OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, April 22, 1916, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1916-04-22/ed-1/seq-15/

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United States Branch of the
Hamburg Assurance
For the Year Ending December 31,
1915, of the Condition of the
United States Branch of the
The Name and Location of the Com
pany, Hamburg Assurance Company,
Hamburg, Germany.
Name of U. S. Managers Mutzen
becher & Ballard, (Inc.).
The amounts of its U.
S. deposit $ 200,000.00
The amounts of its as
sets 4,500,292.87
The amount of its liabll
F ities (including U. S.
Q Deposit) 3,599,767.57
The amount of its in
come during the pre
ceding calendar year. 4,042.940.27
The amount of its dis
i bursements during the
preceding calendar
year 3,683,531.81
The amount of losses
and endowments paid
during the preceding
calendar year (includ
ed in foregoing item) 2,413,968.98
The amount of risks
written during the
year 634,904,864.00
The amount of risks in
force at the end of the
year 586,529.028.00
State of Utah, Office of the Commis
sioner of Insurance, Capitol Build
ing. ss
I, John James, Commissioner of In
rurance of the State of Utah, do here
by certify that the above named In
surance Company has filed in my of
fice a detailed statement of its con
dition, from which the foregoing state
ment has been prepared, and that thr
said company has in all other respects
complied with the laws of the State
relating to insurance.
In Testimony Whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and affixed the Seal
of the Insurance Department this 17th
day of March, A. D. 1916.
4-1-4-22 Commissioner.
The one dollar mark on the bill was
blotted white and with gren inn
changed to ten dollars. Layton still
awaits trial, having never had an op
portunity to put his get-rich-quick
scheme in operation.
Two miners up in Butte, John Mc-
Manus and Thomas Shinner, in Octo-
her last saw a way of making
"Mnoney easily by passing counterfeit
one dollar silver pieces. Callaghan
was soon on their trail and they fell
as a great many counterfeiters do by
drinking too many drinks in a saloon
and paying for them with spurious
The government is not always unre
lenting. Its justice is sometimes tem
pered with mercy even toward would
be counterfeiters. If Callaghan would
he could tell you the story of a very
respected gray-haired jeweler who ha3
vjjeen in Zion these seventeen years
past, and has a delightful wife and
grown up children; a man whoso
credit now is unimpeachable in the
community. He could" tell you how
this man experimented with a twenty
dollar gold piece, cut it in half and ex-
United States Brauch of the
International Reassur
ance Company,
For the Year Ending December 31,
1915, of the Condition of the
United States Branch of the
The Name and Location of the Com
pany, International Reassurance
Company, Ltd., Vienna, Austria.
Name of U S. Managers Mutzen
becher & Ballard, (Inc.).
The amount of its U.
S. Deposit $ 200,000.00
The amount of its assets 1,099,789.54
The amount of its liabil
ities (including U. S.
Deposit) 831,638.95
The amount of its in
come during the pre
ceding calendar year 775,354.09
The amount of its dis
bursements during the
preceding calendar
year 552.480.24
The amount of losses
and endowments paid
during the preceding
calendar year (includ
ed in foregoing item) 324,421.60
The amount of risks
written during the
year 91,442,459.00
The amount of risks in
force at the end of
the year 82,110,656.00
State of Utah, Office of the Commis
sioner of Insurance, Capitol Build
ing. ss.
I, John James, Commissioner of In
surance of the State of Utah, do here
by certify that the above named In
surance Company has filed in my of
fice a detailed statement of its con
dition, from which the foregoing state
ment has been prepared, and that the
said company has in all other respects
complied with the laws of the State
relating to insurance.
In Testimony Whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and affixed the Seal
of the Insurance Department this 17th
day of March, A. D. 1916.
4-1-4-22. Commissioner.
tracted the gold from the inside, leav
ing only a shell and filled this with al
loy and how one night he slunk into a
saloon near his place of business and
got it changed into bills. Probably
he would have tried the game again,
but the saloon keeper soon discovered
the counterfeit and knew exactly who
passed the coin, because he was taken
very much by surprise when his neigh
bor came in his saloon, never having
heard of the man ever entering a sa
loon before. Callaghan was notified
and the man was visited. At first he
denied and then he confessed and be
cause it was his first offense and be
cause of his long life of respectability
the charge was not pressed.
Mrs. Youngwedd (a doctor's daugh
ter) Did papa say he would do any
thing for me?
Youngwedd Yes; he said he would
operate upon me at any time free of
charge. Pickings.
The woman of the house reached
the conclusion that the attachment of
the policeman for her cook must bo
United States Branch of the
Jakor Insurance
For the Year Ending December 31,
1915, of the Condition of the
United States Branch of the
The Name and Location of the Com
pany, Jakor Insurance Company,
Moscow, Russia.
Name of U. S. Managers, Mutzen
becher and Ballard, (Inc.).
The amount of its U.
S. Deposit ? 200,000.00
The amount of its assets 3,315,252.67
The amount of its libil
ities (including U. S.
Deposit) 2,873,521.11
The amount of its in
come during the pre
ceding calendar year. 3,007,619.12
The amount of its dis
bursements during the
preceding calendar
year 2,557,464.97
The amount of losses
and endowments paid
during the preceding
calendar year (includ
ed in foregoing item) 1,610,330.40
The amount of risks
written during the
year 712,005,378.00
The amounts of risks in
force at the end of the
year 680,134,355.00
State of Utah, Office of the Commis
sioner of Insurance, Capitol Build
ing. ss.
I, John James, Commissioner of In
surance of the State of Utah, do
hereby certify that the above name J
Insurance Company has filed in my
office a detailed statement of its con
dition, from which the foregoing state
ment has been prepared, and that the
said company has in all other respects
complied with the laws of the State re
lating to insurance.
In Testimony "Whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and affixed tho Seal
of the Insurance Department this 17th
day of March, A. D. 1916.
4-1-4-22 Commissioner.
investigated, lest it prove disastrous
to domestic discipline. "Do you think
he means business, Bridget?" she ask
ed. "I think he does, mum," said
Bridget. "He's begun to complain
about my cookin', mum." London
British Foreman Compositor Three
more of my men have enlisted this
Editor Ah! A wave of patriotism, I
Foreman Compositor Well! Per
haps that's tho way to put it, but
they say they would rather bo shot
than set any more of your copy!
Passing Show.
Statement of the ownership, man
agement, circulation, etc., required by
tho act of Congress of August 24,
1912, of Goodwin's Weekly, published
weekly at Salt Lake City, Utah for
April 1, 1916.
State of Utah, county of Salt Lake,
ss. -
Before mo, a notary public in and
for the state and county aforesaid,
United States Branch of the H
Rossia Insurance H
Company H
For the Year Ending December 31,
1915, of the Condition of the H
United States Branch of the H
The Name and Location of the Com H
pany, Rossia Insurance Company, H
Petrograd, Russia. H
Name of U. S. Manager, B. N. Car- M
The amount of its U. M
S. Deposit $ 200,000.00 H
The amount of its assets 7,094,623.30 M
The amount of its liabil- H
ities (including U. S. H
Deposit) 5,370,122.41 H
The amount of its in- H
come during the pre-
ceding calendar year 7,057,802.58 H
The amount of its dls- H
bursements during tho H
preceding calendar H
year 6,186,560.85 B
The amount of losses M
and endowments paid H
during the preceding H
calendar year (includ- H
ed in foregoing item) 3,856.267.37 H
Tho amount of risks H
written during the H
year 967,249,027.00 H
The amount of risks in H
force at ihe end of H
the year 715,607,520.00 M
State of Utah, Office of the Commis- fM
sioner of Insurance, Capitol Build- H
ing. ss. H
I, John James, Commissioner of In- H
surance of tho State of Utah, do here- H
by certify that the above named In- H
surance Company has filed in my office H
a detailed statement of its condition, H
from which the foregoing statement H
has been prepared, and that the said H
company has in all other respects com- H
plied with the laws of the State relat- H
ing to insurance. H
In Testimony Whereof, I have here- H
unto set my hand and affixed the Seal H
of tho Insurance Department this 17th H
day of March, A. D. 1916. M
4-1-4-22 Commissioner. H
personally appeared James T. Good- H
win, who, having been duly sworn ac- H
cording to law, deposes and says that H
he is the manager of Goodwin's Week- jH
ly and that the following is, to the best H
of his knowledge and belief, a true H
statement of the ownership, manage- H
ment ( and if a daily paper, the cir- H
dilation), etc., of the aforesaid publi- H
cation for the date shown in the above H
caption, required by the act of Au- H
gust 24, 1912, embodied in Section H
443, Postal Laws and Regulations,
printed on the reverse of this form, M
to-wit: H
1. That the names and addresses H
of the publisher, editor, managing ed- H
itor, and business managers are: Pub- M
Usher, the Goodwin's Weekly Publish- H
ing Co.', Inc., 315 Boston Bldg., Salt
Lake; editor, C. C. Goodwin, 315 Bos-
ton Bldg., Salt Lake; managing editor, fl
J, T. Goodwin, 315 Boston Bldg., Salt
Lake; business managers, T. L. Hoi- fl
man and J. T. Goodwin, 315 Boston
Bldg., Salt Lake,
2. That tho owners are: T. L. Hoi- M
man, Salt Lake; Lora Holman, Salt M
Lake; O. O. Goodwin, Salt Lake; J. T. H
Goodwin, Salt Lake; Frank Hammond, fl
Salt Lake. M
3. That tho known bondholders, M
mortgagees, and other security hold- M
ers owning or holding 1 per cent or H
more of total amount of bonds, mort- M
gages, or other securities are: (If M
there aro none, so state) none. H

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