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H 6 GOODWIN'S WEEKLY I 1 SMOKE FROM THE WEEKLY PIPE B Tho Caso of Poot. H outsuio or Utah tiio cnso or root H wouldnt attract a momont's uttontlon. H Out we or Utah understand somo or tlio H Tarts which mako tho cnso Important. H V. S. I'cct, now or Trornonton, Utah, Is H n gontllc wlio has never Joined tho antl- H Mormon movotnont. In fact, ho 1ms H spoken bravo words In tholr doronso on H many occasions. Ho has dono what not H many of us would enre to do rlso in H an nntl-Mormon meeting- in oastorn cltlos H to contradict impassionod and inaccurate H speakers, challono thorn Tor proof, and H voice the Amorlcan demand Tor fair play. H Now he says he Is chiseled out or ap- K polntmont to tho Trornonton postoMeo H because tho Mormons domand it. H The caso is lntorostlng hocatiso Poot Is H able, and bocauso tho Mormons In author- H lty arc as other inon lncllnod to toto H ralr with ovoryono. You may say that H Pcct was paid for his missionary work fl in the east; hut that doesn't mako quit- H tanro. Very likely ho was paid. Ho j oarnod it, and It is characteristic or Mor- B mon pooplo, high and low, that they pay M their debts. Thero must bo somo other H reason for tho apparont revorsal or pos- H itlon by National Committeeman Wallace Hj and Stato Chairman Thurman, who seem H to havo commlttoct thomsolvos to Mr B Pcet's candidacy ror the Trcmonton post- H onicc, and then backod water. m I don't caro a whoop who soils postage M Stamps up tlioro. but I do caro that 1 I'cet gots a squaro doal and that those H men or Utah who aro callod Mormon H leadors bo crodltod with tho ralr play m reputo to which tholr conduct In tho past H certainly entitles thorn. H Prophet of tho Pacific H Goorgo A. Black was coming down tho H i street tho othor day. and ho met Tom H ' Koarns. Tom and Goorgo havo not boon H drinking out or tho samo canteen ror two H or tlireo yours not slnco George A. ac- H coptcd orilco under tho Republican ad- H ministration while Mr. Koarns needed him H In tho Amorlcan party, but they havo H been nice about it. H "Senator," says tho formor member or H tho stato board or equalization, "It's a H runny thing to mo this administration has B to call home its ambassador to Moxlco to B llnd out tlioro Is fighting down there. M And Bryan oir locturing and Wilson at his H summor homo--and everything running M wild. Looks to mo llko H "black," Intorruptod tho rormer Unltod B Statos sonator, "I am sorry to soo you j with a grouch. You aro gottlng to bo an H old man. You ought to cultivate a sweot H and ehnritnblo disposition, llko I do. Soo H tho beauty In lire, and tho lovablo In an H nun. Don't crltlclso anybody. Just open Hi your boart and tako In tho whole dam M unlvorso samo as l do." H Thon Mr. Koarns passod on to his or- Hi rico, and Mr. black gasped twice, won- K dered what was llrst aid to the lnjurod, H anil slowly rocovorod. HI but tho ract remains: Tom Koarns Is tho aposllo of poaco. HI Qod Gloss tho Womon. H Mrs. Harriman has glvon enother ten H thousand dollarsmaking sixty-thousand H dollarsto tho hospital or tho Southern H Pacific nallroad company at San Fran- H Cisco. Mrs. Huntington lately gave a H social hall costing twenty-six thousand H dollars to the samo Institution. H Scluneo is trying to nnd causes ror H dlsoase. They can't make much or a hunt H without money. These women are rum- H lahlng the money. Lire will be loss it- H abla to pain, Illness will be more rare, H health mors general and more sound, men HL tnoro happy because or Uie holp these H women give. H Whereroro, God bloss tho women. Looks Llko a Big Timo. My o-ther old rriond, tho Wizard or tho Wasatch, seems headod ror a big timo along lato In August. Ho has piannod a carnival or a rostlval or n noloratlmo ror throe days, and thero is danger or his bringing somo largo thousands or people into tho city, ir ho works out tho plans now in contemplation tho pooplo who como will onjoy thomsolvos, too. Away bnck In tho dim and misty ages or tho past, beroro Harry Culmor and Joe Calno discovered tho Wizard and an nexed tho Wasatch, St. Louis brought thousands or pooplo and millions or dol lars Into town qvory rail with its Veiled Prophot colobratlon. No ono over saw anything more beautiful than those pa rados or tho oarly olghtlos. And they didn't know anything about electricity, either. Salt Lako can mnko a hotter showing than St. Louis over did. Tho Wizard is a bigger mnn than the Vollod Prophet ovor was. I look ror a big crowd and a world or entertainment ror throe wholo days and pieces or nights along toward the end or August. Whoro Organization Counts. Tho wlso man knows, tho mlnuto he steps into a shop or a storo or an orilco, whothor tho rorco is organized and cap ably directed. Tho wlso man who has ob served tho Utah Stato Fair In tho past and prosont knows that thoro Is ability in tho ranks and capability at tho head or it. Ho knows that tho ralr association has ror years been building, and that It will glvo tho biggest results Tor tho monoy and offort this year that has boon known In Its history. And it Is giving big rosuits bocausc It Is holplng tho stato. I don't care so much for tho shows and contests and tho ballyhoo gonorally, but I do caro ror the hotter stock that Utah possesses through tho Inccntlvo rurnlshod by the stato ralr. It is or interest that thero aro bigger po tatoes, and more in a hill; that Utah runners aro more progressive every year and getting more monoy ror tholr offort bocauso they aro worth more. And the stato fair has helped them. You know, ono day a cheap mon askod tho painter Whistler what ho mixod with his colors to get such splendid rosuits, and Whlstlor said, "Brains." Utah pooplo In agrlculturo, In Trult, In livestock, In tho mechanics and in art aro mixing bruins with tholr brawn more litun over boforo. Thoy havo boon holpod by tho stato ralr association, and tho rnlr to be gin with tho month or October will bo tho ovldonco or It. How You Havo Grown I n. B. Mann was talking tho othor day about his orilco whan he managed n big lire Insurance company m Salt Lako. He was In tho Culmcr building, then tho best orilco building In town. It had an olevotor. Mighty row or you young poopio know where tho Culmer building Is. but the point is- Tho town has grown. Look at tho changes slnco 1005. There wnsn't much rrom tho new Desorct News building to tho Dooly block. Whoro the Koarns building now lirts Its magnlllcent rront was u succession or cheap, worn out old buildings. You can see much the same sort all about lt--and opposite to It -now. On should except the McCornlck block and tho Atlas and Walker block tho two lattor In West Second South. They wero there In 1006. But the Mc Cornlck building wns narrower than it Is now, and it lifted alone -like a lightning rod In a fog. They had a billboard on u one-story drug storo where Walker's Bank building is now, and troubled patents used to chase down Main street to a nole somo park where tho Newliouse buildings now stand, and tako their perilled daughters away rrom the place. And the IYlt build lug wasn't even bogun. All Broadway all the block rrom there to Fourth South has been rebulldcd. Whoro the stone walls and the 'dobo print ing ofTlco thon stood, up by tho monu ment, tho Utah Hotel now rronts tho earth with tho profectlon or Its proportions. Tho Tribune and tho Heruld both wero on Wost Temple, nnd tho Commerclnl club wns a tenant or ono floor at the corner of Plorrpont streot Do you know whoro Is Plorrpont street? Probably no city In America has grown so rapidly and so solidly in eight yours as has Salt Lako since 1000. And it has only begun. This will be ono or tho rour biggest cities in tho continent. Now is tho timo to buy real estate. Hlo Rocord Would Holp. Thoy toll us Mr. Koysor will bo a can didate 'Tor ro-olectlon as a city commis sioner, and they also tell us ho will got threo votes: His own, B. r. Grant's and that or tho Mayor. Wh 'h leads mo to repeat what Is gain ing Li'uund as political comment. Murk rteodall is being talked or Tor commission er. Mark was In tho old council, and he mndc a good record thero. Ho is able, got lots or sound sonse, and ho does work conscientiously. And Murk Ilccdull is absolutely on tho squuro. That sort or rocord might help somo. Tho only objection to him Is his own. Ho doesn't want any more public olllco. He wants to Just run his business, nnd pny his share or tho taxes. Which Isn't a had commendation, olthcr Prophooy In Picture Hus any or you noticed tho mlnlaturo rami in tho window at 335 South Main? It is the pictured display or possibilities at Delta, that part or Millard County which you and I wouldn't hnvo accepted as a precious girt flvo yours ago. Now thoy have plenty or wator on tho porfoc tlon or Innd, nnd they nro raising wheat and liny and root crops, and dovoloplng orchnnds und homos nnd happiness. Tholr propositions1 roully uro attractive, and Lewis A. Morrill tells mo tho racts aro hotter than tho advertisement not ovon ocepllng that seductive window. I don't own any land In Millard, nor any stock In tho promoting company. But that proposition ought to content any rea sonable man who roally wants a prolltablo farm nnd a plensnnt borne. Or qjjurso ho will have to work ror It. The cpmpany can't Insuro success to n lazy in"ijfl-not even in Utah. But IT n man cun'tfffl ,put with tho helps God and tho company-glvo him, ho Isn't worth saving. And thoro aro mighty row or thai -sort anywhoro In tho world. "THE SOCIAL RUBAIYAT OF A BUD" Paul Elder and Company, or San Fran cisco nnnounco that thoy havo a iriost unlquo llttlo volumo In pross to appear ror tho hdlldny season that is In a dolteato sparkling mnnnor a satire or tho Social institution, it is "Tho Social nubnylnt or a Bud" by Mrs. Ambrose Madison Willis. In a very clover manner It shows bohind tho scones In Vanity Fair with cupId out 'i or woik, whllo tho up-to-dato Bud is mis tress or her own heart which sho unlocks lit will but only with a golden key. Tho book, most appropriately, 'Is ttf be J printed in purple and gold and IS tb Jfivo Illustrations and ombolllshmonts by His In A. Harrison, a London artist. It will bo ono or the clover volumes ror which- thoso publishers aro noted. ASK FOR LEMP'S St. Louis Beer FALSTAFF and EXTRA PALE It is sold everywhere and is the most popular beer on the market today. i As a beverage it is unexcelled. It is absolutely pure. For nourishing and building up the i system there is no better tonic. 1 iTry it and you will.Vvant mpje j i C. H. REILLEY Distributor .Phone Wasatch 688. 21G-218 So. State, Salt Lake City ' H Utah's Greal Pleasure Resort H Hl Better this year Hj H than ever before. H i