OCR Interpretation

Goodwin's weekly : a thinking paper for thinking people. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1902-1919, August 19, 1916, Image 16

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1916-08-19/ed-1/seq-16/

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Mr y r 1
HE a. 111 iiMMrrTimJmiMaiT-r-ir,lMMMMMgnifaBaCTMBn M
I The Chandler Leads I
I in Price and Style and ' I
I Certainty of Service
I T TEVER before has the Chandler leadership been so obvious to so
M many people as it is now, at the height of the 1916 season.
I "- At a time when so many cars are "marked up" a hundred dollars
I or more, the Chandler leads with the same llow price established eighteen '
I months ago. I
" In the midst of a horde of new types and styles of engines, "The Mar- 1 1
H velous Motor" leads in certainty of service. Built in the Chandler factory I ! H
ever since the first Chandler car was marketed this famous motor, refined, J
I more powerful, more flexible, still leads most distinctly because free from J
I any hint of experimentation or uncertain theory. $
' And Chandler leads quite as clearly in beauty of body design, refine-
I ment of finish in every detail and luxury of upholstering. - I
It is not surprising that many thousands of new owners have joined the I
I ! Chandler ranks this year. ,
I I You will be delighted with your Chandler l
H i I
H I Seven-Passenger Touring Car - $1295 I I
H i Four-Passenger Roadster - - $1295 1
---. - I F.O.B.Clevdani) .
I ". V C. A. QUIGLEY, Distributor
I 33 Exchange Place, Salt Lake City, Utah v
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IHmmiiT"'!- VwHr'v- iiiiiiiiiniiiiifnif.r --rrHm Mn , l-,ilr.in ,fc ,1,.g-.-,1 . , , , &J

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