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r I 10 tf GOODWIN'S WEEKLY L -HMN'T YOU HEARD H'l JP;, BY WILLY WALLFLOWER. r Willy dpopn'jt ltko tp dampon tlio ploas- H : uro oD persons who go away for a vaca- M lion or Tor a change; but ho would llko Hj to maco a suggestion that could bo rol- H lowed iwlthLbMWfltrial results. m . It lsja groat temptation when away from H J ' the conventions or homo to lndulgo in llttlo Hj' inrornfaliyes than "ono wouldn't think or" B under JoHhor clroumstancos; but It might H bo wclLto liloolc n llttlo out" as tlio dor- H - Jnan says, IT you arc sensitive about hav- Hi lng nows travol back home. H i Tor -instance n llttlo bit or spooning H ' might Viot bo much or an Infraction or tiro H proprieties, all persons consenting, IT H "the tjmo.pla"co and tlio man" arc Judlcl- H ' ously Selected. Dut thoro Is such a thing Hi ns unjlor "estimating tlio Importance or H! these details. The man might be an nc- (! qualnt&ncc of oiily a short time, who would i think llio episode n nno round-table topic p for hll club. Then, too, it Is quite pos- : slblo jo loso track or time when a Tull Bj ' moon sheds lis friendly beams on the H' secluded YAPandaof .a summer hotel, and Hjh thoro might lie restless occupants In rooms Hf abovo jkvhosif ftiVfloslty could be pricked by H , a ropojltlo"iroT tho snmo voices under their H( window's evening artor evening. H This set of cirbunistances is rntuiiiar to K! one whose name appears In tin- Blue HL' Book; so ono of those sparrows tl.l k Willy Hn Theoermnn's precaution Isn't a bad in- . Junction after all, Is It? It might be H adopted also by two or three young H matrons who mischievously pass themselves H on as! "Miss" when tlioy aro away rrom H bomo--and tho mnrriod men who enjoy fl stolon dlnnors with fair unknowns The H hlghoij up In bustnuss soino men Ilnd B themselves tho more privileged they seem H to reel, and as was tlio case a short time H ago with a man whoso avoirdupois tips H the senlos at a high mark. They often 5 Kiuw jiiiulesa about selecting tablrs near H their wives' 'friends. Such u thoughtless H little dinner engagement U slit imik up a HHj bit or family strire in one or our bi si" HEj families. H Tliofe Is a grass widow who Is still on 1" tho sunny side or thu ty, whose hut Hum aboard an east bound train was hum turnd back tp Salt Lake as the stapes tuivaincd Hji en rotate Had news is not the only n ws Bi Ibat travels fast. Just let one unman Hi pet something on another, and see what H your Ipedomcter ro&lstcrs. Motor roin- H panics j would pay Jiillllons for siuh a H' patent! Hi 1 H! There is no limit to woman' v..nity. H) Sho la tutored in It from the cradlo to H the grave, and ralrly lives on It rrom mom- H lng unjtll night. H Swept and lively slxtcon, who should bo Hj accumulating fragments or knowlodgc H rrom Ijcr school books, is ono or tho most H gullible victims. To wit: such a lassie, H who 14 rair and buxom, and comely as sho jHj can bq, sought by a little subterrugc to Ej make jherseir oven more winsome with H varloufc dovlces or tho toilet; and it Is j needless to say that sho succeeded so well H) that willy wns well nigh swept oir jBl bis fedt py tho porrcctlon or tl.e beautiful 1H damoiso'te. it Is' porllous, Indeed, to con- H templnto for too long a time her luxuriant H golden tresses, rosy complexion and graco H or boctj', to sny-nothing or her marvolous Hi eyes which ard Just beginning to rcallzo B tno,r power. H Onojday Willy sat, lost to all the world H save ttio IfiUpJi- piston or Sweet Sixteen, H when it nillcTlfovdus boy slyly reached out H bis hajid, grabbed n the braid or gllsien- H lng lotksf hnQ'vltri a triumphant whoop H darted! out or sight carrying with him Hj about thirty dollars' worth or switch, loav- H lng a forlorn remnant or tho onco benutl- H) ful brild Sweet Sixteen burst Into tears, HH which (were the undoing of the peaches and H cream' complexion; and now Willy is HI HwImhmhhhuhmhhh wondorlng how sho got that qtialnt upward tilt to hor saucy llttlo nosa. - "Or all sad wouls or tongue or pon Tho saddest aro these: It might have been." Tor tho nrst time this season, tho rnag niriccnt David Keath homo on South Tcmplo was thrown opon for a rormal function, yestorday uftprnoon. Mrs. Keith entertained many guests with bridge early in tho aftornoon and Tor tea later when a number or rrlcnds who have "given up cards" dropped In to enjoy a cup or Mrs. Keith's particular brew or tea. Chrysan- LEONA FRANCES who is making a Hit at MAXIM'S Where you find the best of everything always at your service. . themums in tall historlr vases were an ex cellent balance Tor the American beauties In cut glass, and tlio blend or color throughout the rirst and second riuors, was splendidly attuned to the elegant and rich rurnishlngs. Tho favors awarded at each of the cnd tnblos, were trinkets picked up on Mr. and Airs. Keith's recent trip to r.urope, and were llttlo gems or art. At dirroront hours during tho arternoon, Mrs. Kolth was asslstod by some or her most lntlmato rrlcnds, who presided in tho dining room and Joined in greeting the other guest. Mrs. George Harris Smith was another hostess or yesterday arton oon. Hor toa was in honor or Mrs. James A. Iron, wiro or commanding orricer, Colonel Irons, or Fort Douglas, and Mrs. Robert W. Mearns, who Is a recent comer to tho Fort. Friends from town mlnglo'd with" ltffs. J S"mlth's guosts from tho Tort In cordial chit-chat ovor tholr clips or tea between tho liours " Of four and sli, and tho whdlfi' afrftfr waS porvadod by a seml-mllltary atmbypiio'ro. Shaggy chrysanthemums in artistic pro ruslon decked tho pretty Smith residence for tho occasldh, and shed 'their spicy frugranco everywhere. Mrs. Smith's appreciation of color was particularly manifested in tho dining room, where sort and ploaslng combinations wore most drrodtlve. Some or the ladles rrom Fort Douglas and rrlcnds rrom tho city took turns presiding ovor the tea urns, and wore assisted by hair a dozen or tho young debutantes. Miss Lucllo Clark entertained with an In rormal bridge Thursday evening at tho spacious apartment In tho dodbo Which her uncle and aun.t, Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Hamilton will occupy Tor tho winter, and the same evening society turned out on mass to the concert given by Miss Sibyl Anderson and Miss Edna Colin, two social luminaries or tho musical set. Tho din ners which prococded tho concort dolayod tho hour ror beginning until almost nine, which Is considered tho latest Innovation in such arfalrs. ' Wednesday evonlng, tho Odoon was. tho center or interest with tho dancing parjy which was given by tho Young Ladles' Sodality socloty or St. Mary's . Cathedral. Elaborate plans had boon mado rgr tho danco, and (ts unuualiriod success spoke most onthuslcatlcally ror thoso who had the arrangements in band. Tho patrones ses were Mrs. Thomas Kearns, Mrs. James Irons, Mrs. P, S. Kepgh, Mrs. C. A. Qulgley, Mrs. A. H. S. Bird, Mrs. Edward McOurrln, Mrs. F.'P. Gallagher, M- William 0'Brliin, " -v Mrs. A. Fred Woy and Mrs. James J. Biff KeY ' J''" v " j Mrs."GcoYge Doollttlo and hor 'dalfalAor '' Ira n. Travis recoiVod Wednesday artWnooji' ', ' at tho Travis homo rrom rour td slxVtfg-, " ' ": vember riowcrs adtlotl Immeasurably to? 'W, the charm or th6 receiving rooms, ajlj graced tho tea table which was elegaptly "- ' appointed with ramlly silver and hdavy""'" ' . lace. ' ' I Monday arternoon and oVonlng woro " given to card parties. In tho aftornoon, ' a most successful party was managed by tho Hospital Aid or St. Mary's Cathedral. . Tho Initial card party and dance given by the Music section of tho Ladies LItor ary club tho same evening was so delight ful from so many angles that tho clamor ing ror another Is putting tho othor Sec tions or the club Into high good humor. Mrs. Raymond Ackcrman, chairman' or the entertaining commlttco, was ably assisted by a Score or more or the young belles or the city. Last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. William Hold entertained a large number . or their rrionds at a ploaslng supper, served at their home, and' followed by a danco at tho Country club. The club had the good old time Saturday night glow, and the deep lntorcst in some or tho now dances led to a lot or merriment. About twenty couples enjoyed Air. and Mrs. Hold's well known hospitality. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Scars (Mrs. n. II. Orricqr) who enjoyed a prolongod honeymoon on the coast, arc expected back today and they will bo at home to rrlcnds very soon In tholr beautirul new home in Haxton Place. Their wedding, early In October, was a high noon Mnctlon or Importance because or the prominence or both Mrs. Orricer and Mr. Scars; and , , though a strictly ramlly arrair, tlio wedding elicited a widespread lntorcst. Mrs. Karl A. Sclieitl arrived home Wed- I nesdav evening rrom a trip or scterat i weeks In the east and Canada. - Mr and Mrs. Horaie Dunbar lert Sun- I day Tor Oakland wlioie they will take up their residence In tholr new home. Mrs W. V. Bice and Miss Marguerite j Hlco are back In their beautirul Brlghoni Street borne, to the delight or many rrionds. Mrs. nico's daughter and young son are In school In Connecticut Tor tho year. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Druohl returned Tuesday night rrom their trip to the coast. Mr. and Mrs. David Kolth have also re turned rrom a western trip, and their ' doors have already been thrown open ror the first In a series of runctlons. Miss Oula DIx, tho attractive young daughter or Mr. and Mrs. P. A Dix, Is at homo again, artor having spont two yoars . or study in Borlln and at Madomoisollo Bouro's school for girls in Paris. Colonol and Mrs. E. A. Wall arrived tho rirst or tho wcok rrom Washington. D. C, whoro thoy have spont tho last row weoks. On their rroquont trips thoy take tholr automobile and onjoy tho rina eastern roads. 1 Mrs. Emily Bailey lort recently ror St. Louis, whoro sho will bo tlo gi0S( ,or, relatives for about 'a month ' ' '-' Y"' Julian" Slogol arrived hoino.earl in th6 week artor having speu s6vcral yoars in " " Mexico and othor southern lands'. Busi ness intorests bring him to Utah, and while In Salt Lake ho Is with his paronts, Mr. ' . and Mrs. Sol Slogol. - ,! .' Samuol Nowhouso Is expected In Salt 1 Lako next week ror a short stay la adjust some business matters incident to his