"I'll'Save Tomorrow"
but Tomorrow Never Gomes
Yesterday is burled today is
on the wing tomorrow Is but a
vision. What you save today
that, and that alone, is worthy
of record. Some say they'll save
"tomorrow." But, alas, the 'mor
row never comes. Today is your
golden birthday. Accept it at its
face value. Bring in one of those
spare "eagles" and open a sav
ings account; $5 added weekly
for ten years will net you more
than $3,000.
"The Bank With a Personality"
Member Salt Lake Clearing Houso
Capital $250,000.00
John Filigree, Prc.
Cbai. B. Kaiier, VSoe-Prei.
A. II. Pcnbody, Caahicr.
I Cor. Main nnd Third South, Salt Lako City, Utah
With your first deposit of $ 1 or more
we will furnish you with one of our new
"Save and Have" home coin banks.
Yon Keep the Bank
We Keep the Key
Continental National Bank
Make Your Own Success
Do not be content to sit around waiting
until someone shall cast success and pros
r perlty Into your lap. Get out and work for
them build up your own success.
The surest way of making permanent suc
cess Is to save every dolar you can spare
until you have enough to take advantage of
We Invite accounts of $1,000 or more and
pay 4 per cent compound Interest on them.
Our Secured Certificates yielding 6 per
cent, payable monthly, quarterly or semi-annually,
are Ideal Investments for sums of
$100.00 or more.
32 Main Street Salt Lake City
as well to drlvo out the macs and hop-heads r
who aro existing on the earnings of the poor un
fortunates with whom they live. The town is full
ot them, they are known to the police and there
is positively no excuse for allowing them to re
main in the city. The attempted murder at the
Fish club should bo incentive enough for the
ofiicials to c'.ose the three notorious roadhouses
and maybe that will happen, for a week or two
and then likely as not, they will quietly open
again and continue their traffic until another
tragedy makes it necessary to again close tem
porarily. It is rather difficult to understand why three
men should bo allo'wed to "picket" a man's place
of business any more than fifty should, and a
business man who is opposed at all to picketing,
would be just as willing to have a crowd in front
of his place as three.
If there happened to be a smallpox epidemic
and those afflicted were put in quarantine with
the exception of three who were allowed on the
street, that wouldn't lessen the danger would it?
Salt Lake should have a live, energetic Com
mercial club composed of members with one ob
ject in view, namely, civic betterment. That is '
the main idea of maintaining a Comm jrcial club
and there isn't one elsewhere in the country
where a large percentage of the members belong
because down deep they are figuring that their
membership and their work will result in personal
benefit or advantage to the business they repre
sent. In view of the difficulties under which the
Commercial club has labored for several years
and what amounts to a practical confession that
the club is unable to meet its obligations, would
it not be a splendid idea to disorganize and start
a new Commercial club that would be a Com
mercial club with the membership limited to the
representative men in the community in every
line of business, eliminating every Tom, Dick and
Harry who might want to join? It is certain
that there is plenty of room for a Commercial
club here. It is needed and needed badly, but
why should it be up to a few staunch citizens
and loyal friends of the old club to practically
take the support of the institution upon their
shoulders in view of the fact that the club is
heavily in debt and that it is very doubtful if
it can be put on a solid basis even through the
voluntary efforts of the gentlemen who met for
the purpose of ratifying the action of the board
on Monday?
In a reorganization, such as has been outlined
by numerous members, the building could be
rented, or some other place could be found, and
with a fresh start in the right direction, there is
no question but that the club would have strong
support from the best men who are in it now and
from many who have resigned during the past
two or three years. It could be put strictly on
a business basis with all extravagance a thing of
the past and could be broad enough to unite all
factions with the only proposition in view, the
making of a greater and finer city.
People who aro paying ten dollars a month or
even five, are not getting their money's worth.
They are doing it in most cases because of their
patriotism and love for the institution which
meant so much to them in the past and which
could be made as it was in the beginning through
a careful and conservative plan of reorganization.
Wife Ta-ta, dearie. I shall write before the
end of the week.
Husband Good gracious, Alice! You must
make that check last longer tlian that! London
Small Beginnings I
Mark most successful careers. H
Only those who learn to take H
care of trifles are able to H
handle big enterprises. Small H
savings from your income H
now, deposited regularly in H
our Savings Bank, may mean H
for you the difference be- H
tween success and failure; H
between affluence and want H
National Bank of the Republic I
U. S. Depository fl
JAS. A. MURRAY, Vioo Pros.
W. F. EARLS, Oashior M
E, A. CULBERTSON, Asst. Oashior H
GEORGE KNOX, Asat. Cashior H
Capital Paid In, $300,000 H
Banking in all its branches transacted. Ex- H
change drawn on the principal cities in Europo. H
Interest paid on Time Deposits. H
It's a pretty good thing to know what kind of H
chauffeur is driving you H
We know he's all right before we send him out H
part of our "Safety First" plan you know H
Wasatch 40, 63, 200, or Main 33, I90 M
Figured by the year, this is without ques- H
tion tho cheapest coal you (can buy. H
The United Lodge of H
Theosophists H
Meets Thursdays and Sundays II
at 8 p. m. II
213 Dooly Bldg. H
Public Cordially Invited H