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GOODWIN'S WEEKL-Y 15 H MORALS IN SAN QUENTIN. On tho Fourtli or July tho convicts at San Quontln gave a theatrical performance. Boforo tho show started Dennis Duffy, president of tho Prison 13 oar d, was stand ing In tho yard, chatting with several prisoners. "Colonol," said ono or them, "some of tho hoys want mo to wear my diamond In tho show." "Your diamond!" exclaimed Duffy. "Do you moan to say you have a diamond?" "Tho classiest little chunk or fee you ever saw," said tho con' proudly. "Let's see It," said Duffy. Tho prisoner reached Into his pocket I and produced a huckskln bag. Out or this ho took a roll of cloth which onroldcd sovcral layers or tlssuo paper. Ho opened tho tlssuo paper very curorully, hut there was no diamond there. Ho looked up with a ruorul countenance. "Somebody's crookod around hero," ho remarked. Town Talk. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE. .Notice or Special Stockholders' Meeting Notice Is hereby given of a special meet ing or tho stockholders or tho Prlnco Consolidated Mining and Smoltlng Com I pany, a corporation, to bo had and held i at the orrices or tho said Company, room j 1118 Nowhouse building, Salt Lake City, 9 Utah, on Thursday. August Uth, 1013, at tho hour or 10 o'clock A. M. or said dato. Said meeting will bo held for tho purposo or cloctlng a Hoard or Directors, deciding on tho ruturo operation of tho Company's proporty, and transacting any and all bus iness that may lawrully como before said i mooting. PRINCE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING CO. CHAS E. KNOX, President. Dated July Slst, 1013. SUMMONS In tho District Court or tho Third Ju dicial District or tho State or Utah, County or Salt Lake. Selma Smith, Plalntirr, vs. George Smith, . Dcrondant Summbns. The State or Utah to the said Derendant. You arc hereby summoned to appear within twenty days artor tho sorvlco or this summons, upon you, If served within tho County In which this action Is brought, otherwise within thirty days artor sor vlco, and dorend tho above entitled action; and In case or your rallurc so to do, Judg ment will bo rendered against you accord ing to tho demand or the complaint which has boon riled with the Clerk or tho said Court. This action Is brought against tho dorondant by the plaintiff to obtain a decreo or divorce dissolving tho bonds or matrimony and contract or marriage horo tororo existing between tho plalntirr and tho dorondant. HANCOCK & BARNES, Plalntirr's Attorneys. P. 0. Address. 511 Walker Dank Dldg., Salt Lako City, Utah. SUMMONS In tho District Court or Salt Lako County, Stato or Utah. Honrletta L. Mackintosh, Plalntirr, vs. Linton N. Mackintosh, Dorondant Sum mons. Stato or Utah to tho said Dorondant: You aro hcroby summoned to appear within twonty days artcr tho sorvlco or ' this Summons upon you, ir sorvod within ! tho county in which this action is brought; Iothorwlso within thirty days artcr sor vlco, and dcrond tho above entitled action; and In caso or your ralluro so to do, Judg ment will bo rendered against you accord ing to tho demand or tho complaint which has been rilod with tho Clerk or said Court. This action Is brought to recover a Judgmont, dissolving tho bonds or matri mony horotororc existing between you and tho plalntirr. G. T. DEAN, Plalntirr's Attornoy. P. 0. Address, nichriold, Utah. SUMMONS. In tho District Court or tho Third Ju dicial District or tho Stato or Utah, County or Salt Lake. Clarlco A. norrlo, Plalntirr, vs. Goorgo T. norrlo, Dorondant Summons. Tho Stato or Utah to tho said Doron dant: You ' aro hereby summoned to appear within twonty days artor tho sorvlco or this summons, upon you, ir sorvod within tho County in which this action Is brought, othorwlso, within thirty days artor sor vlco, and dorend tho abovo entitled action; 1 and In case or your ralluro so to do, Judg- mont will bo rondored against you accord 1 lng to tho demand or tho complaint, wnlch m has boon rilod with tho Clork or said Court. This action Is brought to rocovor a Judgmont dissolving tho bonds or matri mony horotororc oxlstlng botweon you and tho plalntirr. JAMES F. SMITH. Plalntirr's Attornoy. CLARICE A. BERRIE. Plalntirr. P. 0. address, 33-i Atlas Block, Salt Lako City, Utah. DELINQUENT NOTICE. GOLDEN TREASURE MINING COMPANY. Onico 157 West North Temple Street, Salt Lako City. Location or Mines, Pluto County, Utah. NOTICE: There aro delinquent upon tho fallowing described stock, assossmont No. 7 lovlod May Oth, 1013, tho sovoral amounts sot opposite tho names or share holders as rollows: Name No. Shares Amt. Matthow Noal 1,500 9 7.50 Robort Jones 10,000 50.00 Jacob Hunter 1,020 0.00 John Klngdon 1,500 7.50 Agnes Jones 1,050 5.25 J. R. Acklon 1,000 5.00 R. K. Addams 1,000 5.00 Win Jones 3,000 15.00 H. II. Hancock 1,000 5.00 Lucy E Hancock 1,000 5.00 Alice Rampton 1,000 5.00 Annlo M J Anderson ... 1,000 5.00 And In accordanco with Law and order or tho Board or Directors mado May 0, 1013, so many shares or each parcel or stock as may no necessary will bo sold at tho office or the company, 157 West North Tomplo Street, Salt Lake City on tho Gth day or July, 1013, at 12 o'clock, noon, to pay tho delinquent assessment together with tho costs or advertising and expenso or sale. W. T. NOAL, Secretary. By order or tho Directors -mado June 12, 1013 tho sale or delinquent stock was postponed to Aua-ust 5, 1013 at tho samo tlmo and place. W. T. NOAL, Socrotary. SUMMONS. In the City Court or Salt Lake City, County or Salt Lako, Stato or Utah. E. D. Hashimoto Company, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Sam. U. Fujlta, Dorondant. Summons: Tho Stato or Utah to said Derendant: You aro hereby summoned to appoar within ten days artor sorvlco or this summons upon you, ir served within tho County In which this action is brought; othorwlso within twenty days artor sorv lco. and dorend the abovo entitled action; and In caso of your failure so to do, Judg ment will bo rendered against you accord ing to tho demand or tho complaint, which has been tiled with tho clork or said court, a copy or which Is hereby served upon you. This action is brought to re cover Judgment against tho Derendant Tor tho sum or $303.85, with Interest and costs, bolng balance duo upon a salo or goods, wares and merchandise to tho Do rondant. . , STEPHENS, SMITH ft PORTER, Plaintiff's Attornoys. P. O. Address U00 Walkor Bank Bldg., Salt Lako City, Utah. First Publication July 10, 1013. SUMMONS. In tho District Court of tho Third Judicial District or tho Stato or Utah, County of Salt Lako. Edwin T. Rex, Plaintiff, vs. May Rex, Dofendant. Summons. Tho State of Utah to tho said De fondant. You aro hereby summoned to ap pear within twonty days after tho ser vice of this summons, upon you, if served within tho county In which this action Is brought, otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend tho abovo entitled action; and In caso of your failure so to do, judg ment will bo rendered against you according to the demand of tho com plaint, a copy of which Is herewith served upon you. This action Is brought to dissolve tho bonds of mat rimony now and heretofore existing between tho plaintiff and tho defend ant. MOYLE & VAN COTT, Plaintiff's Attornoys. P. O. Address, No. 7 Dosoret Nat'l. Bank Bldg., Salt Lako City, Utah. SUMMONS. In tho District Court of the Third Judlcinl District of tho State of Utah, County of Salt Lake. Elmer E. Enstep, Plaintiff, vs. Min nie Eastep, Defendant. Summons. The State of Utah to the said De fendant: You are hereby summoned to ap pear within twonty days aftor sorvlco of this summons upon you, if sorvod within tho county in which this ac tion is brought, othorwlso within thirty days aftor sorvlco, and defend the abovo entitled action; and In ease of your falluro so to do, judgmont will bo rendered against you according to tho demand of tho complaint whloh has boon filed with tho clork of said court. This action Is brought to recover a judgmont 'dissolving tho marriage contract heretofore existing between you and tho plaintiff. N. J. SCHECKELL, Plaintiff's Attornoy. P. O. Address, 403 Felt Building, Salt Lako City, Utah. SUMMONS. In the District court of tho Third Judicial district of tho Stato of Utah, in and for Salt Lake county. Jens Peter Hanson, plaintiff, vs. Mary Christina Hanson, defendant. Summons. Tho Stato of Utah to tho said dofend ant: You aro hereby summoned to ap pear within twenty days after tho service of this summons upon you, if served within tho county in which this action is brought; otherwise, within thirty days aftor service, and defend tho above entitled action; and in caso of your failure so to do judg ment will bo rondored ugainst you ac cording to tho demand of tho com plaint, which has been filed with tho clork of said court. This action Is brought to recover a judgment dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now and heretofore ex isting between you and tho plaintiff. A. A. DUNCAN, Plaintiff's Attornoy. P. O. Address 339 Constitution Buildings, Salt Lako City, Utah. SUMMONS. In the District Court of tho Third Judicial District of tho Stato of Utah, County of Salt Lake. Nollo B. Jeffs, Plaintiff, vs. Gerald Joffs, Defendant. Summons. Tho Stato of Utah to tho said Do fondant: You aro hereby summoned to ap poar within twonty days after tho ser vice of this summons, upon you, if sorvod within the county In which this action is brought, otherwise, within thirty days aftor service, and defend tho abovo entitled action; and in caso of your falluro so to do, judgmont will bo rendered against you according to tho demand of the complaint which has boon filed with the clerk of said court. This action is brought to dis solve tho bonds of matrimony now and' heretoforo existing between the plaintiff and tho dofendant. JAS. Q. PARDEE, Plnintlff's Attornoy. P. O. Address, Suito 1100 Boston nidg., Salt Lako City, Utah. SUMMONS. In tho District Court of tho Third Judicial District of tho State of Utah, County of Salt Lake. Margaret Gorstonborgor, Plaintiff, vs. John Gerstonborgor, Dofondant. Summons. Tho Stnto of Utah to tho said De fendant: You aro hereby summoned to ap poar within twenty days after tho sor vlco of this summons upon you, 11 sorvod within tho county in which this notion is brought, otherwise, wlthlr thirty days aftor service, and defenc the abuve entitled action; and in casi of your failure so to do, judgment wll bo rendered n sen Inst you according t( tho demand of tho complaint, whlcl has been filed with the clerk of thli court. This action Is brought to re cover a judgmont dissolving the bond, of matrimony horotoforo existing bo- H twoon you and the plaintiff. H J. L. BROWN, Plaintiff's Attornoy. H MARGARET GERSTENBERGER, H Plaintiff. M P. O. Address, G8 1-2 So. Stato St., jl Murray City, Utah. H SUMMONS. H In tho District Court of tho Third H Judicial District of tho Stato of Utah, H County of Salt Lake. H Rhoda Aubrey, Plaintiff, vs. Alfred H LoRoy Aubiey, Defendant. Sum- H mons. H Tho Stato of Utah to tho said Do- H foridant: JH You aro horoby summoned to ap- H pear within twonty days aftor the scr- H Vice of this summons upon ou, If H servod within tho county in which H this action Is brought, othorwlso, H within thirty days aftor service, and H defend tho abovo ontitled action; and H In caso of your falluro so to do, H judgment will be rondored against you H according to tho domand of the com- H plaint which has boon filed with tho H clork of said court. Said action is H brought to dissolve the bonds of mat- H rimony between you and tho said H plaintiff and for the custody of two H minor children. H THURMAN, WEDGWOOD & fM IRVINE, jH Plaintiff's Attorney. jH P. O. Address, 1401 Walker Bank H Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. H SUMMONS. H In tho District Court of tho Third H Judicial District of the Stato of Utah, H County of Salt Lake. M Mabel Thomas, Plaintiff, vs. Wll- H Ham E. Thomas, Defendant. Sum- M mons. H Tho Stato of Utah to tho said Do- H fondant: H You aro hereby summ'oned to ap- ! H pear within twenty days aftor tho sor- H vice of this summons upon you, If M served within the county in which H this action is brought, otherwise, jH within thirty days aftor service, and H defend the abovo entitled action; and H in caso of your failure so to do, judg- H mont will bo rendered against you H according to tho domand of tho com- jH plaint which has boon filed with tho H clork of said court. This action Is , H brought to recover a judgmont dis- H solving tho marriage oontract horo- H toforo existing between you and tho H plaintiff. 1 P. P. CHRISTENSEN, H Plaintiff's Attornoy. M THOS. KANE, , Of Counsel for Plaintiff. . D P. O. Address, 10C-0-7 Continental HI Block, 27 East Second South street, M Salt Lake City, Utah. M SUMMONS. H In tho District Court of tho Third H Judicial District of tho State of Utah, County of Salt Lako. M Rose Miles, Plaintiff, vs. Benjamin 1 H. Miles, Dofondant. Summons. M Tho Stato of Utah to tho said Do- fondant: IH You aro horoby summoned to ap- H pear within twonty days after tho sor- H vice of this summons upon you, if M served within tho county in whloh this H action Is brought, othorwlso within H thirty days after service, and defend H tho abovo entitled action; and In caso H of your failure so to do, judgmont will M be rendered against you according to W tho domand of tho complaint which yj t has been filed with tho clork of said H t court. This action is brought to ro- H i covor a judgment dissolving tho bonds H I of matrimony heretofore ovlstlng bo- H j twoen you and tho plaintiff. H 1 D. W. GEdRGE, ) Plaintiff's Attorney. l ROSE MILES, s Plaintiff. B P. O. Address, Bingham Canyon, H b Utah,