Newspaper Page Text
GiQ;E.AJN; WEEKLY rkfi 15 I tho first day," sho said, amiably withal. SIio was not ah ugly icaclior, Just a rrowsy one. The othor's room was darkly 11- lumlncd by ono window In rront of tho class that Sat crturimed on backless benches, ttT)dlr, text books under foot. To a rauc- GO'S "o'no-two-thrco" tlicy ducked, clutched, T 0ifitfrg6d. Tlioy read while the were , 'gazing into .space; they know tho book by heart. 't There are seventeen thousand of us ' now, teachers In tho city or New Ytirk. Not all or us, gentle reader, would bo wel come at your hearth. Wo arc not all of us wise, witty, kindly, firm, perfect I But tho old days arc gone; all or us aro trained; most or us aro trying trying to prc sorvo tho rightful inheritance or tho city's children. A GENUINE CATCH. ir her race Is all freckles, there's this to atone: I am perfectly sure hor complexion's her own. And I care, not a straw that her hair Is so rod, Since I haven't a doubt that It grows on hor head. ,1 admit she's dumpy although, for my part, t I find that 'her stature Just, reaches my heart nut her figure with most admiration I view, For It's one or a million and all her own, too! The Impeounc. LEGAL NOTICES. ASSESSMENT NO. 7. Ely Consolidated Copper Company. Lo cation or principal office, 414 Judge build ing, Salt Lake City, Utah. Location or mines, Robinson mining district, White . Pino county, Nevada. . : Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting or the Board or Directors or said com pany, held on November 3, 101?, an as sessment, to be known as Assessment No. 7, of three (3c) cents per share, was levied on tlic outstanding capital stock or the corporation, payable to United States Cor poration Company, Transfer Agent, Mutual Liro Building, New York City, N. Y., or to Gideon Snyder, Secretary, 414 Judge Build ing, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or beroro December 3t, 1013. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on December 31, 1013. .-will bo delinquent and advertised Tor sale at public auction, and unless payment Is nitulo beroro, will be sold on February 20, 1014 at tho company's office, 414 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, at 2 o'clock p. in., to pay delinquent assessment, to gother with the cost or advertising and oxponses or salo. GIDEON SNYDER, Secretary, 411 Judge Building, Salt Lako City, Utah. ASSESSMENT NOTICE NO. 1. Rosorvatlon Lands Company, a corpora tion organized under the laws or the State or Utah. Location or principal place of business Salt Lako city. NOTICE Is here by glvon that at a meeting or the Directors, duly hold November Cth, 1013 an assess ment or llvo cents per share was levied on . ' tho capital stock or tho company, payable oh or beroro the 20th day or December, 1013 to E, D. U. Thompson, Secretary or said corporation, at his office In tho Federal Building, Suit Lako City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on tho said 20th day or Doccmber, 1013, will bo delinquent and udvortiscd for salo at public auction, and unloss payment Is made beroro will bo sold on tho 22nd day or January, 1014 to pay tho delinquent assessment, together with tho cost or advertising and expense or salo. E. D. P.. THOMPSON, Secretary. Fodoral Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. ASSESSMENT NO. t7. Groat Coppor King Mining & Milling company. Principal pluco of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Location or mines, Draper Mining District. i i .v.uNotlcQ Is horoby given that at a moot Vim? or tho Board of Directors or tho Great iJBPflor King Mining & Milling company, iBSu" on tho sard day or October, 1013 Jrnptssmcnt No. 17 or-ono-tontb (l-ioi or siSfifiCont per sharo Was lovied upon the . " SJnplial stoqk or tho corporation Issued and k yflsfnndlnar payablo immediately to tho 'LswWWy m tl10 mco r t Star, Laundry, :, rtijwwtat Tvintn South, or to Q. H. Back It? ifi&n office, 14-10 South Templo street, Salt Lake City. Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain un paid an Satnrdav tho 20th day or No vember, 1013, will be dollnquont ana ad vertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is mado bororo, will bo sold on Friday, the 20th day or December, 1013, at 10 o'clock a. in., at tbc office of tho Star Laundry, 151 West Ninth South Strcot, Salt Lako City, UtUh, to pay tho delinquent assessment thereon togothor with the cost or advertising and ex pense or sale. E. D. STILLMAN, Secretary. First publication in Goodwin's Wookly October 31, 1013. 1-8-15-22 SUMMOp, In tho District Court or tho Third Judicial District or tho State or Utah, County, or Salt Lake. A. L. Heusted, Plaintiff, vs. Nollio Hcu stcd, Defendant Summons. Tho State of Utah to tho said Dorcndant: You aro hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after tho service or this summons, upon you, if served within tho County In which this action Is brought, otherwise, within thirty days arter service, and dorend the above entitled action; and In case or your failure so to do, Judgment will bo rendered against you according to the demand or tho complaint which has been filed with tho Clerk or said Court and which asks that the bonds or matri mony be dissolved; Tor the care and cus tody or the children mentioned In the com plaint, and that the real property therein described be decreed to the plaintiff. JOE W. ROZZELLE, Plaintiff's Attornoy. P. O. Address 000 Kcarns Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. SUMMONS. In the District Court or the Third judicial District or tho State or Utah, County or Salt Lake. Arthur G. Elstun, Plaintiff, vs. noxona J. Elstun, Defendant Summons. Tho State of Utah to tho said Derondant: You aro hereby summoned to appear within twenty uays artcr the service or this summons, upon you, ir served within the County in which this action Is brought, otherwise, within thirty days arter service, and derend the above entitled action; and in caso or your ralluro so to do, judgment will bo rendered against you according to tho demand or Ihe complaint which has been filed with the Clerk o'r said Court. This action Is brought to recover a Judgment dissolving tho bjonds or matri mony hcretorore existing between you and tho plaintiff. F. L. DODGE, Plaintiff's Attorney. r. O. Address 402 Utah Savings & Trust Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. SUMMONS. In tho District Court or tho Third Judicial District or the State or Utah, County of Salt Lake. Fannie Kees, Plaintiff, vs. J. II. Kecs, Dorondant Summons. Tho State or Utah to the said Dorondant: You arc horoby summoned to appear within twenty days arter tho sorvlce or this summons, upon you, ir served within tho County In which this action is brought, otherwise, within thirty days arter sorvlce, and derend the abovo entitled action; and in case or your railure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand or tho complaint asking Tor a dissolution or the bonds or matrimony contracted as set forth In tho complaint, and Tor a certain sum therein mentioned as alimony and attorney's recs, said complaint having been filed with tho Clerk or tho sold Court. JOE W. ROZZELLE, Plaintiff's Attorney. P. O. Address 000 Kcarns Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. S U M M O N 8. In tho District Court or tho Third Judicial District or the State or Utah, County or Salt Lake. Cora Boss, Plaintiff, vs. Claroncc Ross, Dorondant Summons. Tho State or Utah to the said Dorondant: You aro hereby summoned to appoar within twenty days artor tho service or this summons, upon you, ir served within tho County In which this action Is brought, otherwise, within thirty days arter service, and defer tho abovo entitled action; and In caso r your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint asking Tor tho dissolution or tho bonds or matrimony contracted bctw6on the plaintiff and tho dorondant and for tho custody of tho children or tho plaintiff namod In tho complaint, all or which is Hilly rorerred to and set rorth in said complaint. WILLARD HANSON, and JOE W. ROZZELLE, Plaintiff's Attornoys. P. q. .Address 000 Kcarns Building, Salt Lako city, Utah. SUMMONS. in tho District court or' the Third Judicial Dlsflot or the State .or Utah, County or Salt Lako. Mrs. Freda Granson, Plaintiff, vs. Peter Granson, othorwiso known as Potcr Grosso, Dorcndant Summons. Tho State DT Utah to tho said Dorondant: You arc horoby summoned to appoar within twenty days arter tho sorvlco or this summons, upon you, ir served within the County In which this action is brought, otherwise, within thirty days arter service, and derend tho abovo entitled action; and in case or your railure so to do, Judgmont will bo rondorod against you according to tho demand or tho complaint which has boon filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action is brought to rccovor a Judg ment dissolving tho bonds or matrimony horotororc existing between you and tho plaintiff. STANLEY A. HANKS, n , Plaintiff's Attorney. P. O. Address 2Qij South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. SUMMONS. In tho District Court of tho Third Judicial District of tho Stato of Utah, County or Salt Lake. Nollio Murphy, plaintiff, vs. Joseph II. Murphy, Derondant Summons. The Stato of Utah to the said Dorondant: You are hereby summoned to appoar within twenty days arter "tho service or this summons, upon you, ir served within the County in which this action is brought, otherwise, within thirty days arter service, and dorend the abovo entitled action; and In caso or your ralluro so to do, judgmont will be rendered against you according to tho demand or tho complaint which has been filed with the Clerk or said Court. This action is brought to recover a Judg ment dissolving tho bonds or matrimony hcretorore existing between you and tho plaintiff. JAMES F. SMITH, Plaintiff's Attornoy. NELLIE MUBPHY, Plaintiff. P. 0. Address 334 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. SUMMONS. In the Third Judicial District Court or tho State or Utah, In and Tor Salt Lake County. Josephine- Shocbrldgo, Plalntirr, vs. II. B. Shocbrldgc, Dorondant Summons. The State or Utah to the said Derendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days arter the service or this summons, upon you, ir served within the County in which this action Is brought, otherwise, within thirty days arter serv ice, and derend tho above entitled action; and In case or your railure so to do, Judg ment will be rendered against you accord ing to the demand or the complaint which has been Illed with the Clerk or said Court, This action Is brought to recover a Judg ment dissolving the bonds or matrimony existing between you and plalntirr heroin. BALL, MULLINER & McCAHTY, . Attornoys Tor Plalntirr. n P. 0. Address, 508-0-10 Mclntyro Bldg., Salt Lako City, Utah. SUMMONS. In tho Third Judicial District Court, in and Tor Salt Lako County, Stato or Utah. Clara E. BJorklund, Plalntirr, vs. Joseph A. BJorklund, Dorcndant. Summons. Tho State or Utah to tho said Dorondant: You aro hereby summoned to appear within twonty days arter tho sorvlco or this summons, upon you, ir sorved within tho County in which this action Is brought, otherwise, within thirty days arter serv ice, and derond the above entitled action; and In caso or your ralluro so to do, Judg mont will bo rondercd against you accord ing to the demand or tho complaint which has been lllod with tho Clerk or said Court, This action is brought to rocovor a' Judg ment dissolving tho bonds or matrimony horotoro're existing botweon you and the plaintiff. G. II. BACKMAN, Plalntirr's Attorney. P. 0. Address: 14 East South Templo Strcot, Salt Lako City, Utah. SUMMONS. In tho District Court or tho Third Ju dicial District or the State or Utah, County or Salt Lako. Steve Mlnchoff, Plaintiff, vs. Mary Ostor man Mlnchoff, Derondant Summons. Tho Stato or Utah to tho said Dorondant: You aro horoby summoned to appoar within twenty days arter tho sorvlco or this summons, upon you, ir served within the County In which this action Is brought, othorwiso, within thirty days artor sor vlco, and derend tho abovo entitled action; and in caso or your ralluro so to do, Judg ment will bo ronderod ugalnst you accord ing to tho demand or tho complaint which has boon riled with Jie Clork or said Court. This action is brc ht to dlssolvo tho bonds or matrimony existing botweon you and the plaintiff. MECIIAM & MORGAN, Plaintiff's Attorney. STEVE MINCHEFF, Plaintiff. P. 0. Address 408-0 Continental Block, Salt lako City, Utah. SUMMONS. In tho District COtirt or thoiWrd Ju- M clleial District or tho Stato or UJab,ln and M lor Salt Lako County. !L t H Hose Avona," Plaintiff, vs. ChaHgs iAvcna, M Dorendant summons. " H The Stato or Utah to the said Derendant: M ou aro hereby summoned . to .appear H within twonty days arter tho sorvlco or M this summons, upon you, ir solved within M the County In which this action li brought, M otberwlso, within thirty days after scr- 11 vice, and dorend the above cntltledractlon: H and in caso or your ralluro so to do, Judg- H mont will bo rondercd against you Record- B lug to tho demand or tho complairif which H has boon riled with tho ciork or said Court. IH This action is brought to recover a Judg- H mont dissolving tho bonds or matrimony a,V tr1p!,a0.nCtiOffOrO mB Wn yU A. A. DUNCAN, -, M n ... Plaintiff's Attorney. H c ?.' 0., Address 330 ConstltuilonWuIldlng, H Salt Lako City, Utah. ( , v " H " SUMMONS. n M H in tho District Court or tho. Third Ju- fl dlclal District or tho Stato or Utah,. County M or Salt Lako. jH Elizabeth. Bitnor, Plaintiff, vs. 'Joseph II. Bltner, Derondant summons. M Tho Stato or Utah to the said Derondant: M You are hereby summoned to appear M within twenty days arter tho' service or 'jH this summons, upon you, ir served within Ql the County in which this action i3 H brought, otherwise, within thirty days ar- 1 tor service, and derend tho ab'6Vd entitled M action; and In case or your ralluro so to M do, Judgment will bo rendered against you H according to tho demand or tho tomplalnt which has been filed with ttfo 'Clerk or said Court. i M This action Is brought to dissolve tho IB bonds or matrimony botweon plaintiff and dfc dorondant. ,y H NBPHI JENSEN, -v H t, o , , . Plaintiff's, Attorney. M City u"tah SS UlqcKjBlt Lako H SUMMONS. , H ,. In , V,0.D, r; Court f tho Third H Judicial District or the State . or Utah. County or Salt Lake. ' Florence Taylor, Plaintiff, vs. Harrison Archlo Taylor, Dorcndant Sumtnohs. The Stato or Utah to the said porcnoant: -H ou aro hereby summoned to, appear "! within twenty days, arter tho service or IH this summons, upon you, ir served within IH tno County in which this action is broug' t, -IH otherwise, within thirty days arter tor - lH ice, and derend tho abovo entitled7 aci ' ..; ISH and In caso or your ralluro so to do, Judg- tlH ment will be rondercd against you ac- H cording to tho demand or tho complaint w);lch has been filed with tho Clerk or said court. 1 This action is brought to dlssqlvo the bonds or matrimony between plaintiff anU MARKS k JENSEN, ! H r, n . , , Plaintiff's, Attorney. LaEe C0ty,AuS?3 225 AtlaS ? SaTt I SUMMONS. r7 H In tho District Court or Salt Lnko County, H Stato or Utah. . Vlda Ecclos Davis, Plaintiff, vs. George II. Davis, Derondant Summons. ' Tho State or Utah to tho said Derondant: H You ore hereby summoned to appear within twonty days arter tho service or this summons, upon you, ir served within the County In which this action is brought, B otherwise, within thirty days artcr sery- ice, and derend the abovo entitled, action; IH and in case or your railure so to db, Judg- H mont will bo rendered against you aq cordlng to tho demand or tho complaint which has been filed with the clerk or said fourt. Ti s action Is brought to recover Judg ment, dissolving tho bonds or matrimony hcrotqroro oxlstlng botweon you and tho plaintiff horoin, and ror tho restoration or tho plaintiff's maiden name or Vida Ecclos. and Tor costs and general rollor. BOYD, DOVINE & ECCLES, . , , , Plaintiff's Attorneys. P. 0. Address 301-4 First National Bank, Ogdon, Utah. -,. SUMMONS. ' LP , In , iho District court or the Third Judicial District or tho Stato at Utah, County or Salt Lako. ' Bortha E. Silk, Plaintiff, vs. C. J. Silk, Dorondant Summons. Tho Stole or Utah to tho said Defendant You aro hereby summoned toT appoar within twenty days after the socvlco or this summons, upon you, ir scrvci) within tho County in which this action Is brought, othorwiso, wtlhln thirty days artor service, and dorend tho above entitled action; and In caso or your ralluro so to do, Judg ment will bo rendered against voifaccord ing to tho domand or tho complaint which has boon Hied with tho clerk pr said court. Tlih action is brought ror tho .purposo or dissolving tho bonds or matrimony horotoforo and now oxlstlnr botweon you and tho said plaintiff and ror- other mir posos as moro fully appears by reference to tho complaint on file herein. A. S. FOWLER, Plaintiff's Attornoy. P. O Address 517-20 Atlas Block, Salt Lako City, Utah.