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! GOQ.DWI N'3 .WEEKLY 7 H fl 1 Certificates jHj The Certificates of Deposit Hn issued by the Snlt Lake Sc B curity and Trust Company H draw interest at G per cent. H They arc twice as profitable H ns government bonds and H just as secure. These cer jH tificatcs do not depreciate j in value, as they are not j subject to tiic rise and fall B of the money market. Pco H pie who desire to avoid the H anxiety incidc I to iluctuat H ing stocks at ' bonds find j them in cvcr way a desir M nblc form of investment. H Salt Lake Security jH & Trust Co. H 32 Alain Street, Salt Lake ' 18 THE HOUSE WIRED FOR . ELEGTRIC LIGHTS? This is the flrpt question ask ed by those renting or buying homos. A negative reply turns people away. If tho liouso is proper ly wired for electric service, THAT is a big factor in rent ing or selling it. Builders aro invited to confer with us in making plans. Freo advico by our experts is part of tho service wo render. Call Our Commercial Department Utah Light & Railway Co. "Electricity for Everything" Tho chief result of experience is clearness of view in discerning the fertilo soil on which to plant that part of today's harvest sot aside for tomorrow's betterment. The wise planting of pennies and dollars in a savings account whore tho growth is certain, is making a virtue of nocessity. "Wo offer tho security and con- ' vonionco of this bank for your acceptance. The MERCHANTS' BANK "Tho Bank on Broadway" National Bank of the Republic U. S. Depository FRANK KNOX, Pros. JAS. A. MUMMY, Vico-Pres. W. F. EARLS, Cashier E. A. CULBERTSON, AssL Cash. Capital Paid In, $300,000 i Banking in all its branches trans acted. Exchango drawn on tho principal cities in Europo. In terest, paid on Time Deposits. Hb I . . , Books and their Makers By Looln Loonard. Says Llfo: "Speaking1 of 'V. V.'B ityos, jy Mr. itonry Sydnor Harrison, tho Lou don Times says that Mr. Harrison makes things ns difficult for his readers as ho can. Those who opon It ami begin at tho beginning have to wado through a chapter which Is porhaps fuller of literary affecta tions than any other chapter wo have over road. "This will bo news to tho majority of Amorlcan book rovlowors, who, not having any other opoch-maklng book to write about during tho Summer, havo filled tholr columns with paeans or pralso of Mr. Harrison's book." I am Inclined to sldo with the Ameri can rovlcwcrs, after having heard "V. V.'s Eyes" read aloud In truo Summer piazza fashion. Tho London critic may well complain or Mr. Harrison's stylo, bo cause the yollng American author Is doing nothing more of less than boating tho Victorians nt their own game. His chap ter headings al-0 lengthy and dollclous and tho "literary affections" add humor ous piquancy to tho Style which could not bo sacrificed. Tho author or "Quood" has waited long enough since his first success to wrlto a really good book. "V. V.'s Eyos" may not coives, Is about to rovoal her to horsoir and us as nothing more nor less than a social parasite. Tralnod oniy In tho pur suit and allurement or tho opposlto sex. sho is o.vpoctod to provldo handsomely ror horsoir thereby. Falling a brilliant match, sho becomes, in Mamma's plain English, a burden to hor parents. Tho preservation or her social prostlgo costs an tindcslrablo suitor's reputation and sub sequent suicide. Hor maintenance in the matrimonial market strains father's cigar factory (long and Justly donounced as a homicidal institution) to tho point of actual collapse. A religious flavor' Is Imparted to theso humilatlng revela tions bytho unworldly character or the apostoll V. V. Ho Is lame, and, rrom a confirmed bnblt or giving to him who asks, porpotually shabby. Ills friends claimed for him tho second largest practlco in town, although admitting that bis habit or sending no bills might havo somothlng to do with that. On editorial pages his Initials oppoarod appended to fiery denun ciations or local factory conditions; but In personal- encounter with tho roprohon slbly wealthy, compelling Influences or chlldllko ralth omanatod rrom V. V.'s porsuaslve oyes. iy tills modern Incarnation or redeeming lovo, Carlisle (tho horolno) is called to repentance His WHO WILL RACK DOWN? There is but one problem now in tho Mexican situation. Either President Wilson or Victoriano Ilurrla must back down. Either the United Stales of America or the present occupant of the blood-stained presidential chair in Mexico will have to recede from a position deliber ately taken and therefore vital in the negotiations. If President Wilson shall insist on his contention that Huerla must personally pledge himself not (o seize or accept after the Mexi can October election or nt any other time (lie oHlce he now usurps, tho one great and necessary preliminarv to Mexican pacification will have been taken and securely held. If President Wilson shall waive his already expressed demand, this nation is shamed in the hearts of its people and in the eyes of the world, and midnight murder and the dynamiting of bridges will continue to be the Mexican title-deeds to power. The honor of two nations, the life of one, the interests of human ity all over the world now hang in the balance. It is up to the President of the United States. bo romarkablo, but it Is human, whole some and ontortalnlng. And tho combina tion or these qualities Is almost all that any author could deslro to produce. Tho horo, V. Vivian, M. D., Is dis tinctly a now typo and ono or tho most winning charactors that has been created Tor somo timo. Ho Is a social worker or tho slums and the settlement, and crlos out llko John tho Baptist, to tho commissioners who havo to do with tho ndjustmont or social and oconomlc dltror encos: "Look at your Job rrom a social stand point. I toll you, It's jusi thoso Huns, theso yollow-rlch Hoths and Magoes and Old Dominion Plcklo pooplo who'ro rott ing tho hoart out or this flno,old town. And tho root or tho wholo ti'oublo's is tholr dobasod personal idoals, don't you soo? 'Oot on,' at all costs, that's tho motto; slapping tholr money in tholr nolghbors races and shouting, 'Horo's what counts!'; spreading tholr dograded standards by oxamplo through tho com munity yellow inatorlollsm gone mad." Tho horolno bolongs to the yellow, ma terialistic Huns-ls a Hoth, In Tact. Hor rajhor charnctorlstlcolly smokes hotter cigars than ho manufactures and her mothor is tho kind or lifts-long conserve tlvo who montlons humidity In connection with warm weather. The story is very flippantly, but very accurately told thus in tho Nation: Mamma's social enterprises are man aged on tho strictest business prlnclplps, and the damsel's own costumes boar the sign manual of the metropolitan modiste. But onvy not hor specious triumphs. Mr Harrison, whom nono or those things do- sacrlflclal death, In the very act or Insti tuting the long-needed ractory ropalrs, completes hor conversion, as It wore, and wo ond with a plotlstlc nolo or sacrod omotlon "Ecco Homo!" "Aro all thoso his rrionds?" askod tho daughtor or tho cigar manuraoturor as sho lookod over tho mlscollanoous multitude or pooplo who llnod tho shabby stroot whoro V. V. dlod. Hor quostlon complotely sortoned tho look in tho hawk-llko director's eyos. "Thoy'ro bis mothor," ho said, "and his brothors and bis slstors " Margaret noland, author or "Tho iron Woman," will shortly return rrom her transcontinental trip to hor homo In Konnobunkport, Malno, and to hor garden which occuplos so largo a part or hor Summer days. Sho Is at present in British Columbia, whoro hor husband, Lorln F. Doland, author or "Imagination In Bust noss," is recovering rrom a sovoro opera tion. Holman nay, having bought a now boat, Davy Jones IL, to tako tho placo or Its predecessor burned last Winter, is cruis ing in it up and down tho 1,200 miles or tho Malno coast. It was just a year ago that "The nod Lane," Mr. Day's latest novol, mado Its appearance. Mrs. Humphry Word is spending a great part or tho Summer at Stocks, hor country homo near Tringr. Its formal parterres and terraces where the poet Waller, and, In later days, Sir Walter Scott, often walked, may possibly have (Continued on page 11) RSMe HH Are you taking full H B H advantage of the H H H There are only a few H H H weeks left of the best H H iKj bathing season Saltair H H H has ever had. H Largest Dancing Pavilion in' H the World. H Majestic I Park I Dancing I Pavilion I DANCING EVERY NIGHT H (Except Sunday) M 8:30 to 12 O'Clock H OUR I ARGUMENT I Large resources and wide busi- M ness connections, coupled with M courteous, considerate, compe- fl tent service. H NATIONAL COPPER I BANK I "Courtesy, Helpfulness, Strength" B H ALL KINDS OP H COAL AND COKE H