Mrs KIscr. and Miss KIsor or Davenport,
Iowaii.-taklng" hor guests to a tea later
whoro Miss Irene Franklin, of tho week's
bill,- was the guest or honor.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Brown spent a
row days In town the past week on their
way through to Manila where tho young
man, who Is recalled as a capahlo Y. M.
C. A. man by his Salt Lake rrlonds, will
havo charge or tho work or the same as
sociation. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Crowthor, rormorly
or this city, aro now living at the Hotel
Virginia at Long Doach. Thoy will movo
to tho Horschoy Arms in Los Angeles, and
later will settle in their own home. Mr.
and Mrs. Erdman havo Just rcturnod rrom
visiting them.
Senator and Mrs. need Smoot havo is
sued invitations Tor tho wedding reception
or tholr daughter Miss Annlo K. Smoot to
Grovor Augustus nohcntlsch, which will
take place at tho Smoot home in Provo
cm September 17. Many Salt Lako
rriends will go to Provo Tor tho event.
Provo had another very interesting Sep
tember wedding, that or Miss Addle lone
Knight, tho boautirul young daughter or
tho Jesse Knight ramlly to Starr Jordan,
son or tho notod chancellor or Stanrord
Univorslty, David Starr Jordan. The mar
riage Is tho result or a college romanco
and has boon oxtonslvely noted over tho
wostorn country.
Mrs. Ocorgo Dern and her ramlly havo
closed up their Brighton cottago whero
thoy have been entertaining rriends all
summer and havo moved back to tho city
Tor tho winter months.
Miss Joy DcCamp spent tho early part
or tho week visiting hor aunt, Mrs. Led
yard M. Bailoy and was a popular visitor
during hor stay. Another popular girl
visitor who has been visiting tho W. M.
Ferry ramlly is Miss Jullot Banks or
Kansas City.
Judgo and Mrs. William Story aro hack
j artor a summer spont on tho coast, and
I aro once more at homo to tholr rriends
j In thcli apartments at tho Bransrord.
Mrs. Paul F. Koysor ontortalnod again
at another in a sorios or dlnnors at her
homo tho early part or tho past wcok.
Mr. and Mrs. Iiobort Tucker havo taken
j the Thomas M rlonoaux homo on E street
J and Mrs. Mnrlonoaux and Miss Marlon-
oaux are spending a Tow weoks with Mr.
and Mrs. Goorgo W. Snow.
I Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Woll and tholr
I llttlo daughter Maxlno will bo homo today
rrom a visit with tho Woll's oldest
i dnughtor, Mrs. Sam Moyor in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. McMIHIan havo gono
oast to spend a month and to roturn by
nfotor, as thoy will purchaso a new car
wiillo absent.
Mr. and Mrs. Iloyt Shorman will bo hero
soon rrom Washington to visit tholr
daughter Mrs. Goorgo Jay Glbosn Tor a
part or tho autumn.
,MIss Mary Smedloy rormorly or this
cfty but now or St. Louis, is horo visit
ing tho J. F. Dunn ramlly.
The Semloh-Louvro Cafo, under the
piasont managomont, Is rocolvlng the
most ravorablo comment, dup to tho ox-
' collont service tendered and tho ctra-
j quallly or dollghtrul things to oat and
drink, served. The time Is most ploas-
aiitlv passed at this popular CnTo, duo
In' no am 'I measure to tho splendid slng-
j log or the soloists, the Misses Anita
; Ames, Mane Llttlojohn and Edith Thoro.
j accompanied by Arthur Noltlng, who, by.
I tho way, is an artist and ono or tho best
j accompanists scon in this city for many
a day. (Adv.)
Politics and Politicians
As tho mornings grow cooler and tho
nights longor, tho avorago politician
scents tho coming or tho city campaign.
And this is no belated bit or news. Tho
nvorago politician in tho days or old
would havo scented tho coming campaign
as soon as tho past campaign was ended.
But not this year. Thoro may bo two or
three more htan avorago Salt Lako poli
ticians who havo advance information
about the autumn's plans; about tho pur
poses, hopes and projects or thoso am
bitious for orilce. But with hair a dozen
oxcoptions tho politicians aro utterly In
tho dark. And September is hero!
What do you know about that?
Some people think Ncphl Morris started
something when ho boosted Commissioner
Koyscr Tor rc-clcctlonj but ho didn't.
That was started long ago. All Mr. Mor
ris did was to tack a target to Mr. Kcy
ser's broad and manly bosom which
started a lot or gentlemen shooting at
him. It helps the commissioner, or
course. Advertising always docs help.
But it loses about as much anti-Moose
support as it gains within tho ranks or
that party.
But back or all tho personalities lies
tho partisan problem. Some Democrats,
flushed by success in tho nation and party
placo In the state always quite as de
sirable as tho offices want to nominato
two men on a straight Democratic ticket.
And the Moosors, nimbly running in any di
rection whero they seo some ono else
run, pick up the slogan, appropriate It,
and declare they can elect both men
without tho aid or consent or any other
And tho Republicans, still possessed or
a protty good banking capital In prostlgo
and potentiality, still with ah organiza
tion not very much tho worso for wear,
aro calmly considering tho proposition or
putting up a party ticket, working Tor it
tooth and nail, and olcctlng its mon.
The plan has Its allurcmonts. IT tho
RopubUcans intend lator to transact bus
iness at tho old stand, they can hardly
afford to lock up and Ho down now. In
action would bo worso than defeat. It
would bo far more demoralizing. Any
party notion to tho oiroct that tho no
publican party is dead Is orror. A wholo
lot or pcoplo who denied it their support
last Tall would Jump at tho chance to got
back in the ranks. A good many, weak
oncd with careless chatter against or
ganization, leadership, bosslsm and all
that, have round to tholr mild surprise
that tho new party Is tho most pcrroct
example or boss-riddon boosters that cvor
came down tho pike. Thoy begin to re
alize that any party or church or business
houso or govornmont on earth must havo
loaclorship and managomont and respon
sible direction or rail. And thoy find no
good reason for going rrom tho honorahlo
old to the oqulvocal now.
My guess would bo that tho iiopubllc
ans will nominato two men Tor tho com
misslonershlps and one ror auditor; that
these threo will bo straight Republicans,
carorully chosen under tho auspices or
that party, and backed up by tho party's
rriends right up to tho day or election
Noxt week I can glvo you a little rurthor
light on thut, together with tho names
or mon considered. Vnd they aro mighty
good men, too.
One In particular declares ho will bo
ANITA AMES, who is singing at tho Scmloh-Louvre Cafe.
a candidate ror commissioner bcroro the iH
Republican convention, which ho firmly
bollovos and constantly declares will bo H
hold, and that, ir doroatcd thoro, ho will H
then como out as an Independent candl- IHI
dato. But that ho prefers to run on tho H
nopubllcan tlckot. jH
Somo rolks say that Parley Whito is H
going to bo a candidate for ono or tho H
commlsslonorshlps or tho auditor's Job H
somo rolks don't say Just which. And H
whothor ho will ask a party nomination H
or not also is lort a rree-ror-all ror H
guessing. jH
Also, there Is ropoated insistence that tH
my other old rriend Arnold Giilauquo H
will bo on tho tlckot. Arnold, like Pernio 'jH
Fornstrom, is a confirmed office holder. JH
I can't remomher when ho didn't have a H
placo on tho payroll. Oh, I reckon he's 'H
competent; but ho's ono or tho men whoso JH
careors make me tremble when I roflcct J
on tho uncortalntlos or human lire, and H
what n helovatimo tho city would havo tl
ir ho should happon to die. '1
Tho police arrested a man ror bathing tH
In tho Jordan. Seems to mo a man In L
the wator Isn't hair as dangerous to tho ,
community as is a tliior In tho night. M
Only, maybo It Is easier to catch tho 'ono H
than tho othor. M
What is good onough ror Draper ought f M
to bo good onough ror Salt Lako. Thoy m
aro going to got a postmaster by compo- H
tltlve examination at the smaller town.
Why not make tho Democratic contenders
Tor all rcdoral orilce In Utah rollow tho BB
samo rule? Only such questions as tho BH
govornmont usually propounds would bo H
usoloss In such case. There should bo fl
an elimination wrestling match. Put H
'Qull Nobokor and Gcorgo Storrs into a H
collar and lock tho door. Let the ono
who walked out without limping havo tho H
orilce and so on down tho lino. H
Lator ontrants ror city commissioner- H
ship prizes aro W. II. Shearman, nW very H
aecopiably rilling tho orflco or city aud- H
ltor. Thoro can be no question or his abll- H
Ity in that position, and his training H
should equip him Tor tho greater respons- H
11)111 1, ir experience In business, acquaint- H
aui'o with Salt Lake's roscources and ro- H
qutri'iiients, and an unlmpcachablo char- H
acter are any prepartatlon. And thoy jH
certainly are. H
A good muny men, without rogard to H
politics, arc speaking approvingly of H
rrank nines Tor commissioner. Ho prob- H
ably Is tho best matorial yot suggested H
In or out or orilce. There aro row mon H
anywhere possessed or a hotter equip- H
ment. Salt Lake's whole problem Is one H
or water. A suniclont supply at all soa- H
sim's or tho year, a wise and Just dls- H
trlbutlon, a practical system or median- H
leal appliance and an oTIlco rorco com- H
potent when competently airocicd theso
arc demanded. IT assured, there Is no jH
limit to tho city's growth and tho Har- B
rlman prophocy or Salt Lako's groatness B
can bo ruinilod. with less than that, tho H
city will never reallzo Its dostlny. m
And rrank nines, probably more than M
nny man yot mcntlonod, is a mastor or H
the problem tho city's chloTost need M
picsents. M
Automobile Numbers a Specialty H
jjp, Salt Lake Stamp Go. 1
ftlMUHfltsfl Tluulior Stamps, Senls, Etc, M
65 W. Broadway Phona 304 H
Salt Lako City H