preserves faithfully all tile virtues of the play.
"I21t Is a children's drama by children, but as
certain books written for ?uid' about children count
thousands of grdwn-ups a'mong their devotees,
so this picture will enthrall men and women
wherever it is shown. No limitations of creed,
birth, or nationality can prevent the spectator
from laughing and weeping and thinking and
profiting while "A Good Little Devil" is before
his eyes.
Chauncey Olcott in a new Irish play will come
to the Salt Lake theatre for four nights coin-
mencing Monday evening, April 6. The new piece
is entitled "Shameen Dhu." Mrs. Rlda Johnson
Young, who has been furnishing Mr. Olcott with
all his plays for the past half dozen years, has
written this new piece and judging from the
reports which have heralded his coming here,
shb will not have any occasion to be sorry for
it. To begin with the story in itself is said to
be charming, and then the period selected isthat.
of the ' Charles O'Malley" era, when the frlBh
gentleman was the most gallant in the world.
What a field for the novelist and playwright.
The character of Dare O'Dorinell has Btruck a
sympathetic vein in Mr. Olcott, and he is cred
ited with giving one of the most artistic per
formances of his career. Of course we shall
have a number of tuneful, catchy songs, and the
usual manner in which Mr. Miller always stageB
his plays will be seen in "Shameen Dhu."
Bothwell Browne, well remembered to Salt
Lakers, has the "Merry Masqueraders" at Pan
tages this week. The "Merry Masquoraders" is
on the order of those skits containing plenty of
fun and music, though the responsibility of most
of its falls upon the entire company and not on
any particular principal. There is an absurd plot
to the "Merry Masqueraders" and most everybody
connected with them can dance and dance well.
The bill-which is fair but hardly so good as those H
which have recently preceded it, also contains H
"Stockton's Busy Day" produced by Hal Davis H
and company; the fun between thocompany and H
the audience seeming to be mutual; Murray K. H
Hill had-a new monologue; Morton and Elliott, H
vocalists and artistic manipulators of paper; and H
the song and dancd duos, the two Specks, and H
Clark and Lewis complete the bill. H
A leaflet of great value to the San Juan Min- H
ing district has just been issued by the passenger M
department, Denver & Rio Grande railroad. M
It consists of a map of southwestern Colorado, M
comprising the counties of Mineral, Hinsdale, La M
Plata, San Juan, Ouray, Montezuma, Dolores and M
San Miguel, together with a table showing the M
value of the precious mineral output in each of M
the counties frbm 1880 to 1912, inclusive. These M
valuable statistics were carefully compiled 'by M
Chas. W. Henderson, statistician, United States M
geoldgical survey and total the enormous sum of M
$245,942,890.00, nearly a quarter billion dollars. M
In His WondcrfUl Delineation of the Character of Rip Van Winkle at the Utah Theatre All Next Week With a Special Matinee Sunday, April Fifth. jn cene Represents H
Rip Awakening From His Mysterious Sleep. Posed Especially for Goodwin's Weekly. 1