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j" - i 1 1 Recognition: The Reward for Midnight Murder in Mexico I 1 II VOL. XXII. Twelfth Year SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, AUGUST 2, 1913 5 Cents the Copy No. 16 I PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Including postage In tho United States, Canada, and Mexico, $2.00 per year. $1.25 Tor six months. Sub scriptions to all foreign countries within tho Postal Union, $3.50 per year. Slnglo copies, 5 cents. Payment should ho made by Check, Money Order or Registered Letter, payable to Goodwin's Weekly. Address all communications to Goodwin's Weekly. Entered ct the Postofflce at Salt Lake City, Utah, U. S. A., as second-class matter. P. 0. Box 1253. Telephone, Wasatch 2007. 513 Felt Bldg., Salt Lako City, Utah. The Goodwin's Weekly Publishing Company. LeROY ARMSTRONG .... Editor DOWN WITH THE TELEPHONE. I notice thai my other friend, the government at Washington, has instituted proceedings cal culated to hamper, impair and destroy tho Bell Telephone Company. Of course that is not the title of tho action that has been started at Port land. This now bit of business crippling wears all the gay garb of tho Shernian anti-trust law a bit of ancient law fathered by the chilliest old party that ever broke into either house of con gress, not excepting tho late Benjamin Harrison, of frigid memory. Tho theory is that tho suit is instituted in tho interest of tho people of these United States, and that when tho government has carried tho case to a successful termination fiom the standpoint jof tho prosecution, then tel ephoning will cost (the people less, and be of better service qualitythan it is now, or could bo without tho prosecution. And that is a silly and a baseless assump tion. If there is any business on the face of the earth that ought to be loft alone, it is the tel ephone. We of Salt Lako have had our day of experience in that sort of thing, and it isn't at all a pleasant memory. It wasn't tho fault of oithor company that tho service laoked some thing of perfection when both the companies were hero but it was tho fault of both of them that there worn two. No man could do any con siderable business without having two phonos, and the expense wa? doubled, whilo tho vexation, annoyance and profanity were trebled. That same Portland in which this now suit has just been launched is at this goodly hour in tho throes of a double telephone systom. There aro fow cities between tho oceans in which too same is not true. And In ovory ono of them a bettor service could bo rendered by the Boll than Onco a Democrat stayed In the clear On a dollar a day, pretty pear. But now they have Jobs, And tho porks, and begobs, Ihey can't live on twolvo thousand a year. by any opposing concern for the very excellent reason that tho Bell has tho long lines, and no alleged independent company on earth could hope to secure that equipment and none of them do expect to secure it, now or evermore. It is no curtailing of the commercial liber lies of investing gentlemen to say they ought to find something else as good as the telephone bus iness in which to risk their money. Unless they expect to make their profits by selling out to the big firm, there is small chance indeed for them to get rich by the hollo route. And there are such a host of other opportunities whore the profits aro sure, tho way is clean, and tho wild zest to serve tho dear people is vastly more easy to gratify. Tho government spent money enough to build tho Lincoln highway of its own and that of tho defendants trying tho Northern Securities, the Tobacco and tho Harvester and tho Southern Pacific cases. And all the effect was to lay on tho people of tho republic a little heavier bur den. It doesn't make freight rates or passenger tickets any cheaper. It doesn't add a whit to the oaso by which farmers can got a mowing machine or a package of tobacco. And tho only effect of this suit against tho tel ephone company will be to deprive tho big bulk of tho citizens of cost and convenience in tho use of tho most necessary and most highly valued agency that over has been added to tho forward march of the race. For tho lovo of peace, prosperity and im proved service, let tho government quitl We city folk hold a position That may be no moro than transition, But IT it costs moro Than over berorc, What tho deuce Is tho good of commission. THE MANUFACTURERS' LOBBY It sooms we will have to accept tho Mulhall stories. He backs them up with so many letters that look genuine. I am trembling every day for foar ho will hit some ono between Colorado and Nevada; but for tho present we havo escaped. But, granting tho truth of all ho has said, what is tho significance? Just this: The man ufacturers of tho nation havo tried to defend themselves. It is very clear that business was menaced, that men engaged in ligitimate enter prises wore .being blackmailed by practical poli ticians, men who cared for no political party and fattened on threatening troublo for their own nation; men who lived by big interests, and got forced contributions as reward for keep ing hands off. Very clearly the dornagogno was abroad in tho land, and ho played on tho harp with tho labor union string. It is evident that playing charmed congressmen and senators and moro's tho charm, a President of tho United H States into concessions inimical to business, and H which representatives of business asked for in H vain. They had to counteract that influence, H and they did it by trying to put in congress and H ,to keep in congress tho men who we: a loyal to H the substantial interests of the nation. H So far as shown tho American Mann factor- H ers used no really improper methods. Thoy did HI help the right candidates in thoir campaigns, and H if they hadn't done it tho walking delegulos H would this day bo annulling the federal stMulcs H and vetoing tho vetoes of tho president. H This nation needs nothing so much as a B square deal for tho business men. And what a H sonsiblo nation needs it gets. H Said Noah to Grant, in tho Ark: M "Don't you dote on tho song or the lark?" M Said Orant: "Hain't you heard? M I havo a new .lrd, fl And ho does what 1 say. It's Sam Park." M LAND OF THE FREE My other old friend, tho plumbers' combine, H seems to have been having a good time with that H outrageous enemy of special privilege, tho Midg- H loy Brothors, who show a pernicious tendoncy to H violate all labor conventions by attending to their H own business. And tho thing grows moro inter- H esting as ono observes that the combine claims H tho right to close shops, restrain workmen from H work, abrogate any old sort of contract not ap- H proved by tho combine, and in a general way to H do all tho things tho Standard Oil, tho American H Tobacco and tho International Harvester can't H do. I always am proud to note tho superiority H of Salt Lako people in any lino of endeavor, and H find hero that the blessed plumbing combine of H this city is biggor than Harriman over was, and H that its edicts seem to stand whilo ho couldn't H oven combine two of his own railroads. It just H goes to show that there is no law suporior to tho H laws of labor unions. H Hero aro tho plumbers tho workmen got- H ling six dollars a day. I don't hesitate to say H thoy can't earn it not a man of them. It is an H imposition and an outrage on tho homo owners H of tho community. But it goes, because it is H committed in the sacred cause of organized H labor. H Not only that, but tho combine can prevent Hj any man working for the Midgloy company, no H matter what tho pay, unless that company joins H tho said combine. And oven after coercing tho H firm into tho trust, the trust can lift tho ban or H lot it lio till tho magnates controlling the trust H conclude thoy havo made tho punishment fit the H crime of ovon a transient hesitation. H If tho plumbing combine can tio up ono shop H