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BBBKNNHBKSHiikBmmmm$mBmmmmMWmwmmMMmiMm - mmmmtmimmmmimmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmttmmim mini i www - iShm 'Hwfl 'wwwwwHl 'wwwwwl GOODWIN'S WEEKLY . 13 H "Jokes" arc ratlicr old, having: boon told by monolqglsts rroquontly in the past. Concluding tho program is tho Animated Weakly, showing motion pictures or the world's principal news events, always a popular reaturu. ' VERDI PROGRAM. r Th'p .Verdi program to he presented next Thursday night by the Hotel Utah Orches tra mln commemoration or tho hundredth annfwrjsary or tho birth or tho immortal Italfanl, composer, which took place In noncolc, Italy, October Oth, 1813. The occa'sfon is observed out or a proround resp'ejet" Tor tho great and popular com poser's memory, and in response to the suggestion made by the musical editor or the bes'eret News: 1. Qrnd Selection rrom "II TrpYatoro" Verdi 2. Grand Selection rrom "La Traylata" " 3. Quartet rrom "Rlgoletto" .... " 4. Grand Selection rrom "Aida".. " Members or the Hotel Utah Orchestra are: J. j1McClellen, Organist Mormon Taber nacle, Director: Morris Andrews, Violin, Assistant Director; Alfred Rordame, Viola; Willard FloBhman, Flute; Oge JorgenBen, Cello; James P. Olsen, Bass; S, H. Williams, Piano, . THE PINOH HITTER. A Baseball Story. By J. Ai, Waldron, in tho Magazine or Fun. iThc sun was on its western way, and Tans 'by thousands, grave and gay, tho stands and field and bleachers rilled, and at "Play ball!" the throng was stilled, i Tho game was crucial, Tor tho racobe- , tween the clubs was Tor rirst place. Each nine's great "rllngcr," in the box "had I everything," worked like an ox, and every wflo put Into play curve balls and swirt and' radeaway. Each tfattlng order quickly passed I three up, three down and no one "sassed" tho umpires, for each batter relt that next time up he'd get a wolt. What seemed to bo a cracking hit would always rind a Holders mitt. The players on both sides hair spont, perspiring to their benches wont as inning artcr inning sped, with nolthcr an eyelash ahead. And thus tho game proceeded till tho sun was hidden by a hill; a rull twolvo Innings had boon rought, tho score re maining naught to naught. Tho visitors Jhclr thirteenth hair had played, and once more got tho laugh rrom Tans whoso rronzlcd cheors, and kicks classed them among sheer lunatics. Tho lQCjtl manager was seen with a Istrango nlaycr near tho screen. "A now pinch bluer!" was tho cry, quick rollowed by somo ribaldry. Tho rirst man up was not tho $?rst; ho bunted, sprinted and got rirstr5" Tho second batter banged away and hit Into a doublo play I Tho rans despairing, uttering groans, shrieks, whistles, howls, laments and moans. Tho man who works tho megaphone pronounced a speech In eyon tone and Pinch-hit Billy camo to bat. Ills nnmo was Splogolhauson- hat. Ho was a-stranger to all thorc a stranger to tho bleachers' blare a stranger to tho mighty thrall that hovers over blg-loaguo ball. Fresh rrom tho bushes, groon as grass, ho scorned to lack what thoy callod "class." Ungainly, with a rreckled pate, ho lumbered slowly 'to tho plate. Ho legs would a piano bear, his shouldors massive were and square, and yot his aspoct on tho wholo was that ono dcop in a hole. Tho pitcher oyed him with a grin, whllod ho seemed rattlod at tho din. "Ono ball!" tho ump bohlnd tho plate, with gesture, criod. Fans wore 'Olato. "One striker' tho next decision camo, 1 and stands and bloachers wore ariamo. "Two strikes I" The crowd was in a rrlght, and rrenzied rootors shrlokod, "Good nlghtl" Tho third ball pitched, at mighty rate, came Talrly squarely o'er the plate or, rather, it was coming pat. 'TWas met by Sptegolhausonhat. It lort his bat to boat tho cars and seomod as. though 'twas bound Tor Mars. Homo run? Why, It was ortcn talked that this bush-lcagor might have walked hair way across tho continent bororo that hall Us course had spont. Next day a thousand Tans or more tho doctors to asylums boro. All pitchers now, when he's at bat, Just walk this Spiegclhausenhat. TAN BARK. By Rev. Eliot White, A. M. In a ramshackle, Nre trap tenement or New York's East Side I visited a llttlo boy ill with typhoid. Grouping through the halls dark and grimy as coal-pockets, I passed a sinister door where "policy" gaming was reported to riouHsh. Lurking jr tho pennies or the poor at their - ry thresholds, like a tarantula under green rrult stinging the rirst hand thrust into its den. I round tho child upstairs crimson as a peony with the rever, but uncomplain ing except to speak or its throbbing headache. Ho had pinned to the sora above his head somo celluloid buttons that ho wore when well, bearing trivial mottoes that here somehow took on a pathetic dignity. Outside, the rattle or wagonB ovor the broken pavement, and the raucous atreet-crles, made the patient wince as though cut, But ah, theao wcro more like balm com pared to tho sudden lnrerno or clamor that now burst rorth Tor his torturol A woman's strident voice rrom tho stairs near tho door vented such prorane scurrility on somo ono who hadmockod her, Tho very glass In tho crippled transom seemed to chatter, and tho sick boy stared with tho amazement or tho drowning. Hastening out I conrrontod a tipsy harri dan with dishonored gray locks strag gling over her race, who clashed a beer-can against tho bannisters, Like somo horrible monadic accompani ment or cymbals to the witch-chant or her shrill blasphemy. My appeals to her to have pity on the sufTcrlng boy but added ruel to tho flamo or her wrath, as I might have rorcseen. Were you thinking that tho Russian rev olutionists have causo to bo rebels against social conditions and those who prop them, but Americans havo no causo? Would your resentment at tho needless woo or such a sick child, and or ten thousand others like him, havo been appeased simply by his going to tho liavon or a hospital tho noxt day? Or would you havo relt It shamo to tako tho contrast as a matter or course, when in tho elegant residence-district uptown you round tan-bark spread thick over tho street, And you know that this meant that some one another child perhaps was ill in ono or theso houses, and must have the vory pavemont murned Tor his comrort? In Imagination you could seo tho quiet, skllirul nurses ministering to overy whispered wish, and losing no oppo tunlty to roduco tho rcvor and rortiry tho cherished body with dollcato and costly nourishment. "You do not grudo ono bonont, or device Tor case and hoallng, to the child or wealth, but you mightily vowod you would die on somo Invisible barricade orVoyolt, Sooner than accopt tho smug plea that social Inequalities such as involved what you saw the tonomont child on duro, aro grounded in tho constitution or God's world. As I thought again and again or tho reddish-brown, pungont smolllng quilt laid ovor tho rough granite bod or the streot, and with such consideration Tor sensitive norvos, 3 round it assuming tho aspect or a sym bol suggostlng all tho oxponslve and clever contrivances that cushion tho impact or distress on refined ears, And hush tho rasp or din and anguish T5E r-p ! ; 1 H RYAN & LEE, Next Wednesday at the Empress H that cries rrom a hundred city slums Tor no more oxorbltant boon than Justice. Yet cvon now llko a now Herakles or Iphlgcnla, a man or woman horo and there, rjsos rrom tho couch or social in Crying, "I. will hoar and sec tho truth!" and to the chagrin or companions to whom such quixotic venture sooms sheer treason, Ho girds himself to twolvo modern labors for his. kin who had boon boyond his pale, and she to a sacrifice or sorvlco, undotorred by the kniro or ridlculo, as dauntfessly as hor Orook sister long ago. LOVETT IS A LAWYER. Robert Scott Lovctt, chairman or the Union Paciric board or directors, and bororo tho sogrogatlon plan bocamo opera tive prosldont or both Union Paciric and Southern Pacific, is a lawyor as woll as a railroad chlor, a Tact which stood him In good stead, Tor only a lawyor and ono or Supremo Court callbor could havo straightonod out tho Paciric situation. Judge Lovott, Tor ho Is still callod "Judgo," although ho has novor hold a Judicial position, but obtained tho tltlo rrom tho Tact that ho was born In Toxas whoro overyhody Is a Judgo, Just as in Kontucky ovorybody is a colonol, round ono solution or tho puzzlo, but tho Call rornla Railway Commission upsot It. Judgo Lovott was mado chairman or tho board or tho Union Pacific Railroad Company on September 15, 1000, and chairman or tho Southern Pacific next day. His association with Mr. Harrlman began In 1001 when Mr. Harrlman round tho firm or Baker, Botts, Baker & Lovctt acting as gonoral attorneys Tor tho South ern Pacific & Toxas, which ho had Just acquired. Mr. Harrlman put Lovott through the third degree to find out what ho knew about railroading In Texas, and found out lhat ho know about all there was to H From that tlmo Judgo Lovott's credit H with Mr. Harrlman was established, and H ho was rroquontly callod to Now York by H his chlor until 100-i when ho was sum- M moncd to tho motropolls to remain per- M tnanontly as gonoral counsel for tho wholo H Harrlman system, and on Mr. Harrlman's H (loath ho succecdod his chler as head or M both tho Harrlman lines. M Ho is now in Europo enjoying a well- M earnod rest. H MOTHER AND SON. H Among tho truly remarkable reats per- M rormod by the post orrico employees, In M tho way or deciphering addresses and H discovering tho persons to whom letters jH aro addressed, the following incident, H which took placo in Now York not long H ago, is ono or tho most interesting. A H lottor was rocolvcd at tho general ofrice wwH addressed simply, "My Mother, New York, H America." H Tho chirography was somowhat difficult, H hut oven with this rinallv mastered and H tho deciphering or Its Irish postmark, the wH ruct that there was than ono mother QH In Manhattan with a son in Ireland mado IH tho postorrico people despair, or evor tils - VJH covering tho rightful owncrT H A day or two artor tho rocclpt or this H mystorlous missive a cheery-looking Irish- HH woman olhowod her way to tho general KB inquiry window. HS "Yo haven't a litter rrom mo b'y, -have H yo?" she queried, eagerly. H As most or tho employees on that floor had had a laugh ovor tho address or tho K4 Jotter to "my mother," tho thought or it returnod to tho mind or tho inquiry clerk HJ at montlon or "mo b'y." It was quite posslblo that such a questioner might be K tho mother or such a writer. H Tho homo or tli "b'y" was round to bo H the same as tho postmark on the letter, HK and artor a row more precautionary in- H qulrlos tho missive was handed over to ,!my mother," on tho condition that she H open it on tho spot and veriry hor claim. This was done and "my mother" was H actually ldentiried among tho three mil- H lion and a hair recipients or mail-matter in tho great city.