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GOODWIN'S WEEKLY 9 I PLAYHOUSES ALL OF NEXT WEEK I vlll bo all tho moro precious. Many woro momorlos or hardship rccallod, as the parade or the overland train was wit nessed. Rain caused the postponement or the Wrestling bout at the Majestic Park bo- twon Mike Yokel and Chris Jordan, the Orjsok wrestler, who hns been waiting around Tor a long time to got a chance to &i wrestle tho championship title rrom "our" Mike. The bout had to bo postponed nn- TM til Friday night and hence tho result of if tha same can not be announced here. A'n innovation was Introduced at tho dancing pavilion at Majestic Park Tuesday night, when two bands were used and con tinuous dancing had. Tho evening wit nessed tho largest attendance of tho soa son; Friday evening was designed as homo night. As far as possible tho band played tho compositions or local com posers, lining In with old song music, much to the delight or tho morrlmakors. Plonoor Day was a gala day also, and an extra lino grade or music was rurnlshod. Saturday night Is "popular" night and popular airs or all nations are played on popular nights. Tho Skyscrapers succeeded in taking Tour out or tho six gamos, rrom Butte, but had to right. Tor most or them. This wcok Helena Is a troublesome bunch and noxt Week comes Great Falls, whom wo have to bca't out ror the pennant. The boys started out the week with a victory In Jhe opening game and you know the re sult or the rest. ' The news that Morgan ' te laid up with a rover, keeping him out ,.br tho gamo Tor this Week and possllbly 'longer, Is anything but cnccrrul, and It surely places tho team at a disadvantage .at this critical time. Hut IT Erlckson Unows the rorm ho has In tho last games ho has pitched, with Pressan in his present . ,rorm wo may squeeze through In good . ishapo. HONORING Eli'WIA THURSQV. At tho Hotol Utah last Monday cvoning a dlnnor complimentary to Miss Emma Thursby, tho noted soprano, was given Immodlatoly rollowlng tho rocoptlon tend ered In Miss Thursby's honor In tho ball room by Professors McClollan and Stephens and tho Tabernacle choir. Moinbors or tho choir woro prcsont to the number or about thrco hundred and sang an Impromptu program ror tho noted diva, which tho lady seemed to appreciate greatly. Prorossor Stephens conducted and Prorossor McClollan olllclated at tho piano. Miss Thursby spoko a row gracious words or response to a hearty grcotlng or welcome by Prorossor Stephens, and tho scone In tho brilliantly lighted ball room Is ono which thoso present will not soon rorgot. At the banquet, which was tendered Miss Thursby and her sister, as woll as bolng also moant as a compliment to E. Stovcnson Wilcox, who has Just returned rrom a two year's mission In Europe, woro prcsont, the rollowlng, besides tho guests or honor: Prorossor and Mrs. J. J. Mc Clollan, II. 0. Wliltnoy, Prorossor Thomas Olios, Prorossor Stephens, Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Wilcox, E. II. Pelrco, Prorossor and Mrs. II. It. Lyman, Captain and Mrs. D. L. Davis, Misses Esther and Alllo Davis, Gonovo McClollan and Marguorlto Douglass Miss ina Thursby, slstor or tho groat soprano or rormer days, was an Interested guest. The ladles lort ror Yollowstono Park on Monday ovonlngs train and woro entortalncd during Monday by Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Wilcox and Prorossor and Mrs. J. J. McClollan. Tho laugh or tho ago Is to bo round in the sending or 200 Russian soldiers Russians, mark you I to arrost the monks on Mount Athos ror roruslng to admit tho divine origin or Christ. And this In the well-known celebrated, famous and prominent twentieth century! COME, LET'S EAT A BOOK. With the oxcoptlon or mlnorals It is difficult ror ono to find on tho earth's sur raco substancos that do not tempt tho op potlto or some sort or animal. Tho list or micor articles or diet includes tho earth, which Is 'munched with satisrnctlon by tho clay oator, and tho walrus hide, which tho Eskimo rollshes as much us John Dull his Join or beer. It is not gonorally known, however, that men, as woll as mlco and bookworms, havo oaten dinners that have conslstod only or books. In 1370 Uarnabo do Vlscontl compollod to papal delegates to oat tho bull or ox communlcatlon which thoy had brought him, togothcr with its silken cords and loadon seal. As tho bull was wrlttou on parchment, not papor, It was all tho moro difficult to dlgost. Thero was also an Austrian gonora, who had signed a nolo ror 2,000 norlns, and when It roll duo compollod his credit ors to oat It. Tho Tartars, when books rail into their possession, oat thorn, that they may acqulro tho knowlodgo contained in them. A Scandinavian writer, tho author or a political book, was compellod to choose botween bolng bohoaded or oating his manuscript bollod In broth. Isaac Vohnar, who wroto soino spicy satires against llernard, Duko or Saxony, was not allowed tho courtesy or tho kltchon, but was forced to swallow them uncooked. Still worse was tho rato or Philip Oldonburgor, a jurist or groat ronown, who was condomnod not only to oat a pam phlot or his writing, but also to bo floggod during his repast, with orders that tho hogging should not coaso until ho had swallowed tho last crumb. Tho now X-ray gown so-callod bo causo It Is transparent 'is doubtless ac companied by air tights. FUN IN A BOARDING HOUSE M MfcSuillVAN-CoNSIDlNE VaUDEViII I II P AoYouSccitin'NevYork I "FUN IN A BOARDING H HOUSE." H n Del Adelphia and 5 M z:6V Assistants C. Julia H 7:30 Rooney. Howman Droth- M crs. Alvin and Konnoy. M 9:15 Archer and Ilolrord. M O a u m o n t) W co k I y. M Empross Orchestra. H Regular 30c Matinees Daily M Empress 20c 500 Par- - H Prices 10c quet Scats C M Announcement Extraordinary FIRST PERFORMANCE H SUNDAY, JULY 27. REVIVAL OF H PUDD'NHEAD I WILSON I WITH H HON. HEBER M. WELLS I ADA DWYER I And All the Fovoritcs in the Cast fl Prices, Night . 75c, 50c, 25c H Mat. Tlturs. and Sat. . 50c, 25c, 15c M KEELEYS' I I Ice Cream, Sherbets and H Punches are the H "BEST BY TEST" H Try a Sunday Special Brick H Delivered for 50c M Two Phonco, 3223-3224 H 260 So. State H "We Deliver Candy" H 'BBHaBHMBBHanEaaHBKBHaBBBHsnHBV' ' Wrm When Ordering I specify M Castle Gate or II Clear Creek Coal H GOOD COALS NONE BETTER H UTAH FyEL CO. I I Judge Building,' City I H