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GOODWIN' S WEEKLY. 15 SPICE The worried countenance of the bridegroom disturbed the best man. Tiptoeing up the aisle, he whispered: "What's the matter, Jock? Hae ye lost the ring?" fa "No," blurted out the unhappy Jock, "the ring's safe eno But, mon, I've lost ma enthusiasm." Youth's Com panion. Old Lady "What do you sell geese for, young man?" New Assistant '"Cause I can't get nothin' else ter do, mum." London Opinion. Some men at the club were telling dog stories after a day's shooting. Af ter some time, when the tales had J sot very "tall," one little man, who had been quite silent, said: "I have a dog that makes all yours seem fools. I generaUy feed him my self after dinner, but the other day a friend dropped in and the poor animal slipped my mind. After the meal we went into the garden. The dog scratched up a flower and laid it at my feet, with the most yearning look in his eyes it was a forget-me-not." Nobody told any more dog stories that evening. Tit-Bits. First Walking Delegate We can't admit that cook into our Culinary "Union. Second Ditto Why not? F. W. D. Because we detected some of his preserves working. Baltimore American. Tommy I want another box of those pills, like what I got for mother yesterday. Druggist Did your mother say they were good? Tommy No; but they just fit my air gun. London Opinion. DER ARME TOMMY. (A plaintive melody to bo sung to the bagpipe.) The whisky bottle's empty, The jam is now no more; I am the poor old Tommy, And I am sick of war. The winter wind blows icy, My valor's gone to sleep; Under my Highland tunic I feel the gooseflesh creep. The Frenchman wins no battle, The Russ he runs away; ' And I am awful homesick ' -For home and wife today. My nose is frozen purple, And life's a horrid bore; I am the poor old Tommy, And I am sick of war. Translated from Lustige Blatter. "How is young John getting on at college?" asked the friend of the fam ily. "Very well, indeed," answered John's proud mother. "The president has about 'decided to let him stay on for the rest of the term." Richmond Times-Despatch. Charming Widow And what are you doing nowadays? Mr. Bach Looking out for No. 1. And you? Charming Widow Oh, I'm looking out for No. 2. Houston Post. Nodd How is the music in the Bingbang restaurant. Todd Won derful! I was in there with my wife for an hour the other evening and couldn't hear a word she said. Ex. First Editor I've just put a lot of prospective advertisers on our free list. Second Editor Then I'll dash off an announcement that our circula tion is increasing rapidly. Ex. WILLIAM H. CHILD & CO. MINING STOCK BROKERS tr-1c Exchange Bldg., Salt Lake Our SIXTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE in the Brokerage Business in Utah has given us an intimate acquaintance with all the mines in this region. Our Experience Is at Your Service Utah Stocks are moving and .will continue to move. Dig into your trunk and let us know what you have. The "dead ones" are coming to life; the "live ones" are getting ready to soar. Give us your orders. Our standing guarantees quick, square service. It Will Pay to Make Hay GROW SUDAN GRASS THE GREATEST FORAGE PLANT KNOWN i Great for Hay, Seed, Forage, Silage. Never fails crop. T " . Resists drought, stands rain, grows wherever sorghum does, pure seed $1.00 per pound prepaid. Larger lots 50c lb. 1,000 seeds for 10c. Circular free. Address ELLAGENE FARM Aldine, Texas Lady Bountiful (to dry-goods clerj ) : Have you any nice warm underclA-h-ing? New Assistant: "Oh, yes, miss, thank you. London Opinion. "So you don't like living in the coun try? What do you miss most 'since moving out of town?" "Trains." Philadelphia Ledger. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. EMERALD MINING COMPANY. Office and place of its general busi ness located at 205 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors of the Emerald Mining company, held at its office, above designated, on Tuesday, March 9, 1915, an assessment of one and one-third of a cent (1 1-3) per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, payable to J. E. Oglesby, secretary of the com pany, at its said office above desig nated, in three equal installments, as follows: The first installment of one third cent payable Thursday, April 15, 1915, the second installment of one third cent, payable Saturday, May 15, 1915, and the third installment of one third cent, payable Tuesday, June 15, 1915. Any stock upon which the first installment of this assessment may remain unpaid on Thursday, April 15, 1915, will bo delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment of said first installment is made before, will be sold on Saturday, May 15, 1915, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in., at the company's office, above designated, to pay the delinquent in stallment, together with cost of adver tising and expenses of sale. Any stock upon which the second install ment of this assessment may remain "unpaid on Saturday, May 15, 1915, will lie delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment of said second installment is made be fore, will bo sold Saturday, Juno 12, 1915, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the company's office, above desig nated, to pay the delinquent install ments, together with cost of advertis ing and expense of sale. Any stock upon which the third installment of this assessment may remain unpaid on Tuesday, June 15, 1915, will be de linquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment of third installment is made before, will be sold on Saturday, July 10, 1915, at the hour of 2 o'clock n. m., at the com pany's office, to pay the delinquent in stallment, together with cost of ad vertising and expense of sale. J. E. OGLESBY, Secretary. Office, 205 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. 3-13-4-10 DELINQUENT NOTICE. Greenhorn Mining Company. Prin cipal place of business, rooms No. 708-9 Boston building, Satl Lake City, Utah. Notice: There are delinquent upon the following described stock on ac count of assessment No. 5, levied on tho 15th day of January, 1915. the sev eral amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders, as fol lows: No. No. Cert. Namo Shares. Amt. 7 11. P. Moss 1500 ? 7.50 8 Louisa Moss 1500 7.50 47 J. J. Hickman 3G5 1.83 G48 A. J. Anderson 350 1.75 64 Frank Felice 2000 10.00 45 W. T. Hamilton 3000 15.00 13G W. T. Hamilton 1000 5.00 73 T. F. Allison 1000 5.00 81 Jos. Reda N. Venere . .1000 5.00 93 Jos. Reda N. Venoro ..1000 5.00 And in accordance with the law and tho order of tho board of directors, made on the 15th day of January, 1915, so many shares of each parcel of stock as may bo necessary will be sold at H the principal offices of the company, rooms 708-9 Boston building, Salt Lako City, Utah, on Saturday, March 27th, 1915, at the hour of 2:00 p. m., to pay H tho assessment, together with tho cost H of advertising and expense of sale. H E. M. NEHER, Secretary-Treasurer. H 3-6-3-20 Castle Gate, Utah. DELINQUENT NOTICE. H Richlands Irrigation Company. Lo- H cation of principal office, Salt Lake H City, Utah. Notice There are delinquent upon H tho following described stock, on &- H count of assessment No. 4 levied on H the 11th day of February, 1915, the H several amounts set opposite the H names of the respective shareholders, H as follows: H No. Name. Shares. Amt. H 57 Geo. E. Ford 5000 $ 50.00 58 W. L. Renner ... 10,000 100.00 And in accordance with law and an H order of the hoard of directors, made H tho 11th day of February, 1915, so H many shares of each parcel of such H stock as may be necessary will be H sold at the company's office, room H 1009 Newhouse building, on the 31st H day of March, 1915, at the hour of 9 H o'clock a. m., to pay the delinquent H assessment thereon, together with the. H cost of advertising and expense of H sale. H W. C ALEXANDER, Secretary. H GEO. T. ODELL, President. 3-13-3-27 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. I Eureka Lilly Mining Company. Lo- H cation of principal office, 414 Judge H building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Loca- H tlon of mine, Tintic Mining District, Utah county, Utah. H Notice is hereby given that at a H meeting of the board of directors held H March 12, 1915, an assessment, to be H known as assessment No. 2, of four H (4) mills per share was levied on the H outstanding capital stock of the cor- H poration, payable immediately to Ray H S. Bowman, Secretary, 414 Judge H Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assess- H ment remains unpaid on April 14, 1915, H will lirv flnHnniionf nrtrl o ItriuM oriel fnw H sale at public auction, and unless pay- H iment is made before, will be sold on H May 4, 1915, at 4 o'clock p. m. at the H company's office, 414 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, to pay the de- H linquent assessment, together with the H cost of advertising and expense of H sale. H RAY S. BOWMAN, Secretary. H 414 Judge Bulding, Salt Lako City, Utah. 3-13-4-10 SUMMONS. H In tho Third Judicial District Court H of the State of Utah, in and for Salt Lake County. , H Annie S. Miller, plaintiff vs. James H J. Miller, defendant. Summons: H Tho State of Utah to said Defend- H ant: H You are hereby summoned to ap- H pear within twenty days after sorv- H ice of this summons upon you, if H served within tho county in which H this action is brought; otherwise H within thirty days after service, and H defend the above entitled, action; and H in case of your failure so to do, judg- H ment will be rendered against you ac- H cording to the demand of the com- H plaint, which has been filed with tho H clerk of said court. H This action is brought to lecover a H judgment against you dissolving the H bonds of matrimony heretofore exist- H ing between you and the plaintiff. H BALL, MULLINER & McCARTY. Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. O. Address, 510 Mclntyre Build- H ing, Salt Lake City, Utah. 3-13-4-10 I