Here's a great idea for a fortune. The Ger
man troops aro creating no end of havoc by dis
charging asphyxiating gases against the lines of
the enemy and the Allies aro looking for some
thing just as deadly or something more power
ful with which to make these gases ineffective.
We have just the thing here in Utah, which
might bo acquired and shipped at a nominal ex
pense and the beauty of it would be, if spread
along the battle lines, that it would not only kill
immediately, but would retain its strength instead
of passing away, so that with e.ach advance, the
troops would be driven further and further in
land. The only trouble would be to And a means
to place this substance without killing those who
were spreading it.
Our scheme is to dig up the beach at Saltair,
box it and ship it abroad and distribute it in the
most advantageous positions. If it proved too
strong for the hardened veterans in the trenches,
Joe Nelson might accompany the cargo with some
of his followers to conduct the operations after
it arrived on the battle line. 'He seems to be
Immune from the effects of his beach, and by
going he would not only be doing a favor to the
armies abroad, but to the people at home.
Now that the Wizard has returned to his
haunts, let us hope that the show of next year
will be bigger and better than ever. The one this
summer was a splendid success in nearly every
i respect with glorious pageants and all of the
j excitement that goes to make up a carnival week.
', The only things to mar the proceedings were
some of the concessions in the gulch and their
j method of operation. Some of the exhibits and
the number of short change artists that were pres-
: ent, were as raw as anything ever seen along
I similar lines and the Wizard and his wards should
put a strict ban on anything of the kind in the
n future. People were fleeced unmercifully in the
j brief but exciting financial transactions and there
i were few who did not get nervous trimmings
j after entering some of the shows. The wards
worked faithfully to do all they could in provid-
ing for the amusement of the multitudes but the
gulch concessions constituted a department of
the carnival that should have very close atten-
- tion hereafter.
The completion of the garden on the roof of
the McDonald candy factory, an idea which orig
inated and was carried out by J. G. McDonald,
is something of which not only Mr. McDonald and
his company, but the entire city, should be proud.
Partially opened and partially enclosed, redolent
with the perfume of beautiful flowers and re
freshing with an arrangement of palms and foliage,
with an aviary and aquarium, and equipment and
accessories to make the entire effect delightfully
attractive, it is a place of recreation for employes
such as has never been provided by any company
here. If there were more places of the kind, the
feeling between employers and employes in large
concerns would be vastly improved to the mutual
benefit of all. The new beauty spot is well worth
a visit from those who appreciate an accomplish-
Iment made possible by commendable enterprise
and excellent taste and the management is to be
congratulated on the success of the undertaking.
Hospital Patient Yes, I was in the smoking
car when the trains met; but how did you guess
it? Hospital Attendant When we undressed you
we found three aces in one of your sleeves.
"I'll have some ice tea for supper, John 1"
it so," she confided to a friend. 'So she pla
it in the refrigerator to cool for John. IndU.i
apolis News.
Were it necessary, Germany might argue that
the Armenian was armed. There were American
mules aboard. Chicago Tribune.
It will strike most people that the Armenian
ought to have been torpedoed by a Turkish sub
marine. Philadelphia Inquirer.
Roumania has rejected all bids and is adver
tising for new offers on its neutrality. Indian
apolis Star.
The La Follette law makes the Dollar ships
look like thirty cents. Boston Transcript.
The Russians have not yet suffered a singlo
defeat that they have not been able to explain.
New York American.
Treating may be barred in the Czar's domains,
but it'll take more than a royal ukase to keep
em from retreating. Washington Post.
Berlin reports the capture of 521,630 Russians
since the first of June. Still, it does not seem
to have taken enough. Indianapolis Star.
A careful survey of the German submarine
war shows that when Great Britain's loss reaches
5 per cent of her vessels, the merchant marines of
Denmark, Norway and Sweden will have totally
disappeared. New York Evening Post.
After all, the essential difference, so far as we
are concerned, is this: That when the German
government doesn't like what the newspapers
say, it suppresses them; and that when the Amer
can newspapers don't like what the government
does, they suppress it. Atlantic City Review.
Carranza and Villa seem disposed to hold Mr.
Wilson to a strict accountability. Boston Transcript.
We thought that the inventor of rumors had
.reached his limit, but along comes one who has
outdone all others. He says there are rumors
of peace in Mexico. Philadelphia v North American.
It is well to put an embargo at least on the!
shipment of Mexican ex-chiefs. New York Ev
ening Post.
Educational Note: Kaiser Wilhelm is taking
a course in international law through a corres
pondence school. Boston Transcript.
Mr. Bryan decries the false philosophy that
might makes right, but he overlooks the obvious
fact that might prevents wrong. Public Ledger.
One thing the jitney certainly has done it
has enabled the street-car motorman to see a
prospective passenger sooner than formerly.
Dallas News.
General Huerta himself will admit that if he
ever had any doubt df the warmth of American
hospitality it has been removed. New York
World. '
Next year being a leap year, the Fourth of
July falls on Tuesday. The fellow who was
looking ahead for another three days' vacation
will be sadly disappointed. Seattle Argus.
Let us not talk if w cannot refrain from
making it on one another. San Francisco Town
Vacation Time and the Summer
Burglar I
There are six burglaries for every fire H
that occurs. Good idea for you to stop and H
think a moment about the Famous Aetna H
Combination Residence Policy, protecting k
you k
Wesley King Agency Co. H
Wasatch 1245 H
6th Floor, Walker Bank Building H
Capital Is I
Power I
"Whoever has a sixpence is sovereign over H
all men to the extent of that sixpence; H
commands cooks to feed him, .philosophers H
to teach him, kings to guard oyer him to H
the extent of that sixpence." Carlyler.
A bank balance is stored-up power, strength,
resource; it gives confidence, security, pro- H
tection as nothing else does. H
Power begins when Saving begins. M
IKBhmgk & CsJtaiocns I
National Bank of the Republic I
U. S. Depository H
FRANK KNOX, President H
J. C. LYNCH, Vice-Pros.
W. F. EARLS, Cashier.
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GEORGE KNOX, Asst. Cashier.
Capital Paid In, $300,000 H
Banking in all its branches transacted. Ex- H
change drawn on the principal cities in M
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There's 20,000 pounds of coal econ- H
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