OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, March 13, 1915, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1915-03-13/ed-1/seq-7/

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With your first deposit of $ 1 or more
we will furnish you with one of our new
"Save and Have" home cob banks.
a You Keep Ike Bank
? We Keep the Key
Continental National Bank
Make Your Own Success
Do not be content to sk around waiting
until someone shall cast success and pros
perity into your lap. Get out and work for
them build up your own success.
The surest way of making permanent suc
cess Is to save every dolar you can spare
until you have enough to take advantage of
We Invite accounts of $1.00 or more and
pay 4 per cent compound Interest on them.
Our Secured Certificates yielding 6 per
cent, payable monthly, quarterly or semi-annually,
are Ideal Investments for sums of
$100.00 or more.
32 Main Street Salt Lake City
By Utah State Fair
Try our
Sunday Special 50c Brick Ice Cream
( Keeley Ice Cream Co.
I ' '
Prompt Auto Service Phone Waentch'3653
Cleaning & Dyeing Co.
Club Rates 5c Per Day
Office I33 So. Fifth East St. Salt Lake City
charge 50 cent& for a Sunday shave, instead of "
25 cents, as formerly. And the stranger goes
away with a feeling that he has been the victim
of graft. And ho has but it is a. graft fathered
by law.
As a matter of fact thousands of men aro
now shaving themselves who" never attempted
such a thing before, and all because they had to
learn to do so because they could not get serv
ice on Sunday.
There is no question of working seven days
per week. Any barber can take a day off in the
middle of the week.
The Argus does not blame any man for not
wanting to work on Sunday. But there are thou
sands who do so, and the services of many of
them are not nearly as necessary to the public
as that of a barber.
By Bailey Millard.
War has blotted out another bright life that
of Ambrose Bierce, a unique figure in American
literature whose vivid army tales and keen satiri
cal papers and poems stamped him as one of
the most original and versatile of writers. Bierce
was a master of English, as even his most ephe
meral work will show, and technically none could
touch him. He corrected Kipling, and even How
ells, and in his critical essays he showed where
many other famous authors failed in their facts
or their diction. He wrote the most gruesome,
the most harrowing, the most terrible tales ever
published in this country. Some of his poems
were of rare strength and beauty. His invoca
tion is said to have been the real inspiration of
Kipling's Recessional, and in this instance news
paper men have pulled the deadly parallel to the
supposed confusion of the famous Englishman.
Bierce led a most remarkable life half her
mit, half Bohemian, and altogether egotistical
and cynical. In the west he was the most hated
and feared of writers, and also the most courted
and spoiled. He lampooned nearly everybody in
political and private life with hair-raising au
dacity. As the dean of Pacific coast letters he
made and unmade authors and poets. The dilet
tante worshiped him. He has been called "the
American Dean Swift," "the last of the satirists"
and. "the Maupassant of the west." He was an
iconoclast of the first order.
When Villa rose against Huerta and the Con
stitutionalists rushed to arms, Bierce, who was a
northern captain in the civil war and was brevet
ed major for exceptional gallantry, went to Mex
ico and joined the staff of the doughty general.
After the battle of Torreon he was missing and
has not been heard from since. There is so little
doubt of his death that his friends and relatives
have given up searching for him and mourn him
as lost. His publisher, the Neale company, which
was paying him royalties on his collected works,
cannot reach him with checks or letters of in
quiry, and neither his daughter, Mrs. H. D. Cow
den of Bloomington, 111., nor his secretary, Miss
Carrie Christiansen of Washington, with each
of whom he corresponded regularly, has had any
word from him for nine months.
At the time he joined Villa he was seventy-two
years old. His friends unite in saying that if ho
were alive he would not have left them so long
in suspense. There has been a report from San
Francisco that on leaving that city for Mexico
he was very despondent, (and that he was going
back to his old game of war because he lacked the
courage to comimit suicide. There is another
rumor that he actually did efface himself in
Neither of these stories deserves ciedenco.
(Continued on Page 10.)
The Little Gas I
Heater I
Quick, clean and cheap, is the an- M
swer to the heating problem for H
changeable spring days. H
It gives you heat instantly when you M
want it and the turn of a lover stops 1
it when you have enough. H
Heater and heat cost but little and fl
save much. M
We have a new model this year, fl
which "vve should like to show you at 1
Gl South Main Street. H
Utah Gas & Coke Co.
J. C. D. CLARK, Gen. Mgr. H
Tel. Main 705. H
When you drink a good malt beer H
you are not simply quenching your H
thirst. You are taking real nourish- M
ment into your body malt extract, H
phosphates, and proteids that are rich M
in food value. M
Fisher I
Beer I
Is a nourishing drink, as well as a H
thirst quencher. A glass of It boiled H
down to dryness will show a residue H
of solid food matter that will surprise H
you. M
A. Fisher Brewing Co. I
The Prize is in THE BEER H
Central Coal & Coke Company I
All the best Coals.
"Peacock' Our Leader H
Phone: Main 35 H
New Location: 1 3 1 Main Street
Oppoiite Kearai Building H
OTinrrHiMi mi nun ii ItB

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