OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, February 21, 1914, Image 17

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1914-02-21/ed-1/seq-17/

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Continued from page 15.)
who descended upon Paris to win
fame, friendship and fortune amid the
merry soldiers, royal entities, intri
gues and crafty political statesmen
with whom he commingled.
Another weeks 'program of special
musical features has been arranged
by the Rex Theatre All-Soloist or
chestra, under the leadership of Geo.
The Berlin Madcaps headline the
bill at the Pantages now running
which will continue until Tuesday
night. They are gymnasts and danc
ers of ability and are proving very
popular. The Alpha Sextet, another
feature, is especially pleasing, as is
Rena Arnold, whoso songs and stor
ies and quick changes won her a popu
lar place in the bill immediately. Be
sides the above there are LaFrance
and McNab in black-face comedy and
near comedy, Tom Kelly, tho singing i
Irishman, who hurts his act a little
with some stories not in tho best
taste. The aerial Lafayettes, who open
.the bill, have a thrilling trapeze act,
and the animated pictures which close
are acceptable.
"The Blue Bird" will bo tho at
traction at the Salt Lake theatre,
next Monday and Tuesday with
Tuesday matinee when this Bpectac-
1 tm The Moulrt p:, ftliSMl
'! IB StatesTelephone p MiS
1 if ant Telegraph Mi'mmWW I
That little piece of wire you see on your telephone is the beginning of a
big system.
It is always connected with all the other wires of the system, and makes
it possible for you to talk wherever you please.
It's the link that makes you a Partner of Progress.
In your telephone company (the seven states we serve) there is enough
wire in daily use to extend twenty-two times round the world.
There are 538,666 miles of wire that are owned and operated by your
telephone company.
You and our other partners use it over a million times a day.
You see our business is your business.
The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co.
"The Corporation Different"
ular attraction will bo produced hero, H
Tho story of "Tho Blue Bird" H
tends to show that Happiness is a H
free thing, ever pursued but rarely H
caught. Two little peasant children, H
under tho luro of this theory go forth H
to find "The Blue Bird" which, in the H
play, is a symbol of Happiness. Fol- H
lowing them in their search, which H
carries them to strange lands are tho H
souls of Light, Fire, Sugar, Water, H
Bread and Milk and, closer than all H
tho others tho faithful dog and tho H
suspicious, treacherous cat. They H
journey to tho wonderful Land Of H
Memory where no one dies as long as H
thoy are remembered by someone on H
earth. Thoy visit the King of tho H
(Future and see the unborn children H
awaiting their arrival on earth. Thoy H
wander through tho Palace of Night H
With its joys and tortures finding I
hundreds of "Blue BirdB" that perish H
before Light and then they are guided H
through tho Land of Happiness back I
to their homo, only to find that tho H
"Blue Bird' had all tho time been H
dwelling in the peasants cottage. H
COMPANY. Location of principal of-
fice, 414 Judge Building, Salt Lake H
City, Utah. Location of mines, White H
Pino and Elko counties, Nevada. H
NOTICE: There are delinquent
upon tho following described stock H
on account of assessment No. 7, levied H
November 3, 1913, tho several amounts H
set opposite tho names of the espec- H
tivo shareholders, as follows: H
Cert. No. H
No. Name. Shares. Amt. H
4058 Jacob Ettenson 100 $ 3.00 H
4059 Jacob Ettenson ....100 3.00 H
40C0 Jacob Ettenson ....100 3.00 H
4153 Carl A. Dahlstrom 100 3.00 H
4171 Ernest V. Giam-
bruno 100 3.00 H
4172 Ernest V. Giam-
bruno 100 3.00 H
419G Oscar W. Hamilton 100 3.00 H
423G George E. Vonne ..100 3.00 H
4237 George E. Venne.,100 3.00 H
4239 Ulysses A. Wynn..l00 3.00 H
4240 Ulysses A. Wynn.,100 3.00 H
4241 Ulysses A. Wynn..l00 3.00
4242 Ulysses A. Wynn.,100 3.00
4258 Morris, Bear &
Bros 100 3.00 H
4333 Joseph P. Hanley .100 3.00
4334 Joseph P. Hanley.. 100 '3.00 H
4335 Joseph P. Hanley.. 100 3.00 H
433G Joseph P. Hanley.. 100 3.00
4337 Joseph P. Hanley.. 100 3.00
4338 Joseph P. Hanley. .100 3.00
4339 Joseph P. Hanley.. 100 3.00
4340 Joseph P. Hanley. .100 3.00 H
4341 Joseph P. Hanley.. 100 3.00
4395 M. Moody Downer. .100 3.00
439G M. Moody Downer.. 100 3.00 H
4397 M. Moody Downer.. 100 3.00 H
4398 M. Moody Downer.. 100 3.00
4399 M. Moody Downer.. 100 3.00 H
4433 Emil Derendorf ..100 3.00
4434 Emil Derendorf ..100 3.00
4437 Hugh Wyllie 100 3.00
4440 Fred A. Landeek ..100 3.00 H
4441 Fred A. Landeek ..100 3.00
4493 Oscar Galium 100 ?.00
4494 Oscar Galium 100 3.00 B
4499 John McAlpine ...100 3.00
4500 John McAlpine ...100 3.00
4501 John McAlpine ...100 3.00 !
4502 John McAlpine ...100 3.00 H
4503 John McAlpine ...100 3.00
4524 F. J. Ehle 100 3.00
4G41 John S. Campbell ..100 3 00
4642 John S. Campbell ..100 3.00
4G7G W. F. Sieglin 100 3.00
4G77 W. F. Sieglin ....100 3.00
4G78 W. F. Sieglin 100 3.00
4725 Jas. Fowlie 100 3.00

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