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'1 GOODWIN'S weekly 9 B PLAYHOUSES ALL OF NEXT WEEK I command Is distinctly diverting:. To gether with tholr fair mistress they dance on their hind logs, rag and generally en act tho roles or cut-ups. They enact a littlo domestic drama, sit down to the J supper tahle, put tho baby elephant to I bod and gonorally clean house, tho sketch concluding with a thrilling rescue or Miss Orrord from tho uppor window of a burn ing houso. Throughout the act Is said to bo a little short or marvelous and one calculated to sot the town a talking. Another ravorlto from tho legitimate stago has entered tho ranks or vaudeville and during tho coining week Taylor Holmes will deliver his refreshing line or comedy talk as a reaturo or tho new bill. Mr. Homes has been Identified with a num ber or Important Hroadway productions Tor several soasons past, scoring his beg est hit as star In "The Million." Mr. Holmes' monologue carries a sparkling line or wit and humor. Ills speech before u dear and dumb audience - a gem and tho opinion and discourse; or various people (Including tho principal) at the arrival or a new baby is extremely runny. A unl(ilo method or displaying his mus ical genius is olTcrcd on tho now bill by Lsjrnbcrtl, a popular European entertainer. In various make-ups ho accurately por trnyys various composers not only is the I'unuonlion compiotc as to mo appearance, biitl Lambcrtl gives tho mannerisms and peculiarities oaroTul attention, achlovlng such success that It scorns as ir tho com pdsor represented wore actually present playing his own ravorltc composition. 'oho of thoso classy whllrwind acts that arc so popular with tho avorago vaude ville audlonces Is one which appears on tho new program as "Phlna." This is said to bo an exceptionally capablo char acterization that or a protty buxom girl. In her act slio has tho assistance or a trio or clover boys and girls dressed in swagger ovonlng attlro. Tho trio Is led by Phlna and thoy sing, danco and gen erally mako morry in a rashlon that Is a constant delight whllo thoy aro on tho stago. Mr. and Mrs. Frodorlck Allon aro a coupllo woll known to Salt Lako play goers. Four years ago thoy wore primo ravoritos in stock at tho old Grand tho atro. Slnco that tlmo thoy havo boon Iden tified with big tlmo vaudovlllo, first pro sontlng tholr clovor skotch "Tho Phantom Swoothoart" and now taking tholr third trip over tho Orphoum circuit, tins time presenting Mr. Alton's now playlot "She Had to Toll Him." "Tho Travollng Salosman and tho Fo malo Drummor" is tho titlo or tho hilar ious olTorlng or Dovlno and Williams on tho now "bill. Thoso two capture tho laughs through tho medium or somo clovor pattor and a good song or two thrown In Tor good moasuro. Rlzal and Atlma, a good looking pair, proposo to show Orphoum audlonces this woojc somo now stunts in hand balancing and contortion work. Tho othor roatures on tho bill aro tho Orphoum Motion Pictures showing tho latest views or curront nows topics or Amorlca and Europo, and tho concert twice dally at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. prior to tho matlnoo and ovonlng poiTormancos, glvon by tho Orphoum symphony orches tra under tho direction or Ed. J. Fltz-patrlck. (1 "What's the wrangle about In Plunlc- I vino?" "Somo or the community want to main tain mudholes and swell tholr prlvato t" fortunes by hauling an imoblles out. Others want to Improve .ho highways, pinch 'em for speeding and apply tho procoocls to public works or all kinds." Kansas City Journal. George IUehanls & Co. at the Empress. THE PANTAGES With the arts or the opening bill select ed, prices established and a Mm auto or performances decided upon, all arrange ments havn been completed for the Tor mal opening or the Colonlal-Pantages theater, formerly the Colonial, as a link in the Pantages circuit of houses, noxt Wednesday ovonlng. J. J. Cluxton, general representative or tho Pantages circuit spent Wednesday in conference with F. P.. Newman, manager or tho house. Following this conl'eronco Mr. Cluxton announced that tho thoator horo will bo operated in connection with the Pantages houses In Winnipeg, sasican toon, Edmonton and Calgary, Canada, and with tho Pantages houses in Spokano, So attlo, Vancouver, Victoria, Tacoma, Port land, San Francisco, Oakland, Sacrnmonto, Chicago, Detroit, Clevolana, Pittsburg, New Orleans and Cincinnati. Opening noxt Wednesday night, tho theater will observo a schedule or shows colling Tor throo performances a day, one in tho arternoon nt 8:30 o'clock and two in tho ovonlng, tho first at 7:30 o'clock and tho second at 0:18. All new bills will open on Wodnoadoy and run an ontlro week. Tho acts will number Trom six to olght Tor tho opening bill the program will Include an exhibition or tho famous tango dancing that has hocome tho rago. Wlll ard's Tcmplo or Music Is on tho bill, to gothor with Charles Kenna, the Ferns llon nott company, La Volas and the Three Troubadors. "Wo havo -been anxious Tor some timo to secure a suitablo house In Salt Lake ror Pantages," declared Mr. Cluxton yes terday. "We had our eyes on the Colonial last season, but could not secure It. When the opportunity .ime to lease it this year we hastened to tie It up, Tor it gives us one r the Mix t or Ihe new theaters In the -t and one or the nhe-t and largest houses on our entire circuit. Wo will be able to stage the largest or vaudeville olTei Ings In the (.olonlal and the house has boen beautifully decorated and furnished. I bellovo tho coming winter will be one or the best theater-going seasons or years and the standard or popular vaudovlllo is stoadlly climbing, wo lmvo hooked more oxponslvo acts this season than over be roro and Salt Lako will get tho best wo can send." COLONIAL PANTAGES Unequalled Vaudeville! Opens Wednesday Night, Sept. 10th 8 Big Acts 8 Three Performances Daily 2:30 p. rn. 7:30 p. m. and 9:15 p. m. Prices, Matinees 10 and 20 cents Evenings Divans 30 cents reserved; balance of lower floor 20cts Balcony first six rows 20cts balance of balcony lOcts. . VISIT The Semloh-Louvre Cafe J. C. WYATT, Propr, C. F. LeMAIRE, Mgr. WEEK COMMENCING ! SUNDAY, SEPT. 7 Willard Mack I iarjorio Siambeau ml a Company or Talented Players H "ON PAROLE" A Military Romance. H M T vi:i.K "An Enemy to tho King" H Prices, Night 75c, 50c, 25c H Mat. Thurs. and Sat. . 50c, 25c, 15c H SuluvaN'ConsidiheVaudeviIIi; H !Rw AsYouSccltin'NcNyYof-L M Qocrgo IYI. Qoorge and 12 M Artists In :H "THE GIRL IN THE' M 2:30 VASE." H Tnsy Money" Goo. Rich- H 7:30 .'Mils & Co. O olden and H West. The Savoys. Waltor JM 9:15 ruiiilles. Sampsons and H Douglas. Gaumont Plctor- H l,i I Review. Empress Or- H (hestra. H Regular 30c Matinees Daily jH Empress 20c 500 Par- H Prices 10c quet Seats, 1"C M WEEK BEGINNING I SUNDAY MATINEE, SEPTEMBER 7 H MISS ORFORD ,M And Ilei Wonderful Elephants H TAYLOR HOLMES H The Well Known Comodian. H LAMBERTI H The Master Musician H PHINA. AND COMPANY 'H in a Classy Singing and Dancing Act. lll OR. AND MRS. FREDERICK ALLEN M In Their New Comedy H "Sho Had To Tell Him" M DEVINE AND WILLIAMS j "The Traveling: Salesman ann The jH I'emnlo Drummer." M RIZAl AND ATIMA M riexlhle Equilibrists. IH ORPHEUM IVIOVINQ PICTURES. H ORPHEUM CONCERT ORCHESTRA. M EvuiiIiik Prices 10-25-50-7Sc. Box Scuts $1.09 MutineaH Daily 10-25-5Uc. JM Matlnoo Dally 2:15 Night Performance 8:15 H Telephone 750 1600 H . a ;