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OOODWIN'S WEEKLY 5 H I POPULAR TALKS ON LAW THE LAW OF SURFACE WATER. By Waltor K. Towers, A. B. , J. D., of tho Michigan Bar. 1 ' Tliero arc times whon rain Is treasured. There are times, In most localities, when rain falls all too abundantly so rapidly that tho earth cannot take It up. The passage of surface water and the efforts made to turn It into fixed channels or block Its passage, give rise to not a Tew legal disputes between tho owners of ad Joining lands. What the law knows r "surface waters" arc those which sprca themselves over the surracc of the earth without following any distinct and rixed channel. The rainfall which comes upon a per- son's property Is his own and ho may re tain It there for his own uses. So It Is that If tho surracc water Is deemed of value to the landowner he may retain It and his neighbor, over whose land It would , otherwise have drained, has no legal muse of complaint. This applies only to sur face water and not to fixed and definite watercourses or nny character, which arc , differently regarded. ' Dut ir the surrace water Is not a valu able thing to be carcrully retained and treasured the question arises as to what means may bo taken to dl3pofff or the water which sweeps down the slopes arter l heavy rains. May Andrews ditch the sur face water that gathers on his land and discharge It onto Baker's property, whon IT lert to its natural course tho slope or the land would have carried it onto Collins' rarm? ir Andrews In "ho way imerrcrcs with tho course or tho surracc drainage fcmay Collns build a dike which will pre-j-vent the surrace water from running from ' r Andrew's property onto his own? Different states answer these and klnd ,rcd questions in different ways. There ? are two principal rules which are fol- lowed in icclding these questions. One ' rule is technically known as the "civil law rule," and Is followed In such states as Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, California, Iowa, Alabama, Georgia, Ken tucky, Louisiana, Maryland, North Caro lina and Texas. Uundor this rule tho owner of the land which Is higher, has a right, as against his neighbor whose land is! lower, to havo tho surraco water drain off In tho natural manner without ob structions. Thus Collins, whose land ad Joins Andrew's must receive tho surrace water which naturally flows from Andrew's land in times or rain and melting snow, and ho has no right to erect any obstruc tions against It which will prevent its flowing rrom the hlghor land. Other states have adopted what Is known as tho "common law rule." Among theso arc: New York, Massachusetts, In diana, Minnesota, Missouri, Virginia, Wash ington, Kansas, Maine, Connecticut, Ver mont, New Hampshire, Arkansas, Ne braska, Now Jorsoy, Now Mexico, Okla homa, and South Carolina. This rule re gards surrace water as a common enemy and allows each landowner to cope with It to his own advantage. Thus the ownor or tho land which Is lower may protect his own proporty against tho surraco wator, even though In doing so ho pre vents It coming on his land and causes it to bo rorcod back on his neighbor's rrom which it was accustomed to flow with tho land In Its natural state. It Is usually hold In those states, howovor, that whore a woll-doflnod gully has been worn In the soil by the frequent running or water in tho samo place this may not bo dammed up In such a way as to flood a neighbor's land. And in all cases duo rogard must bo had Tor tho property rights or tho nolghbor and nothing must bo dono which will unnocessarlly injuro his land. ; In cities where tho common law rulo jprovalls, and oven In cltlos In most statos '' j rolowlng tho civil law rule, by special oxcoptlon, tho ownor or a lot may-gjfado it to tho propor lovol, whatoyor tho offoct upon tho dralnago or surraco wator. Dut ' it la usually required that each lot owner ciro for his own surface wator end nr rango to conduct in Into sewers or gutters. In states where the common law rule provails a railroad in building Its em bankment, while It must provide culverts etc., for regular watercourses, need not make special provision Tor surracc water, as a general rule. In the states following: the civil law rule tho railroad must mako preparations Tor the passage or all surraco water In Its natural manner providing culverts and drains In all places where water would normally pass. One who by artificial means wishes to conduct tho surracc water that gathers on his property away rrom its natural course must sec to it that no greater burden is cast upon the land at lower level than there would be under normal conditions. Neither may ho divert the water and dis charge It on the neighbor's land at some new point. Only such drains may be made as good husbandry requires and no greater damage may be done to tho lower land than would be under normal con ditions. The surface water may be hasten ed on Its way without doing a legal wrong, as long as the way Is not changed from the one which nature has fixed, or course, tho right to dralnwater across another's land through artificial channels may be secured by purchase, or grant, or long continued custom under a claim or right, whon It becomes a property right and may bo held as such. One may not collect the surface water In an artificial basin and discharge it upon his neighbor's land In greater volume than It would ordlnarllly flow. One may colloc surrace water In ditches on his own land and drain It into watercourses which are Its natural outlet, ir tho discharge Is not beyond the capacity or the watercourse. Unless there Is some municipal regulation rorblddlng it tho "wncr of a lot may drain tho surraco w& r Into street or alley. Special drainage laws cometlmcs provide special regulations to govern the drainage or surracc water. When overflows come by reason or heavy rain or molting snow ono Is not, ordinarily, responsible Tor tho Injuries which happen to a neighbor's property from surraco water rushing rrom his land. But IT ono causes the course or dralnago to vary rrom the normal he may becomo liable Tor tho Injury. Thus, ir ho alows water to ac cumulate In an excavation, as a collar, and thon drains It onto a neighbor's land no is responsible for any injury which this may cause. Ono must care Tor the wator which Talis on tho roofs or his buildings, and seo to It that it docs no flow onto the adjoining property In an unnatural manner, else he will be liable Tor any Injury cnusedj Thus, ir a building Is closo to tho line gutters and rain spouts must bo provided of a sort to handle ordinary ' rains and reasonablo caro must be taken to keep thorn In propor condition. For tho re sults of ovorflows caused by extraordinary rains or unrorseeablo happenings' tho own er Is not responsible. (Copyright, 1013, by Waltor K. Towers.) AN IDEAL IDLE IDYLL When the caullflowor's calling, And tho hall or fnmo is hauling: Whon tho Pyrenees aro peering through the goggles all agog; Whon tho rubber stamp is rubbing, And the substitute Is subbing, Then the atmosphere Is Tearing lost tho poly is a wog. Wlidn tho Insincere ore sinning, And tho wlndowslll is winning, And tho clrlblrlblms aro choorlng sort above tho sky: Thon the dictionary's airing. And tho underwear Is woarlng, And tho Hiawatha highly hlolng higher up on high. Take a shot at composition or this gentle disposition (Whon tho scramblod oggs aro ambling raster than tho ransom ran) To write it wrightly mako It sprightly. Nightly, lightly and contritely: For the canopy can do It if tho canny cindlo can. "James, there's a burglar down stairs. I'm going for help." "Walt a minute. I'll go with you." Harper's Magazine. BroakfaBt Lunoh Dlnnor 7 to 9:30 11 to 2 6 to 7:30 SHAY'S CAFETERIA 341 Main St. Opp. P. O. Salt Lako City 650 S. Hill St., Los Angolos THE BEST BREAD Frosh, Moist, Fragrant, Filling'. 10-CENT LOAVES FOH 5-CENTS The Children aro hungry for this Broad. It is ahsolutely pure and wholesome. Made in Evcrywomnn's Kitchen By Evcrywoimm Herself. If your bread does not answer this description send us your name and address and ono of our ladies will show you how she makes Home-Made Bread. UTAH GAS & COKE CO. John C. D, Clark, Gonoral Mgr. Serve Your Guests With Our AMERICAN BEAUTY BEER Or Our "OLD GERMAN LAGER" BEER Two Famous Pioducts that Touch the Spot Phone Hyland 17 for a case. Salt Lake Brewing Co. 5th South and 10th East PARLEY P. JENSON I LAWYER H Suite 410 Utnh Savings & Trust Bid?. H Tolophono Wasatch 1 H SALT LAKE CITY, L i AH JH Automobile Numbers a Specialty M &, Salt take Stamp Co. I fuMiIwtKfl Rubber Stamps, "Seals, Etc. H 65 W. Broadway Phone 30,4 Salt Lake City iE We want ftie jV I name of every yr H is ambitious foPfS H BE A LAWYER I and we want to bear from cv- H ery business man who wishes H that he knew BUSINESS LAW. M Write todnjr and let tie tell 70a how we here made lawyers) H ant of hundreds ol younr -en Juit like 700, and equipped BH illness men with a legal I lining (hat hit been ol Immenia Kgsfl enetll to them. Thla b hool, lonaded 21 years age, hff H graduate! who hate patted bar examination! In every itate la H the U.S. Courses sndorted by l)ench,IJar( end Enilccunen. bbbbbbb! Learn about f ) our Complete Oollire 9HPPPHMH Law Course which fits for practice, and K J III Mi (2) our Complete, Practical, Battntsa H nV 1 1 J m M k" CarM or Dailneu Men, Find H ksjBaBsriBsns&sH out about the low cort. and seo how IH PwYfHI e""T Tou ean obtain a thorough H 111' jH knowledge of the Law while eontlnu- IH Tjlll Ingyourprcasntwork. EaayTarmal IH BHMr9B Send today lor handsome eataleg and H (ifllH Hat aneeesslol gradnates all oter tt IKajLHI n, " who arasped their opportunity B PaVPPBJ It - see answering an ad. like thill 1 "III I " ,,rtS BriUOCE CORRKBPOKDZXCX .H IMIiiB m school or law sMnMWI OlAaMtwtaBtlUIax.OetrnU.IUab H GALICHEIi MACHINERY I COMPANY I 224-232 So. West Temple H Mining Machinery and Supplies I General Automobile H REPAIRING All Metals Welded by Oxy- M acetylene Process. H !When Ordering H specify jH Castle Gate or H Clear Creek Coal H GOOD COALS NONE BETTER H UTAH FUEL CO. I I Judge Building, City 9 wummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm H