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I GOODWIN'S WEEKLY 1 H i rofo Secured 0 Certificates The Certificates of Deposit issued by the Salt Lake Se curity and Trust Company draw interest at 6 per cent. They are twice as profitable as government bonds and just as secure. These cer tificates do not depreciate in value, as they arc not subject to the rise and fall of the money market. Peo ple who desire to avoid the anxiety incident to fluctuat ing stocks and bonds And them in every way a desir ablo form of investment. Salt Lake Security &- Trust Co. 32 Main Street, Salt Lake IS THE HOUSE WIRED FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS? This is the first question ask ed by those renting or buying homes. A negative reply turns people 1 away. If the house is proper ly wired for electric service, THAT is a big factor in rent ing or selling it. I Builders are invited to confer with us in making plans. Freo Ii advico by our exports is part of the sorvico we render. Call Our Commercial Department Utah Light & Railway Go. "Electricity for Everything" i The chief result of experience is clearness of view in discerning the fertile soil on which to plant that part of today's harvest set aside for tomorrow's betterment. Tho wise planting of pennies and dollars in a savings account whore tho growth is certain, is making a virtue of necessity. M& Wo offer the security and con- J pw vonionce of this bank for your r I m accoptanco. f The MERCHANTS' BANK "The Bank on Broadway" ) : i , National Bank o! the Republic U. S. Depository FRANK KNOX, Pros. JAS. A. MURRAY, Vice-Pres. W. F. EARLS, Cashier E. A. CULBERTSON, Asst. Cash. Capital Paid In, $300,000 Banking in all its branches trans acted. Exchange drawn on the principal cities in Europe. In terest paid on Time Deposits. n .- i MINING AND FINANCIAL Mining and Financial Tho following: rrora tho pon of Morcton Frowen, tho London authority or llnanco is worthy or notice and study. It con tains considerable "meat" for reflection. As wo In this country aro racing a change In laws arrccting money or rinanco, and It Is admitted that somo revision Is ncc ossary, but a rovlslon that will bo along right lines und not one that will make matters worso, wo may glean somo Infor mation or value by noting tho condition of others. "It is most Important to attract public Interest to tho proceedings or tho Indian Currency Commission at present in ses sion. And I beg you will allow me tho prlvllogo or your columns, since tho re port or tho ramous "Bullion Committee," a century ago, there has been no Inquiry or equal importance and at Washington, whoro currency rororm Is uppermost In tho public mind, I rind that tho grcatost interest is evidenced In Mr. Austen Cham berlain's Commission. "Brioriy stated, the position is this. Tho Government or India, not here, but In India, has been allowed an entirely freo hand to experiment with tho Indian stand ard and currency. Tho result Is such a great drain or our gold to India as men aces every bourso In Chrlstlandom. Whereas tho average absorption or gold by India a row yars ago was I avail ihy seir or Sootbeor's rigurcs somo 2,500,000 a year, India In tho last two and a half years has taken fully 80,000,000 sover eigns. This has resulted, as every econ omist anticipated, In tho paralysis or our exchango mechanism, i.d it threatens tho City or London with unprecedented dis aster. Tho one 'Tree gold" market In tho world Is London, and Is tho rirst great strain and tug will bo on London's gold reserves, not on New York, nor Ber lin. Wo as yet hear merely the mutter ings or tho storm, and this very grave situation has been created by tho experi ments or tho Indian Government. Every ono concerned in tho rinancial well-being or "tho City" must watch developments most carerully, ir the situation is to bo saved. I wrlto theso linos for tho bono nt or thousands or active workors, mer chants, brokers, and bankers, who have not tho, remotest Idea as yet or the damages to which our reckless curroncy quacks have exposed thorn. "Docs our community, doos oven tho city itself, at all appreciate tho real dan ger at hand? Or tho world's production or gold rrom tho mines 30,000,000 is absorbed by monetary purposes. Or the 70,000,000 romalnlng India Is taking one hair, ir India's exports wore to incroaso by only hair a crown a hoad India would take more than the wholo present yield or tho mines. Look at tho power or India to oxpand her exports, while wo equip hor with railways and Irrigation works, and all ol tho plant or modem production. My rriond, Sir Gcorgo Rcld has recently expressed It very lucidly. Who runs may read. Sir George says: "In tho last thirty years tho people or India havo in creased by 01,000,000, against an Increase or 5,000,000 in tho soir-govornlng domin ions and 1 2,000,000 In tho British isles. Thoro aro 250,000,000 acres under crop In India, whllo Groat Brltan, Canada, Aus tralia and Now Zealand havo loss than 50,000,000 acres. In ono crop wheat India produces 04,000,000 bushels more man tho wholo or the rest or tho British Empire put togothor (420,000,000 bushols)." Is" It to bo thought or that wo aro to pormlt tho government or India to porsovoro in oxporimonts which In sight or all men are calculated to drain our gold reserves and oxpol that motal, so Important to our ontlro oxchango moch (Uilsm, to those myriad hoarders in tJn myriad-peopled East? "To a later and moro Intelligent gen eration it will seem quite incrodiblo that tho oxchango media or tho Universe should havo have reduced to chaos, bringing In crodiblo anxloty to the throshold. or ovory household, In ordor that industrial India may bo pinched and pummoled to rit tho dimensions or this Procrustean couch." Tho announcement Is made or a share holders meeting or tho Prince Con. on Aug. 14. At this mooting a now board or diroctors will bo choson. Tho action will again place tho Godbo lntcrcs' in con trol, and this will bo pleasing o a large number or those In and abbu. this city. The Knox Interests havo railed to carry out tholr option, to tho mil, and by amic able agreement tho chango Is to bo made. Whllo In control or ana operating tho proporty, it is only ralr to state that thoy havo done well. Thoy havo re-timbered the old shart, and put It in condition to well handle tho mino output. Thoy havo kopt development or ore well ahoad or production and havo shipped on a scalo that has made a not earning ror tho com pany. At tho present timo the earnings aro varying from $0,000 to 8,000 per month. Tho fourth level has been put Into shapo Tor production and they aro now going Tor the. nrth level to got tho ore there. That tho management rovorts to thoroughly honest and competent hands goes without saying. Tho condition or coppor is bettor. It is higher and spot coppor scarco and hard to got. With no outlook ror a speedy settlement or tho situation in Mexico, there is bound to bo tho continued cur tailments or metal production rrom thero and users or red motal need not look ror cheaper motal, soon; ir anything it will bo higher. Tho roliowing rrom the pen or Claudo ' nice In tho Mining & Engineering World a ill bo or Interest: " Whllo all was excitement last winter with Butte & Suporlor shares selling at $50, and oven when thoy dropped back to $30, since thon tho TurUior slump to 910, and their prosont prlco or about $23, has changed tho aspect or things consid erably, as Tar as public opinion is con corned. People are Tar rrom boing so con fident or tho zinc possibilities as thoy wore whon tho shares wore being boostod. But the truth or tho matter is that thoro is no roason ror pessimism. Tho ores at Butto can bo treated, both clTlclontly and at a cost that will pormlt of good proilt. IT tho present metallurgists or tho Butto & Suporlor cannot solvo tho problom thoro aro othors that can, and ovon IT tho claims or 00 per cent extraction made last win tor by tho company uro known now to bo untruo, tho fact romalns that tho oro goes 8 por cent zinc and thoro is a strong woll-dovoloped voln carrying strong shoots of such oro. "Baclng tonnagos through tho mill or courso is not tho way to solvo a milling problem. But time and patlonco arc re quired. But time and patlenco can got 8 por cont or tho zinc out or this oro as tho oxtonslvo and painstaking oxpor imonts or Clark's metallurgists havo shown. Extractions abovo 75 por cont on this oro dopond on notation procossos. A groator extraction than 75 por cont can not bo mado by ordinary Jig and tablo troatmont. Tho notation procossos aro oxponslvo compared to ordinary water mothods. Thoy aro also new. It will tako time to porroct them, but no now process has como ahead with tho strldos that notation has during tho past 12 months. Tho procoss will undoubtedly bo adaptod to commercial treatment or tho oro, and Butto will yot bocomo a big producer or tho zinc. "Many or tho rcadors will wondor what is the moaning of the slump of the Butto IH & Suporlor shares. It means that tho shares were boosted up to heights which H wore not warranted with tne treatment , IH or tho oro ho rurthor advanced than It H was last wlntor. The met that the in- H sldors havo lot tho prlco tako tho big H slump that It did from $30 to $23 with- jH out supporting it shows that thoy want jH tho shares to go down low so thoy can got it better controlled than it was bo- HH roro. An engineer ror Hayaon, mono & Co. in a private report valued tho mlno at f $24 a sharo, I am reliably informed. IH With zinc selling at its average prlco, the H mlno apparently worth close to its pros- jH out quotations or about $23 a share, and H so small holdors should not be shaken out H at such prices. The Black nock oro bod- H los aro strong ana well donned. They H should bo persistent as the mlnorullzatlon H9 Is shown cloarly bo a primary occur- Hl once little cnrlchod by secondary action. M Tho mino is all right. Tho trouble has H boon olsowhero. Most mines havo railed IH because they did not havo an oro body. 1 Fow have railed Ilndlng rich oro. Mot- flfl allurgy doos not stand still ror long now- M adays, ovon ir somo metallurgists may M It has not Jumpod ahoad so rnst as somo M metallurgists havo represented it to havo Hfrt dono, but tho metallurgy or zinc ores is mk rapidly progressing Just tho same." fl Largest Dancing Pavilion in H the World. H Majestic I Park I Dancing I Pavilion I DANCING EVERY NIGHT H (Except Sunday) H 8:30 to 12 O'Clock K OUR I ARGUMENT I Large resources and wide bust- H ness connections, coupled with H courteous, considerate, compe- H tent service. H NATIONAL COPPER I BANK I "Courtesy, Helpfulness, Strength" H ALL KINDS OF H GOAL AND COKE H