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GOODWIN'S WEEKL 11 H , 4l'oU,Qr iFm D1ytu an ljIa wlr wli aro frorh. iivanatQn, arid arS visiting at tho Tfoltn hdnuf. Mrs. Addigqn n "Varo and lior mother Mrs. BMUityqt-hqvg returned artcr a sum mer spent In flio oast and visiting- frlonds ' In Donvor. , 'Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Frodorlclcson aro spending 'somo tlmo In Donvor In connec tion with tho building or tho capltol. Miss Majcl KIpp ontortalnod a morry party or young girls last Tuesday at Liberty Park In compllmont to Miss Hclon Greenwood and Miss Mildred Tuttlo who aro to loavo Tor college. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Brown aro lioro Tor a Tow days on tholr way to tho coast artor a visit with Mrs. Brown's parents In Chicago. MISS M&rgarot Morrill, Miss Ruth Cain, IJBS Both Baldwin and Miss Charlotte Bothwoll will loavo within a row days Tor 'Stanford to bntor college , Captain and Mrs. W. B. Granam or KQrt Douglas entertained a Tow or their rflonds at a dinner Tuesday evening Tor Captain Horbort J. Brces, who remained ovor artcr tho visit or Gonoral Murray. Mrs. J. M. Howoll had a college class- mate for a guost tho first part or the past wcok, Miss iidith Haloy or Brooklyn. Mrs. C. A. Pcake entertained on Wed nesday Tor Miss Clirta Moync a Septem ber bride, and Miss Julia Stephens will entertain ror the same guest today. J ml go and Mrs. 0. W. Powers have bad as tholr guests at Llngerlonger Tor tho past row days tho Misses Phoebe and Emma Louis Blaul or Burlington, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. v. K. Fife aro back arter "a long visit with rrlonds In Chicago and around tho lakes and In Donvor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Vlncont and tholr daughter Miss Esthor Vlncont havo boon visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Francis tho past weok. BOOKS AND TIIEIH MAKERS. (Continuod from pago 71) suggested tho gardons described In "Tho Ooryston Family." Mrs. Ward's now novol, Is now appoarlng sonally In Harper's Magazine. Bex Beach's Summor Is being spont at his homo, high up on tho slopes or Lake Hopatcog. A dally dlvo rrom his own dock, excursions in motor boats, motoring, trout nshlng, and rrequont bouse parties kcop him pleasantly busy now that he has finished work on his now Alaskan story, to bo published this Fall. General Nelson A. Mllos's summor has brought him an unusual experience that or being kept virtually a prisoner in tho beslogod city or Soria. General Mllos's lntorost In military operations which ho acknowledges in his book or reminiscences, "Serving tho Bopubllc," began as a child whon bo listened to tho exploits or his ancestors In tho Indian and Revolutionary wars took him abroad somo wcoks ago to witness the fighting- in the Balkans. Robort D. Eldor, author or the roccntly published novol, "Tho Sojourner," having taken his Ph.D. at Columbia, has turned ror tho Summer rrom the academic to tho business lire. Ho Is now occupied In Lcadvillc, Colorado, looking artcr his rather's mining Interests. Will N. Harbon, who has finished work on a new novol, will probably remain In New York this Summer lnstoad or going South, as he usually does. Tho scones or "Paul Rundol," his latest novel, aro laid In his woll-known Georgia mountains. Albort Blgolow Palno spends tho Sum mor days nshlng and motoring at his homo In Roddlng, Ct. Ho recently took a trip to BodTord, Mass., to visit tho homo or his ancestors. Mr. Paine himscir, like the ramous subject or his book, "Mark Twain A Biography," was born In tho Middle West. Irving Bachcllcr, who hit his latest gonial Mow at humanity's raults with his novol, "Tho turning or Grlggsby," is keeping his hand In trim cutting down trees at Roblnwood, his thousand-acre Adirondack camp. Milder amusements in which bo Indulges aro walking and trout nshlng. Josso Bowman Young, whoso book, "Tho Battlo or Gottysburg," was published In tlmo ror tho nrtloth anniversary or tho groat nght In which Its author was en gagod, Is spondlng his Summor at his homo In Chicago. Dr. Young has given up actlvo mlnlstorlal work, ond will probably now dovoto his tlmo to writing. Sir Gilbert Pnrkor Is still In London, whoro ho will stay as long as Parliament remains In sosslon. It may bo recalled that ho was appointed momljor Tor Gravo sond In 1U00. That ho has not dosortcd lltcrnturo ror politics is proved by tho publication a row months ago or his new novol, "The Judgment House " Arnold Bennott, in splto or tho liking he ovlncod Jn "Your , Unliod States" ror tho bustle, or American lire, chooses whon ho Is in England a quieter, more mellowed background. Ho Is now In his now homo, a Jacobean mansion In Essex, near a town with tho quaint namo or Thorpo LO Sokon. Louise Clossor Halo, author or "Tho Actress" and "Tho Married Miss Worth," is resting on hor laurels both literary and d matlc at KennobUnkport, Maine Later the season alio expects to Start on a transcontinental theatrical tour. II. G. Wells, author or "Ann Veronica," Is spending his Summer at his homo in Dunmow, Essex. Ho and Arnold Bennett arc comparatively near nolghbors, both hoing rosidonts or tho same country. James Oliver Curwood Is not likoly to complain or tho heat this Summer. Only a Tew days ago ho started on Tor one or his extended trips to unoxplorcd roglons In Northern Canada. Llko tho heroine or his latest novol, "Isobel," Mrs. Curwood bravely accompanies hor husband into tho Arctic wildernesses. Theodore Drolsor does not seem to bo playing: much botweon novels. Ills latest, "Tho Financier," was published only a row months ago, and Mr. Brolsor Is spend ing his Summor in or noar New York, working hard on his noxt book. Kato Langloy Boshor, author or "Mary Cary," has moved Tor tho Summor rrom her home In Richmond, Virginia, to the country club outside or that city. Coun try clubs may not suggest a quiet atmos phoro Tor literary cirort, but Mrs. Boshor nnds It possible to work thoro In putting the nnal touches to a now novel scheduled Tor the Autumn season. This will be hor first book since "The Man In Lonely Land" was publlshod. William Doan Howolls Is summering In Europo and oxpects to romuln abroad until tho Autumn. Mr. Howell's latost book, "Now Lonr Mills," ono or last sotv son's publications, was a novol. It is rumored that his noxt work will bo a volumo or trovpls. William II. Tolman, whoso book, "Saroty Methods ror Provonllng Occupa tional and Othor Accldonts and Disease," was rocontly published, Is Just sailing ror a two months' absence in Europo. By moans or those Troquent trips abroad Dr. Tolman, who it will bo rcmomborcd is director or tho American Musoum or Siiro.y, keeps In touch with what rorolgn countries arc doing to make llfo In tho roininorclal world sarcr and healthier. Typewriting Department (This is One of our Nine Rooms) We have the largest and best equipped commercial school in the West. See us before you decide to enroll elsewhere. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 2nd Call, write or Phone for full Information HENAGER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Phone Wasatch 1138 49 South Main Street Automobile lumbers a' Spe&alty H jgZ Salt Lake Stamp Co. I (riMtSwwfl Itunbor Stamps, Souls, Etc. H 65 W. Broadway Phone 304 H Salt Lake City H Black Shoes I $2.50 1 Tan and Suede $3.00 I I For Men and Women H 409 Judge Building I Why Don't You Try? I A BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCHEON I AT I The Palm Garden? I Also H AN EVENING MEAL I "The Brightest Spot on Broadway" H We have what yon want Served as M you like it Cooked the Best H Choicest Viands to go with your meal H ASK FOR H LEMP'S I St. Louis Beer I FALSTAFF and I EXTRA PALE I It is sold everywhere and is the H most popular beer on the market Hi today. H As a beverage it is unexcelled. H It is absolutely pure. H For nourishing and building up the H system there is no better tonic. H Try it and you will want more. Bj C. H. REILLEY I Distributor H Phone Wasatch 688. I 210-218 So. State, Salt Lake City M