hH HWflDHHuHffiBSillitfifi iiffliixiMflHBrSTlraBBHHwMW VHflflmSHHYflHH
H Scene in "THE HIGH ROAD" in which Mrs. Fisk comes to The Salt Lake Theatre Nov. 10-1 1-12
m , Salt Lake Is certain to extend a warm
B -welcome to Mrs. Flskc, who comes to the
m Salt Lake Theatre ror an engagement or
m three nights and matinee beginning on
VMH 'Monday evening noxt when she will pro-
WjB sent "The High Road," her socond play
H by Edward Sholdon, which sorved tior all
H of last season, including a most success-
MH rul engagement in New York, and will ho
H continued until March next when she will
m return to tho Metropolis ror her annual
Wt production or a new play.
n In tho opinion or many, Mr. Sheldon Is
KVM tho most virile- and most promising or
BUI American playwrights. Ills rormcr plays
HI have-, shown a rcmarkahle photographic
Hj accuracy, a line vigor and a deep sweep
piB or sympathy. In "Tho High Hood," tho
background or which Is said to ho political,
PJH social and moral questions or tho lin-
PH modlato moment, ho Is declared to have
PJH takon a long step forward, to havo written
piB a plR$Pfhat tenches a strong spiritual
pBM 'lesson? hut ono which docs not do so at
PBfl tho oponso or real drama. His spiritual
Bflj .preqopt and his treatment or the ques-
Vl' 'tlon "To what extont must a woman pay?"
PHI have certainly created a profound Im-
pftV pxcsslon, and made tho play ono or the
BJ most widely discussed In rocont years.
BV "Tho High Road," so runs tho advanco
PBJI Inrormatlon, Is a story or what a woman
PPI can make or her lire, how a soul that has
PBJ known early conditions or practical stnr-
PBJ vatlon, en rcarli out and nclilovo In tho
HH end Its destiny or the greatest glory.
PBR In hrlcr, tho story Is that or a girl.
PBJ Mary Pago, who until the ago or seventeen
pij had kn,qwn only privation and hardship,
PJPJPJ but in whoso heart and soul there has
HB boon a mute struggle Tor something ahovo
H and poyond hor environment. Her mind
PBJI cries out for knowledge her heart ror tnu
Hi jboaulles and some or the sortness or lire,
B and tier soul Tor freedom and usefulness.
BMf Tho knowledge, the beauties and tho soft-
pHi noss come to her hut her soul Is still lm-
B -prisoned. She finds a way or release, and
Hj though It moans to toll with her hands
Hj and to undertake hardships as groat as
H those or hor youth, she rollows the path,
H' though ofton root-sore and weary, until
pBJi sho finds a great career of helpfulness
Hi opon to hor. Hor discouragements and
H disillusionment are many, but, secure in
her steady spiritual progress, she goes on
and on until sho Is the honored and re
vered of thousands whose burdens she has
lightened and whoso sorrows sho has mado
her own. And at last comes hor own
crown or victory, a great love, and in It,
hor woman's happiness m overflowing
Tho possibilities or such a rolo are cvl
dont at a glanco and In tho hands or Mrs.
Flsko, their realization with every degree
or psychological shading, every nuunco of
dovolopmcnt, is an assured and brilliant
prospect. Tho now role Is declared to
bring Into vlow phases or Mrs. Flske's art
and attributes or her personality that lu
sovoral or hor recent ploys have been
submerged. Tho rolo or Mary Page Is
preeminently womanly, sympathetic, and
appealing. Harshness and hardness have no
place in It.
Llvo political and sociological Issues
rorm tho dramatic framework of the play,
and Its Interest, which is said to bo cumu
latively tense, hinges upon the valiant
struggle, single-handed and alone, agalns'
groat and Influential powers hont upon en
compassing hor husband's political down
fall, or tho rormor country girl who had
risen above hor early mistake. Dramatic
ally tho chlor lntorest or tho play centers
In the battle or tho heroic and seir sacri
ficing wITo against tho interests bent upon
tho ruin or her husband, and in tho scenes
given over to tho dovolopmcnt or this part
or his story, tho young author Is said to
havo wrltttp. with tremendous power and
Impoi tant as Is the character or Mary
Pago, wo are led to hellevo that It Is by no
moans tho only ono toward which tho
talent or the playwright has been d'rerted
Tho three leading malo characters ore or
tho inmost strength and In them will be
soon Arthur Byron, Eugene Ormonde and
Konneth Hunter.
Harrison Grey riske, perhaps tip most
artistic or 'American stage produceis is
said to have provided a east and a scenic
equipment surpassing even the usual I'lsko
standard or porrectlon.
Theatrical ontcrtalnmonts and Im
pression tboy make upon tho public aro
best attested by tho box office receipts.
Accepting this fact as a test or merit, "The
Merry Countess," coming to this city at
tho Salt Lako Thoatro noxt Thursday and
Trlday with special Friday matinco is tho
biggest musical success or years. For six
months at the Now York Casino this de
lightful opcrotta played to tho absolute
capacity or tho theatre, and ror ono year !
It taxed tho capacity or tho Lyric In !
London. j
Much has been said In advanco or the ,j
elaboroto production, ensemble, ballet and
flno cast of principals, and little romalns
to bo told. It Is tho original production
to be given hero In all Its magnificent de
tail, Just as it charmed I) roadway.
Vaudeville at lu best Is the promlso at
the Orphcum during tho coming week
whoro a bill topped by a clever musical
satlro will be In order. The headlincr
"The Song Illrds" is ono or tho most un
usual as well as one or the smartest
lampoons set to music yet produced In
vaudovlllc. Mr. William Durrcss, who has
been starring in the principal role "Oscar
llnmmorshlnc" since "The Song Birds" was
Ilrst produced at a private Lambs Gambol,
has, sine; he adopted the stage, climbed
to the top.' "The Song Birds" is a
travesty on tho conditions prevailing in
grand opera, the characters being famous
singers and lmpressarlos at present In tho
tho public eye. Tho story concerns the
rivalry or "Hammorshlne" and "Gagagaga
gzl" and their pride In tho singers under
their respective managements. As tho
argument progresses each brings forth his
various divas to substantiate his opinions.
Thirty players, all or high grade necessary
to give a capital presentation or such an
Important topic, aro required in tho pro
duction. Second on tho new bill arc listed Mullen
and C'oogan destined rurnlsh a lot or
x 'J. y J
MARJORIE RAMBEAU, beautiful leading lady of the Utah stock
company who has a powerful role in "The Dawn of a Tomorrow"
at the Utah Theatre all next week.