B Tlfo Utah Tlioatio managomont may
B justly i)oast or many prilsoworthy achlevo-
B monts slnco tlio oponlng or llio Stato
Bj st root playhouse as tlio comor or high
B class stock productions in this city, and
B tlio thdatrogoing public will no doubt ngroo
B that patrons or tlio Stato stroot liouso have
B witnessed somo or the best attractions ovOr
B shown bore Ono play artor nnotlior or
B class oIdom attomptod in stock, has boon
B produced with romarkablo success, but tlio
B crowning oont oc tlio soason Is schodulod
B Tor tonorrow night when tlio return on-
H gagomont of WIHarrt Mack and Marjorlo
m Rambbau, long hoialdod and long lookod
Hj for, boglns in ono or tlio gioatcst succossos
H or the dy
BQ Of cfi'po Mr Mack and Miss namboau
nood no Introduction to readers of the
B dramatic page of this paper, but their ro-
H turn artor an absonco or many months
H during which tlmo they navo travolod
H thousands or miles and ontortatnod thou-
Hj sands upon thousands of amusement lov-
H crs, Is worthy of special montlon, and
H that tjioy will bo glon a roccptlon always
H accorded artists or such ability by Salt
H Lakers Is a matter or course.
H The popular author actor and his benu
H tlful and talcntod wire, have selected Toi
H tlielr first play at the Utah a four act
H drama that had a run or sixteen weeks In
H New York City last spring and will be
Hj shown horo Tor the (list time Tor this
H production special costumes, special seen
H cry, special muslr and a catcrully solectcd
cast have boon provided, and a raro treat
Is In storo Tor patrons or tno Utah
"Hawthorno, U. S. A." is the title or tho
play and it will bo stagotl under tho poi
sonal dlroctlon of Mr. Mack who has labor
ed day and night slnco his nnlval in Salt
Lake City to piovldo foi cvoiy detail re
quired In tho big production Now York
critics pronounced it "tho nrst red blood
ed drama slnco tho 'Man or Tho Hour",
and ir It docs not croato a sensation In
this city then Salt Lako playgoers aro ln
dood hard to plcaso
Tho story doals with tho adventures or
Anthony Hamilton Hawthorne, a vigorous
Young American who wandcis into Monto
Gailo, relieves tho Tamous "bank" or
9100,000 and Continues to wander in seaich
or oxcltomont.
Docs ho find It? Ho doost
Ho has hoard much and road much about
tho tocont troublo In tho Dalkans and de
cides to visit these turbulent states He
first attracts attention In tho principality
or Iiouovina whero ho moots a boautirul
young woman, Pilncess Irma Augusta
nil7aboth Oborltth, daughtor or King
Agustus HI. It is a case or lovo at first
sight, and the old adago that "true love
never runs smooth" Is applicable in this
rnse He loves hor, not knowing she is a
pilncess, and she loes him, not knowing
who ho Is
It developcs that tho King has arranged
Tot tho manlago or his daughter to a
pilncc or an adjoining stato, because ho
wishes to save his kingdom Trom ruin
Tho army has not been paid Tor a long
H sflBEfek '
MISS IRENE FRANKLIN Amoric a's Foremost Comedienne, at tho
k Orpheum Next Week.
iBL, p VSBpjPhBW ffigBm . i'i
WILLVRI) I0K, who opens an ovUmhUm! cngnfjcmoiit nt the Utnh
Theatre Sunday eveninji, Auyusl 31st, in "Iltuvlhorne, U. S. A."
time and Boiroina Is almost hopelessly
in debt
The princess hits upon a plan to save
htu rountrv avoid an obnoxious marriago
and keep the man she loves Accordingly
she sr rums the appointment or Hawthorne
to. a position or great influence. With his
wealth he Is able to pay the army and
bocomes a power In the principality, but
this Is not accomplished without many
hair raising adventures You may guess
how it all turns out, but the best advlco
is to see the play
Mr Mack or com so, plays Hawthorno,
and Miss nambenu the pilncess J Prank
Huike, who was missed in last week's bill,
will ploy tho part or King Augustus.
Arthur J Price, a new member or tho
i ompany, will be seen In tho roio of Prince
Vldlmlr Holborstadt, and Wlllllam Chap
man another new member or tho organiza
tion has been cost Tor tho part or Count
Ivan Pflulovle Richard "Vivian will play
the port or Rodney Dlake a Trlcnd or
Hawthorn's and Arthur Moiso Moon will
be seen In the role or Senator Thomas
Bollard In which there Is much comedy
Trank Jonnson plays Colonel RadulskI,
Prescott TrWkson the part of M Dp Wet7
Walter Gilbert anothor addition to the
company the chiirauor or a reporter and
Harmon Weight the part of M rrederlck
Resides Miss Rambeau, therp are only
two other ladles In the cast Miss neglna
ronnellt will play the part of Kate Ballard,
the senator's daughter and Miss Lillian
Burnett has been given the part or Miss
PUz-Hardlngc Smythe, an English govor
ness. Tho play Is in four sots and Mr.
John Mcdland, an accomplished scenic
artist Horn the Pacific Coast, has prepared
elaborato scenery Prorcssor WUIard
Wolho has arranged an attractlvo musical
program and lovers or music aro assured
a splondidd ontcrtalnmont. Thero will bo
matlnoos Thursday and Saturday.
Miss Irono Franklin whoi ramo as an
ontortalnor Is universal comes to tho
Orphoum noxt weok as hoadllncr on the
now bill. Save among thoso who havo
onjoyod her work in tho cast sho Is prac
tically unknown hero but It Is soro to
prodlct that artor tho first porrormanco
hor Tome will bo nolsod abroad, Tor sho
can always bo rolled upon to dollght her
old rrlonds and to win a host or now ones.
Miss Tranklln Is an American girl and may
saroly lay claim to bolng ono or this
country's ravorlto commodiennos. She
has domonstratod tlmo and tlmo again,
both In vaudcvlllo and musical comedy
that hor's Is not a truant art but a posi
tive ono. She has a numbor or songs all
packod full of human naturo and all Il
lustrated by characteristic tricks or ex
pression, runny llttlo wrlgglos or tho
wonderrul fingers, a fleeting shadow or
pathos or a flashing srntlo in (ho dark oyes,
n tiomor or the sonsltlvo i'ps, a saucy
wrinkling or tho noso and countless othor
oxprosshe bits or business, unexpected and
absolutely true to tho charactor portrayal.
Miss Tranklln Is ossiBtod at tho piano by
Mr Durt Orocn whoso roputation as an ac
companist and a ragtlmo player Is widespread.