OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, February 19, 1916, Image 16

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1916-02-19/ed-1/seq-16/

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. 16 "tttl1, - -N ' S W E E K L Y.
f ,
i r 1 u n -i
! New Mid -Winter Style Dresses
K J&b Easily Made at Home "V ) J
B' jJPSfk February JgA
B ' J It J-4 miiiiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiin D0l5 jfWTwtm y
M ,j V j ) v A whole season's smartest UJfr l ;1 1 XJt
m ! I v t styles are accurately fore- 71 I m
Hi It -U' cast in the beautifully IV M
I S5' illustrated J?R Vfi
I' tv AA McCALL IflM
I lf)ff BOOK OF fiM
I ok ho FASHIONS I 1
I "fW (Winter Quarterly) ljj
H W Get your copy to-day and r 9
H I see the interesting changes . , . y
Attractive Afternoon Drew t ; i .--..- :n Dainty Skating Costume
. McCjII Pattern. Nos 6981 6993. W f 1 raPPr.arlnB ,u McCall Patterns Nos 6961 6959.
M Two ol the new February doiUm the WOnd OI fashions. Two ol tlie new deslcns.
HI m
fj; , Salt Lake City, Utah
I Begin Your Springtime
Iji Now In California
B 'v This is the ideal time of year at the southern beaches
i! Sunshine, Palms, Flowers
jj and Perpetual Exhilaration
IS ' Special Trains, Enter-
II ' tainments, Side Trips
W. Full particulars at the dtp ticket office of the
I I ; Telephone Wasatch 3501 10 East Third South
I i
BHy WWl'MMHIIl I M lWtmmWIIII UMMIJI im w' ' wnw m.nr i wmjt ,i " . .. . ;" " .. . "" . .,, ,
7 i?0s 0 ?00 Food Served As
It Should Be Served in a Per- .
fectly Equipped Cafe
That Is What You A ways Find at the
The place to dine, dance and entertain your j
friends at supper. The best music and the best '
dancing floor in any cafe in the west.
Those who insist upon elegance, good service,
courteous treatment and a surrounding of interesting
people, will find the Utah Grill exactly to their
Reserve your tables fof Saturday and Sunday
dinners and after the theatre first nights; it is rather i
necessary if you like a choice.
The Perfection of i
Union Pacific System Service
lTftT?K Is not a chance it is the result of the ex-
ISviHtel penditure o millions of dollars in money and -i
K&SjHraHl the working-out of a positive plan of better-
JJfb'Nl ffl ments, which has extended over a period of
J JHs'lIig' As a consequence, the Union Pacific System
-as-45-J3'" has been brought to a state of operating regu- ,
larity the effects of which are felt through
every channel of the service; the work goes
on from day to day, and the public is assured I
of the full benefits resulting therefrom J
When you buy transportation, you buy it with
' t the samo economic conservatism youwould ,
' use in purchasing government bonds or other J
dependable securities &
, In traveling you are entitled to stability-serv-
? j v ice, and" protection, for every dollar you ex
pend, x
The Union Pacific System has-been termed 1
"The Standard Road of the West"; it is "stand- j
ard" in everything the word implies.
Six trains east daily; two trains north and
northwest. j
Hotel Uf all Salt Lake City
iJ3Jm irrr ' . '. nLiiH,!I!ii!!!iiLiLZI!i

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