GOODWIN' S WEEKLY. 7 I Beer is made by' the fermentation of malt extracts.- This process is slow and beer should be stored in brewery vats long enough to completely finish fr this fermentation. Once the fermen tation is completely over, Oe'er does not improve by further ageing. Fisher Beer 4 v is stored at the brewery until it is completely finished. It is then de ,k livered to you promptly, at its very best. It is not allowed to wait in kegs or bottles for months before be ing delivered, because beer slowly de teriorates when left very long in the keg or bottle. A. Fisher Brewing Co. SALT LAKE CITY The Prize is in THE BEER k'V-'Q Our New flm Product J D 1 sfeU !!'::''V4.V is acknowledged II W Pii 'fel the peer of all E$ft? ftw$ beers. Ask tor i:HM !t at e cubs- PiES Order it for your MlwJfe'lR home. :: rhone P5 SaltLake llfltl City Prompt Auto Service Phone Wasatch 3653 Donelson-Gemmill Cleaning & Dyeing Co. Club Rates 5c Per Day Office 133 So. Fifth East St. Salt Lake City i I i.i.nT.r-7i 7TZ-r , done what they hoped to do; they have fright ened the world, and it laughs at them no longer. ' But we feel that Providence has played an ugly trick, as Dickens would have done if he had turned Mr. Boffin into a homicidal maniac. And the worst of it is that the Germans are still of the same nature aa their fathers, and will some day return to their right minds. That we have always to jemember. and to pitty them more oven than their victims. That old childish Germany of the fairy stories and the cradle songs has been, and it will be again; but the Germans of the future will have memories that no children ought to have. Town Talk. The stroller in the Seattle Argus, tells a new one on the rental department of a real estate concern there. One day one of the men started out to collect the rent at a certain two-story dwell ing. It had been some time since anything had been forthcoming and the astute real estate man thought that he might be able to come to an un derstanding and save a tenant and there were a good many vacancies in those days. He was met at the door by a coarse looking woman, and upon explaining his business was tendered a five dollar gold piece. "But, madam," he explained, "your rent is fifteen dollars per month, and you are already in arrears three months." ' You'd better take what you can get these times, young man, and make the best of it" re plied the tenant. "If my old man hadn't sold the plumbing out'er the bath room you wouldn't have got that." That is a good hunch for a lot of -people with the cold winter coming on. CLICK 0' THE LATCH By Nancy Byrd Turner. The silence holds for it, taut and true; The young moon stays for it, wistful white; Winds that whimpered the sunset through, Sigh for it, low and light. Click o' the latch, and he'll come home A stir in the dusk at the little gate, . Hush, my heart, and be still, my heart Surely it's sweet to wait! The tall skies lean for it, listening Never a star but lends an ear The passionate porch flowers stop and cling, Parting their leaves to hear. Click o' the latch, an' him come home A step on the flags, a snatch of song, Hurry, my heart, be swift, my heart How did we wait so long! Llppincott's. PAINFUL PUBLICITY "The streets of New York are a blaze of glory a veritable riot," explained the American. ' Why, there's one electric sign with 100,000 lights in it." "Doesn't that make it rawther conspicuous, old top?" asked his British friend. Harper's Woolrlv FULFILLING ENGAGEMENTS The (Flirt Oh dear, what a lot of people will be unhappy when I get married! The Other Why, how many are you marry ing? Exchange. CAUSE FOR WORRY "What is Owens worrying about, his debts?" "No; becaUso he is unable to contract new ones." St. Louis Republic. Genuine I Utah Gas I Coke I will save you part of your fuel bill; H will hold a fire" for eighteen hours or 9 longer; M will respond quickly to draft; H will warm your home in a jiffy; H will give off practically no smoke or gas; H will not injure your grates more than any H other fuel; H and will prove the cleanest, easiest, and H mos satisfactory fuel you ever burned. H Try ? Be Convinced Savrj the Money B WITH ORDER $5.50 PER TON I Utah Gas & Coke Company I 61 SOUTH MAIN I Fhone Main 705 J. C. D. CLARK, Gen. Mgr. H Electric Disc I Stoves I these A. E. disc stoves in two sizes M 3Zr" $4.50 I 6 inch fl (( plate P JJ call at our electric shop, 154 So. Main M D It. Cannon J.D.Lewls r.A.McDermtd R.S.Lewis H IF WE PLEASE YOU, TELL OTHERS I IF NOT, PHONE WASATCH 165-166 Marsh Coal Co. I SUCCESSORS TO KEMMERER FUEL CO. I ALL SIZES OF THE BEST I STEAM AND DOMESTIC Kg COALS H Office - 15 Exchange Place W SALT LAKE CITY :: UTAH -J