B .j 4. That the two paragraphs next
H '; v above, giving the names of the own-
H J ers, stockholders, and security hold-
H t V crs' lf any' contain not only the list
H of stockholders and security holders
H as they appear upon the books of the
V , company but also, in cases where the
H' stockholder or security holder appears
k ry upon the hooks of the company as
K v trustee or in any other fiduciary re-
H lation, the name of the person or cor-
Hj ' poration for whom such trustee is
H acting, is given; also that the said
V two paragraphs contain statements
Hj embracing affiant's full knowledge and
H belief as to the circumstances and
i conditions under which stockholders
H and security holders who do not ap-
' pear upon the books of the company
11 as trustees,vhold stock and securities
V in a capacity other than that of a
H bona fide owner; and this affiant has
H no reason to believe that any other
H' person, association, or corporation has
H any interest direct or indirect in the
H said stock, bonds, or other securities
H than as so stated by him.
H 'Manager.
H Sworn to and subscribed before me
H this 29th day of March, 191G.
H (Seal) Notary Public.
H My commission expires Jan. 13, 1920.
B In the District Court of the Third
H, Judicial District, in and for Salt Lake
j; County, State of Utah.
H1 Florence Weimer, plaintiff vs. S. A.
H' Weimer, defendant. Summons.
; The State of Utah to the said De-
H fendant:
H You are hereby summoned to ap-
H pear within twenty days after service
H of this summons upon you if served
H within the county in which this ac-
H tion is brought, otherwise within
B thirty days after service, and defend
H the above entitled action; and in case
H of your failure so to do, judgment
H will be rendered against you accord-
H ing to the demands of the complaint,
H which has been filed with the clerk
H of said court. This action is brought
H to dissolve the contract of marriage
H ( heretofore, and now existing between
H you and plaintiff.
M Attorney for Plaintiff.
M P. O. Address, 1022 Boston Bldg.,
M Salt Lake City, Utah. 4-22-5-20
H Notice is hereby given that a meet-
H ing of the stockholders of the Amer-
H ican Consolidated Copper company, a
H corporation organized under the laws
M of the state of Utah, will be held
H Tuesday, the ninth day of May, 1916,
H '. at 2 o'clock p. m. at Room No. G29
M r Judge building, Salt Lake City, Utah,
H for the purpose of amending Article
H Eleven of tho Articles of Incorpora-
H tion of said corporation to read as fol-
. lows: The capital stock of this cor-
H poration shall be six hundred thou-
sand dollars, to be divided into six
H hundred thousand shares of the par
H value of one dollar each; the effect of
H . such amendment being to increase the
H capital stock of said corporation from
H five hundred thousand shares to six
H! hundred thousand shares, of one dol-
Hl lar each.
Hg President.
f D. C. DART,
f 4-15-5 Secretary.
W In the Third Judicial District Court
H of Salt Lake County, State of Utah.
Annie Simmons, Plaintiff, vs.
H' Charles L. Simmons, Defendant.
HS Summons.
The State of Utah to the said defend-
H' You are hereby summoned to ap-
Ht pear -within twenty days after the
Hi service of this summons upon you, if
WK served within the county in which
this action is brought, otherwise with
in thirty days after service, and de
fend the above entitled action; and
in case of your failure so to do, judg
ment will be rendered against you ac
cording to tho demand of tho com
plaint, which, has been filed with the
clerk of said court.
This action is brought to recover a
judgment dissolving the bonds of mat
rimony heretofore existing between
you and the plaintiff.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
P. O. address: 412 Continental Bank
Bldg., -Salt Lake City, Utah. 4-15-5-13
Wasatch Utah Mining company, lo
cation of principal place of business,
Elko, Elko county, Nevada. General
office outside of Nevada, Room No.
225 Kearns building, Salt Lake City,
Notice: There are delinquent upon
the following described stock, on ac
count of Assessment No. 16, levied on
the 29th day of February, 1916, the
several amounts set opposite the
names of the respective sharehold
ers, as follows:
No. No. Am't
Cert. Shares. Due.
2731 Andrews, C. 0 176 $ 1.76
46 Adler, Siegfried 100 1.00
1583 Anderson, Ferdinand . 150 1.50
1974 Anderson, Ferdinand. 50 .50
1584 Adams, Frank 180 1.8'0
2671 Appelt, G. C 100 1.00
2G72 Appelt, G. C 500 5.00
2898 Appelt, G. C 400 4.00
1860 Bodorff, V. A 500 5.00
1861 Bodordff, V. A 500 5.00
396 Boiling, Herman 2530 25.30
408 Bodorff, A. H 550 5.50
475 Bilsborough, M. D...5100 51.00
908 Bilsborough, M. D...2000 20.00
1415 Bender, Rev. J. J.... 400 4.00
697 Bernhard, Elmer F. . . 200 2.00
758 Brauer, Marie 210 2.10
1481 Brauer, Marie 200 2.00
1479 Brauer, Mrs. Paul... 100 1.00
1480 Brauer, Mrs. Casper.. 100 1.00
1485 Blackman, C. S 100 1.00
1487 Blackman, C. S 250 2.50
2756 Bill, John 45 .45
2670 Brau, Henry 2000 20.00
1947 Canode, F. B 1000 10.00
2302 Canode, F. B 600 6.00
2518 Canode, F. B 400 4.00
2564 Canode, F. B 1000 10.00
2727 Canode, F. B 1000 10.00
2738 Canode, F. B 500 5.00
2780 Canode, F. B 2000 20.00
2917 Canode, F. B 1000 10.00
2952 Canode, F. B , 500 5.00
1592 Christiansen, C 70 .70
2015 Carlson, C. A 500 5.00
2960 Clemensen, Peter C. 570 5.70
2961 Clausen, Nels 70 .70
215 Detlef, Julius 2500 25.00
1164 Detlef, Julius 500 5.00
217 Detlef, Johanna 200 2.00
218 Detlef, Harry 200 2.00
219 Detlef, Hilda 200 2.00
220 Detlef, Myrtle 200 2.00
221 Detlef, Elsie 200 2.00
1853 Decker, L. G 500 5.00
1854 Decker, L. G. 300 3.00
1855 Decker, L. G 200 2.00
1664 Decker, L. G 500 5.00
1665 Decker, L. G 1000 10.00
1663 Decker, Mrs.
Genevieve 500 5.00
2962 DePass, E. T 300 3.00
2954 Eger, Max L 450 4.50
1243 Erickson, Ernest A.. 1000 10.00
1919 Erickson, Ernest A. 500 5.00
181 Finkenkeller, A 100 1.00
184 Fuller, L. D 715 7.15
329 Frederick, Anna M... 612 6.12
333 Farrar, Mrs. C. S 210 2.10
2963 Fritscher, Fred H... 115 1.15
2964 Fritscher, Raymond . 51 .51
1047 Friedman, Joseph ... 400 4.00
1086 Friedman, Joseph ... 100 1.00
2111 Fenno, Katherine ... 500 5.00
2112 Fenno, Katherine ...1000 10.00
2113 Fenno, Katherine ...1000 10.00
2758 Frank, Beech 50 .50
868 Godfrey, C. C 1000 10.00
871 Godfrey, G. C 1000 10.00
872 Godfrey, C. C 5000 50.00
1683 Godfrey, C. C 800 8.00
1999 Godfrey, C. C 350 3.50
2641 Godfrey, C. C". 1262 12.62
2650 Godfrey, C. C 500 5.00
2799 Godfrey, C. C 25 .25
2867 Godfrey, C. C 82 .82
2922 Godfrey, C. C 2000 20.00
2936 Godfrey, C. C 200 2.00
2680 Grantor, Mettle C 1540 15.40
375 Godfrey, Lyman 2000 20.00
621 Gansle, John 510 5.10
2965 Gruber, Frederick .. 129 1.29
2966 Griiner, Christ F 161 1.61
2013 Golden, Frank 25 .25
2223 Golden, Frank 25 .25
2107 Golden, Frank 50 .50
1737 Gubbins, Geo. P 1000 10.00
1328 Haak, Richard 798 7.98
97 Haak, Ferd 1020 10.20
242 Horacek, G 1172 11.72
390 Hansen, Mads 510 5.10
397 Hoop, Henry 310 3.10
482 Haefner, George .... 600 6.00
918 Haug, Elise 850 8.50
1101 Haug, Elise 500 5.00
2001 Haugh, Elise 25 .25
1128 Hagelund, L. P 500 5.00
1172 Hagelund, L. P 500 5.00
1205 Holman, Victor 100 1.00
1990 Hedegard, N. C 125 1.25
1748 Hedegard, N. C 500 5.00
2626 Hedegard, N. C 1000 10.00
2783 Hedegard, N. C 300 3.00
2277 Hansen, H. C 500 5.00
2278 Hansen, H. C 500 5.00
2792 Hansen, H. C 500 5.00
2721 Hasten, E. J 500 5.00
2969 Jordan, Dr. M. S 480 4.80
83 Johnson, Earl L 600 6.00
84 Johnson, Peter J 400 4.00
85 Johnson, Peter J 400 4.00
86 Johnson, Peter J 400 4.00
87 Johnson, Peter J 400 4.00
88 Johnson, Peter J 500 5.00
89 Johnson, Peter J 500 5.00
90 Johnson, Peter J 500 5.00
91 Johnson, Peter J 500 5.00
92 Johnson, Peter J 500 5.00
93 Johnson, Peter J 1850. 18.50
1098 Johnson, Peter J 2002 20.02
1846 Johnson, Peter J 100 1.00
331 Jorgensen, Inger 100 1.00
1601 Jensen, N. P 330 3.30
1435 Jensen, A 2410 24.10
1787 Jensen, A 50 .50
797 Jorgenson, N. P 1000 10.00
798 Jorgenson, N. P 1000 10.00
2625 Jorgenson, N. P 500 5.00
2854 Jorgenson, N. P 135 1.35
2409 Johnson, Victor 100 1.00
2769 Juhnke, Herman, Jr. 500 5.00
2926 Jacob3en, Otto
Emanual 500 5.00
2473 Kuhn, O. E 300 3.00
2733 Kuhn, O. E 3500 35.00
446 Kallsen, Ewald 200 2.00
1436 Kuncl, V. F 4780 47.80
615 Keck, Frederick 1000 10.00
1338 Krieter, W. G 390 3.90
1604 Kuncl, C. F 629 6.29
820 Koehler, Ida M 100 1.00
850 Koehler, Ida M 100 1.00
1938 Kraft, Mrs. Chas. H.. 75 .75
1715 Kraft, C. H 500 5.00
2181 Kuhn, Alma J 2500 25.00
2285 Kriegsman, H 150 1.50
2319 Kriegsman, H 250 2.50
2465 Kriegsman, H 100 1.00
2348 Kriegsman, H 100 1.00
2802 Kriegsman, H 25 .25
2632 Kanies, John 143 1.43
2847 Kanies, John 500 5.00
2970 Lucke, Robert S 155 1.55
414 Linning. G. F. C 500 5.00
2941 Lopau, Claus 1085 10.85
1870 Lichtenstein, F. H... 200 2.00
2214 Lichtenstein, F. H... 588 5.88
22R0 Lichtenstein, F. H... 212 2.12
2479 Lichtenstein, F. H... 67 .67
2620 Lichtenstein, F. H... 203 2.03
2910 Lichtenstein. F. H...2000 20.00
107 Moss, John B 100 1.00
456 Maynard, Chas. M... 510 510
1761 Murphy, John R 200 2.00
1832 Mead, Anna G 100 1.00
1956 Marco, George 100 1.00
2949 Moody, Lowell L...r589 5.89
2343 Moran, John T 100 1.00
2344 Moran, Martin T 500 5.00
2399 Mylertz, Mrs. Anna.. 100 1.00
2401 Mylertz, Victor 300 3.00
2580 Maynard and Peterson 50 .50
2817 Mikkelsen, Leon A.. 2000 20.00
2909 Minikus, Mrs.
Michael 410 4.10
119 McNaull, W. T 2000 20.00
120 McNaull, W. T 1000 10.00
1177 McNaull, W. T 1000 10.00
559 McNelley, Thos. L...1330 13.30
2862 McNeal, E 320 3.20
145 Nejepinsky, Joseph . 510 5.10
912 Namestek, Jno. J.... 500 5.00
1942 Nicholls, Oldfield ... 100 1.00
2276 Nissen, C. L 100 1.00 .
320 Olson, John 100 1.00" '
439 Osenberg, C. E 500 5.00
443 Olsen, Olaf 450 4.50
241 Powell, Maggie 1000 10,00
376 Pfingsten, Herman .. 500 5.00
2408 Pfingsten, Herman .. 500 5.00
1987 Paragiotaros, Aex .., 25 .25
2010 Paragiotaros, James . 40 .40
1695 Paragiotaros, James . 25 .25 "
2108 Paragiotaros, James . 35 .35
2955 Quackenhush, Mary E.2705 27.05
400 Rescheke, W. G.... 11100 111.00
1304 Rescheke, W. G 4000 40.00
503 Radeke, Wm. A 2356 23.56
1112 Radeke, Wm. A 1000 10.00
504 Radeke, Anna K 1500 15.00
599 Ryan, Harry 1 100" 1.00
2024 Rahm, Fred 1000 10.00.
2382 Reynolds, W. F 250 2.5C&
28 Senf, Frank E 100 1.00
203 Sweet, Willie 300 3.00
209 Sherbert, Otto 100 1.00
377 Scott, T. P 4000 40.00
2056 Scott, T. P 25 .25
1615 Studt, H. G 623 6.23
541 Stenlund, Carl R 300 3.00
561 Salmon, Jennie C...1020 10.20
1446 Sorenson, M 430 4.30
1449 Shay, R. R 175 1.75
1959 Thompson, Peter 500 5.00
2117 Thompson, Peter 1000 10.00
1955 Treyer, Catherine M. 400 4.00
2005 Treyer, Catherine M. 50 .50
2008 Treyer, Catherine M. 100 1.00
41 Urlaii, F. G 3705 37.05
2757 Urbanek, Dr. Geo. M. 100 1.00
1364 Volz, Theo 822 8.22
2974 Von Reichmann, Carl. 106 1.06
1927 Vachal, Joseph 234 2.34
1934 Vanzwall, Walter H... 100 1.00
322 Wiesner, Carl J 50 .50
2942 Wullstein, Henry 1370 13.70
2943 Wullstein, Alexandria 285 2.85
451 Wing, E. W 1530 15.30
597 Westerschulte. F. H..1500 15.00
725 Wilson, Lee H 200 2.00
765 Wheeler, A. D 510 5.10
770 Weibel, Alfred J 100 1.00
814 Wallin, Chas. J 100 1.00
1239 Westphal, F. C 1000 10.00
619 Young, W. R 510 5.10
330 Zahn, Hattie 612 6.12
2191 Zahn, Hattie 50 .50
1616 Schnuttroth, John V. 815 8.15
1967 Schmittroth, John V.1040 10.40
767Schmitz, Mrs.
Margaret 200 2.00
1450 Svendsen, Soren 480 4.80
807 Salmon, Mrs. F. P.. 1000 10.00
808 Salmon, Louise P 560 5.60
846 Steinmitz, Pauline ..1000 10.00
1191 Sommer, Mrs. Anna. 100 1.00
1388 Stuart, Persis E 1000 10.00
2696 Strehlow, R. C 1025 10.25
1651 Stoeber, Emilie 200 2.00
1831 Sheldon, John M 300 3.00
2703 Sheldon, John M.... 25 .25
1983 Shott, William 200 2.00
2504 Shott, William 200 2.00
2033 Schumann. Marie ... 200 2.00
2159 Sibley, Millie R 500 5.01V.
2972 Schnoor, Peter 195 1.9CF'
2516 Sturm, Emma 500 5.00
2914 Schmittroth, Marie
Theresia 1000 10.00
2973 Tillesen, Thos. B 31 .31
1878 Thompson, Peter 500 5.00
1369 Zeibell, Aug 102 1.02
And in accordance with law, and an ,
order of the Board of Directors, made
on the 29th day of February, 1916, so
many shares of each parcel of such
stock as may be necessary will bo
sold at public auction, at the office
of the Wasatch Utah Mining company,
Room No. 225 Kearns building, Salt
Lake City, Utah, on Monday, the 8th
day of May, 1916, at 2 o'clock p. m. (5$
said day, to pay said delinquent as
sessment thereon, together with costs
of advertising and expenses of sale.
Secretary and Treasurer.
Office, Room No. 225 Kearns Bldg.,
Salt Lake City, Utah. 4-15-5-6