dH", Secured "
jB The Certificates of Deposit
H issued by the Salt Lake Se
H curity and Trust Company
H tlraw interest ut G per cent.
i H Tlicy arc twice ns profitable
H ns government bonds and
' H just ns secure. These ccr-
, H Silicates do not depreciate
8H in value, as they are not
H subject to the rise and fall
I 5 no ,noney market. Pco-
HH pic who desire to avoid the
I H anxiPty incident to iluctuat-
H ing stocks and bonds find
, jH them in every way a desir-
H flble form of investment. .
H Salt Lake Security
I JKL r Trust Co.
H 82 .Alain Street, Salt Lake
This is the first question ask
ed by those renting or buying
i A negative reply turns people
away. If the house is proper
ly wired for electric service,
, THAT is a big factor in ront
i ing or selling it.
Builders are invited to confer
with us in making plans. Freo
advico by our experts is part
of the service wo render.
t Call Our Commercial Department
j Utah Light & Railway Co.
"Electricity for Everything"
3 The chief result of experience
? ig clearness of view in discerning
, tha fertile soil on which to plant
'thai part of today's harvest set
sido for tomorrow's betterment.
5 ' The wise planting of pennies
,ahd dollars in a savings account
..whore the growth is certain, is
making a virtue of necessity.
Wo offer the security and con
venience of this bank for your
"The Bank on Broadwoy"
; Notional Bank of the Republic
. U. S. Depository
JAS. A. MURRAY, Vico-Pres.
W. F. EARLS, Cashier
i E. A. CULBERTSON, Asst. Cash.
Capital Paid In, $300,000
, Banking in all its branches trans
acted. Exchange drawn on the
T principal cities in Europe. In
terest paid on Time Doposits
A question its to vliat mining stock one
Shohld buy recalls the declaration of a
modern discipline of Omar Khayyam to the
offect tlidt all wlilsky Is good althtiugh
some whlsKy Is better thnh other whisky.
So far as the Utah stocks arc concerned
all that have survived the merciless win
nowing of the last year may be designated
as conservative Investments The exper
ience of a shipment of ore In a smelter
Is mild compared with the process to which
stocks have been subjected. They have
been squeezed and compressed, kiln dried
and sun baked until the last trace of water
has been removed form their valuation.
They have been picked, sorted, resorted
and Inspected until every share with a con
stitutional derect has been eliminated and
thrown over the waste dump. They have
been roasted, assayed, anallzcd, sintered
and refined Prices have been established
on a strictly competitive basis and, for
a maigtn or safety, cut In two. Under
the circumstances there Is a good deal or
Irony In the question as to whether any
stock 13 worth Its present selling pi Ice.
Not all of them are as good as government
bonds, but government bonds arc not soiling
at prices which require the vendors to run
pennies through a sausage mill In order
to make changp.
But somo stocks are better than othors?
Yes, they are, on the race or tho roturns.
One can't look Into tho ground and fore
stall the surprises of mining, but there
are known conditions hat arrord a basis
or comparison. The greatest diversity or
points Is to be round among the very cheap
stocks The choice ranges rrom shipping
propci tics such as United TIntIc and Lower
Mammoth to such scantily explored pros
pects as Plocho Metals. Tor one cent a
share or less one could have bought in the
last week United TIntIc, Lower Mammoth,
Plocho Metals, Sioux, South lion Dlossom,
Utah Consolidated, Plocho Demijohn, TIntIc
Control or Lead King. Everything else
being equal one naturally would pick tho
shlppors, but other things arc not equal.
Shippers may be ovor-capltallzod, or dobt
rlddcn and raw prospects may have excep
tlonally good surface indications and
strong financial backing. With 1 to S
cents to Invest, a buyer could havo ac
quired Union Chler, Lohl-Tlntlc, Crown
Point, Cedar Talisman or Swansea Con
solidated evory one savo Crown Point
having a production rccoid. Five to seven
cents a share would have placed tho buyer
In possession or Dock Tunnel, Koystone,
King William, Uncle Sam, Plutus or May
Day IT he had rrom 0 to 12 conts a
sharo to Invest he could havo bought
Wllbijrt, Deck Tunnel, Alta Consolidated
or South Hccla. Twonty-rivo to thirty
cents would havo given tho choice between
Gold Chain, Thompson-Qulncy and Prlnco
Consolidated. Forty to nrty cents would
havo enablod one to stock up on Ohio
Copper or Victoria Consolidated and Tor
$1.20 to $1.40 ho could havo picked cither
iron Dlossom or Sliver King Consolidated.
Silver King Coalition remained In h class
by ltseir at $3.50 and up. Invostors with
a taste Tor blggor things had Ualy-Judgo,
Daly-West, Utah Consolidated, Unltod
States and Utah Coppor to trado In. Al
though so many or tho stock issues aro
selling at substantially tho samo prices,
ovoryono knows that In six months or
a year the classification will bo radically
altorod. investors who mako wise and
rortunato selections will bo counting
prorits thon, while tho possibility or a con
sldorablo number surrorlng loss scorns o
cocdlngly romoto.
Chanco, or "luck" Is a ractor In all
bi Mioss and especially In mining. In n
small porcontago or casos It may bo tho
determining ractor. nut In tho long run
Judgment and Intelligence will always loavo
luck bohlnd Study and analysis pay nine
time out or ton and on tho tomh they will
provont any serious loss, orriclal roports,
If they aro ical reports and not advertising
literature, aro a great help to tho student
or mine values although a more statement
or assets, liabilities and dovolopmont work
is but a part or tho lnrormation required
to rcac a truo eBtJmato. A satlsractory
nccoun or Its business arrairs was given
in the ltt&t week by tho Alta Consolidated
Mining company. Although it shows the
company to owe $12,258, It discloses It
has paid $30,878 on Its property and re
ceived $57,114 Tor oro in tho last two
years. Its pay rolls havo amounted to
$18,013. A not return or $17,000 on tho
labor perrormed Is not largo, but tho labor
In this Instance, Included all tho prelim
inary development or tho mlno and was
carried on with common hand tools. Since
tho ground has been opened and tho oro
round, the proportion or expenditure Tor
woik should bo lowered materially. Real
pconomy, however, will not Do mtainablo
until tho mlno is cquippod with power
drills and other labor-saving -machinery.
Tho necessity Tor better equipment Is
recognized by the secretary in Jils annual
report, although tho matter that ogives
him the greatest concern is tho debt of
$ 12,258. Ho seems not to havo takon to
heart tho gioat truth, so comrortlng to
debtors In all ages or tho world, that tho
creditor will do all tho worrying neces
sary. Tho directors announce a plan Tor
financing tho company. It Is not a now
plan or a novel one, but It seems to bo tho
only workable solution or tho problem
bororo them. They ask tho stockholders
to consent to an Increase or 200,000
shares In the capital stock. A special
meeting has been called for October 10 to
vote on the Is probable that
thp Increase will be authorized. It will
depreciate the value or tho shares now
outstanding, hut It will serve as a substi
tute ror an assessmont, an aigumont that
carries considerable weight with most
Parallel veins are qulto popular In mln
Ing circles this Tall They give a youth
Tul appoaranco to old and mlddlc-agcd
mines that Is vory retching. Tho style
roally startod last spring when tho Ameri
can riag mlno at Park City appeared
with Its "Castor" voln, paralleling -the old
flssuio to tho oast. Iron Dlossom roll ror
tho Tad during tho summor and looked
qulto Jaunty with a now oast voln on tho
outskirts or its original oio channel. Now
tho Ontario or Park City, is tiylng tliP
samo modioli or rojuvonatlon. houtn or
tho wondorrul rlssuro that lias -yielded
so many millions or silver a inisc from the
1500 level has cnteied 12 root or shipping
ore. Tho width or tho ore aiono is an
Indication that It Is not an orrshoot rrom
tho old flssuie, since that fissure never
hold more than C or 7 foot or high grado
oto between walls. Tho valuo or tho now
rind distinguishes it from what Is known
as tho Ontario's "back" voln, which has
long boon mapped across tho southorn por
tion or tho estate Tho "back" voln is
thick and imposing In appearance, but Isn't
worth much. Tho now voln Is supposod
to run along boUoon tho Ontario rlssuro
and tho "back" voln and to possess tlio
rlchnoss or ono combined with tho blgnoss
or tho other. It may soom strange that
such a lodo should bo ovorlookod In ground
that has boon worked Tor rorty yoars
Such things happoii, howovor, and when
thoy do happon thoy go a long way towaid
balancing accounts with tho oxpoctod
things that rail to happen.
Whon RUly Child loaves his Main streot
orrico long onough to mako a porsonal In
spection or a mining camp tho ocuurinco
is mpro than an lncldont -It Is an ovant.
Honco tho announcement that Mr. Child
had boon to nochestor, NOvada, created
qulto a stir In mining socloty this week
and give rlso to a good dool or guessing
as to what was on Tho Broker liimseir
disclaimed important designs on tho new
district, But aUmlttod that hls-iioustrmtgrit 19
tako a band ln-Us, iovolopmqntjrir tho Ht'l4 jjfll
gation which -has ctardjJd tho 'camp v6rd !H
sottled. Mr.'ChllU lrnslho Krirfok or sum H
marlzlng In a scntanco Tacts that would H
mako columns or detail and this Is hi !H
synopsis or conditions nt Rochester: - - !H
"Thoro aro ton sots or lessees, Tour or H
whom aro shipping nntf rdur mOro'saWlng H
a good grade or oi o. Avora hr6lUoti&n jH
IS 100, tons' a day rahglhg in Vnlurbm H
$30 to $204 por ton. fhd veins arc wM
defined and appear blggor and, richer at 'H
tho greatest dopth gained thari nearer tno H
.surface." H
The information editor received this ih H
qui TV rrom an ingonuous youth: H
"Kindly toll me why a girl always closes H
her eyes when a follow kisses her". H
The editor replied. ' ! M
"It you will send lis your photograph
wo may bo ablo to toll you tho .reason.'' Kj
Own A Savings Account" I
It is a good investment. It H
keees your capital always H
available and intact. A saV- H
ings account at this bank js, H
especially valuable to you. H
It commands' theneVesfa'nd H
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and forty years of bankin'g. H
Your acoount, large or H
small is invited. n. K
McCornick & Co., Bankers I
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Black Shoes '
$2.50 1
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$3,00 I
For Men and Women H
409 Judge Building I
Large resources and wide busi- H
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