ho bad nover boon (luestloned, ami, tho precedent bolng nbsont, ho had nutrur q-iosllonod himself. Why Bhould ho? Wo live by (tuostion and answer, and wo Jo not l:now tho roply to anything until .i pnz.kd comrade bothers ns and Imitates thut dlvlno curiosity which both humbles and uplifts us. Ho wantod all things ror htm.soir. what ho ownod ho wished to own completely Ho would glvo anything away with tho largest gonoroslty, but ho would share with no one. Whatever Is mlno said ho. must be entirely mine; lr it Is alive, I claim Its duty to tho last respiration or Its breath, and lr it Is dead I cannot per mit a mortgage on it, Havo you a claim on anything belonging to trto7 Then you may have It ontlroly, 1 tnuBt havo all dr or it or none. Ho was a stock broker, and, by tho mothods peculiar to that mysterious pro rosslon, ho had captured a surriclcncy or money to onablo him to rogard tho ruturo with calmnoss and his rollow creatures with condescension perhaps tho happiest stato to which a certain humanity can attain. So Tar mattors wore In order. There was nothing wanting to round his lire Into tho comploto, harmonious clrclo ex cept a wire, but as a certain incomo has tho choice or a largo supply, ho shortly discovered a lady whoso quail ricatlons woro such as would ornament any, how ovor oxaltod, position. Sbo was sound In wind and limb. She spoko grammor with tho utmost precision, and sho could play tho piano with such porroctlon that It was dirricult to oxplaln why sho played It badly. This also was satisfactory, and lr tho world had boon made or machinery ho would havo had tho Too slmplo or happi ness. But to both happiness and mlsory thoro follows tho lnovltablo socond act and beyond that, and to lnrinlty, action and Interaction, Involution and ovolutlon, rorglng chango rorovor. Thus bo railed to tako Into consideration that tho lady was alive, that sho had a bond on bor shoulders which was native to hor body, and that sho could not bo aggregated as chattol proporty ror longor than sho agreod to be such. Artor tholr marriage ho dlscovorod that sho hod dislikes which did not always colncldo with bis, and appreciations which sot his tooth on odgo. A wiro In tho houso Is a critic on tho hearth this truth was dally and unploasantly Impressed up on him; but, or courso, ovory man knows that ovory woman Is a Tool, and a tolerant smllo Is tho only recognition wo allow to tholr whims. God mado thorn as thoy aro; wo grin and boar it, His wlfo found that tho gospol or hor husband was this: I.ovo mo to tho ex clusion or all human creatures. Bollovo in mo.ovon when I am In tho wrong. Womon should bo seon and not hoard. Whon you want oxcltoment inuko a russ or your husband. But while ho entirely rorgot that bis wiro had boon bought and paid Tor, sho did not rorgot it; Indeed, sho coulyd not liolp romemborlng It. A wrong had boon dono hor, not to bo ob scurod ovon by economics, tho groat ob souror. Sho had boon won and not woood. Sho had been dorrauded or how many teasing and provoking prorogatlvos aloornossos and surrenders, and her body, lr not her mind, resented and remembered It. There are times when calmness Is not recognized as a virtue. Of course, he had woood her In a way. Ho took hor to (ho opera, he grave her Jowols, ho went to church with bor twlco on Sundays, and once a. month ho knelt bosldo hor In moro proround rovoroncos. Somctlmos ho pottod hor, always ho was polite. But ho had not told hor that hor eyes wore tho most wondorrul and In spiring orbs into which a tired man could look. Ho novor said that ihoro would not bo much to chooso botwoon good and ovll H ho lost hor. Ho novor said that ono touch or hor lips would olcctriry a par alotlc Into an acrobat. Ho novor swore ho would commit suicide and dlvo to doop perdition lr sho throw him over. None or theso things. It Is posslblo sho did not wish him to say or do such ex travagances, but ho had not playod tho gamo and, knowing that somothing was badly wrong, sho nursod a griovanco, that most horrid fosterling. Ho was rlorcoly Jealous, not or his lovo, ' "r his proporty, and while bo was do it to obsorvo that other mon ap ed or his taste, ho could not boor that in. wiro should admire theso outsiders. This was his attltudo to hor- Olvo mo your admiration, all or It, ovory noto or nxclamatton or which you aro mistress; every Jot and tittle or your thoughts must be mine, ror, lacking theso, I havo nothing. I am good to you. I havo mterposod bo twoon you and tho buffets or existence I tompor all winds to tho bloom or your cheek. Do you your part, ana so wo will bo happy. Thoro was a clerk In his olTico, a black lialrcd, slim, rrownlng young man, who could talk llko a cascado ror ton minutes und bo sllont ror a month; bo was a very angry young man, with many hatrods and many ambitions. His omployer prized him as a capablo and rolhiblo worker, llkod his mannors, and paid him thlrty-llvo shillings por wook; outsido or theso mattors tho young man abodo no moro in his remem brance than did tho flower on tho hoath or tho bird on the tree. It happened ono day that the employer roll slek or lnNuenza and was conHncd to his bed. This clerk, by order, attended on him to sco to his correspondence, Tor, no matter who siicozos. work must lie dono it is the law. The young man stayed in the houso Tor a wook, and during his sojourn thoro mot tho lady. She, fair, young, brooding,; ho also young, silent, and angry, and, artor tho rirst look that passed botwoon them, thoro was a littlo moro to be said. Thoy camo togothor as though they had boon magnetized. Lovo or passion, by what over namo it Is called, was born abruptly. Thoro is a forco In human rolatlons draw ing too Imperatively for denial, dorylng seir-lntorost, and dragging at all anchors or duties and religion. Is It In man only tho satisfaction or soir? Egotism stand ing llko a mountain and demanding: Olvo mo yourseir or I will kill mysoir? And womon! Is tholr lovo tho degradation or soir, tho surronder and very abasomont or lowllnoss? Or is It, egotism sot on a plnnaclo, so careless und seir-assured as to bo roaiTul or nothing? In their oyes tho third person, a shadow alroady, counted as less than a shadow. Ho wus a namo with no slgniriconco, a somothing without a locality. Ills certain and par ticular Income per annum was a thing to laugh at . . . There wos a hot, a swirt volco spooking: "I lovo you," it said, "I lovo you"; ho would batter Ids woy Into heaven, would tear delight rrom whutover delight might bo. Or else, and this was a harder, a trembling man pleaded, "Aid mo, or I perish," and woman's Instinct is not to let a mon perish, "ir I help you I liurt myaoir," sho sighed, and, "Hurt yourseir then," sighed the man, "would you have me perish . . . ?" So the rightful owner smiled. "You are mlno," said ho, "altogether mine; no ono else has a Hen upon you. When tho weather is flno I will take you for drives In tho sunshlno. In tho nights wo will go to the opera, hotfrkonlng togothor to tho tonor telling his swoot romanza, and When tho wintry rain coittos yoil will play' tho piano for mo, and so wo will bd happy." Whon ho was qulto rocovorod ho wont back to his orrico and found that ono or bis corks had not arrlvod this angorod him. Whon bo roturnod homo again In tho ovonlng ho round that his wiro was not there. So things go. LOWERING OF SECRETARIAL DIGNITY. Los Angelos Graphic: Poor Mr. Bryan! In spito or his rrugallty, his basket lunches, his wire's "modest cloctrlc runabout, his grope Julco collar, ho rinds It impossible to subsist on tho niggardly $12,000 a year which a parsimonious government doles out to Its stato secretaries and In conso quonco William Jennings or Lincoln, No brasko, Is compollod to eke out his pittance by dollvcrlng lectures under a lyceum buroau management. It Is a grlovous blow to tho country's prldo that tho stato secre tary should bo so hard pressed, but with only two or thrco hundred thousand dol lars in rcsorvo, largely tho accumulation or locturo Tecs, what's a poor man to do? It Is suggested by ribald Republican senators that tho secretory economize by cutting out tho grapo Julco and sticking to spring water. In other words, fit bis exponsos to his rocelpts. So long as Mr. Bryan draws a salary Tor services render ed as secretary or state bo should bo ex pected to devote his entire timo to his official duties. Ho Is sotting a bad ex ample bcroro tho country when he attempts to Incroase his private means at tho cx penso or his omployer, tho government, ir ho cannot afford to rotaln his present onico then tho only courso to pursuo Is to ' roslgn. As a matter or Tact his private Incomo togothor with his salary as cabtnot offfefr should bo sufficient for Ids. .needs without having rocourso to tho lecture plat rorm. It is not a dignified procedure on tho part or tho secretory. To address a gather ing on Invitation, in h's official capacity, without pay, is ono thing, but to appoar for hire hither and yon about the country Is to lower the dignity or the groat olllco ho occupies. Thrifty, Mr. Bryan is known to ho, but to exercise this nent when repre senting the notion at tho hood or tho stato deportment is distinctly unpleasant to tho country. Mr. Bryan should cancel all plat term ongagomonts Tor pay bo long as ho remains in the cabinet. A TELEPHONE FOR THE DEAF. An optical tolograph lntonded to nil tho placo or tho tclophono ror talking with a doar person has recontly boon Invontcd by a door and dumb married couple and Is doscrlbod in tho May number or tho Toc hnlscho Monatsherto (Berlin). It consists essentially or a keyboard, as In a type writer, through whoso keys slnglo electric eurronts pass. In each circuit is in cluded on incandoscont lamp with a Hat surroco, bearing a letter or tho alphabet or a Roman numeral. Pressing any key causes tho corresponding lamp to glow. Thus words and sontonrcs aro spollod out and numbers aro rorrnod. Soys tho wrltor: "Tho keyboard can bo oporatod as rast as that or an ordinary typowrlter, so that with proctlco communication becomes very smooth and rapid. Each station, or courso, must contain both a sender and a receiver and those moy bo In different rooms or in houses a long dlstanco apart." Tho instrument can be oonvonlontly used ror convocation between a door por son and a normal person who 1b Ignorant or tho llngor-languago. Tho sllonco with which tho dovlco Is operated is a very Im portant point In-its ravor. This rooturo might make It peclally tiserul whoro quiet or secrecy in transmitting Informa tion is desirable, ns In sending war -news or secret instructions in business houses. r Tho Literary Dlgost. ?